Married To A Jerk [JUNGKOOK B...

By -Damned-

330K 6.9K 3.6K

"Once a force marriage,is always a force marriage." Well that's what she said. More

Our First Kiss
Our New House
Back to Normal
My Mind
Next Week
The wedding
New friends
Japan Hoes
Japan Hoes pt.2
Same Feelings
Happy Birthday
The Feeling
so uhm..

Sleep Over

11.7K 311 112
By -Damned-

"So,shinhee,why don't you stay for the night?" Halla suggeted as she winked at me and jaemin smirking at me.

This ain't good.

"Yeah,since it's late and all.." jaemin continued.

"Yes,'s pretty late,and i'm tired." Jungkook agreed too.

"...." a silent from me.

"These three pretty girls is a very good friend of mine. As far as i know,you will have fun with these girls." Jungkook smiled.

"Wait,did you just put jion's name as a 'friend' ?" Halla teased.

"Stop it,halla. So,what's gonna be your answer,shinhee?" I smiled at her,warmly. She just stares at me,with an almost wide opened mouth. Right,i guess i never smiled to her like this.

"..sure.." she hesitatly said.

"Don't force yourself,okay?" I said.

"Yeah.." she said.

We got to our rooms and i already gave them my pajamas as they fit to my clothes. Those three girls are in the guest bedroom,where there are 4 beds,a sofa,tv,bathroom,bunch of video games,a laptop and probably many foods since i saw halla and the girls brings food to the room.

Me and jungkook,of course had to share the room and bed while separated by a bolster.

"Why must we be separated by this thing?" He asked while getting the bolster out of the way.

"Hey,put it back." I said.

"No." He replied.

"Jungkook..." i pleaded.

"No means no.." he said.

Then after a while of staring at each other,he starts to put his arms around me and wrap his legs to mine. We are so close together,and the fact that he was hugging me,makes me hard to breathe.

"Get off me." As i stuggle to get off him,but his arms are too strong and i gave up,letting him do this until he gets tired.

"Just..let me do this for a while.." he whipered as i can feel his warm breath in my neck.

"Why would you want to do it to me instead of shinhee? I mean she is here now.." i said as he stares at me and to my lips and back again to my eyes.

"I said don't bring her name to our conversation or i'll kiss you." He said as he peck my lips.

"Kinda forget about that..sorry." i apologized,he kept on staring at me.

Then not long later,he finally lets go of me and back facing me. Rude..but he can do what he wants.

I also back facing him..trying to sleep and i successfully did


I woke up,feeling something wrapping around me. And i knew that it was jungkook.

"I love you.." As he still asleep,what a dream he it about shinhee? Wow my heart breaks..

"Jungkook ah..let go." I said.

"5 more minutes!" He groaned.

"But i need to serve the kids." I said.

"Kiss me." He said. "Kiss me and i'll let go."he said. I chuckled

"Haha,no. Buttttt, I promised you that i'll kiss you after i brushed my teeth." I made a deal.

"Okay." As he let go of me..he trusted me..i smiled.

After i am done with my morning ritual and since this is saturday..i got nothing to i go down and as i expected, i see noone..i got back up and see that they are still sleeping. I literally just imagine them as my kids and i'm the mom..maybe they had a thrill last night. i giggled

I got back to my room and saw jungkook half naked,only a towel is the only protection. I blushed and looked back.

"Maybe,it's a bad timing,i'll come back later." As i walked to the door but suddenly he grabs my wrist and pinned me to the wall.

"Stay,and do as you promised." He said,as his deep voice goes to my ears.

"Uhm.." i hesitately said because i'm nervous.

Then suddenly he kissed me roughly,he is so impatient..but wasn't it me who have to kiss him instead of him?? I didn't kiss back but suddenly the kiss goes from rough to passionate and that's when all of my body starts to move naturally by itself and i wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist,kissing deeply. (This is merry's part)

I broke the kiss and we both breathe heavily.(okay back to mine)

"Why did you broke the kiss?" He said with his short breathing.

"It's actually me who is supposed to kiss you,not you." I said.

"You're taking too long,leaving me waiting unpatiently. You shouldn't do that anymore,okay?" He said and i just nodded.

"I am gonna cook breakfast.." i said as i got out of the room.

I got back and said,"And put some clothes on,dummy." As i stick my tongue out and close the door.

I cook bacon and eggs,the classic breakfast and called them out for breakfast.

"BREAKFAST IS READY!" I shouted and heard them running down,almost like a stampede of hungry humans.

I can only chuckle and smile.

"Woah! Bacon!! Taehyung's favourite food!" Jungkook said.

