Popular Outsiders

By montblanca

11.6K 397 141

Meet Rachel Fletcher. Small but mighty. You could be the most badass football player at Venice High School. T... More

Venice High School Drama
Chemistry Prank #1 & #2
Three Strikes
Angry Cross Country Boys & Revenge Planned
The Truth About Calvin
The Eaton Household
We Have An Accord
The Special Bond Belonging Only To Siblings
Jesse & Long Time Ago
That Was A Lie
Young, Smart & Cute
Prank Gone Wrong
Marines & Make It Up
The Revenge War Is On Baby
William, Calvin, & The Importance of Being Earnest
Panic Mode
I Won't Prank
Too Sudden
Tough Childhood
Popular Outsiders

You're Dead & Deadly Blow

443 15 7
By montblanca

You're Dead


It was the end of the week.

Finally, I thought. My shitty week is coming to an end.

Usually, I tease a few people to a limit just to remind them no one was allowed to boss me around. Then his or her friends went after me. In the end, I would escape. But, the week so far has been pretty...well, off.

Back to chemistry class, it turns out Miss Myacoff was only mad at Will for his stupid comment. She, unlike me, didn't suspect he had anything to do with the prank the day before. The she gave us a giant lecture on safety, and announced we would even be tested on it.

The principal came to our class too. The first thing he did was look pitifully at Calvin and I and asked how we were. Neither Calvin nor I were thrilled about it. However, and I would have never admitted it then, it did feel good to have someone other than my mother ask if I was alright.

I didn't take a nap during chemistry. I stayed on my toes, keeping my eyes glued to Will and Henry. They kept facing forward for the most part, and never got out of their seat. I had a strong suspicion it was partly because of the principle and partly because they were arrogant enough to think they had broken me. From time to time, they would glance back at Calvin or me. They were constantly murmuring to each other, but that was nothing new.

Too bad they didn't know I was going to get them back.


Deadly Blow


The same day those two hoodlums did nothing to me was the same day they had a cross country meet.

That's where I was. At the meet. Ready to yank up on the invisible string. Yeah, it was a childish prank but I planned to build up higher and higher as the war went on. This was only the beginning.

Feet pounded against the dirt ground and arms swung at sides. People watched on the sidelines, mostly parents and siblings cheering the runners on. Henry was in the lead with Will a few paces behind him. Both boys breathed heavily, and I smirked.

I was at the perfect spot. I was quite close to the finish line, but far enough so that when they tripped, they missed it by about seven or eight inches.

Yes, I was that much of a bitch. But, I could be worse when the time called for it.

Henry jogged closer. There was another runner from the other school matching Henry. Then they reached me, and I gave me string a good yank. Henry and the other boy came crashing down. They both scrambled up as Will passed in first place.

Crap! Dammit! Shit! No! I was mentally screaming at myself for having let Will pass - especially in first place! Arg!

I couldn't believe it. I'd gotten Henry and for some reason thought Will would get tripped by the other two who fell in front if him. What stupid me did not realize was the width of the track and how it was long enough for Will to run around Henry and the other kid.

A growl escaped from my mouth as I glared at Will. From the corner of my eye, I saw runners racing past the two fallen athletes. Henry and the other boy staggering past the finish line. Once they were out of the way, they began to brush the dirt and grass off of themselves. Their cross country uniforms provided no protection to their hands and knees, which had small cherries and cuts. Henry looked extremely bummed about the race.

Will and Henry murmured something to one another then looked up. They looked directly at me, and for a long moment our eyes locked. None of us did a single thing. It wasn't like the movies where we would have been glaring or smirking. We just stared blankly at each other.

Then a little girl pointed her finger at me. "You tripped my brother!"

Of course the runner has to be her brother, and of course, she just has to freaking yell it out to the entire world so they can think if me as a total bitch, I thought.

However, that was not what bugged me. Enough people thought of me an utter bitch and total basket case. But, like I cared. The part that bugged me was my failure!

This is ridiculous!

I left the meet immediately. People grumbled about me behind my back while I muttered about not tripping Will.

That's when I spotted the hooded figure with a very lanky built sitting against a tree, drawing with his ear buds in. Freak alert.

"Yo, Callie!" I called and strode up to him. "You having fun drawing your bullies run?"

"I'm not drawing the race...or the runners."

"What? What are you drawing?" I asked, confused. Then I realized I probably sounded interested, like I actually cared. "A girl? You stalking someone?"

"Yes and no," he answered. "I am drawing girl, but I don't stalk her. She just happens to be the one I'm drawing. It's for my art class-but you don't give a crap so it doesn't matter, right?"

"Wow, your grasp of high school ranking is amazing," I replied sarcastically.

"As is your grasp of fulfilling a prank," he retorted calmly, and I nearly punched him right at that second. I wanted to drop kick him into outer space.

"Ha! As if you could do better!" I snapped angrily.

"Maybe," he replied with a shrug. "But I was pranked too, remember? Or am I that invisible? That's pretty low, Rachel"-Calvin looked up from his drawing and stared intently at me-"However, if I helped-you get the credit of course and I get get to know that those douches got what they deserve-then the prank you pulled today would be nothing."

"No," I declined his strange, sudden offer. "I don't trust you, and I always work alone. Good-bye!"

I briskly walked home. About half way home, I was ambushed from behind. Someone hit me on the back of the head and grabbed my hair. I caught hold of the wrist and twisted to see Henry's pissed face in the corner of my eye, his grip on my hair ony growing.

Oh, shit!

With a growl, he yanked me into the alleyway close by. I didn't fight back at first. That was my choice strategy for this fight. I was going to act weak in the beginning.

He threw me to ground and I felt the skin on my hands and knees scrape off. I winced, but forced myself to get over it. I let Henry land a few punches to allow for his ego and overconfidence to swell. Then I tripped him and slammed his back against the alleyway wall swiftly with my arm pressed to his neck.

I opened my mouth to give him a retort when a karate chop landed on my collarbone. It was like when someone pushed down on your shoulder with all your weight. That would, of course, at least force you to buckle your knees. The executed blow of the side of a wrist was hard enough to make my knees buckle as it felt like the hit rippled throw my body.

Then I was tripped by someone other than Henry. Will grabbed my hair and jerked my head back so I stared up into his venomous eyes. He wasn't even the one who I tripped. He won first place!

Will shoved my head towards the alleyway brick wall to bash my head against the wall with a blow that would send me to the hospital severely injured, or kill me. I had no idea where all of this rage was coming from, but it was more than necessary for some silly revenge pranks.

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