Graceland (A GLEE Fanfiction)

everythingisending द्वारा

26.6K 652 127

Takes place after the Season 4 finale. Rachel Berry, after sadly being kicked out of Funny Girl, starts hang... अधिक

On My Own
I Hope She's Okay...
Wish You Were Here
Keep Holding On
My Heart Will Go On
Broadway Babies
Musicals (Part 1)
Musicals (Part 2)
Musicals (Part 3)
Seize the Day
Valium Is My Favorite Color...How'd Ya Know?
I Can't Do This Anymore; Catch Me, I'm Falling...
Every Word Feels Like a Shooting Star
Top Down, Just Chillin' By The West Side (Nationals, Part 1)
Nationals, Musicals, LA Dates...and All That Jazz (Nationals, Part 2)
New Directions vs. Vocal Adrenaline vs. Chamber Singers (Nationals, Part 3)
The Hardest Word to Say Is Goodbye... New York?

864 26 11
everythingisending द्वारा

"So, you and Marls are a thing now?" Gabe asked his brother as they were packing his stuff up; it was his last day in Lima before he, along with Rachel, Kurt, and Santana, flew back to New York.

"Suprisingly, yes," Ryder replied.

"Nice!" He gave Ryder a pat on the back.

"So, how about you and Rachel?"

"What about us?"

"Are you two..." Ryder tried finding the right words to say. "You know, together?"

"I don't even know if she feels the same way about me."

"I bet you she does."

"How can I find out?"

"Leave that to me."


"So, you want me to ask her?" Kurt asked while waiting for the flight to arrive.

Ryder nodded. "Not right away though. You don't want her to suspect anything."


Just then, Santana decided to butt in. "Gabe likes Rachel?"

Kurt turned to her and asked, "Do you ever stop eavesdropping?" She shook her head. "Yes, he likes her."

"They should date. They're a perfect match."

"How?" Ryder asked.

"They're both straight Broadway freaks that love Starbucks. It's not hard."

Just then, Rachel and Gabe came back into view, Starbucks in hand.

"See?" Santana gestured to them.

"Hey guys!" Rachel spoke. "So, when does our flight leave?"

"They could call it any minute," Kurt replied.

"I'm gonna miss you guys," Ryder said.

"I'm gonna miss you too, little brother."

Gabe gave him a big hug, who was followed by Rachel, Kurt, and eventually Santana. Once they announced the next flight, the quarto waved their goodbyes and left.

Ryder then called his dad to pick him up and drive him home.


"So...this Saturday is Prom!" Mr. Schue exclaimed the next Monday. The whole group cheered. "And this year, we are performing again, so when choosing your songs, think, Prom." He used his hands to emphasize "Prom."

"I know what I'm singing," Ryder spoke.

"Same here," Melissa added.

"I have an announcement to make!!" Kitty exclaimed, standing up.

"Kitty has the floor," Mr. Schue said, sitting down.

"I am running for Prom Queen this year!!"

"Really?" Blaine asked.

"Yup! And Artie's my running mate!!"

The whole club turned to Artie.

"What?" he asked.

"I thought sophomores couldn't run," Ryder said.

"They can," Artie replied. "If they have an upperclassman as their running mate."

"Oh, okay."

"Alright then," Mr. Schue said. "Anyone else?" No one else got up, so he continued to speak. "Make sure to have something prepared for Saturday."


When they came back to New York with Kurt and Santana, Rachel and Gabe hung out a lot more often. Starbucks after school, Times Square at night. Rachel's even spent the night at his apartment one time.

Rachel has developed some feelings for Gabe, but she's trying to push them away because she feels like she might upset Finn if she did. Well, with his good looks, friendly personality, and their common interests, it's hard to ignore those feelings.


Kurt was walking to Adam's Apples practice after classes when he accidentally bumped into somebody, making the person's books drop all over the floor.

"Oh my gosh," the person apologized. "I am so sorry!"

"It's fine," Kurt answered, helping pick up her books.

"No, it's not," she replied. "You're probably late for something now."

"Adam will understand. And I should be apologizing to you!"

"It's fine. This is the third time that this has happened." Once all the books were picked up, the girl looked at him curiously. Once she realized who he was, she gasped and covered her mouth. "Oh my gosh," she spoke. "You're Kurt Hummel."

"Yes?" he replied, confused.

"I saw you at the Winter Showcase. You were AMAZING." She held out her hand. "Angie McGraw."

Kurt shook her hand. "How long have you been here?"

"Oh, this is my first year," Angie replied. "I came here from Massachusetts."

"Nice." Checking his watch and realizing the time, he panicked inside. "Well, I gotta go, so see you around?"

Then he noticed her trying to get her phone out of her pocket. Once she pulled it out, she unlocked it and handed it to Kurt. "Put your number in."

