Chapter 2: The Truth

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Akemi's P.O.V

Damn this!! Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! Why did that darn man come over to us?! We couldn't saved her!! I've never said "I love you" since last week... Its all because of me... Because of me!!! I'LL KILL THAT DAMN BEAST!!! I WILL DEFEAT IT EVEN IF IT KILLS ME!!! IT WILL PAY FOR WHAT HE DONE FOR US...

End of Flashback...

Miyu's P.O.V

I've never feared the beast.. Maybe the beast has a heart to! Last time we were attacking the beast I can see something through its eyes... I can see one tear drop fallen to its eyes and it make me a little sad and very curious about it. I think the beast was a boy because his voice sounds familiar to me. Maybe I should go for a visit and be careful. Just be brave just like mom...

Later that I went to the beast's cave it was quite dark but I'm not scared of it. "Hello?" I said echoed in the whole cave, "I-Is.. Anyone here?", "Who the hell are you..?" I heard a very deep voice and it sound creepy. "I-I'm.. Uh.. Here t-to talk..", "What?!" When I heard that I realized that the voice was getting closer to me. It was the beast I never knew that he can talk. "What the hell do you want?! Get out of here!", "I have no time for a dramatic talk, can y-you please introduce your name? I wanted to know..", "Why? Why don't you introduce your name first!", "Miyu Heizawa.." "I see.. So what do you want?!" "Just p-please.. Introduce your name.." I said while my legs are shaking from coldness. "My name.. Is.. Darthon.." "Darthon? Th-thats... Weird.." "What?!" He shouted at me on my face, "N-Nothing!" I closed my eyes then quickly returned to my normal position "So.. What brings you here kid.." He said with a very deep voice in front of my face. "I'm not a kid! I just wanted to know that um.." It turned a moment of silence a second, "Why do you k-kill us..?" I said a little scared and waiting for an answer "You really think I killed most of the people?" I was really shocked of what he said, "Wait what?! Well what did you do to them??" I was very curious about it and I was hoping if mom was alright! "I just gave them an any punishment then let them go.." "Then...?" "But most of the people I punished are lost, they couldn't even find their way home." "M-Mom.. Shes alive?!" "What?" "Oh nothing!" I was very relief but I was worried where could mom be. "But why are you... Punishing them..?" "Because of those horrible damn things they done for me!! They really think I'm going to destroy their precious village!!" He said with a loud roar but I wasn't afraid of it. "So this beast.. Has truly a heart eh?" I said whispering. "W-Well umm Darthon... I-I gotta.. Go now.. Thanks for telling me though.." "Wait... Why aren't you afraid of me?" He said with a little red shade of his cheeks, "I-I.. I'm not afraid of anything.." "Oh okay.. I guess I'll see you then.." "Wait.. I can visit you?" "If you like.." "Oh really?! Sure! We could have fun sometime! For realzies, can we be friends?" "F-Friends??" "Yeah! What? You don't know what friends are?" "Of course I do but.. I've never had a friend before..." "Heheh, I think its hard for you to make friends!" "I-I guess.." "Heheh anyways... I'll see you again soon! Bye!" "B-Bye..."


Thats all everyone! Hope u liked it! Please tell if there's anything wrong with my spelling or grammar! Because I'm not good at English. And please leave a like if you liked it! And thank you all so much for reading! I love you all Reader-Chans!~~ ❤️(ゝ。∂)

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