Meant To Be?

By Sophia893

94K 1.5K 175

Having been missing for almost a decade, Lilianna Fray doesn't realise her significance to the shadow world... More

One Door Closes...
...Another Door Opens!
We're Off To Find The Warlock...
Who Am I?
Conflict Between Past & Present
Simon Saved
Back In Action
This Is Who I Am...
Return Of Thou Memories?
The Fiery Short-ish Lady That Scares Everyone!
I Can't Believe You Lied To Me!
Facing The Dragon
The Beginning Of The Split
Familial Relations Just Got Clearer
Escape From The Life I Thought Was Mine
Intruders Always Bring Bad News
My Princess Dreams Came True!
Sisters No More!
The Arrest of Isabelle Lightwood
The Switch In Perspective
The Best Take Downs Ever...
I Can't Believe We're Looking For Another Warlock!
Marital Surprises
Our Horrifying Ending...

Make It Be(lie)vable...

2.8K 57 5
By Sophia893

I woke up beside my uncle in Magnus' apartment. I must have fallen asleep whilst we were talking yesterday. My uncle was sat up looking at nothing in particular and stroking my hair. He was treating me like my mother did when I was a baby. I swear Luke acted more like my mother than his own brother...

He instantly knew that I was awake, probably because of my change in heartbeat so he got up and told me to get changed as he briefly exited the room. I told him about my bag turned bracelet yesterday so if you're wondering if he's a mind reader - no he isn't...

I rubbed the stones on the bracelet. Rub middle-right stone. Trace infinity sign. Rub middle-left stone. It was a lot more complicated than my ring but it was more secure. My bracelet formed and I instantly stuck my hand in it, grabbing out a fresh set of shadow hunting gear. I took a quick shower before changing into my clothes and as I was putting my jewellery on Luke came in.

"Sit down on the bed Luke, I'll change your bandages." He did as I said and instantly removed the soaked-in-blood bandages and started replacing them with new ones after I had used the alcohol to clean his wounds.

Once that was done, he put on a shirt that Magnus gave him and we met the others at left for the police station.

Clary was walking side by side with Luke, leaving me to walk with Jace.

"What did he mean by niece?" Jace suddenly said. "Exactly what it he means, Luke was Lucian Graymark before he was Luke Garroway. He was my dad's younger brother."

"Wow. After all these years, I never knew you had an uncle."

I laughed as he grasped my hand, "To be honest, I didn't know I had one either."

With the ice broken, we carried on talking lightly over small topics, ignoring the topic of him and Alec completely and we acted like the children we used to be.


When we got to the police station, we congregated at the front of the station. "All right, cards are on my desk. It shouldn't take long." Jace went to stride forward and said, "All right."

Luke halted him, saying "Whoa, whoa, whoa. It'll be easier to avoid unnecessary attention if I do this alone." He started to walk away but then he turned around and said, "Actually, I need to bring my niece with me. I can't trust either of you with her."

That made our other two companions angry, "What? I'm her parabatai?" "I've known her my whole life. She's my sister" they argued in unison. I just laughed and walked forward.

"He doesn't mean anything by it" I said over my shoulder as I walked with Luke inside the station.


"Okay. Here we are..." Luke said as walked into the room where his cubicle was. Luke greeted people as we walked pass and I waved at them in greeting.

I stood by his desk as he searched his draws for the cards. He just revealed them to me when I voice stopped us, "Stop right where you are. Don't touch anything. Detective Garroway, I need your badge and your gun."

I waved at Captain Vargas as Luke asked, "Who's this?"

The captain wouldn't give an answer until Luke finally gave over his gun, "His name is Fisk. Internal affairs. My hands are tied. You're gonna have to cooperate."

The man came back over and said to Luke, "You're coming with me. Let's go."

One of his workmates said, "What about the girl?"

The man, Fisk seemed to only have noticed me now and turned to the captain, "Who is she?"

I answered for her, "I'm his niece." He looked doubtful. I hate racist people. I explained, "My mother was white and my father, his brother" I said nodding in Luke's direction, "parents were white and black so it was a equal chance. I am his niece." Fisk looked at Vargas who was looking pretty confused at the revelation so I spoke before she could, "Turns out Luke's my uncle and I'm adopted!" That made the captain believe my words and she nodded her head at Fisk, showing she trusted me.

He turned to me saying, "You aren't the one being investigated but you are with him so you are gonna have to stay here."

"In a holding cell?" I questioned lightly, making Vargas snap, "No. She can stay here. The girl's done nothing wrong so she stays here and one of your men can watch her..."

Fisk nodded, not wanting to anger the mad woman before taking Luke away.

"Thank you." I said to Vargas and she nodded with a smile and walked after Fisk and Luke. The whole entourage left except for a woman who obviously didn't want to talk to me since she was keeping her distance.

I sat down in Luke's now vacated chair and leaned down and opened Luke's desk again. I pulled out the tarot cards and shuffled through them to find the Ace of Cups.

Lovers. Nope. High Priestess. Nope. Death. Nope. Ace of Cups. Cha-ching!

