The Warrior Prince

Por Skylinger

74.5K 1.2K 256

When the warrior kigdom of Zandell attacks Valeria quickly finds her fate in the hands of Prince Lothar;heir... Más

Fall of Benola
Her word
Keeping her close
Welcome to Zandell
Makes no Sense
Early Visitors
Prelude to a wedding
One cannot hide in white
Shadow Kingdom
Where is Valora? Chapter 11
Daughter or Not? Part 12
Could it be true? 13
Heritage Part 14

The Warrior Prince

16.6K 127 25
Por Skylinger


                                                                                    Chapter 1

                                                                   (This is my story and I own all rights.)

The sun was rising as King Mateen stood on his bedroom balcony looking out over his kingdom. He was pleased to know that more than one enemy suffered in his dungeon. While the king was powerful so were his sons, a quality which he took credit for. His wife, gentle and obedient, was not strong. The king considered her weak. He was grateful that trait had not been inherited, however her beauty had been.

The king sighed. It was time his heir took a wife. In truth he should have before now. Prince Lothar was a fierce warrior and the king enjoyed allowing his son to conquer kingdoms on his behalf. He allowed his son as much freedom where women were concerned for as long as possible. Besides if something did happen he had three other sons.

"Your majesty?"

The king looked back to see his faithful subject Veda. "Yes Veda? What news do you bring me?"

"Duncan is gathering allies to move against you," The short man replied.

"Then it's time to acquire his kingdom and squash any thoughts of others uniting against us," Prince Lothar said entering the balcony.

The king looked at his eldest son and knew the prince was more than ready and willing to go into battle. "Yes, perhaps it is," The king agreed. "Take them captive but do not kill the royal family."

"Father?" Prince Balin said surprised as he too entered the balcony with his brother others. "You want them to live?"

"Don't misunderstand Balin, Duncan will die, but not before he suffers at my hand," King Mateen announced. "You will lead the assault," He told his oldest son. Lothar smiled smugly pleased.

"The rest that stand against us, we kill," Balin announced.

"Don't just go in there mindlessly slaughtering like some wild savage, Balin," The King said becoming annoyed. "I know you enjoy the sight of blood, but it is pointless to kill those who surrender. We could use some more slaves." Looking at the heir to the Zandell throne he said, "Besides you might all find some pretty thing to entertain you for a time." Balin gave a single nod understanding the intent.

"So we kill only those that stand against us," Prince Garrick questioned.

"Don't kill the women or children unless necessary. You may kill any man that stands against you and those not useful as a slave," The King of Zandell said without concern.

"As you command," Prince Lothar replied. The three princes bowed and left their father's presence.

Prince Lothar walked through the halls of the castle emitting an aura that screamed conqueror. Men immediately fell in behind him and headed for the stables.

"Gideon, prepare to leave," The prince ordered. The warrior bowed and quickly headed to gather those the prince always took with him. Lothar prepared himself ensuring his weapons were ready and checked on his faithful horse Ares.

The Black horse stomped upon seeing him and the prince smirked. "Ready to conquer another kingdom?" The horse snorted. "I am as well."

Preparations were made and the prince and his troops headed out. Others would soon follow. The prince liked to personally scout his target.

As the prince rode he couldn't help but be somewhat amused. Duncan was clearly not the smartest of kings, and Benola was not the strongest of kingdoms. Lothar had no doubt Duncan would beg for death by the time his father was done with him.


It took the troops of Zandell nearly a weeks' time before they reached the outskirts of Benola. Leaving the troops under cover, the heir and his three brothers along with Lothar's most trusted men, made their way toward the castle to look for any weakness they could use to their advantage.

They were in the woods not far from the castle when they heard voices. Carefully the men stopped moving and hid themselves from view as the voices got closer. Silently they watched and waited. It was only a few moments and they watched as a two women and a small child came into view.

"Do you really mean it?" The small red head girl asked hopeful.

"Of course," A beautiful woman replied. "Take the path and go see the ducks by the fountain. You need not wait for us."

"Can I mother?" The child asked. The men watched as the blonde woman touched the mother's arm.

"Of course Elizabeth. Go on. We'll be right there." The girl smiled happily and took off down a path away from both the two women and the hidden men. The red haired woman turned on her friend.

"What's going on Valeria? You never send Elizabeth away."

"Take Elizabeth and get out of this kingdom," Valeria warned.

"Valeria you're scaring me. What's going on?" The woman said alarmed.

"I made a promise to look out for you and Elizabeth whenever possible," The blonde woman said. "Duncan has made some poor choices. For the sake of your daughter, get out. Leave tonight. Go and visit your mother but go!"

"Not until you tell me why?" The red haired woman said defiantly.

"I know things I shouldn't Rebecca. I fear if you stay I won't be able to protect you from Duncan's enemy, an enemy that will come. This kingdom will end Rebecca. You and Elizabeth have to go."

"Come with us Valeria," Rebecca pleaded.