"Okay then," he replied, doing as she said. Once he handed her phone back, he started to walk away. "See you around, Angie."

"Bye Kurt!" she exclaimed, walking in the opposite direction.


 Kitty was hanging up posters for her Prom campaign when Ryder came up to her, holding up one of her posters.

"Kitty-Kitty Prom-Prom?" he questioned, holding the poster up. "Really?"

"What's wrong with that? It fits."

"Just...never mind." He handed the poster back to her. "So, where's Artie?"

"He's hanging more posters up," she replied.

"The ones with you, or is there a poster with the both of you?" Kitty looked confused. "Usually, a prom poster has both runners on them and not just the Queen."

"Well, I didn't design them, so don't blame the poster. Blame the editor." She walked away just as Marley walked up to him.

"What's up with her?" she asked.

Ryder shrugged. "Prom stuff, I guess." He put his arm around her, and they started walking to their next class. "So, why aren't you running?"

"I can't run, remember?" she answered.

"You can if you had Blaine, Sam, or Joe as your running mate."

"Well, prom's really not my thing anyways."

"I thought it was every girl's dream to slow dance at prom or something."

"There's always next year. Besides, I'd rather stay home and rewatch The Hunger Games."

"And I'd be the one sitting right next to you, right?"

"No, that would be my mom or Sam," she laughed. "You're on the other side of me."

"Well then, Happy Hunger Games!" he exclaimed, attemping to do Effie Trinket's accent.

"And may the odds be ever in your favor," Marley finished. They both laughed as they entered the classroom.


That Thursday, when Rachel came out of her last class, she came face to face with Gabe, who was waiting for her.

"How did you-"

"Our class was let out early," he answered.

"Well, alright then," she said before they headed to Starbucks.

Once they grabbed their drinks and took a seat, Gabe spoke up. "Rachel."

"Yes?" she asked.

"After this, how would you like to come with me somewhere?"

"That depends on where exactly you're taking me," she replied as she took another sip of her hot tea.

"It's a surprise," he told her, smiling.

"Well then," Rachel exclaimed, getting up, "let's go!"

She grabbed his hand, trying to ignore the obvious sparks between them, and pulled him out of his chair, nearly spilling his coffee.

"Careful!" he spoke.

"Sorry Gabe!!"

Once they were out of the coffee joint, Gabe called a taxi to drive them to their destination.

"So, where exactly are we going?" she asked him from the backseat.

"If I told you, then that would ruin the surprise," he replied.

Once they arrived, he opened the door open for Rachel (like a gentleman), and they were now standing in front of the home of Wicked.

Gershwin Theatre.

"Are you kidding me?" she asked in awe as she stood in front of the theatre for a second time.

"Nope," he replied, pulling out the two passes he had bought a few days ago.


"I played Fiyero, remember?"

"But I thought-"

"I was one of the understudies for the Broadway production last summer."

Don't fall in love with him, don't fall in love with him, Rachel thought to herself.

"Come on," he said, pulling Rachel in while throwing their Starbucks cups in the trash, "let's go in!"


 "So, how does it feel to see Kitty with Artie?" Samantha asked as Dylan put away his books.

"Don't remind me," he replied. "It hurts."

"Well, love sucks."

"That is so wrong and you know it."

They both walked towards Samantha's next class, Spanish I, when she noticed one of the posters fell. She picked it up, to see another "Kitty-Kitty Prom-Prom" poster.

"She has WAY too many of these up," she spoke.

"I'm fine with it. I get to see her face wherever I go."



Kurt got a text from Rachel.

R: Not coming home for a while. W/ Gabe at GERSHWIN :DD C U around...6? lol

Gershwin? Kurt thought. What are they doing there?

K: What R U doing there?

He waited for a response, but gave up after about 30 minutes. He started cooking dinner when Santana came home.

"Hey Porcelain," she said.

"Hey Queen Bitch," he replied.

It was sort of their thing to make fun of each other now.

"So, how was work?" Kurt asked.

"Alright. I found out that one of my co-workers is going to Julliard."

"Really? What's their name?"

"I think it was Dani or something. I can't remember."

"Let me guess, you were eavesdropping?" Santana nodded. "Typical you."

"Yup." She looked around. "So, where's Fanny?" Kurt gave her a "Really?" look, and then she realized. "With Gabe."

"Yeah," he replied.

"So it's just the two of us?"

"Yup," he answered again. "Wanna have a movie marathon again?"



"Wow," Rachel said as she stood on the stage, "it's been so long since I was here."

"You were on this stage?" Gabe questioned.

"Yup," she answered with confidence. "Two years ago, when my school's show choir went to Nationals. Kurt and I ate breakfast at Tiffany's and sang in here."

"Wow. Must've been a dream come true."

"It was."

They stood in silence, walking across the stage.

"You know," Rachel spoke up, "I've always wanted to sing As Long As You're Mine with Finn on this stage."

