Save me, Mate

By buttercupv45

160K 4.3K 278

The Full moon ceremony was just around the corner, and Sophia was dreading it. Although she was the daughter... More

Chapter 1: Made to be mine
Chapter 2: Un-rejected
Chapter 3: That little bastard
Chapter 4: Black and Blue
Chapter 5: This Has To End
Chapter 6: Jealous Yet?
Chapter 7: A Father's Confession
Chapter 8: Broken and Helpless
Chapter 9: Into the Dark
Chapter 10: Awakened
Chapter 11: Caged In
Chapter 12: State of Peace
Chapter 13: The Hidden Pack of Athanasia
Chapter 14: Always at my side

Chapter 15: The Prophecy

8.9K 254 25
By buttercupv45

~Two weeks later~

Jackson and I sat across Jayden and Becca as we ate our breakfast, We had been trying to not think about the fact that we were moving out soon. Jayden and I had done a lot of catching up, it had been nice to see one of my closest friends again. It was too bad that Jackson and I had to leave now, having to meet new people was always nerve wrecking. I smiled as Jackson took a piece of watermelon from my plate and popped it into his mouth.

"Hey!" I slapped his hand away as he attempted to get another piece, "Get your own!" I guarded my breakfast from Jackson. For some reason, I had been feeling hungrier than usual, although it could be because of all the shifting I had been doing lately. It was as if I had two wolves in my body now, during the day my wolf would claw its way out, and at night I was a slave to the Night-Walker beast inside of me. At Least I had better control of my temper. As the server came to pick up my plate, I quickly stopped her, "Could you get me a refill?" she nodded before giving me a strange look. It had been my third plate of eggs and fruit salad. That wasn't bad...was it?

"Man, do you have an appetite!" Jayden shook his head. After eating all that food and receiving more wierd looks, I decided it would be a good idea to go for a run in the afternoon to burn off some calories. I'd been eating triple what I usually ate and it was definitely starting to show. I stood up from the table and left Jackson, Jayden, and Becca staring behind me in confusion. I hadn't told anyone I had been feeling unstable ever since I returned to my body. I didn't want them to worry more than they already did. I walked outside and ran into the woods, feeling as all my bones readjusted themselves to make the perfect creature, white fur seeped out of my skin and I felt my muscles tense before I was able to relax. As my senses heightened, I allowed my wolf to take control as I simply left all my worries behind.

Jackson's P.O.V

Becca and Jayden gave me a questioning look as Sophie left. I simply shrugged and picked off the unfinished fruit on Sophie's plate. She had been acting strange since everything went back to normal, She's always fidgety, as if someone was going to attack her at any moment. Luckily she hadn't become distant, in fact she and I had been spending a lot of quality time together, if you know what I mean.

"Seriously Jackson?" Becca looked at me with a knowing look. Since Becca and I had known each other since we were babies, she always seemed to know what was on my mind. I smirked as I got up, I needed to see what was up with Sophie. "I'll catch you guys later."

As I headed out of the dining area I heard my dad call my name, "Jackson, I'm glad I found you, Alpha Richard has some good news to tell you." I looked outside, feeling the natural pull in my chest that I felt every time I needed to find Sophie. My dad patted my back as he led me towards his office, where I assume Richard was. "Ok but make it quick, I gotta find Sophie." my dad frowned at the tone of urgency in my voice.

"Is she alright?"

"I don't know." I sighed as we walked into the office and sat down on the leather couches. Richard smiled and waited for us to sit down comfortably before giving me his good news.

"Jackson, Your father had told me how much you were looking forward to being an Alpha to your pack someday. As you know, my daughter was not able to lead our pack, but now that you and Sophie are moving in with us, I wanted to offer you the position as Alpha. It is important for a Night-walker to lead our pack, Lucky for you, you happen to be mated to one." I stared at him in shock, I wasn't one of them, I didn't understand their ways. So how could I possibly lead a pack of Night-walkers?

"How though? I'm only a wolf, I'm not a Night-Walker."

Richard chuckled and shook his head, "You will be a leader, it does not matter if you are a wolf, what matters is what's in your heart. Your values and morals will help you become the Alpha we need. Sophie, although she doesn't realize it, knows more about her Night-walker side than she chooses to acknowledge. She has a powerful bloodline in her, if anyone messes with her or her pack she will not hesitate to put them in their place. That is why you two would be the perfect leaders."

Smiling, I stood up and shook Richard's hand, "Thank you, I'll go tell Sophie the news."

Richard nodded, "No, thank you for taking my place. I, at my old age, have long been planning to retire." I left my father and Richard to go find Sophie. I concentrated on the pull in my chest as I ran outside, shifting into my wolf in the process. My wolf's ears perked as it looked for it's mate, something was wrong. I willed my wolf to go faster, in case Sophie was in trouble.

Sophie's P.O.V

The world seemed to stop as I stared at the ghostly figure. I had been carelessly running through the forest until I felt drawn towards the creek. The ghostly figure looked peaceful as she ran her fingers through the water. The woman looked up and smiled, that one smile seemed to make everything ok.

"Hello Sophie, I'm afraid we don't have much time." I shifted into human form as I approached her cautiously.

"What do you mean?"

"I came to apologize for earlier, I was in a dark place." Melanie smiled at me, I felt as if I was looking at a mirror, only it was showing a much older version of me. "Now, my daughter, there is a prophecy that the spirits are whispering about on the other side."

