Red And Blue Flames (one piec...

By annimefreakxx

120K 2.4K 428

Ace and Aki first meet when Ace joined the Whitebeard pirates, both of them quickly became friends and that s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 16

4.4K 106 8
By annimefreakxx

---3rd person---

Navy HQ is crumbling to pieces!" yelled a marines as they all began running away from Navy HQ.

The buildings were destroyed; they were broken in half, rocks and parts of the place were flying everywhere. 

Blackbeard only laughed at his new found power he's so proud of. 

"Get out of here!"

"It's hopeless!"

Marines were running, scared, knowing there was nothing they could do to stop Blackbeard. But one of the marines just stood there, staring at the buildings crumbling as he spoke to himself.

"Is this.. real?" he asked, his voice filled with shock, fear and disbelief. "Someone.. please tell me this isn't true! The fortress of Justice, the Navy's base, which has protected the oceans of the world for centuries... How could it end up like this!?"

Other marines all stared at the ground; they had no fire left in them, they saw Navy HQ destroyed, Blackbeard with two devil fruit powers. Even after killing Whitebeard, they have no energy left inside.

Meanwhile, the pirates that were still alive, were still doing their best to escape, however, some marine captain's and what not were still ready to destroy the rest of the pirates.

"We have to make it out to sea alive, like the Old Man told us!" called one of the pirates running towards the ships. 

"Carve the power of justice, and the fear of it into the pirates' hearts!" yelled a marine captain who seemed to be giving an inspirational speech to the marines below him. 

"Justice..." one repeated.

"And fear?" questioned another. 

"Just a little further! Hang in there!" yelled one of the pirates running with his fellow crewmates. 

But as the pirates got nearer and nearer to the ocean, some marines were getting more a more confident. Wanting to teach the pirates a lesson. 

And right before a group of pirates, appeared a flash of light before it dimmed down to reveal Kizaru. 

"Kizaru!" exclaimed one. 

But he didn't answer, he only lifted his leg high in the air above him, causing light to shine on it before smashing it back down, sending the beam right at the group of pirates.

"Now's vyou chance!" yelled Ivankov to Jinbe and Ace who had only just started running. "Hurry! Get Straw-Hat-boy to safety!"

But before they could even get a few feet away, Akainu's magma began to burn through the cement wall before him. And just like that, a magma fist shot out, hitting Inazuma right in the gut and sending him flying.

"Inazuma!" yelled Ivankov but he could do nothing.

Akainu pulled apart the now magma covered walls, letting himself out. Magma covered his body, dripping everywhere as he yelled,

"Stop right there, Jinbe!"

"Vyou insufferable man!" yelled Ivankov. "It's time to settle this once and for all. Vi will not let vyou get any further! Newkama Kenpo - Aesthetic Art 44 Hidden Technique. Laser Treatment Fist!" he yelled as he jumped into the air, and out of each of his fingers came long spikes as he sliced them in every direction.

Red lasers shot from his fingers, but they only went right through Akainu, not affecting him at all. Yet as if to prove their power, they sliced through the wall behind and around Akainu, cutting it perfectly. 

The rocks fell next to Akainu, not affecting him in the slightest. While Ivankov looked up only to find his nails smoking and destroyed. 

"Vahh! Vmy nails melted!"

Akainu took a step forward, his leg turning into magma as he spoke. 

"Emporio Ivankov of the Revolutionary Army... You use some peculiar techniques, like the rumours say."

"Newkama Kenpo - Aesthetic Art 44 Hidden Technique," started Ivankov as he got back into a stance to fight. "Liposuction Fist!"

Ivankov's lips grew huge as he started spinning the air, his head aiming right for Akainu as he travelled through the air.

"Vi like it hot!" he yelled as he flew right into Akainu's magma fist.

"This isn't the time for me to deal with fools like you!" Akainu hissed as he magma fist exploded in mid air, sending flying shots of magma randomly around the place. Destroying everything they hit. 

