Different Worlds |Daryl Dixon...

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-The Walking Dead(AMC)- I do not own any of the original characters from the AMC Television Show, or the C... More

One: Homecoming
Two: A Family Reunited
Three: Train Station Prisoners
Four: The Crossbow
Five: Paired Up
Seven: The Feeling
Eight: Surprise
Nine: New Arrival
Ten: Arguments
Eleven: Fighting Until the End
Twelve: Bloody Memories
Thirteen: Everyone's Gone
Fourteen: Answers in the Night
Fifteen: Fresh Meat
Sixteen: Fight or Flight
Seventeen: None of Them
Eighteen: Blame
Nineteen: Love
Twenty: Sweet Kisses and Night Terrors
Twenty One: Confess
Twenty Two: Dogs
Twenty Three: Better
Twenty Four: Dollhouse
Twenty Five: Stormy Skies
Twenty Six: Accompanied Return
Twenty Seven: Two Out of the Trio
Twenty Eight: Temporary Fix
Twenty Nine: A Dozen Birds
Thirty: A Good Team
Thirty One: Things Left Behind
Thirty Two: A Beaten and Torn Man Stole the Heart of a Beautiful Girl

Six: Terminate

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               "Let go of her!" Daryl growled, slamming his crossbow down on the man's head. The rest of the men came running from the back of the room, and one grabbed Daryl. I got grabbed once more, but instead of all of them getting the real threat, Daryl, they all surrounded me. They laughed as they scanned over my body, one grabbed my chin with their thumb and index finger.
"Didn't know they made girls like this anymore. Most of 'em are corpses." He licked his lips, trailing a hand through my hair. I gritted my teeth, keeping my eyes on Daryl, trying to tell him not to do anything. He wouldn't look at me at first, but as soon as one of the men grabbed hold of my hair and made me whimper, his eyes shot up. They were burning with a raging fire, and I gulped at the thought of him even trying to take on all four of these men. The one holding me pulled off my shirt, earning some hoots and hollers.
"What do we do with him?" The man holding Daryl shook him about.
"He can watch, seems like the kinda guy who'd do that. Redneck, heard they are into this stuff." I could hear the smirk in his voice as his finger trailed down the side of my face.
"Don't touch me." I gasped, I couldn't let them do this.
"Feisty, I like that." All of the men laughed, and I took this as my chance. I turned my head, biting down hard on the man's finger. Blood filled my mouth, making me gag. Daryl took the opening, too, knocking his captor on the floor and shooting a man in the chest. My gun was secured in one of the men's belt, so I pulled out one of my knives in my boot, stabbing the one with the wounded finger straight in the throat. I got grabbed from behind, secured in a headlock. A gun drove into my temple and I groaned in pain.
"Don't move, or I shoot." The man holding me spit on the ground, it was blood red.
"Let her go." Daryl snarled, his crossbow still raised. I tried to see this scene from a different point of view, trying to find a way out of it. There were so many ways, but my mind was completely blank at this point. My ears pounded as the blood flowed through them. I suddenly got a stroke of genius.
"I-I don't even know this man." I sobbed, pointing at Daryl. "He kidnapped me and k-killed my dad, I just want to be away from him!" I faked, leaning closer to the man holding me. I let him turn me around and wrap his arms around me. I could only imagine Daryl's face, I hoped he'd catch on.
"It's okay, I'll keep you safe." I knew he was smiling, he had no idea he was eating right out of my hand. I didn't have any weapons, I'd dropped both my knife and gun, but there was one thing I could do... I brought my knee up, hitting the man hard in the groin. He let out a groan, and his gun fired at the ceiling. I grabbed the hand with the gun, elbowing it hard until he let go of his weapon. I lined up the shot, then shot him in the chest multiple times. The gun ran out of ammo, and I let it slid out of my fingers and fall onto the floor.
Daryl didn't speak, and neither did I. One of the dead men raised, and without hesitation Daryl put him down. I slowly walked over the bodies, grabbing my weapons. "We better go." I choked, trying not to cry. I didn't feel bad for the men, but I felt a lack of emotion that I didn't like as I heaved in breaths. I knew how Carl felt now, emotionless. Just trying to ignore it. I couldn't believe the strength of that kid.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey." Daryl grabbed me by the shoulders and I slumped away. He looked hurt by the action, reaching out once more.
"I'm fine. Let's go." I swatted his hand away and put my knife back into my boot. I started to look around for my shirt, finding it draped over a dead man. I leaned over to grab it, but the man's hand shot up and grabbed my wrist. "No!" I cried, kicking in it's elbow. An arrow flew into his skull and his arm slumped back down to the ground. Shaking, I picked up my shirt. I tried to put it on, but my whole body was shaking uncontrollably.
"No you ain't. Don't act like that didn't just happen, 'cause it did." Daryl grabbed my shoulder, and this time I just turned around to face him. I didn't want to talk about it, but clearly he did.
"You were there when it happened to Carl, I'm guessing? He didn't talk about it, did he? What makes you think I want to." I kept my mouth in a straight line, holding back my tears. "You do not say a word to my father." I just wanted to cry, but I couldn't. If I did, I'd waste even more time, and it would show him that I'm just a weak little girl.
"Here." Daryl breathed, taking the shirt from my hands. I raised my arms, letting him slip it over my head. I wiped at my nose with my hand and watched as he retrieved all of his arrows. His face went soft when he finally stood in front of me, not the usual glare he always held. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, we-we should go." I kept my gun in hand and walked over to the door. We'd been in here so long, I wouldn't be surprised if the others were looking for us. I opened up the door, trying to avoid having to talk to Daryl. He let the conversation drop for now and quietly followed me out and into the sun. The whole area was quiet, and the guards on the roof had disappeared. "Where do you think the others are?" I whispered, leaning against the large building.
