Love, Faith, and Nando's

By AshleyStyles27

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Ashley Brown is just a normal teenage girl going to London to see her idols One Direction in concert. What ha... More

Love, Faith, and Nando's
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 11

69 5 3
By AshleyStyles27

Caitlin's POV

It rained the day of the funeral, typical. I don't think we would have had it any other way though. We were all heart broken but Ashley was the worst. She hasn't eaten, slept, or talked to anyone for the past few days. Not even Lilly and I. Harry's pretty worried as well. She cries at almost anything, it all reminds her of Jay.

The boys weren't aloud at the funeral for publicity reasons but there was a big turn out of people there. I didn't know Jay knew that many people but he was a very likable person.

Ashley's POV

Black. Black everywhere. Men in black suits. Women in black dresses. The sky was even black that day. A black coffin. The only color was the green hill and the flowers on the graves. After Jay was lowered into the ground people slowly came forward with flowers. His parents, Lilly, Caitlin, and I were last.

His mom placed a white bouquet on his grave tears running down her face. She hugged me and walked off with his dad. Lilly and Caitlin placed their flowers down and stepped back to look at me. I slowly walked forward carrying just one flower. It was a blue carnation. My favorite flower and Jays favorite color. I sunk down to my knees as I placed it on top of the fresh ground. The sky rumbled with thunder as more tears poured down my face. Lilly reached out to help me up. I looked back as we walked away.

"Goodbye" I whispered.

Liam's POV

The girls had just got home from the funeral and had gone upstairs to change. They all looked so sad when they came down. Lilly walked over to me still sniffling. She had on black jeans and a toy story sweater. I opened my arms to her. She buried her head in my neck and let out a sob.

"Tea and cuddle?" I asked her. She smiled and nodded.

"I got the tea you two sit down" Ashley said.

"I'll help" Lilly said. "I'll be back" she smiled.

"I'll be waiting" I laughed.

The girls came back with a tray of tea and cookies. Caitlin sat down and Niall pulled a blanket over them.

"I ship it" Lilly whispered as I grabbed her and pulled her into my lap. She giggled and hugged me.

Ashley sat down next to Harry who pulled her into his side and she laid her head on his shoulder.

"I love you guys" she said quietly as she looked around at all of us and smiled for the first time in days.

(A/N)***And worst author ever award goes I know, I'm sorry. I know this chapter's short the next chapter will be better. Vote, comment, let me know what you think. :) thank you so much if you stayed with me.

Love and carrots,


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