It's A Small World

By EffervescentReader

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Amber is a normal 17 year old girl, or at least she thinks she is. What will she do when she finds a way out... More

Chapter 1//Family and Friends
Chapter 2// A Way Out
Chapter 3// She Wasn't Joking?
Chapter 4// Planning
Chapter 5//The Escape
Chapter 6//Weird Encounters
Chapter 7// Take A Hint
Chapter 8// Some More Weird Encounters
Chapter 10//Well...
Chapter 11//Sudden Realisations
Chapter 12// Getting Out
Chapter 13// Petting Session

Chapter 9//Confession Session

42 3 0
By EffervescentReader

Amber's p.o.v.

All we do is eat, sleep, walk, repeat. Please notice how there is no talking. It's getting so boring. Jay just doesn't talk. I blame him but then I don't blame him at the same time. We are both cranky due to lack of sleep. If we open our mouths we will most probably say something we regret. I risk a side glance at Jay. There is a small frown on his face. A second later, it's gone and then it's back again. It looks like he is having a conversation with himself. It would be really nice if he spoke out loud.

I sigh and look forward again. I don't like silence. It gives me more time to think and that's something that I really don't want to do right now. Reminiscing won't get me anywhere at this point of time. I miss Gerald and mom and dad but surprisingly I don't miss Small Town. I feel homesick not because I miss the familiarity of Small Town but because I miss the people that made up my definition of home.

Last night I thought I heard Gerald. I can positively say that I am losing my mind. I'm suddenly pushed aside. I yelp in surprise and look towards Jay. Turns out that he was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't notice I was right next to him.

Now that I've been snapped out of my thoughts I'm suddenly aware of how bad I smell.

"Can we stop for 2 minutes?" I ask Jay.

"Sure." Jay says as he drops his bag and sits down on the floor. I don't know how to tell him that I want to change my clothes so I stand on the other side of the hallway trying to figure out what to say.

"Um... Jay?" I say nervously. His head snaps up and he looks at me and waits for me to continue.

"Could you... Can you..." I don't know what to say. I can feel my cheeks heat up and I'm sure that I look like a tomato right now. "I um... Need to..."

Jay is looking at me like I'm retarded. "Can you turn around, please?" I finally say.

"So you can kill me? No way. I didn't walk this far for you to kill me." He says jokingly. DOES HE NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M TRYING TO HINT?

" I need something." I say and then bite on my lip.

"I don't think peeing here is a good thing to do. I might have a bottle here somewhere." He starts rummaging through his bag. This is so embarrassing!

"I don't need to pee, idiot. I want to change my clothes." I say. His lips form an o and he starts blushing furiously. Well, he should be embarrassed. He scratches the back of his neck. "Sure. You could've just told me before." He murmurs, still embarrassed.

He turns around and I change as fast as I can. I'm done in less than a minute.

"I'm done." I say quietly. He turns around.

"I'll change too. I think I've forgotten what it's like to have a bath." He says. I turn around quietly and wait for him to finish changing. When he says that he is done I turn around. As soon as I do I feel something warm on my lips. It's seconds later that I am able to process what is happening. That warm thing on my lips are Jay's lips. Jay is kissing me. Wait. What? JAY IS KISSING ME! I push him away. He staggers back. When I see his heartbroken face, my world collapses because I know that things between us will never be the same.


Jay's p.o.v.

I'm so confused. I want to tell Amber that I like her but I can't. I can but I don't have it in me to tell her. I've liked her for 4 years and me telling her that I like her can really mess things up. That is something that I don't want. I don't want to lose the friendship that we have developed over the years. She is my best friend. I do have other friends back in Small town but she is the only one I like. As a crush and as a friend. I'm so lost.

We could've died because of that creature. The thought of losing Amber sends chills to my bones. I cannot bear to lose her. Since that incident with the creature I've been thinking. We can die anytime now. We aren't in Small Town anymore. We're not safe anymore.

If you both are about to die then, tell her.

If you don't die and you tell her how you feel and then she rejects you. Things will never be the same between you two.

They won't be the same if you two start dating.

Did you know that people can die because of heartbreak.

You will have to tell her later anyway. You've liked her for 4 years and that's a lot. There were other girls in Small Town who you knew liked you but you always had your eyes set on her. I don't think that is going to change now and also take the fact that she is the only girl around now in consideration.

She has never showed any signs of liking you. It's always been mixed signals.

Do you want to die without telling her you like her. What if she does like you and you get to know that when you're in heaven or wherever you will go after you die. If you don't die then you will look back at this day and remember how you lost a great opportunity to tell the love of you life you love her just because you were too scared.

It's better to be safe than sorry.

What can you possibly lose by telling her you like her and what do you need to be safe from?

You can lose her friendship, the friendship that you value so much. You need to be safe from heartbreak.

Heartbreak is a part of growing up.

Why do you want to take a risk. Tell her is a more creative and romantic way when you make it out of here and when you're sure hat she likes you too.

What if you never get out?

Ugh. Stupid brain. I hate it when those two annoying voices speak. Do it. Don't do it. Say it. Don't say it. They just never help. Suddenly, pain shoots through my ankle. I think I twisted it. I lose my balance and begin to fall. Well, sort of fall because I fall on Amber. Oops.

Amber asks me if we can wait for 2 minutes. I say yes, glad that I can give my leg some rest.

She says my name and then it's like she's not sure what to say. She says different things and tries to start her sentences in different ways. Amber is known for being confident. She'll say whatever is on her mind. She's never been shy, she never stutters and she's never ever speechless. She always has something to say. Then I wonder. Can she read my thoughts? Did I accidentally say something out loud? Shit!

"Can you turn around, please?" She says. I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans. What if I did say something out loud?

"So you can kill me? No way. I didn't walk this far for you to kill me." I say jokingly. Of course that's the first thing I come up with. I wish the ground could just swallow me right now. Why couldn't I say something a tad bit more sensible. Something like, 'Why?' or 'Okay. Sure.'

"I need something." She says. Do something? Do what?

Without thinking I say, "I don't think peeing here is a good thing to do. I might have a bottle here somewhere." Before I can process what I have just said I start rummaging through my bag to find a bottle. Wait a second. Did I just say ' I don't think peeing here is a good idea.' Oh my god. Kill me now. When will I stop embarrassing myself?

Turns out that she wanted to change her clothes and not pee. I turn around and wait for her. I smell pretty bad too. When she turns around I tell her that I'm going to change too. This time she turn around and waited for me to change. Once I'm done I walk behind her. I tell her that she can turn around. When she does my body begins to move on its own accord. Before I know what's happening I realise that I'm kissing her. I wait for her to push me back. She doesn't. She likes me too! Yes! Electricity shoots through my body. Suddenly she pushes me back. Hard. Did I do something wrong? She was fine a minute ago.

I don't know what to do? This will change everything between us. What have I done? She'll never talk to me again. Well, now I know she doesn't like me.  The only thing we can do now is forget what just happened. I don't think that I've ever felt so sad.

"We should keep moving." I say. "We don't have much food, so it'll be better if we reach the end of this hallway faster." My voice doesn't betray me. It sounds normal although I feel like shit on the inside. Amber just nods and picks her bag up. I pick mine up too and we start walking again, in silence.


Hey guys!!
How did you like this chapter? Plz vote and comment. I haven't edited this chapter so plz ignore the mistakes. I'll publish the edited version of the last 4 chapters tomorrow.


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