"Probably in there. I don't hear nothin'." He motioned at the metal double doors. I nodded and walked over to them, opening it slightly and peaking inside. Light poured in from high windows, and in the middle I could see most of Rick's group kneeling in front of a man who had a gun pointed at them. Four others stood around, their guns readied, too.
"C'mon." I motioned to Daryl and we slipped inside, sitting behind a metal rack.
"You've killed almost all of us, you've destroyed one of the most secure camps in the country! Have you even thought about that?" The man looked young, with dark brown hair and a bit of a beard.
"You held us captive!" Rick growled, earning one of the men to kick him in the back. I held back a gasp as Rick doubled over, groaning into the stone floor.
"Now, how it's going to work is we're going to find the rest of you. I'm sure all of your people are being brought here right now, actually. There was quite the racket in the Armory..." The man smirked at the look on Rick's face.
"Just let us go!" Carl shouted, wriggling in his restraints.
"No." Was all the man said before sitting back on a table. "We wait."
"We have to do something!" I hissed, looking at Daryl. However, he wasn't next to me, instead I watched as he disappeared behind a crate. I groaned silently before heading after him. I could hear as the men talked amongst themselves in whispers.
"We're gonna snipe 'em out." Daryl said as soon as I rested at his side. I nodded, wondering what he had in mind. There wasn't a single place we could go without being seen, and have a clear shot at the men.
"How are we going to do that, though?" I asked, peaking around the edges of the box.
"We run in, there's nothin' else we can do." My heart skipped a beat. Was this man truly crazy? He wanted to run right into their line of fire, two to five.
"If that's what we have to do." I sighed. After everything I'd been through for these people, I might as well finish what I started. Daryl motioned for me to take the left, and I shuffled past him and behind the rack at the far end. He disappeared back the way we came, and to my surprise, I could see him clearly form where I crouched. He poked out his fingers, counting down from three. As soon as his last finger curled, I jumped up and fired through the rack, and straight at the man leaned against the same wall I had been pressed against. He fell to the floor, and everyone looked over at him. An arrow lodged itself into the back of a man's head, but no one seemed to notice since it happened so silently.
I ran from behind the rack, sprinting behind the crates. One of the men came running after me, the other two looking around wildly for Daryl. I slid between two crates, my gun pointed upwards, waiting for the man to walk by. I heard his feet shuffling as he got closer. I tried to ignore the yells, I couldn't get distracted. Just as I heard a loud cry, the man jumped on top of the crate staring straight down at me. I jumped, then raised my gun and shot him straight in the face. Blood sprayed down on my, covering my face and body. Trying not to gag, I tossed the body aside and ran out into the middle of the room, finding Rick and the others still tied up.
I pulled out my knife, cutting off their restraints. Each of them scrambled to grab their weapons, and I looked around for Daryl. He was sneaking up on one of the men as aimed his gun straight at us. He didn't have time to fire, an arrow thumped into the side of his head. However, we were still missing one of the men, the young one who seemed to have been in charge.
"Gareth!" Rick roared, looking around the room.
"H-He can be anywhere." I breathed, looking around. How could one man have gotten away? Especially the man that Rick seemed to hate most.
"We have to go." Daryl walked to one of the doors and went to open it, but it flung open before he could even reach it, Bob and Sasha running in. They were the only two we had been missing.
"It's over-run. The people in here went down fast." Sasha held the door closed behind her, moans and groans loud on the other side.
"Which way's to the back?" Rick asked, there had to be four doors in this one room.
"We came from that one, led to the armory. Gotta be that one." Daryl motioned to the one left of Sasha and Bob's door.
"We have to get back, my dad is probably worried." I jogged up to the door, popping it open. It was a dark hallway and I couldn't see a thing. I pulled out my flashlight and gun, then started slowly down the hallway. I heard the others following behind me, the only sound our footsteps and breathing. As I opened the door, a man stood on the other side, not even noticing us. Instead, he was focused on the Geeks that were coming around the corner. Rick pulled me back and closed the door softly.
"Walkers, a lot of them." he told the others.
"Walkers?" I asked, was that their word for them? I'd never really thought about what other people might have named the things. I definitely liked Walkers more than Geeks, it suited them better.
"Yeah, what you call Geeks. As much as I want to make sure Gareth is dead, I can't risk letting everyone out there." Rick rubbed his face much like my father usually does.
"We have to go, if we're fast we can get over the fence." I opened the door once more, ignoring Rick's complaints. Gareth was taking out a few of the things from afar, he didn't even look like he was planning on moving. He couldn't take out all of the Walkers, there was no way.
As we made our way across the yard and towards the fence, Gareth noticed us for the first time. "So you come in here and destroy my home, and plan on sneaking out? No way!" He drew his gun on us so we all froze. The Walkers behind him shuffled closer.
"No one else has to die." Rick stated, authority clear in his voice.
"Oh, that's where you're wrong." Gareth smiled, he leaned forward, grabbing the closest person to him, Tara. She didn't fight him, she just let him drive his gun into her temple. My head ached at the memory of having a gun on my own, and I couldn't help but wish I could do something to help her.
"Let her go, Gareth!" Glenn shouted, making a move to go forward. Maggie grabbed him and held him back while Gareth chuckled maniacally.
"You should've just left while you could!" I knew as soon as he had said those words that we were naive to think we were going to get out of here without losing someone. The gun shot echoed and riled up the Walkers even more, Tara's lifeless body slumping from Gareth's hold.  

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