To Protect You

By DKKelly

52.8K 1.9K 680

Lucy held the picture in her hands, listening to the deafening roar of her opponent. Juvia and Gray lay on th... More

Chapter One: Dust and Dohickeys
Chapter Two: And then there were three
Chapter Three: Traveling to Sabertooth: Twin Dragon's down?
Chapter Four: Lamia Scale: Forming an alliance?
Chapter Five: Parfume for the wounded
Chapter Six: Black Enigma's attack!
Chapter Seven: I will never turn my back on my comrades!
Chapter Eight: From comrades to enemies.
Chapter Nine: Light and Wind vs Stars and Ice.
Chapter Ten: Whatever happens...
Chapter Eleven: I believe
Chapter Twelve: Anti-Magic
Chapter Fourteen: Wrong decision...
Chapter Fifteen: We will remain strong...for we are one
Chapter Sixteen: World domination?
Chapter Seventeen: The beginning of all
Chapter Eighteen: Friend or Foe?
Chapter Nineteen: Evalyn and Juvia
Chapter 20: Natsu Dragneel, a formidable foe
Chapter Twenty - One: Titania versus the Demon
Chapter Twenty - Two: the dragon and the demon
Epilogue: Irreplaceable friends

Chapter Thirteen: The Sound of Silence

1.8K 73 35
By DKKelly


It's been like seven hundred years since I updated but I am here once again! Summer has been amazing and fun so that's a bonus. I start senior year soon I am so old. I will be turning eighteen soon and then I start college next year O.o



Thanks so much for all of your patience these past months but I'm updating now so yay (: all of your guys support is extremely helpful for me right now. This year is going to be huge for us and for me as well. It already has been huge and...ugh I just love you all so much ❤️

Figured I could start dedicating chapters to people again so this chapter is dedicated to Cryptic_Eyes. I know I already dedicated a chapter to her but she has quickly become an amazing friend and fellow Fairy Tail fangirl. I hope to talk to you again soon, Casee.

The audio above is the song this chapter was based after. I have an obsession with this song even though it came out in the 60's.... Ehehe...

Thank you all and I hope you enjoy this chapter!



"How is she?" Gray asked, walking into the room with a bowl of cool water. Juvia dabs at the bruises lining Lucy's neck with a towel, pressing the cool water against the angry red skin to try and calm the bruises. Juvia looked up at him and sighed softly, pushing her free fingers through her hair.

"Lucy's alright....just sleeping now." She said, pressing the towel back into the water. "Juvia just....she just can't believe it."

"Believe what?" Gray asked, setting the bowl on the table next to the bed Lucy was laying in. The three sat in the infirmary, Gray not wanting to take the blonde any where else to prevent any possible fists from flying towards his face when she woke up. The moon shone through the window and only the lacrima's shining next to Lucy's bed illuminated the room, casting a yellow glow across Juvia's pale face. Gray watched her as she dabbed at Lucy's neck, pressing it down onto her skin and holding it there, hoping the water would do something to heal the bruises on the blondes slim neck.

"That Natsu-san would do this to Lucy." Juvia finally said silently. Gray nodded slowly, sitting down on the opposite side of Juvia. "Natsu-san and Lucy are so close...Juvia is just relieved that we ran in here when we did."

"Yeah," Gray said, looking around and letting out a dramatic sigh. "But this place is trashed. Master is going to be so upset. That pyromaniac sure destroyed this place." He said, causing Juvia to let out a half hearted laugh. The two sat in silence, the only sound being Lucy's light breathing. Outside was dark, a candle flickering on Lucy's bedside table made Juvia's pale skin glow. Gray watched her and signed, reaching over Lucy and placing his hand on hers. Juvia jerked her head up, blue eyes wide as Gray swallowed.

"Are you cold?" Was all he muttered and Juvia gave him a smile.