"Why taehyung,suddenly?" I asked. Crossing my hands and raised an eyebrow.

"Because it reminds me of when we always eat bacon when we need some accompanies." He smiled. Sometimes jungkook can really go from mature to childish. I it.

"Ahem! Can't we eat peacefully,mom and dad?" Jaemin teased. I blushed and he chuckled.

"Sure,son." As he smiled.

"Hey! I'm a girl!!" Jaemin shouted and we all laughed.

We ate our breakfast and sat in the sofa.

"Hey,this is boring.." Halla blurted out.

"Hm,how about we go somewhere. Think of where we are gonna go and we'll vote. The most votes wins." Jungkook suggested. Everyone seems up to it,including shinhee,she looks pretty innocent and baby-ish today,what's up with that? It makes me have goosebumps.

"Beach!" Jaemin said and everyone seems not up to its cold and near christmas.

"The mall!" Halla suggested and no one wants to go either.

"Jeju!" Jungkook suggested and halla raised her hands.

"Sight-seeing?" Shinhee suggested but no one raised.

"Thats boring." Halla said.

"Your turn,jion!" Jaemin said.

"How about the theme park?" I said.

"That would be interesting." Jaemin said.

"Yay rollercoasters!" Halla shouted.

"Yay cotton candy!" Shinhee said. Seriously,what's up with her?

"I would go for that." Jungkook said and everyone agreed.

So we pack our stuff that is needed to go to the theme park. I'm actually the kind of person who would seek for adventures. I love adventuring since my dad always brought me to forest,camping and hiking when i was young. He ever said 'life is like an adventure. If you wanna be a great adventurer,then you need a great partner. Find a great partner and your life will be a great adventure.' Thats what he said,but i never get it,i always think of what he says but i will never understand it. I know it's simple but i am seeking behind those words. The inner part of it. So i changed my outfit to this :

After 5 minutes,halla seemed impatient.

"Are you guys done yet!?" Halla said as she shouted from downstairs.

"Yeah 5 more minutes!!" I replied.

"What are you packing?" Jungkook said as he wrap his hands to my waist and those deep voice to my ears.

"Hm?" I looked to his face and we are only inches apart. "Oh,i am packing stuff for the picnic,a sunblock,and extra clothes if we are playing wet games." I said.

"Then it shouldn't be so long to take." He said.

"I'm still finding my swimsuit for the kids too." I said.

"How about mine?" He said as he kiss my neck gently.

"I don't know. Prepare it yourself." I said.

"Why?" He whined.

"Hey,mom and dad,stop making love and please hurry! It's already 8 and it opens at 9,many people will come and the lines will be long since it's saturday!" Halla whined and jaemin nodded,followed by shinhee.

"Oh,okay. Sorry,kids." Jungkook said as he unwrap me and goes out.

"Hey,we're not your kids!" Jaemin said.

"And i am not your dad,so it's fair if i call you kids and you call me dad." Jungkook said. Oh! Jaemin just got buuurn!

"Hey,dont fight. Jungkook,just start the engine,and everyone follow jungkook,okay? I'll be out in a minute." I commanded and they nodded and left.

I sighed and pack my stuff real quick.

"Did you bring sunblock?" Shinhee said as she tug my shirt. "I don't have any sunblock on me.." she said,shyly.

"Sure,i did bring it. We'll wear it when we get there,i already packed it,so it's hard to get it out now." I said,smiling softly to her as she looks away and leave.

"What's up with her..i thought she was gonna threaten me or something." I said in relief.

I packed all the stuff and got down and lock the doors. Everyone was waiting in the car,so i open the trunk and jungkook helps me to carry the bag and we left to the theme park.

At the theme park,we were 10 minutes early,so we have to wait 10 minutes for the theme park to open. Luckily,near the theme park,there is this big store that sells food,candies and more.

So i suggested them to go there for a while because i didn't bring food except bread and jams(that should be given to jimin.). So we got to the store and everyone separated,i bet the kids went to either junk food section or the toys section. I know them too well especially jaemin and halla.

So i pushed the trolley and i saw mineral water,since i didn't bring any and the kids would be thirsty after playing so much later. So i went to get it but it's too high but no one is here to help,so i tried harder.

"Just...a little bit moreee." I said while reaching the bottom of the bottle.

"Stupid,you should've called me for help." A man said,reaching the bottle easily behind me so i was trapped by him. "How many you want?" He said as i look up to him to see jungkook.

"5."i said

"There you go." He said while putting it to the trolley.

"Thank you,sir." I teased.

"Sir? Can't you see it's me?" He said,pointing to himself.

