Blind Love

By HarmonizetheHeart

26.9K 873 94

Hello my name is Lauren Jauregui and I'm blind. This is my story on how I found my true love with Camila Cabe... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: The Meeting
Chapter 3: Go On A Date With Me?
Chapter 5: She's Perfect
Chapter 6: Second Date
Chapter 7: Crazy Fun
Chapter 8: Jauregui Charm
Chapter 9: Mine
Chapter 10: Dinner with the Parents
Chapter 11: Defend & Protect
Chapter 12: Mind Fucked
Chapter 13:What the future holds
Chapter 14: Jealousy kills
Chapter 15: double date
Chapter 16: tight Schedule
Chapter 17: new times
Chapter 18:Happy Anniversary
Chapter 19: The Call
Chapter 20: The Surgery
Chapter 21: Seeing for the first time
Chapter 22: Tricking and loving
Chapter 23: New Year
Chapter 24: Love is the thing
Chapter 25: Blind date & Blind Love
Chapter 26: In love & Walking in Paris
Chapter 27:New life
Chapter 28: Bachelorette parties
Chapter 29:Wedding Day
Chapter 30: The Future Ahead of Us

Chapter 4: Date Night

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By HarmonizetheHeart

Lauren's POV:

   My morning started as it always did. I am now in Professors Anderson's class. Dinah keeps texting and giggling as I am recording what the teacher is saying.

"See there is a difference between a person who needs help but is scared to ask for help and someone who needs help and is not willing to accept the help. You as the help need to notice this difference. HANSEN!" He yells, sounding exasperated.

Dinah stops texting and shifts in her seat.

"Yes Professor Anderson."

"How would you tell if someone is scared to get help or someone who is just being difficult and doesn't want help?" Professor Anderson asked.

"You can tell when someone is scared and when someone doesn't want to be bothered." Dinah states.


"You just do."

"Wrong answer Ms.Hansen. JAUREGUI! How can you tell if someone is scared and when someone doesn't want to be bothered?"

"When someone is scared they show more emotion and acknowledge that they have a problem but may be hesitant to getting help. At first one may even be distant to the helper. A person who doesn't want to be bothered by their problem acts like they don't have a problem. They will act cold towards someone trying to help." I state proudly of myself.

"Jauregui now tell me this, how will you help these two people?"My Professor questions

"The one who is scared, I will gain their trust. If one is scared they usually don't trust people. The one who is not willing to get help, I would trick."

"Hmm. Interesting. Hansen how would you help these two different people?"

"The one who is scared I would comfort. The one who is not willing to get help I would not pressure them. They eventually will come to me." Dinah says.

"Okay next class we will do something fun, we will debate if the rest of you would do what Jauregui states or what Hansen states." Professor Anderson clarifies.

The classroom soon becomes empty leaving Dinah and I. She guides me outside.

"So is Mani coming to get you?"

I shake my head. "No. She has a dance class to teach." I inform her.

"You will be walking by yourself?"

I nod. "Yeah I don't live too far from here and I have my symbol cane. I'll be okay."

"I'm still going to walk with you."

We start walking to my apartment.

"Are you nervous for your date with Mila tonight?"she asked.

"Yeah I am." I say shyly.

"Where are you taking her?"

"I'm taking her to Romeo's cafe" I told her.

"Woah that place is hard to get into." She said, sounding surprised.

"Yeah but I know the owner. After that I'm taking her for a walk on the beach and then taking her back to her dorm. My little brother is driving me around so it will be okay."

"Well that sounds perfect. Actually take her back to mine and Ally's dorm she's crashing there."

I stop walking. "She's still staying there?"

"Yeah she's having problems with her roommate she might switch with someone and until then she's mine and Ally's roommate."

I shrug and start walking again. "Okay."

The rest of the walk was silent. We arrive in the front of the building.

"Well this is me."

"Good Luck on your date Lauser."

"Thanks, China Jane."

She starts to laugh and I hear footsteps as I make my way to my apartment.

(Skip to the date)

    Chris picks me up and we head to Dinah's place. My palms are sweaty and my heart is racing. I'm beyond nervous.

"Hey Big Sis?"

"Yeah, Chris?" I ask wondering why he broke the silence.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Hey can you do me a favor?"

"What is it?"

I begin "When the date is over can you tell me how beautiful she is and every facial expression she does today?"

I hear his laughter "Yeah Big Sis I got your back."

A big smile appears on my face. "Thanks Little Bro."

The rest of the ride is silent. Minutes later I feel the car stop. Chris opens the door and guides me outside. I put my hand on his forearm like I do with Mani. I wait for him to respond to the code, he does and I smile.

"Camila." I say smiling.


"What are you wearing?" I ask her

"A black jumpsuit, I have my hair down." She informs me.

"Any jewelry?"

"A couple rings and a bracelet." She says firmly

"I bet you look beautiful Camz." I say with a smile. 

"Thank you, but you are perfect. I think you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."

I smile and feel my cheeks heat up.

"No because even though I can't see you, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever known." I feel her take my hand.

"Ready for our date?" She ask

I intertwine our hands as we walk back to the car.

"Camz this is my brother Chris, Chris this is Camila." I say.

"Nice to meet you Chris."

"Nice to meet you Camila." He says back.

Camila and I are in the backseat cuddled up. 

