I'm hearing things // phan

By DisciplinedAliens

97.4K 2.7K 1.5K

"I'm hearing things Phil." "Like what?" "Like...." I paused realizing I shouldn't say it. "Like, nothing neve... More

Never have I ever.
Stalkers and Misfits
Slow but steady doesnt get you anywhere
Enimies can be Family
Week one was a week of pure hell
No one as good as you
What the hell
Beautiful lights
Hospitals make me sick
Yeah sorry no
Party of the year
Dirty cheaters
I think its the best for us
Unwanted visitors & wedding planning
I thought it would be the last
I swear I hear demons yelling
But im impure
Thank god
Calling you out
When im fucked up
A short and unfair fight
Kiss me.
The best part of the wedding

Vegas and a Flat Line.

3.2K 102 47
By DisciplinedAliens

Phils POV
Vegas is incredible. The best part about Vegas you ask? Isn't the drinking, not the sex, it's seeing Dan smile. He's been smiling like crazy the entire trip, he keeps saying thank you and trying to make it up to me, but his smile it's more then enough. The whole plan was to take him to Vegas and have fun. After his dad's thing I made it as good as possible. Having the hotel Set up Champagne and Rose petals in our room. I went all out and still have money left. I have been saving since I was 8 years old and it was worth seeing Dan smile. I watched as Dan played poker with a bunch of other people. He's really good at it. I don't really know much about poker, other then you have some chips, you bet some chips, you win or lose some chips. I wasn't gambling tonight as I've won over 2000 dollars at this casino alone. I'd be arrested for cheating. I was kind of tipsy but I can still think and know what right from wrong is. Dan just won a butt load of chips.
"Is it over?"
"Yeah yeah. Philgon I just won 2000 bucks!"
"That's so amazing baby!" I kissed him and he cashed in his chips. We walked down the road when I spotted a bar full of collage kids. We walked in and got our drinks sitting in a circular shaped booth. We were just chatting away, I started telling him the story of when I was 10 and my family went on a vacation to Mexico, we were supposed to be riding the Dolphins but instead one attacked me. "-so that's when the dolphin flew himself at me and attacked me." Dan broke into fits of laughter and I admired the beautiful sound. He calmed down a bit and smiled at me.
"I feel like a white girl who sneaks of to Vegas and cheats on her boyfriend." He sipped his cocktail and laughed. The thought that he thinks he could even remotely come close to cheating on me,
"Ok ok, but you could never cheat on me. 1 we're attached at the hip, 2 you love me to much and 3 you feel guilty when you look at me in public in a sexualish way."
"Ok that's true. I love you so much pho,I can't thank you enough for bringing me here I love you."
"I love you so much Dan, and I'm happy you're happy."
"Shut up and kiss me already." He kissed me and I draped my hands along his neck. When things went from innocent to heated we went back to the hotel. We were in the elevator and there was another couple making out, a lesbian couple actually. They ripped apart when we walked in. We pressed our floor. I kissed him and didn't even care what they thought, they didn't care either. It stopped on their floor and they got out, one of them pushed the door back open and looked at us,
"You guys are cute together."
"Thanks." She walked back out and It got rough. I pushed him up against the Elevator sliding my hands wherever I wanted to. The elevator made the ding sound and we got out throwing open our room door and slamming it shut. We made it to the bed and I just admired Dan as i was on top of him, I ran my finger down his chest.
"Stop fucking teasing." He said between breaths.
"Oh really but I was having so much fun."
"Yes really." He pulled me down and kissed me. This boy will be the death of me.

-----Dans POV *Sunday*-----

The light pouring in from the pulled back curtains woke me. I also woke up alone. For a split second I thought Phil had left me. Then I got my head out of my ass and looked for a note. I didn't find one and made the assumption he had gone to the loo. I lied back down and stared at the ceiling. The door to the suite opened and slammed shut, I sat up and he walked into the room with coffee and breakfast,
"My hero. I love you."
"I know." He kissed me then handed me my breakfast and coffee. We were sharing a plate of pancakes and once we finished I put the plate on the table beside me. "So what's planned for the day baby?"
"Whatever you want to do love."
"It's your birthday weekend."
"I have no clue how to thank you so this is a start. We'll do whatever you want." He pulled out the black box that looked longer then when I first saw it.
"Well I've these Muse tickets for their show tonight. Wanna come?"
"Phil! Oh my god! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you so much! Thank you!" I was grinning idiotically and he was just staring at me,
"You know I love your smile?" I stared down blushing,
"Did you know you're the best guy to ever exist? Phil this is too much, first you bought the tickets which were first class, then the huge suite, and now these? This must've cost a fortune I'm so thankful. I love you so much, I've never been happier." I jumped on him and hugged him tightly "I love you."
"I love you too."