"Gray-sama..." She murmured as he pulled off his jacket and handed it to her. Juvia held it for a moment, looking down at the white jacket before sliding it onto her shoulders. Hugging her self, she smelt Gray's scent, a mix of mint and sea which sounded weird but mixed together to create an alluring scent. Juvia looked at Gray as he leaned back in his chair, tilting his head back.

"We need to figure out what the hell is going on with everyone." He said, causing Juvia to look at him in curiosity.


"I mean why the hell are they acting like this?" Gray said, raising his head and gesturing at Lucy. "Laxus and Cheria seemed like they were completely possessed but Natsu..." Gray pressed his fingers through his hair, scratching the back of his head and sighing. "Natsu seemed normal. I don't understand...why would he attack Lucy like this? This isn't like him at all."

"Gray-sama." Juvia said and he raised his eyes, looking to her. She swallowed, raising her hand hesitantly and placing it against his own. He was startled by the action, blinking at the way her soft fingers wrapped around his own as he raised his eyes to hers.

"We'll figure something out. Juvia knows that we will be able to save everyone. Gray-sama should worry about getting completely healed so that he can be prepared to help save our friends." She said and Gray smiled softly. "Gray-sama?"

"You're one to talk." He said with a chuckle and her eyes widened. "Thank you, Juvia." Gray turned his eyes towards the bluenette and she smiled widely.

"Of course, Gray-sama."


"Is she dead." Pierre asked, his arms crossed. Saytas was glaring at Akami and Evalyn, the two girls staring at the floor. The dim room was illuminated only by a few candles held in iron candle holders, dripping wax and waving despite there being no wind. Haruka, Young Ra and Rei Si stood against the door, watching in interest as Pierre walked forward.

"Is. She. Dead." He repeated, his voice ice and Akami shook her head. Pierre slammed his hand down on the wooden table between them and the two girls jumped back, Evalyn's shoulder colliding with Saytas' chest. "You're telling me that you sent Salamander to kill her and he couldn't even do that?! You risked all of our reputation when he came running back here like a lost puppy!"

Evalyn raised her eyes to look at Pierre but let out a surprised sound as a hand was pressed against the back of her head and she was slammed into the opposing wall, her skull slamming against the cement. Akami was sent flying the other way, her small figure crashing into the wall opposite of Evalyn.

Haruka snickered, a smile twisting its way onto her features causing Young Ra to flick her in the back of the head.

"I can't even look at you." Pierre scoffed as Evalyn placed her hand against her bleeding nose. Akami stared up at Pierre in shock, tears welling in her eyes. "We attack tomorrow....and we capture Salamander and Gajeel Redfox's loved ones. Maybe then we can continue with our plan if you two, don't mess it up." With the accusation, Pierre glared at the two injured girls before waving a hand of dismissal.

Evalyn walked over to Akami, holding out her hand. The small girl slapped the gesture away, her chin quivering as she ran as fast as she could out of the room. Evalyn sighed, pulling her hand away from her nose to look at the damage.

"Here." A voice said and she turned her head, her eyes widening when she found its owner.

"Saytas-sama..." She murmured, taking the cloth he held out towards her. She bit down on her lip as he placed his hand on the small of her back and led her from the room. "Forgive me." She said, bowing. "I under estimated Gray Fullbuster's strength...I failed you."

"Evie. Raise your head." His smooth voice said and she obliged, raising her eyes to meet his. Saytas' green eyes stared down at her, his shaggy hair falling into them. "You haven't failed me." His hand reached up and cupped her cheek, his thumb brushing against her cheekbone. "I think I have something for you...or at idea for you."

Saytas' voice was caramel and Evalyn shivered, her eyes fluttering shut. His hand was large as he moved it from her cheek to her shoulder. "Consider it as my gift to you, my pet."

"Saytas-sama?" Evalyn asked, opening her eyes and looking at him in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"You'll see tomorrow. Now, let's tend to your nose." He said with a smile as he moved his hand to her own, interlacing their fingers and leading her away.


Gray stood by the window of the infirmary, his arms crossed over his chest. Daylight was breaking over the horizon, the sun casting a yellow hue over the sky.

