Code Lyoko: The Archer Return...

By Destiny_Bound

8.3K 292 17

Dallas Dunbar is back, and with her hidden memories of Franz Hopper still locked up in her mind, XANA is stop... More

Chapter 1: Returned.
Chapter 2: First Day Back.
Chapter 3: Again with the XANA Attacks
Chapter 4: Kidnapped...Again
Chapter 5: Silence is Golden...but not Always
Chapter 6: Strengths and Weaknesses
Chapter 7: Choices
Chapter 8: The Fight Isn't Over Yet
Chapter 9: Anger
Chapter 10: Forgive and Forget
Chapter 11: Lunchtime
Chapter 12: Sector Five
Chapter 13: Saved
Chapter 14: Yet Another XANA Attack
Chapter 15: We Can (Sort of) Relate
Chapter 16: The Trouble with XANA
Chapter 17: The Skidbladnir (Part Two)

Chapter 17: The Skidbladnir (Part One)

307 10 2
By Destiny_Bound

(The author would like to state that some parts of this story will be taken from the show. All credit goes to the creators of Code Lyoko.)

Jeremy and Aelita were busy talking technology, and Odd was throwing a ball at the wall and catching it as it bounced back. Dallas was snickering as she was using her phone to take pictures  of Yumi and Ulrich, who had fallen asleep sitting next to each other.

"So, how's it going with the submarine?" She asked. She got no response, since Aelita and Jeremy were busy talking to each other about said submarine. She walked over to Odd and whispered in his ear. "Nerds." 

Odd snorted and laughed, which obtained a look from the working pair. 

"Ok, time to launch the construction phase." Aelita said. Dallas stood behind Jeremy, watching what he was doing. He pressed a bunch of buttons on the keyboard and a 3D image popped up.

"Ooh, what's that? Never seen that room before." Dallas said.

"No one has, it's new." Jeremy replied. "Aelita just programmed it into the core zone. It'll be a sort of hangar for the sub."

"We've gotta christen it, give it a name." Odd said. Jeremy sighed

"Odd, you don't christen a ship until the building is over, that's when it gets its real name. But it's not like we can't give it a code name." he said. Dallas nodded once in agreement. 

"Great idea! Let's call her...Melanie!"

"Melanie? You mean that redhead girl you're so crazy about?" Aelita said.

"Odd, you've got a crush on a girl that reminds you of a submarine?" Ulrich asked, making Dallas laugh this time.

"I think that girl's to put it...narcissistic." Dallas said. 

"What? No she's not! She's pretty, and smart, and-" Odd started to say.

"And she brags about that all the time. Have you met her?" Dallas cut him off. No reply. "Didn't think so."


"You two have detention?! For the whole day?" Dallas nearly yelled outside the lunchroom

"Yeah, if we aren't at the factory by four P.M. sharp, it's goodbye Melanie! It'll take months before we can reprogram it!" Jeremy replied.

"Maybe we could sneak out during lu-" Aeltia started to say. The person who cut her off? Jim.

"Ah, Belpois, Stones, you're going to be having lunch with me this afternoon. That way I make sure you get to the library on time."

"Great. Just great. See you guys later." Jeremy said as he and Aelita walked off with Jim.

Dallas looked at each of the three people left sitting on the bench.

"Anyone else good with computers?" She asked. Yumi frowned and shook her head. Odd shrugged. Ulrich responded with a "nuh-uh."

-Even later-

"We've got to get them out of there. Odd's mechanical mouse didn't work, and using the door again is out of the question." Dallas said.

"Who said we couldn't use the window?" Ulrich asked.

They went outside to the library window and Odd helped Ulrich onto his shoulders. Dallas stood right behind them and watched.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Jeremy's trying to communicate...ah!" Ulrich fell on top of Dallas, since Jeremy had blinded him with his watch.

"Get off of me, Ulrich!"

"Sorry." Ulrich got up and rubbed his eye.

"Any of your bright ideas working?" Yumi said as she walked up.

"No, but speaking of bright ideas, Jeremy just blinded me with one of his!" Ulrich said.

"Let me have a look." Yumi looked into the window, and after a while, she spoke again. "Its Morse code, turkeys."

"Morse code turkey? Sounds delicious." Odd said. Dallas just sighed and shook her head.

"No, Odd, Jeremy's trying to give us a message! Three short, three long, three short...S.O.S.!" Yumi said.

"Where did you learn Morse code?" Ulrich asked.

"Hiroki and I use it to keep secrets from our parents...fac...tor...y. Factory!"

"S.O.S. factory? Nothing about Melanie?" Dallas asked.

"No time to lose, the message ended with the word 'William!'" Yumi replied.

To be continued...

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