Ouran High School Host Club X...

By izzyana7

125K 3.4K 1.4K

You are Haruhi's adopted sister, (y/n) Neko. You have black cat ears and a tail, which you hide under your ho... More

Chapter 1 - Meeting Everyone
Chapter 2 - Telling Them
Chapter 3 - Their Reactions
Chapter 4 - Nicknames!
Chapter 5 - Becoming a Hostess?!
Chapter 6 - First Day as a Hostess
Chapter 8 - The Ball, Part 2
Not an Update
New Characters!
Chapter 9 - Meeting the Band
Chapter 10 - Attack of the Lady Manager
Chapter 11 - The twins fight! Part 1
Chapter 12 - The Twins Fight! Part 2
Chapter 13 - Always There
Chapter 14 - The Grade School Host Is The Naughty Type?
Update! somewhat

Chapter 7 - The Ball Part 1

7.8K 199 60
By izzyana7

  Sorry I haven't uploaded in forever plez don't kill me!

You, the hosts and Ruby were currently having a 'meeting'. Tamaki was sitting in the corner, slurping ramen, you were sitting close to him, poking his head and watching it bobble back into place and everyone else was discussing the girl who made Haru-nyan her favorite host. The hosts were trying to explain to Haru-nyan about how the girl, who you learnt was Kasugasuki, had this thing called the host hopping disease. You just ignored them and started playing with Tama-nii's hair. "Tama-nii?" you whispered to him. He stopped slurping the ramen to look at you. "Are you jealous that Kasugasuki-san has a new favorite host?" Haruhi looked over and commented, "Oh. So he's upset because I took her from him?" Tamaki suddenly stood up, flinging his ramen somewhere and yelled, "SHUT UP!! I COULDN'T CARE LESS!! Ugh! I'm running out of patience! Haruhi! It's time you started dressing like a girl! I don't understand how you can be so popular with the ladies, when you yourself are a lady! No one in the entire school knows the truth, excepts the ones of us here!" Everyone just deadpanned, even Ruby. 'Where did the ramen go?... I wanted some...' you thought to yourself. "Yeah. She opted out of taking gym classes," Hikaru agreed. "And the attendance numbers are all mixed together so no one can tell," Kaoru continued.

You tuned them out and went over to besides Kyoya as they were comparing a photo of Haruhi during middle school. "Kyo-nii?" The said male hummed in response. "Do you think that maybe Kasugasuki-san keeps changing her favorite hosts because she wants to be noticed by a certain guy?" The shadow prince looked surprised at how you figured it out so easily, but quickly recomposed himself. "You may be right, (y/n)" he smiled at you. You smiled back but suddenly Tamaki yelled "Girls should never refer to herself as a dude! Mama! Haruhi's using those dirty boy words again!" You flinched at the volume of his voice. "I'm sorry, but who's Mama?" Kaoru asked. "Based on club position, I assume it's me." Kyoya replied and you burst into a fit of giggles. "BWAHAHAHAHAHA MAMA!! hehe...." you giggled uncontrollably. Kyoya glared at you, making you shut up and pout. "I hate to change the subject, but do you have dancing experience? You'll need it at the party." Hikaru interrupted. Haruhi looked slightly uncomfortable, but you just yelled "YUUUS!!! THIS IS MY TIME TO SHINE" You turned on some music and started dancing. 

(video of dance at the top)

Honey was bobbing up and down to the song, Kyoya and Mori were expressionless as normal and the other hosts stared at you like you were crazy (cuz u r). "Oh so that's what you've been locking yourself in your room to practice." Haruhi stated while the other hosts looked confused as hell. Ruby walked over to you and rubbed her leg against your leg. "Ummmm.... That's not the sort of dancing we meant" Hikaru tried to explain. "So you mean formal dancing?" you asked, tilting your head. Halfway through the dance your hood fell off, exposing your cat ears. "Yup!" Honey replied. "Uhh, I think I remember a few things but I haven't had any reason to practice or remember how to do it," you said, scratching your head. "What about you Haruhi?" Kaoru asked. "Uh....no. But the party doesn't have anything to do with my quota, right? I'm not interested in going to events. So, if I could be excused..." Haruhi nervously asked. As Tamaki went on about how she has to learn the waltz in a week, Kyoya aproached you. "(y/n), before you mentioned that you worked as an idol," he stated. You nodded and he continued, "Would you like to perform some songs during the ball? Provided that they are suited for a ball." You thought for a minute before responding, "Sure, seems like fun. Plus my manager has been nagging me to perform sometime soon"

Haruhi was currently trying to learn the waltz with Kasugasuki, while Tamaki was sulking in the corner, probably about how he wanted to be Haruhi's dance partner. You were having fun watching Haruhi Struggling, but seeing as how you memorized the waltz in one lesson, you didn't see why you couldn't teach Haruhi. You were having enough fun choosing songs to perform and running them by with Kyoya. Once you had a list of songs, you got permission from Kyoya to use a recording room that the school had for some reason. As you were walking through the halls, humming a few songs and fixing your hoodie to make sure it covered your cat ears, you saw a group of the hosts fangirls. They instantly saw you and walked over. "Here's the little slut who is taking our host club from us!" presumably their leader stated. You started to get scared, remembering the times you were bullied before dropping out of school. The group surrounded you before beating you up, warning you to stay away from the hosts. "You better stay away from our precious Haruhi especially!" one of them yelled as they strutted away, their heels clicking and they took each step.

Crawling over to the nearest bathroom, you managed to stand up and look into the mirror. Blood was streaming down your face and bruises covered your arms and legs. To your relief, you noticed that your hood stayed in place, meaning they didn't see your ears. Washing off as much blood as you can, you called Haruhi and told her that you needed to go to the studio to meet with your manager so she should go home without you. 'Hopefully they don't question anything' you thought to yourself.

You managed to get home quickly so you took a shower and cleaned up any wounds that the girls made. It honestly didn't phase you much as this sort of thing happened all the time. Discarding any evidence of what happened, you climbed into your bed to take a nap before Haruhi returned.  

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