"So where are we going?"She asked.

"It's a surprise."

"I'm pouting right now. This is me being very sad." She says in a childish voice.

I reach to touch her lips with my fingertips.
"Wh-what are y-you doing?" Camila stutters nervously.

"Feeling your pout." I say like it's nothing.

"Why?" She says above a whisper.

"It's  my way of seeing you. Do you mind?" I question.

"No of course not. I think that's cute." She leans in and kisses me on the cheek.

  She snuggles up to me with our hands still intertwined together. The car ride is silent and quick. When we reach Romeo's Cafe I hear Camila gasp.

"How did you get a reservation?" She ask

"I know the owner." I smile.

Chris opens the door for us and I take out my symbol stick.

"Ready Camz?" I ask.


We walk to the cafe and were greeted by Romeo himself.

"Laurenita tesoro hello how is everything? Is this the ragazza you were telling me about?"

"Yes Romeo, isn't she lovely?"

"Si, molto bella."

I nod and take Camila's hand. We settle down at a table and Romeo takes our order.

"Wow. Lauren you really went all out."She tells me.

"This is just the beginning."

"You are truly wonderful." I blush at her statement

"Okay so what do you want to talk about." I start conversation.

"I see your brother is here with us. How many siblings do you have?" She ask me.

"I have two, Chris and Taylor. Chris is 18 and Taylor is 16." I say smiling at the remembrance of my siblings "How about you?" I ask her.

"I have one, Sofi, she's 6 years old."She says sadly.

"Why do you sound sad about that?" I ask.

"Sofi is partially deaf. When she was 2 she had gotten Meningitis and was rushed to the hospital. She had a fever of 105, I-I was j-just 14 years old. I love my sister very much. The doctors said there may not be any hope. My whole family practically lived in the hospital for 3 months, she couldn't hear at all in one ear. When she was 3 she had surgery in that ear and I think she can hear better now. She had problems speaking but now she's fine she still has to wear hearing aids for school but she absolutely hates them. Wow I just spoke for 15 minutes straight." She chuckles and sniffs. I can tell she was crying.

I search for her face and lightly wipe her tears. "It's okay. That was beautiful. I'm sorry that happened to you and your family but I'm glad your sister won the fight against death."

"Thank you. She's my best friend besides Dinah and Ally. She's only 6 but so smart and super sassy. She is my butterfly queen number 1."

I smile lightly and squeeze her hand. "Do you have any questions for me?"

"Yeah, Is it hard to live without five senses. I always worry about Sofi because as she gets older her hearing can give out."

"I mean yeah, it's hard but you overcome it. Sometimes it does suck. Like when I go to a doctor's appointment and they give me false hope again. It's scary to think that I may never see my wife walk down the aisle or see my children when they are born or when they fall and need me." I don't even realize I am crying until I feel Camila's soft, small hands wipe my tears away.

"Lo I'm so sorry. I wish things were different for you. Do you think maybe one day you will get the surgery and it will work?" She  ask

"When I was 4, they had a theory that they can fix my stem cells but I had to wait until I was 18. When I was 18 the theory was still there. I hope one day the theory turns into a reality." I tell her.

"Every conclusion started with a hypothesis." She gives me a kiss on the cheek.

I blush. Before I could say anything Romeo comes.

"Signoré are you guys ready for the bill?"

I nod and feel the bill being place on the table I put my card there.

"Romeo take 50 for the tip." I say.

"Oh no Signorina Lauren it's okay." He says.

"No it's okay." I tell him. I hear his footsteps disappear.

"Lo, that was like $250 we could of split it." She tells me.

"It's okay I asked you on this date." I tell her.

"You just wasted $300 dollars on me."

I laugh. "I would spend a million dollars on you." I say while blushing.

"How did I get so lucky with you."

"Well I met Dinah we should start thanking her." I say with a smirk.

"Yes that is very true." She giggles.

"Okay ready for part 2 of our date?" I ask her.

"There's more?" She asks, sounding surprised.

"Of course."

(Skip to the beach)

We arrive at the beach, Camila and I hand in hand as she chooses a good spot to sit.

"Okay here."

We begin to sit down.
"Next date is on me, okay?" Camila asks me.

"Did you enjoy ours today?" I ask.

"Yes.  it was the best first date ever."

"I'm glad you liked it."

We sit in the beach for a few and then we head out back to the car. Chris drives to Dinah's.

"Well this is me, nice meeting you Chris." Camila says.

"You too, Hope to seeing more of you. Have a nice night. Lo I'll be here if you want to walk your girl out."

I roll my eyes at my brother's dumb comment.

As I walk Camila.

"So um C-can I kiss you now?" I ask.

"Well I had a great time I guess you can get one kiss." Even if I'm blind I know she probably has a smirk on her face.

"Before I do can I like touch your face?" I ask.

"Um sure."

She takes my hand and drags it to her face. I begin to gently pat her face.


"What." she says nervously

"You are beautiful." I tell her.

"Now you better kiss me because I don't think I can hold back anymore."

I grab her face and gently kiss her. The kiss wasn't rough or rushed. It was sweet and innocent. I loved it.

"Goodnight Camz."

"Goodnight Lolo."

A/N Thanks for reading guys. Vote. Follow. all that good stuff

Stay Strong x.

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