I frowned, "A prophecy?" Melanie nodded as she slowly approached me "Listen close, this prophecy speaks of your future."

"A War between two lives in you,

One Good, one evil.

Bloodline of nighwalkers

Will cause an Upheaval

The mighty will balker

and evil will falter"

"What does that even mean?" I thought over the words carefully, making sure I wouldn't forget.

"Sophie, I just thought you should know that how you saw me before wasn't the real me, Serena summoned my soul using dark magic, I would never want to hurt you, I love you." Melanie looked at something behind me before giving me a sad look. "Our time is up, don't forget what I've said."

"Wait but what is it about?" Jackson appeared behind me as my mother disappeared. I suddenly felt sick to the stomach as I kneeled down near the small stream of water that flowed down. Jackson shifted back into his human form.

"I have some great news." Jackson grinned at me and I decided I'd tell him later about the prophecy, I didn't want to ruin the news, I'd put him through enough. I put my best happy face on and smiled at him.

"What is it?"

"Your grandfather wants you and I to be the future Luna and Alpha of his pack" I smiled at Jackson, I knew how happy this would make him. He was born to be an Alpha, a great one at that.

"Thats great news!" I leaned in an kissed him, we sat a while staring at the water flow through the creek before I stood up. I had finished packing, I wanted to say goodbye to my friends before leaving. Jackson walked beside me in silence. The prophecy my mother told me replayed in my head. A war between two lives in you. Was she talking about my wolf and nighwalker? It must be. What else could it possibly be about?

"What's on your mind?" Jackson interrupted my thoughts, I had to tell him eventually, why not now while we were alone?

"I saw my mother again." Jackson frowned, his eyebrows scrunched up together, "It was different this time, She told me of a prophecy that foretold my future." I told Jackson the words my mother had told me only minutes ago.

"Did she tell you what it meant?"

"Well she was about to, but.."

"But what?"

"You kinda interrupted us" Jackson ran a hand through his hair, something I've noticed he did when he was nervous or stressed out. "Hey, It's ok, you didn't know. We'll deal with this just like we've dealt with all the other problems before."

I smiled reassuringly at him, but I was scared. When we got to the pack house, I went upstairs to my room, I hadn't exactly been feeling very well all morning, and it seemed that my breakfast overload only made it worse. I laid down on the bed and rubbed my stomach.

"Why did I eat so much" I groaned loudly as I flipped over so I was faced down on the bed. My head felt like it was pounding. I got up and decided that a shower would certainly help, I walked into the bathroom, the tile felt cool under my feet as I turned the water on. After pulling my shirt over my head, I casually looked at the counter when I saw something that caught my eye.

"What? Why would Jackson have one of these in the bathroom?" I stared at the pregnancy test kit in shock. Did he think I was pregnant? The thought ran through my head and I debated whether to indulge Jackson's intuition. Was I? I bit my lip, it wouldnt hurt to try would it? I went over to the toilet and closed the door. Sitting down, I read the instructions carefully before going through with the process. I stared at the stick, it seemed like time ticked by slowly, as if it weren't nerve wrecking enough. I sighed impatiently and decided to take the shower while I waited for the little stick to determine my fate. I got in and tried to calm myself down as the warm water did it's magic, I thought about how having children with Jackson would be like. Sure, I had always known we would eventually have a family of our own, but after what happened I just felt terrified. I wouldn't want to bring another being into this world if they were going to be in harms way. It was expected for mates to start a family early on, the female werewolves have their pups a lot faster than normal humans, which is why werewolf families tend to have so many children. I turned the faucet  and grabbed my towel. As I got out, I wrapped the towel around me and told myself to breath slowly. It's alright I tried to comfort myself as I cautiously approached the pregnancy stick.

Two bright pink lines stared back at me. I didn't know how to react, I squeezed my eyes shut and reopened them but the lines didn't disappear. "Jackson!" I called out, my heart beat accelerated as I ran out of the bathroom with the towel still around my body. "Jackson!" I used my mind link to find him, the pull in my chest guided me towards the conference room and I didnt think twice when I barged in. "Jackson?"

Jackson's P.O.V

My father and I had been having a conference with some of the pack members about my close departure. As you can imagine, the last thing I expected was to see my mate barge in with only a towel around her. That certainly woke me up. I looked around and noticed the male pack members eyeing Sophie and a menacing growl erupted from my chest as I stood up.

"What do you think your doing?" I whispered harshly as I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of the room. I stared down at her and noticed how flushed her cheeks looked.

"Sorry, I- I didn't know you were-" Sophie stared down at the ground as she handed me a stick like object.

"What's this?" I turned it over and noticed two bright pink lines, I stared at Sophie in shock, "Your pregnant?" Sophie nodded and looked up, I noticed how fearful she looked and hugged her.

"I am so sorry, I shouldn't have treated you like that, I don't know what came over me." Carefully lifting her chin, I smiled at her playfully.

"Can we try that again?" Sophie smiled and nodded.

"What?! This is amazing!" I picked her up and spun her around as she squealed.

"Jackson! I'm in a towel!" I laughed along with her, she was going to have my baby. We were going to be a family. I couldn't help but kiss her over and over again. Feeling happier than I have ever felt.

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