A Beast's Lover

By AlkadenChan

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Chapter 1: Memories of their Beloved Mother
Chapter 2: The Truth
Chapter 3: The Decision
Chapter 5: A Plan
Chapter 6: The Surprise

Chapter 4: "Do you love me?"

14 2 0
By AlkadenChan

Miyu's P.O.V
When I was awake Darthon suddenly appeared in front of me I was surprised. "Hello, dear!" "Gah!! D-Darthon! You startled me!" "D'aww how cute. So hows your sleep my dear?" He said with a big smile on his face, "I-It was... Terrible..." "Hm?! Why? Is my couch not that comfortable to you?" "N-No! Its nightmares..." "Oh pfft! Alright, so what do you need my dear? I can give you anything." "Just.. One question..." "What is it, dear?"
"How long do I stay here..." I said seriously "Oh! Like you know, months or years I guess." "Oh... What do you want from me Darthon..." "I want you... To be mine, as my bride!" "B-Bride?!? S-So theres a wedding..?" "Well yes of course!" When I heard that I'm starting to think about my sisters and mom, "W-When is this wedding, though..." "Hmm, next week? Or next month.. Hm I don't know, well lets get married tomorrow!" "Tomorrow?!" "Well if you'll excuse me we have to go and find a dress for your wedding!" After that we teleported to his fitting room looking for dresses. "Wait, you have powers?" "Well yeah! Cause I'm the Lord of Chaos!" "What... I didn't know his power is chaotic..." I whispered while he was carrying me. "I... Darth-" "Oh this is perfect!" "It's beautiful.. But can we-" "Hm.. What do you think Miyu? Does it look to much for you?" "Darthon I-" "I think this is enough! We should go find a cake an-" "Darthon!!!" "Yes my dear?" "I hate to tell you this but I'm not ready to get married..." "What? Your not? So you still don't love me?" "I only like you..." "Oh uuh... That's alright..." Then it turned silent because my tummy was rumbling. "Oh no..." I said embarrassed, "You must be hungry! Don't worry I'll prepare food for you!" He quickly grabbed my hand then teleport to his dining room. "So what do you want Miyu? Meat? Vegetables? Anything?" "I-I prefer a salad..." "Salad it is!" He use his two finger to make salad I was amazed of what he did. "Here you go Sweetie! Now for me!" "Wait... Is that rocks?" "Well yes! Rocks are my favorite!" "Uuh... Okay.. Heheh..." I was a bit disgusted but its kinda cool. "You haven't eaten yet! Why don't you take a bite?" "O-Oh! Sorry heheh.. D-Delicious..." I smiled at him lightly. A few minutes later he was starting asking that do I love him or not. "I'm glad that you love it! Well now your done eating, I have a important question for you." "What is it?" He teleported behind me while the chair is blocking the way at his face, he was holding flowers too. "Do you love me?" "W-Well... I'm not yet ready for the wedding so.. N-no..." "Fine y-you can have the flowers..." He smiled a little but I don't think he was happy about it.

A few days later he was always asking that do I love him its kinda annoying though. "H-Hey Miyu! How about some gems? How do you like it?" "Darthon I have no time for this..." "Oh c'mon Sweetie give me a smile!" "I love them..." I sighed annoyed.

A few days passed he wasn't stop asking about it he wanted to see if I'm happy. "Miyu why aren't you happy about me?" I sighed then I ran towards at my room I quickly locked the door so he won't come in. "Oh c'mon! Get out in there or else!" "I'm not your daughter!!" "Just.. Ugh! If you won't come out I'm gonna count 1 to 3 now! 1.. 2!! 3--" He was cut off when he heard me crying. "Okay okay... I'll leave you alone..." He sighed then walks away, I was still crying from my bed because I miss my sisters especially mom. "Don't worry mom... I'll be fine..." I whispered with lots of tears. After that I was peeking at my door. I saw Darthon just sitting and doesn't look happy, he looks sad I don't know what to do. I'm just looking at him and do nothing then I walk towards my bed to sleep hoping that I won't get any nightmares. "Good night sisters... Good night mom.. I love you.." Then I turned off the light then sleep.

Hope you enjoyed it! (^ω^)Thanks for reading! I love you all Reader-Chans!~~☆〜(ゝ。

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