I grabbed the card from the deck and sat up straight. The woman who was supposed to be watching me was flirting with one of the officers in the room. I looked around to see if anyone was watching me. Nope. Security cameras. Nope. Great. I took my stele out and drew the invisibility rune that I taught Max yesterday.

The positive side to this was that anything that I wanted to turn invisible whilst I was, would disappear to so I willed for the card to disappear. I waved it around and no one noticed it so it must be invisible as well.

I thought about the familiar feeling of taking out an object from a picture and pulled the decoy cup from the card. It looked exactly like the real Mortal Cup but I knew that that was it... Just that minute, I got pulled into a vision.


Where am I? I thought to myself.

I was in a meadow filled with flowers by myself. It was beautiful and calming. The sun was out and the grass was lush. I danced around and twirled around the meadow in happiness.

I was broken out of my joy by a familiar voice.

"You always were a good dancer." Jocelyn.

"Mom?" I asked, "Is this real?"

"In a way, sweetheart... It's real but not reality..."

That confused me but I continued, "Why are you here?"

"I needed to contact you sweetie. You need to know what to do with the decoy cup..." she paused to see if I was paying attention before continuing, "I want you to rune it. Use the shapeshifting rune that your mother created. It lasts 24 hours. Use it on the cup. I had that cup made when I stole the real one. It is an exact replica of the real one, just without it's powers. Luke's told you about your link to the cup?"

"Yeah, he has..."

"Good. Only the guardian can alter and use the cup to its full extent so only you can rune it. The rune will allow the cup to look and act like the real thing for twenty-four hours. They're coming for you so you need to do this soon. Good luck Lily. Your mother would be so proud of you."

She gave me one last kiss on my forehead before she disappeared and so did the world around me.


I woke up from the vision to see that no time had passed. I grabbed my stele and drew the shapeshifting rune at the base of the cup. It glowed a bright blue before slowly fading. I yanked the draw containing the other cards open and placing the card randomly in the pile.

Just as I did that, the woman who was supposed to be watching me came over. The invisibility rune must have lost its power after that vision and runing the cup. I grabbed a box of chocolate in the draw so I could have a scapegoat for why I was shifting through his drawer.

I opened the lid and grabbed a piece and bit into it softly. Hmmmmm... I love Lindt Chocolate.

"Move it sweetheart..." the woman said. I immediately did as she said and moved away, taking the chocolate with me. She and several other officers cleared cleared Luke's stuff out, including the cards before she turned to me, "Don't move. I'll be right back!"

One of the officers went to take my chocolate but I snatched it away and growled out a "Mine!" making him walk away scared.

My watcher left with the other officers so I just sat on Luke's chair, spinning around on the rotating chair. The woman did eventually come back but she stayed some way away from me whilst I minded my own business.

I was bored and taking tiny, minuscule bites of chocolate when something interesting finally happened.

My sister and and Jace arrived at the doorway, catching all of our attention. They both saw me and I waved at them before taking another bite of chocolate.

"You son of a bitch!" Clary screamed as she slapped Jace, causing me to laugh and jump out of my chair. I walked toward the commotion and brought box of chocolates with me. "Stop following me! Hmm? Wait, what did you say? You cheated on me?" she screamed. My sister hugged me as I walked pass her, "Nice to see you weren't arrested little sister..." I smirked at her and walked towards my parabatai.

"I... Huh? I did not. Whoa." He said as the officers restrained him from walking forwards.

"You will never see me at your crappy apartment again." my sister continued to scream. I had reached Jace and the offices by now. "You can let him go officers, he's a friend." The two officers let him go and walked away as I offered him a chocolate. I whispered to him, "It's not poisoned I promise. It tastes amazing..."

He took a chocolate before saying to Clary, "That girl means nothing to me. Nothing." Clary sighed before catching sight of me standing beside Jace. She smirked before shouting, "You mean my sister means nothing to you? Was she a one night stand?"

"WHAT?!?" Jace and I stepped away from each other but since we were standing very close to each other, when I stepped away, his foot got tangled in mine causing me to head towards the ground. Before I could hit the ground, he caught my waist and pulled me up, holding me to his side. I blushed and went to step away but he kept me at his side. Jace looked up to see Clary and Vargas staring at him and he waved and Clary said, "Hi. I'm dumping him."

With that, they turned away from us so I wiggled myself free from Jace's grip. I knelt towards the ground and started picking up the chocolates. I whacked Jace's leg, telling him to help me. As he helped me, I whispered to him, "IA took Luke's stuff. I'm stuck here until he's released. It's all in the evidence vault upstairs. Don't worry about me. Go. And stop being stubborn. Call Alec and Izzy if you need help!" I said before getting up.

Jace got up and said to Clary, "Clary, I'm sorry. I apologize. I just want you to know it only happened, like... two or... It just happened a couple of times and I am totally..." Help the angel, this man is insane.

"Shut up." Vargas, Clary and I said to Jace but he didn't stop talking... "Babe, come on."

"Listen, you don't get to call her 'babe, okay? In fact, you don't get to call her at all. Clary's done with you. And don't step any closer to Lily. You got it? Take him out."