"Ace look out!" yelled Aki as she saw a magma shot flying towards them. 

Ace looked up, his eyes widening before he jumped away causing the magma to hit the spot he would have been in. 

"Don't let them escape! Fire!" ordered a marine.

Pirates continued running as bullets shot at them, however the bullets only went right through Ace, not affecting him.

But something happened to Aki.

One bullet shot went flying through the air, missing every single pirate, accept one. 

Aki moved her arm, gripping onto Ace to try and subside the pain, but the bullet shot through and went straight though Aki's arm. 

"AHHHHHH!!" she cried in pain.

"Aki!" exclaimed Ace only seeing when she brought her arm back in, she was hit with a bullet.

Ace's eyes instantly widened as he saw the wound.

Aki was hit with a bullet!!? How!?

"Fuck!" she hissed as her fist clenched tighter, drawing blood from her hands. She was in so much pain, she couldn't take it. 

"Aki!" was all Ace could say as he looked down at the woman in his arms. 

Aki closed her eyes tight, her fists clenched as she bit her lip.

I... I can't do this.. she thought as she held in another scream. It.. it hurts so much! And how the fuck was I hit with a bullet!? I'm made of fucken blue fire!! How was I hit like that!?"

"Once I'm in the ocean, we'll be on my field!" said Jinbe as they got closer and closer to the sea. "We can still escape!"

"But Jinbe!" interrupted Ace. "I can't swim! How will-"

But Ace's words were instantly cut off as he sensed someone behind him. His eyes widened as he ran faster but Akainu was too fast.

Ace didn't care that the sea was just before him, he leaped off the railing only to see it frozen.

I'll make it! He thought but before anything could happen, he felt a hot burning punch sent right through his side.

"AGGHHHH!!" he yelled out in pain as Akainu magma fist went through his side, burning into his skin.

"ACE!!" Aki screamed as she saw the fist and pain on his face, luckily Ace had dropped his grip on one side of Aki, making sure she wasn't hit as he now only held her up by the waist as they began falling to the ground. 

"Ace-san!" Jinbe yelled as he landed on his feet atop of the frozen sea.

Ace coughed up blood, the pain now surging through him.

And Aki seeing Ace in pain, rage was sent in a wave through her as her arm covered in such dark blue flames, they almost looked black.

She spun out of Ace's grip, her back now against Ace's as she was face to face with Akainu before sending her fist right into his face.

Akainu's head snapped to the side before he was sent flying back into a cannon on land.

But that was Aki's last attack as she cried out in pain before clutching her arm, realising that she had used her wounded arm to hit Akainu.

Ace knew that part of him had completely been incinerated but Akainu's punch but he saw the frozen sea only meters before him and hearing Aki's cry, he forced himself round to face her, wrapped his arms around her, his back to the ground as he braced himself for the impact. 

But Jinbe acted fast, moving towards Ace as he quickly caught Ace in his arms, breaking his fall.

"Ace-san!" he called.

Ace coughed up blood but ignored Jinbe for a moment; he just had to see if Aki was okay. He looked down at the girl in his arms, seeing her still in pain but she too needed to see if Ace was ok.

Their eyes locked, boring into each others, searching each others to see if they were still okay. They didn't have to speak, they didn't need words. Just the eye contact was enough for them.

"I'm.. okay, Jinbe." Ace managed to get out but Jinbe saw the wound in Ace's right side, just next to his ribs, his side had been burnt off, destroyed. Only just missing a fatal spot which could have killed him. 

"We need to move, now!" ordered Jinbe. "Before-"

But Jinbe was cut off as a magma punch was sent right through him, right next to his heart.

Jinbe's eyes rolled to the back of his head, as dark smoke came out of his mouth.

"Jinbe!" Ace exclaimed as he tried to catch Jinbe but he fell to the ground with Luffy. 

"Jinbe! Luf-" Aki tried but was interrupted with a cry of pain. 