"Uh,pardon? Who are you?" I teased.

"I'm jungkook.Jeon jungkook!" He said worryingly.

"Haha,calm down,i was kidding." I laughed.

"Geez,don't scare me like that. I thought you have amnesia for a second there." He said as he kissed my forehead.

"Mom,dad! Look we brought many food!!" Jaemin shouted.

As we look to her,our eyes widened to see a girl holds tons of food in her hands.

Jaemin,followed by shinhee and halla,puts the food to the trolley,making the small trolley full of different food.

"Isn't it too much,girls?" I said.

"No." They said.

"Uhm,we better go before these crazy maniacs buy more food." He said.

The girls pouted and i chuckled.

"Okay,lets go. I think the theme park is opened now." As i look at my watch.

As we pay for the food and left for the theme park,the girls look so excited and i don't wana ruin their fun. We bought the tickets and go in the theme park. We saw lots of rollercoasters,and fun games. We don't need stupid maps,it's fun to get lost in the theme park.

"Lets go to the haunted houseeeee!" Halla shouted.

"Okay!" I said excitedly because i always love horror.

We got to the haunted and the security checked our id's to let us in. We got in and not even 5 seconds,jaemin already screamed and that made me flinch and i noticed that i was holding onto someone's shirt. It was jungkook,he smirked at me and holds my hand. He drags me somewhere dark and separated from the kids,they didn't notice because it's dark and i can still hear jaemins' screams.

"Where are you taking me,jungkook?" I said.

"Somewhere far away from those kids." He said as we kept on walking faster,the haunted house was big as a castle and it was so dark.

Jungkook suddenly stops and pinned me to a wall.

"Now we are together." He said,deeply and i can feel his warm breath in my face. This is creepy af.

"Don't do anything stupid!" I said,trembelling. He noticed that i was shaking,so he held my waist to support me.

Not long after that,i saw his eyes went super black,he leaned to me and kiss me passionately,why the sudden touchy mood he is in today? I kissed him back and holding to his chest. I pushed away since i heard the girls scream closer and closer.

I ran to them and saw them,terrified..haha cute. Then jaemin ran to me and hugged me and we all went to the end of the haunted house. We got out and see the pictures taken. I laughed seeing jaemins face in the picture,she looked like crying. And i felt relieved that there is no camera when we are kissing.

See the stupid thing he do to get me in trouble? Ugh,i hate him.but i like troubles.

"Hey,lets go to the rollecoaster section now." Jungkook said as he hold my hand and drag me,i got no choice but to follow and the kids are leading infront.

"Jungkook ah..don't walk so fast,i'm carrying the trolley." I said.

"Oh,sorry." He said as he walk beside me.

"Why are you so tou--" i was cutted by halla.

"Faster!! The line is getting longer!" We walk faster and we got in the coaster,the girls and me are having fun. I guess i have to ask him later at home..

We got out of the rollercoaster,we bought the cotton candy that shinhee had been waiting for. We go to a place to sit and have our picnic there. And we eat and share our stories then we got home at 7.

"I guess we're leaving here." Shinhee and the 2 girls said,waving to us.

"Byee!! Get home safe!!" I said,waving back.

"Bye!" Jungkook waved at them. Then he closed the door.

He flopped to the couch,not even wanting to change his clothes,while me on the other side,going to the bedroom and change my clothes to a more comfortable one. Like this :

(Don't mind the bruno mars album.)

I got down and saw jungkook staring at me.

"What?" I said.

"No..i just..never see you wearing comfortable clothes before." He looks back to the tv.

"Oh.."i said.

"Aren't you gonna sit?" He said,patting the empty spot beside him. I sat beside him and he wrap his hands around me.

"Why are you so touchy today??" I asked.

"What? No i'm not." He said,looking at me.

"Yes,you are." I said.

"I like your socks." He changed the topic.

"Don't change the topic." I said.

"I...don't know.." he said,avoiding eye contacts with me. I sighed

"I'm gonna make coffee." As i pushed his hands away,carefully.

"Make one for me too!" He said. I nodded.

I got to the kitchen and make some coffee. I got back to the living room to see a confused jungkook.

"Why am i so touchy today?" He whispered to himself. Is he asking himself? How cute.

"Hey." I tapped his shoulder,he flinched. Cuuute.

I put the coffee on the table and sip mine.

"I wonder why my mom hasn't texted me yet." I said.

"Maybe she is shocked because of the incident at monday." He said,sipping his coffee.

"Yeah.." then you heard the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." I said as i ran towards the door. Feeling a mixed up feelings.



Lots of love,


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