Are We Partners? | ✓

By rachelffernandes_

86.9K 4.2K 803

*** Wattpad Featured Story *** Liam Hopkins and Elizabeth Clark have been partners for a long time. So when a... More

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• e n d i n g
→ t h a n k s !

• t r a p p e d

920 56 15
By rachelffernandes_

"You know, Ms. Clark, I'm fascinated by the 18th century," Holt proclaimed, admiring the necklace against the light. Hopkins felt his blood boil when he saw all the thugs – and Charlie, of course – pointing guns at them. "There's a certain... beauty in the subdued aristocracy, don't you agree?" Clark didn't answer. Holt smiled cordially. "Now the Romanov's Vault shall be mine."

"Have you lost your mind?" Clark furrowed her brows, looking truly disgusted. "This is a legend, just another conspiracy theory. The treasure is just a metaphor."

Hopkins, the thugs and Charlie, all of them completely ignorant about History, exchanged a bemused glance. Yeah, guys, we're on the same boat here. Clark shook her head. With a mild smile, Holt intertwined his fingers like a professor who's about to correct an incapable student.

"The greatest treasure of all times. Napoleon didn't find a hint of the Romanov's Vault, Lenin searched for years for Catherine's letters and I, against all odds, will open the Vault and own all the jewels. Power's not a metaphor, but the fuel of progress, Ms. Clark! However, let's not talk about this," he added in a happy voice when three men entered the bedroom, each one carrying a gallon. "I'm fascinated by the 18th century, Ms. Clark, but I also love the idea of... renovation."

The men poured the liquid over the floor, tracing a line between the two groups. Hopkins didn't have to make any effort to recognize the pungent smell of gasoline filling every inch of the bedroom. Holt withdrew a lighter from his pocket and smiled, playing with the bluish flames.

"Be like the Phoenix and reborn from the ashes of its own disgrace. It's a shame humans can't do the same." Holt let the lighter fall off his hands, igniting the flames. Hopkins retreated, coughing. He adjusted the tie knot and smiled before nodding. "Mr. Hopkins, Ms. Clark."

Holt left the burning bedroom. Charlie grinned. "It was nice working with you, friends."

When the last man left the room, they were trapped between the wall and the flames. Clark laughed, shaking her head. "Never a dull moment, huh?"

"Tell me about it. Let's get out of here."

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