Ace bent down to see if Jinbe was okay but blood splattered from his wound, before he too, fell to the ground.

The four of them lay there, Luffy in shock, not moving, Jinbe twitching and trying to get up, Ace breathing heavily, trying to see if the others were okay while Aki lay on her back gripping the ice around her, crushing it from her strong grip as she held in her cries of pain. 

Akainu slowly walked towards them, finally they were down, it was his time to kill them. 

"This is no time for to worry about others, you scum!" hissed Akainu to Ace as he was still trying to help the others. 

But Ace forced himself to ignore Akainu.

"Jinbe!" he hissed, shaking Jinbe with all the power he had to wake him up.

Jinbe opened his eyes before grunting, and seeing the situation they were in.

"My aim was a little off because that bloody woman interfered..." started Akainu. It would’ve pierced your heart. Don't you think, Portgas D. Ace?"

Ace now saw Jinbe still had life in him, left him and looked back to Aki. 

Jinbe was on his knees, trying to cover Luffy's body with his own.

"Are you still trying to protect him, with that hole in your chest?" asked Akainu to Jinbe as he walked closer and closer, his magma fist dripping melting the ice below him. "You'll all die soon enough"

Jinbe let out a loud growl at Akainu but it did nothing.

"Ace.." Aki whispered, her voice barely audio able, only Ace could hear. "Ace.."

"I'm here." he whispered as he was on his hands and knees just above her. "I'm here Aki.." 

"Ace.. I can't... it hurts..."

"Shhh.. don't speak Aki. I'm here."

"Ace.. my arm.. it hurts so bad.. and this fucken kid chose the worst time to be born."

Yet even in the situation, Ace chuckled, blood tricking from his mouth as he still felt the pain from his wound but he didn't care. All he cared about was the woman before him.

"I wouldn't know. I've never been shot before."

"Shut up." she said with a weak hiss. 

But Ace just stared at her for a moment, looking into her black eyes, the ones he fell for all those years ago.


I walked around the ship looking for Whitebeard. 

I have to find him! I'll take him out when the others aren't looking! Then they'll wish they cuffed me!

I grinned as I turned the corner only to find myself staring face to face, with he most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

She had long red hair had was tied out of her face by a black bandana, a black long-sleeved crop top under her white short sleeved crop top. She also wore black short shorts and carried to swords on her right side. She showed off her tanned, toned stomach and good legs. 

But what caught my attention most, was her eyes. They were black like mine but it's as if they held so many secrets. They looked happy, cheerful, but even if they were happy, it seemed like behind them, there was pain. Pain from long ago. 

"Hi!" she grinned. "I'm Aki! You're that new guy Ace right?"

I just stared at her for a moment longer, still taking in how breath takingly beautiful she was.

"H-hi ugh yeah I'm Ace.." I said stuttering. Fuck way to make a good first impression Ace!

She giggled.

"You are cute!"

I felt my cheeks heat up at her comment but I couldn't look away.

"You're beautiful." I whispered.

---end of flashback---

Yes, that was the very first time he spoke to the Aki. Although after that, he had basically forgotten her and just tried to kill Whitebeard.

But when he accepted Whitebeard's mark, he became so close with this girl, falling in love with her straight away. Yes, he fell in love with her long before she fell for him.

But he didn't mind, he loved it, he loved doing everything he could to make her fall in love with him. He just wanted to spend time with her, to be with her. 

She became everything to him.

"I will not let them die..." started Jinbe, forcing Ace away from his thoughts and back into reality.

Jinbe tried to get up, one arm still around Luffy, protecting him as Akainu only stood a few meters before them. His arms still covered in dripping magma as Jinbe spoke.

"Even if I die myself.." Jinbe carried on. "I will not let them die!"

But Akainu just brought his fist back, ready to take out Luffy and Jinbe as he spoke,

"What an absurd claim." yet before anything more could happen, the ship next to them began to shake, so did the ground causing Akainu to pause for a moment and look at the ground to his left only to see sand shot from it and pierce right through him, slicing him in half before the sand left him, appearing next to them and turning into Crocodile.