I hadn't been on the internet since Thursday. So when Phil hopped in the shower I went online. I had 60 notifications all people posting on my wall. I checked my message which was really the only means of communication with anyone in England. My phone doesn't work out here. I checked my wall first.
'So you bottom huh?'
'Fucking whore kys'
'Don't like it when Phil teases you?'
'Well someone is having fun in Vegas.' What the fuck? How do they know any of what happened? I clicked on my messages hoping for an explanation. I looked at Carries.
'Happs mate! Hope your trip is fun!' 12:00 am Friday June 11th
'Dan there are rumours going around that you and Phil are on youporn.' 2:34 am Friday June 11th
'Dan it's true someone filmed you both, it's everywhere. I'm sorry.' 3:48 am Friday June 11th
She sent the link to the video and I clicked on it hoping we could find a way out of it. We couldn't, it was 100% us and no one could deny it. I paused the video and walked into the washroom,
"Dan?" I leaned against the bathroom wall with my eyes closed,
"We're on youporn! Over 200,000 views!"
"What?" He turned off the water, grabbed a towel and stepped out. His rage filled eyes actually scared me. "What the fuck!" He ran into our room and looked at my laptop. Je pressed play and the first thing you heard was my voice, "Stop fucking teasing." Phil paused it "Dan we've got family on Facebook and I just looked on instagram and Twitter. Pictures, videos, edits, and comments. Currently Us having sex is all over everywhere." I felt like ripping out my hair and looked for the camera. I looked all around the room and finally found it in the corner. Stupid fucking douche put his name on it. 'Bryce Anders.' I went on Facebook and looked him up. A kid from our school. Great. Most recent post, 'Dan and Phil getting freaky in Vegas!' Then a link to the video, plus he tagged the entire school. I messaged him,
'Bryce, take the video down.'
'Nah, also just thought I would let you both know not to be insecure about your downstairs parts.'
'Bryce fuck you take it down!'
'Have fun in Vegas boys, also return my camera!' I took the camera and threw it out the window. Phil was staring at the ceiling in shock. We were pornstars. Are entire school has seen us having sex. It's going to be there forever.


The muse concert was absolutely incredible, it was amazing! I thanked Phil a billion times and he said that if I said thank you one more time, he'll leave me in Vegas. Once we returned to the hotel we listened to music on Phils speakers until about 2:15 when we called a cab, bag check, security, plane waiting area at 4:00am.
"Hey babe?" I said lifting my head off his shoulder.
"We can't just ignore them, got a back up plan?"
"Steer into the skid?"
"Well if they make a comment about you bottoming just say 'Well daddy likes it.'" I started laughing my ass off and barely held myself together on the plane. We landed and got off the plane. Phils mum was waiting for us when we got off.
"Hello boys! How was Vegas? How much did you win? Did you have fun? Oh we all missed you!"
"Good, over 2000 pounds, yes, we missed you too." Phil said hugging his mum tight and kissing her cheek,
"Hi Mrs Lester."
"Please call me Christine."
"Hello Christine." I hugged her and she kissed both my cheeks. "How are you?"
"I'm doing well, happy belated birthday Dan, did you have fun in Vegas?"
"I did thank you, your son is absolutely perfect. You raised a seriously perfect guy."
"Well I'm glad to hear that. Let's go I'll drive you both home. Actually Dan your mum and sibling are at the hospital, do you want me to take you there?"
"Yes please." The car journey wasn't awkward, probably because Phil blared his music while we talked to each other in the back seat. The car pulled to a stop at the hospital and Phil helped me grab my bags. I got everything out and we kissed,
"I love you and I'll Skype you tonight k?" Phil said pressing his forehead against mine.
"K, I love you, and thank you so much for the best weekend of my life." We kissed again and I walked in the hospital while he got in the car. I walked in duffle bag over my shoulder. "Hi I'm Daniel James Howell, I'm here to see my father Jerry Henry Howell."
"Top floor last door." I took the stairs up and went to the last door.
"Mum? Dad?"
"Over here Dan." Adrian said from the corner. I rushed around the corner, kissed my mom and Alexa's cheek, then hugged Adrian. "It's okay Dan. Hugging him won't effect him." I wrapped my arms around my barely breathing father.
"Hey Dan. I'm sorry, you probably want to kill me. I can see why. Remember when we all used to go down to the river? Adrian was only 2 Alexa was 4 and you were 6?" His voice was quiet and shaky,
"Yeah I remember."
"When I die I want that me the one that you could talk to the one that you never wanted to hit to be what you remember and You deserve that boy Dan. Tell Phil that he is like a son to me because he makes you happy. If you really love him make sure to keep him, please. I love you Dan."
"I love you dad." He pulled me in for a last hug. My mother moved over to him,
"Julia you're so beautiful and perfect. Please find someone else. I will love you forever. My dear Julia."
"I love you Jerry." She kissed him on the cheek then came over to me and collapsed in my arms both of us crying. He said his goodbyes to my siblings and his last words were,
"I love you. I love you all." The line went flat. My mother screamed, Alexa screamed, Adrian started crying and I was crying while comforting my screaming mother and sister. The nurses came in, apologized and sent us away. I drove them home, trying my best not to get tears in my eyes so I can drive properly. We got home and I escorted my mom to her room and brought her a glass of water. I got back in my room and lied down in my pillow crying. Phil must've called me 6 times, texted me 9 times, and tried Skyping me twice. I couldn't do it. I just kept crying and crying. The only reason I have to live is Phil. Yet I'm an ass that won't pick up the phone. Even my doorbell rung 1000 times and finally someone must've gotten it. Someone barged into my room and lifted me up, I saw Phil take a glance at my end table where there was an empty bottle of wine. I fell into his arms. In between heavy sobs I managed,
"My dads dead. His final words were that he loved us. Phil he said he loved you, you were like a son to him because you, you make me happy."

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