As he walked out, Jace said, "I have rights." Vargas turned to me and said in a frosty voice, "You slept with your sister's boyfriend?"

I just replied with the truth, "Virgin and no." I said before she could say anything else, "Before you ask, I was not the girl he cheated on Clary with..."

I sat back down on Luke's chair and watched as Clary had an awkward talk with the Captain.

"...Oh, my God! You're totally right. Thank you so much." she said walking off but turned to me, "You coming little sister?" Vargas answered for me, "She can't leave until Luke's been cleared... you'll see her later!"

Clary left, leaving me with Vargas. When I turned to look at her, she had her eyebrow raised, "Virgin?"I shrugged my shoulders, "I've never had a boyfriend because Luke's prevented anyone that tried, from getting within a two feet radius of me... Plus mom was all about no sex before marriage so... you know..." I finished off with a blush as the captain walked away.

I was once again bored when I realised that I had my phone on me. I phoned the first person I could think of. Alec.


This Is Alec This Is Lily This is Jace This is Izzy

Hello? Lils is that you?

Hey Alec!

Is that Lily?

Where are you?

I'm in the precinct being watched by a dozen or so police officers.

You gonna be okay?

Not really. The Captain was perfectly chill with me earlier but she's completely different. I think it's a shapeshifter. Plus. I'm bored...

I can't really do anything about the second thing but we'll try and help you with the first.

Please hurry up. I'm getting so bored. What are guys going?

What are we doing? We're - Izzy and I are with Jace and Clary are at the front of the precinct trying to make a plan to get you out.

We're not doing very well...

It's fine. Find the cup first. I'll be let out soon - hopefully. Be careful.

We will.

Good! Love you!

Love you too Lils!

'What?!?' was the last thing I heard before he hung up the phone.


I woke up to find myself in Simon's room as he called someone on the phone. "...Clary? I need you..." He left a voice mail behind...

"Simon?" He jerked up to look at me. "Lily how did you get in here. Oh my god! You're transparent... Are you dead?"

"First of all: I don't know how I got here and second of all: I sure hope that I'm not dead. That would be quite a sad story. Dying in Luke's chair at the police station..."

"Wait what?"

"Never mind that! Simon what's going on? I'll help you..."

He interrupted me and stuttered out, "I think I'm becoming a vampire."

"Oh angel... I'll help you as much as I can Simon..."

"Darling, you don't know the half of it. Blood is stronger than will." said a voice from the bed. We both spun around to see Camille laying down on Simon's bed.

"...Stronger than desire. Even stronger than love."

Camille's image kept flickering in and out of existence. But I could see her...

"Come to me. What you really want is..." And then he smashed the mirror into several hundred pieces. Simon immediately broke down, crying his eyes out in denial over what was happening to him.

I stepped forward and went to touch is shoulder. Surprisingly I could touch him, which proved the fact I wasn't a ghost. When I found that out, I immediately hugged him towards me, cooing in his ear about how it was gonna be alright.

It took a while for him to calm down but he eventually did. Just as he was about to talk, I felt a tug in my midsection. I knew I was leaving.

"Simon. Simon hey. Simon look at me!" He eventually did and my focus started leaving, making him blurry.

"Something is pulling me back to my body. I gotta leave for now..."

"What? NO. You can't leave me! You're the only one I have right now... I'm turning into a vampire... Help me please!"

"I am. I will. As soon as I get out of prison, I'm calling Magnus and then going to find you. Okay?"

"What should I do whilst I wait?"

"Nothing. Do absolutely nothing. Stay calm and breathe. Okay?"

"Okay" he nodded as I faded out of existence.


"You're free to go!" I heard my guard say.

"YAY!" I cheered before grabbing my stuff and leaving.

I quickly left the building but ran into someone when doing so. "Luke!" I said as I hugged him before we left to look for my fellow shadowhunters. We ran into Alec not long after that...

"They went that way..." Alec said as he led us down some tunnels.

I saw Clary and shouted, "Clary!" but she shrieked in a terrified tone, "Get back! How do I know you're Lily?"

"Um Luke got you spray paint on your birthday and mom gave the two of us steles. What happened?" I asked as the three of us stepped towards her. Alec still had his bow up, ready for any monster that showed up.

"Uh, demons. Long story. Um... Where'd you come from?" she asked after sighing deeply.

"My mom who came from Idris" I joked as Luke said seriously, "Jail." He shook his head at me whilst Alec appreciated my humour and smiled at me. "I ran into Alec. Said you might be down here. Thought you might need some help."

We all looked down at the sizzling monster on the floor and Alec said, "Apparently not. Looks like she took care of it."

Clary wanted to get away it seems so she hurriedly says, "Shouldn't we get going or something? More demons could be coming, right?" Luke quickly reassured her that she was safe as we left for the institute.


I'd love to hear your opinions on the plot changes I've made and my new character, Alicia.

​​​​​​​I love hearing your opinions.

Comment/review/heart/favourite this story if you wanna keep updated or want to talk to me.

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