He hadn't slept at all last night, unable to at the amount of questions running through his head. Juvia had passed out, her blue hair strewn out on the bed and her slim hands tucked beneath her face. Lucy was sleeping peacefully, two hand shaped bruises dark on her skin and Gray grit his jaw, keeping his eyes outside.

The infirmary door opened, causing Gray to look towards it, his arms still crossed. Makarov stood there, his hand against the door handle as he looked at Gray. With a jerk of his head, a gesture to signify that Gray should follow him, he turned and softly closed the door. Gray pushed off the wall and looked to the girls as he walked to the door, wrapping his fingers around the handle and leaving the room quietly.

Once outside, Gray shut the door and looked to Makarov. "You got my message?" Gray asked as Makarov took a seat on the bar, crossing his arms. The master nodded solemnly and let out a tired sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I don't understand. Why would Natsu attack Lucy...he was completely normal before." Makarov said and Gray chewed on his lip.

"Not when we stopped him." Gray said, causing the master to look at him. "He was completely different when he attacked her. He was...he was like a wild animal. It was insane. I've never seen that look in the flame heads eyes before."

"Hmm." Makarov murmured, rubbing his chin. "How is she?" The question came with a curious glance towards the door leading to Lucy and Juvia.

"She's okay. Natsu left some nasty bruises on her but...she'll live." Gray said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Gramps, if I can ask," Gray looked up to the master who was watching him. "What's your plan."

"The alliance." Makarov said simply. "We will continue to search for something, anything with Hibiki's assistance." Gray nodded as he explained you, the ebony haired boy chewing on his lip slightly. "And once we find something, we will come up with a strategic plan then."

"And what of Lucy... Happy's sure to find out sooner or later." Gray said, looking towards the infirmary.

"I will make an announcement. But until Lucy is better, I don't want her doing anything until she's better. I'm worried her relationship with Natsu will jeopardize her safety even more." Makarov said and Gray nodded. "The same with Levy. She and Gajeel are to close. I will personally talk to them."

"And what of the exceeds? Yukino? Mira? Sherry? All of them are close to at least one of the slayers." Gray said and Makarov sighed.

"I don't want anyone leaving Fairy Tail until I give the okay. Rufus has agreed to keep an eye on Sabertooth until Sting returns so no one leaves." Makarov said, looking to the teen in front of him. Gray sighed and nodded. "I hate doing this to you guys but I want you brats to be safe."

"I understand."



"And so," Makarov was talking to the guild, all of the members listening intently. Levy and Juvia were in the infirmary with Lucy, having already been updating and Gray looked around at his guild mates. "I do not want anyone leaving the guild. Anyone. Do you understand?"

The guild yelled out their understandings and Gray moved to walk towards the infirmary. Once inside, he was greeted with a small smile.

"You're awake." He said, walking to Lucy's side.

"Yeah. Thanks to you." She said, touching her throat. Juvia had wrapped a cool towel around her throat and Lucy sighed. "I wasn't out for to long, was I?"

Gray shook his head and sighed. "No. How were you feeling?" He asked and Lucy swallowed.

"Physically? Okay. Mentally..." Lucy sighed softly. "I just miss Natsu." She admits this softly, turning her eyes towards Gray. He nodded and looked out the window.

"Ahno..." Juvia began, causing the other three teens to look at her. "Juvia...Juvia cannot shake the feeling that something else is going to happen."

"What do you mean?" Levy asks, tilting her head.

"Juvia doesn't know." Juvia looks at her friends and swallows. "There's just...that feeling. Juvia can't shake it."

"No. We all just need to regroup and get well. Nothing is going to happen." Gray said, looking at her.


"It'll be ok, Juvia."

Juvia bit down on her lip and looks down at her feet, nodding slightly.

"Juvia hopes so..."

Oh but are so, so wrong.

Find out what happens next in Chapter Fourteen: Wrong decision...


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