Derek Luh Imagines

By lovelyimaginesx

159K 1.8K 94

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT. SOMETIMES VERY MATURE: YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED *strong language at times* Just a few sh... More

Studio Nights
Pillow Talk
Sick days
Break up
Bad Vibes
Smoke one
Break Up Part 2
Little Black Dress
Nobody Knows
New Year
At the Movies
Night Out
Cheater Part 2
Author's Note
Truth Or Dare
On A Boat
Miss You
Virgin Part 2


4.7K 60 3
By lovelyimaginesx

"So you think this is really gonna work?" I sat in the car with my phone up to my ear, talking to Nate. "Of course this is going to work. He won't stop talking about how much he misses you." I haven't seen Derek for almost 2 months now because of the Skaterade Tour, and every day that goes by gets more and more depressing without him. I needed to see him again.

Nate came up with this big idea that I should come see Derek and surprise him on the tour bus and of course I agreed, I missed him so much. "Okay okay, I'm on my way there." "Aight listen, there's a back driveway right by the venue. Meet me back there because he has no idea." I giggled at our devious plan. "Okay, I'll be there in like 3 minutes, if I don't get lost."  Hanging up the phone, I turned up the radio. It's Luh came on shuffle and I turned it up even louder and smiled to myself. God I miss his voice. I mean, he calls me every night and tells me about his day, but his voice over the phone just isn't the same.

I sang along to the words as I pulled into the back driveway that Nate told me about. Surprisingly, I managed to find it without getting lost. "Aye ma, whats up!" I got out of the car and was immediately welcomed by a hug from Nate. "Hey" I smiled as he pulled away from the hug. "So where is he?!" I looked around excitedly as I placed my phone in the back pocket of my ripped skinny jeans. "I honestly have no clue." His hands reached up to his head as he scratched it, awkwardly looking at me. "Nate..." I put my hands on my face as I shook my head. "It's fine. We can just chill in the tour bus till we figure out where he is." I looked at him as he started to walk away.

Catching up to him, I grabbed his shoulder. "What if he's in there though? It will ruin the whole plan." I sighed as I looked down at the ground. "I knew this was a bad idea" "Hey hey hey. He won't be in there. It'll be fine. This is a good idea, because its my idea." He gave me a reassuring smile and a small laugh as we made our way quickly and silently to the tour bus, hoping nobody would notice us. 

"Okay so here are all the clues I wrote that we can scatter around the venue." Nate pulled out several slips of paper from the drawers besides the sink, and put them on them on the table in front of me. "Now once he finds the first one, than we can set you up on the stage. The concert doesn't start till 9:00 tonight so we have plenty of time." I heard every word that Nate was saying, but my mind was somewhere else. "Shh" I said, my eyebrows furrow as I looked off into the back of the bus. "Whats wrong?" Nate looked back to see what I was looking at, but the only thing there was a closed door.

"Listen" I pointed in the direction of the door, trying to get Nate to listen. "I can't hear anything over the music." Getting up, he walked over to the radio and shut it off. I listened even harder now. Looking at Nate, I think we both realized what it was. "Someone's getting it on back there." He laughed as he looked at me. Someone really was getting it on back there. The moans were loud now that the music was off. Damn, these people couldn't even get a real room. "Let's bust em" I grabbed Nate's arm and pulled him towards the door in the back.

"Shhh" I giggled putting my finger up to my lips, pushing Nate back slightly with my other hand. "Let me do it." He pushed himself in front of me and opened the door. "Having fun?" Nate stood there as I stood beside him laughing. I couldn't control myself now. I didn't even know who it was, but I was still cracking up. My eyes were shut from laughing as I leaned over. "Woah bro chill!" A man's voice erupted from beneath the covers as a girl screamed. "What the fuck" Nate looked at me. "What?" I asked as he continued to look at me, mouth wide open. "Nate what?!" My heart began racing at what could possibly wrong.

Turning my head towards the bed,  I finally realized what he was talking about. "Y/n....?!" Derek's voice sounded worn out and his face was full of confusion. "Derek?" I squinted my eyes than looked at Nate. My heart began to race. This cannot be fucking happening right now. I thought he loved me. "Who the fuck is she?" The girl beside him in the bed looked at him and I lost it. "I'm his fucking girlfriend bitch. Who the fuck are you and why are you sleeping with him?!" Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as they both got up in a panic, collecting their clothes and putting them on. 

"Well apparently he isn't your boyfriend because he was just making love to me." She cocked her head to the side and slightly smiled. My blood was fucking boiling. "BITCH!" I yelled as I jumped for her. Pushing her down to the floor next to the bed, I straddled her body and punched her in the face. Not once, not twice, but multiple times. "You. Took. Him." With every word there was another punch and I couldn't help but keep going. 

"Y/n stop!' I could hear Derek screaming at me. He attempted to pull me off but i smacked him off of me. "Don't you try to fucking touch me Derek. I'm done." I got up off of the girl that I had just beaten the shit out of and looked at Nate. "y/n, I am so sorry, I had no idea, you know I would have never-" I cut him off before he could finish. "It's fine." I walked right past him and out the door of the bus. 

I could hear Derek trailing behind me but I didn't stop. I couldn't even bare to look at his face right now. He disgusted me. Once I reached my car, I attempted to unlock it and open up the door, but I was too slow. "Y/n please" Derek grabbed my arm and flipped me around, pinning me against my car door. "Get away" I pushed him backwards as the tears started to fall down my cheeks. "Why would you even do that Derek I thought you loved me!" I screamed in his face as I opened my car door. Sitting down in the drivers seat, I looked at him. "You ruined something that could've been so good Derek, I hope you know that." I closed the door, started the car, and drove off, not looking back once.


Hope you guys enjoyed this one!

This one was really fun to write and I hope you guys liked reading it.

Don't forget you can send me personals on twitter or on here!

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