"Crocodile!" exclaimed Jinbe.

Crocodile only created a tornado of sand in his hand, bringing it back before sending  it at Jinbe and the rest.

"Sables!" Crocodile yelled.

Jinbe and Ace seeing what was happening, both grabbed the injured next to them before getting blown away in a tornado of sand. 

"Someone catch them, and get them on a ship already!" ordered Crocodile. 

"Right.." the pirates said rather confused.

"Crocodile!" yelled Jinbe.

"If you want to protect something, then you should do it right!" Crocodile snapped back. “Don't let these guys keep doing whatever they want!"

"Catch them!" yelled the pirates as they ran towards Ace's group who were now out of the sand and flying through the air, slowly going on an angle before they began falling.

"Jinbe! Ace!" the pirates yelled with their arms outstretched, ready to catch them, but before they could, Jinbe flew right and hit Buggy while Ace and Aki went past them, falling towards the ground until they were caught by some light blue wings.

"Marco!" both Ace and Aki exclaimed as Marco smirked down at them before gently bringing them to the ground.

"Thought you two might need a hand." he smirked as he landed on his feet before setting them both onto the frozen sea.

But the victory was short lived as a magma fist flew up, right to Jinbe and Luffy.

"Jinbe! Luffy!" Ace yelled and luckily, Buggy was smart enough to move out of the way and dodge them all in time. 

"At the last possible moment, another one gets in my way!" growled Akainu as he brought his fist back.

"Rose Rondo!" yelled Vista as rose petals appeared in the sky before swords slicked at Akainu, causing him to take a few steps back, his magma falling and hitting the ice below him, causing steam to rise up hiding the appearance of who was now in front of him. 

But as it cleared, he could see who was there.

"All the pests have gathered together.." started Akainu. "Do you all wish to die for Straw Hat's and Fire Fist's sake?"

"We've all seen his bottomless tenacity and power." said Vista.

"It's Ace! Our commander and Aki. Plus the boy who the Old Man respected!" said Fossa.

"It is our duty to save our crew and send Straw Hat onto the new era!" smirked Izo. 

"Every last one of you are fools!" hissed Akainu as the smoke cleared and all the Whitebeard pirates and commanders stood before him. "Whitebeard Pirates!"

"Akainu." started Marco with his fist in blue and yellow flames. "The great danger you see in our family to be born and that boy you are trying to kill right now.. and the great potential we see in them, the ones we're attempting to rescue.. Aren't they the same thing!?"

Ace held Aki's head in his arms, he saw Buggy flying off with Jinbe and Luffy, but he wasn't worried. He knew that he could trust him and he was getting his little brother and friend to safety.

But right now, he just wanted to be with Aki. 

"Holy-AHhh!" cried Aki as she gripped Ace's hand tighter. "I am ne-ahhh never giving-ahhh birth again!"

Ace felt tears reach his eyes. He couldn't believe this. Here he was, next to his girlfriend who was giving birth in the middle of a war.

Yet even with everything that had happened, being captured, watching his friends and family fight and die for him, seeing his Old Man killed right before his eyes and everything that was still happening.

His tears weren't of sadness, they were of joy.

The person who was most important to him, was right here, safe in his arms. He never thought he was going to be able to hold her again, he never thought he was going to be free again. But here he is.

And never did he believe that he was going to be a father.


OMG YAY!! Finally another chapter!! I’m sorry I swear I’m like the worst updater ever!! Hahah

But anyways this story is going to end soon! As I’m sure you can tell haha

Either way things are going well so far but Ace has like a hole burnt in his side! And Aki’s been shot! Like what the hell!?

What’s gonna happen next.... wait and find out!! But until then,




Please!? Xxx

(first comment get’s dedication for the next chapter XD love you all!)

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