"I can't. If I leave.... More will die than necessary," Valeria replied. "Duncan would close the borders trapping you."

"Why would...." The woman gasped as realization dawned on her. "He's trying to force you into marrying Lord Filgon isn't he?"

"You need not worry, the kingdom will fall long before that can even happen," The blonde woman assured her friend.

"The invasion will be soon won't it?" Rebecca said watching her friend. "That's why you want me to leave now."

"Duncan has made an enemy that will move swiftly and violently."

"Swift and vi.... A warrior kingdom," Rebecca said instantly fearful.

"Leave before sunrise and you will be safe," The blonde woman told her. She pulled the woman into a hug. "Go and don't look back."


"No Rebecca. Go. Take Elizabeth and go. Now!"

Reluctantly the red haired woman nodded and walked away. Valeria watched her go until she disappeared through the trees. "Be safe my friend." The blonde woman looked out into the forest. The woman sighed and shook his head. "How foolish you are Duncan." Turning the woman walked back the way she had come.

Prince Lothar watched the two women interact. He had immediately thought both women were quite beautiful, however, listening, it was clear the woman named Valeria was more than a pretty face. The blonde woman had a presence to her. Something told him the woman was not weak. He wasn't sure why, perhaps it was she'd put her friend's safety before her own.

"We could take the woman and child," Balin suggested.

"No, let them go," The eldest Prince replied. Seeing his brother go to protest he said. "We are here to look for weaknesses. The woman is clearly going to leave the kingdom with her child." The men stayed there for nearly an hour. As the sky became darker Lothar led the way closer to the castle walls. Carefully they watched. They noted easily accessed windows, doors, and even timed the guards.

"I said no!" The men barely had time to get out of sight as Valeria came storming towards them.

"Valeria it is time you married! Lord Filgon is a fine man and..."

"No Your Majesty. You may be king but you do not possess the power to forcefully give me to that man!" Valeria said in clear defiance. "Besides I would think you would be more concerned on how to keep your kingdom safe."

"My kingdom is safe."

"Really?" The young woman said. "You don't think Zandell will retaliate when they learn what you've done?"

"I have done nothing that..."

"You have silently declared war, King Duncan. Zandell's king is not the kind to take this lightly. You will lose this kingdom and be at the mercy of a warrior king, warriors don't show mercy," Valeria said harshly. "You have condemned this kingdom and everyone in it. It wouldn't matter if I did agree to your proposal. We'll all be dead before that could even happen."

"Your father would be disappointed in you," The king sneered.

"No Majesty, he would be disappointed in you," She replied. Turning the blonde woman started to walk away.

"If you leave I will order the deaths of anyone that means anything to you," The king warned angrily.

Valeria stopped but did not look back. "I will not leave this castle so long as this kingdom is yours. I have accepted my death. You must accept yours." Without another word she walked down some stairs and entered another area of the castle.

"You'll marry Filgon, Valeria. One way or another," Angrily he walked back into the palace.

The Prince made sure the coast was clear before signaling to his troops. "We go." No one argued and the scouting team quickly made their way away from the castle and back to their troops. Lothar instructed his men how they would attack and then left his brothers to the details where prisoners were concerned.


It was dark but the half-moon granted a small measure of light. Lothar looked out at the forest that would lead them to their target. Silently his thoughts went through all the weaknesses of the kingdom. Conquering this kingdom would be quite easy. The prince felt almost disappointed, feeling it would be too easy. There seemed to be no challenges ahead.

It wasn't long and his thoughts drifted to the blonde woman. The prince smiled in the darkness remembering how she had stood up to her king in open defiance. The girl was not weak. He was sure she would be terrified as his men descended onto the kingdom the next day but he had already seen strength. Something his mother did not have. The prince did not feel the need to marry but his father might be pleased enough if he at least fathered a child. Valeria was certainly beautiful and would pass on far better genes than his mother. It was something he would consider.

"My prince?" Lothar turned to see Gideon and Kael.


"What of the woman?" Gideon inquired.

"What woman?" The prince questioned.

"The blonde from the woods," Kael answered. "Do you want her spared?"

Lothar almost groaned. He may have been neutral about everything he said but it shouldn't have surprised him his personal guards would have noticed the woman had caught his attention. The prince sighed trying to decide what he wanted to do. "Nobles are to be captured and detained. We will decide later what to do with them."

"Silently?" Gideon inquired. He watched as his prince gave a reluctant silent nod. The heir wanted the woman spared but did not want to verbally say so to his troops. The guards nodded and walked away.

Deciding the next day might prove longer than first thought the prince headed for his mat. If there was anything he hated about invasion it was dealing with the surrendered nobles afterward. They were always so pathetic. Perhaps that was why he often let Balin or Andler deal with them. His younger brother Balin might kill them but at least he didn't have to listen to them. Andler usually managed to hurt a few but not actually kill them. This time however he would be forced to deal with them. His father wanted slaves. Besides he wasn't about to leave Balin or Andler in charge of Valeria. Not until he decided what he wanted done with her anyway.


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