"Why that song?" Gabe asked.

"I don't know," she replied. "I mean, it's a Wicked song, and it relates to how I felt being with him."

"Well, maybe we could sing it here."

"There's no orchestra," Rach pointed out.

"Actually," he answered, "there is."

"What?" Rachel asked in disbelief, looking down at the orchestra pit.

He chuckled and replied, "I meant on my iPod." Sure enough, Gabe took out the iPod out of his pocket and the speaker he had in his bag. He plugged the phone in and pressed play.

The speaker might have been small, but the sound was loud and clear.

"Now sing."

Rachel nodded her head and started.

Kiss me too fiercely 
Hold me too tight 
I need help believing 
You're with me tonight 
My wildest dreamings 
Could not foresee 
Lying beside you 
With you wanting me

She started walking up to Gabe, who was just staring in awe.

And just for this moment 
As long as you're mine 
I've lost all resistance 
And crossed some borderline 
And if it turns out It's over too fast 
I'll make every last moment last 
As long as you're mine

They were both soon in the middle of the stage, and with his blue eyes meeting her brown ones, he sang.

Maybe I'm brainless 
Maybe I'm wise 
But you've got me seeing 
Through different eyes

Rachel was surprised; she's heard him sing before, but she didn't expect such a powerful voice out of him. This made her fall in love with him even more.

Stop it Rachel! she thought as he continued to sing.

Somehow I've fallen 
Under your spell 
And somehow I'm feeling 
It's "up" that I fell

Every moment 
As long as you're mine

It was shocking how their voices blended so well, and the chemistry between them was obvious.

I'll wake up my body 
And make up for lost time

Say there's no future 
For us as a pair

And though I may know  
I don't care! 

Just for this moment 
As long as you're mine 
Come be how you want to 
And see how bright we shine 
Borrow the moonlight 
Until it is through 
And know I'll be here holding you 
As long as you're mine

They stood in silence, but Gabe could tell something was up with Rachel.

"What is it?" he asked.

"It's just..." Rachel started. I think I love you.

"I have to go." She grabbed her bag and ran out of the auditorium.


It was the night of Prom, and just like Marley said, she was at home, watching The Hunger Games with Samantha. She knows that she was supposed to go there and perform, but Mr. Schue agreed that she could stay home for the night.

Ryder, on the other hand, was waiting for her at the dance. He checked his watch from time to time, but when he realized that she wasn't there, he drove to her house. When he knocked on the door, Mrs. Rose answered.

"Hello, Ryder!" she exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"Is Marley home?"

She nodded. "Come on."

She walked him over to the couch, where Marley was seated. She was wearing sweats and a t-shirt, in contrast to Ryder's tuxedo. He took a seat next to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, making her smile and face him.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Why didn't you go?" he responded.

"I told you, it's not my thing."

He then noticed that Samantha was sitting right next to her. She realized that he was looking and jokingly said, "Look, if you wanna tap this, then just say so."

Marley looked at her sister in shock. "Sam!" she exclaimed, hitting her with a pillow.

"I was kidding," she defended. Ryder chuckled at their sisterly bond. "So, what are you doing here, Gabe Junior?"

"Ryder," he corrected. "And I got bored without your sister here dancing with me."

Marley then looked at him and asked, "Really?"

He nodded. They then spent the rest of the movie snuggling up next to each other and sneaking kisses. Samantha eventually got sick of it and put her earbuds in. Once the movie was done, all three of them got bored.

"What now?" Marley asked. She faced her sister. "I know you're sick of us being a couple, so what do you want to do?"

"Wait outside the movie theater for Catching Fire to come out," Sam answered.

"Doesn't that come out in, like, November?" Ryder asked.

"Does it look like I give a crap?"

Marley chuckled. "Why don't we hold our own Prom?" Ryder gave her a look. "We have food, we have music, and you're wearing a tux."

"Or we could have a dance party," he responded. "Both of you are in sweats, after all."

"I have an idea," Sam suddenly spoke up. She took off her earbuds and chose a song before putting her iPod in the dock. "I played this one time when Rachel was home, and she said that MIKA copied Wicked or something. After that, I played this whenever she came home just to piss her off. Personally I like the version with Priscilla Renae, but this is cool too."

The song started playing, and both Marley and Ryder recognized it.

"Dance party it is!" Marley exclaimed.

La la, la la
You were the popular one, the popular chick
It is what it is, now I'm popular-ish

Standing on the field with your pretty pompoms
Now you're working at the movies selling popular corn
I could have been a mess but I never went wrong
Cause I'm putting down my story in a popular song

Marley (Both):
Ahh, I said I'm putting down my story (in a popular song)

My problem, I never was a model,
I never was a scholar, but you were always popular
You were singing all the songs I don't know
Now you're in the front row
Cause my song is popular

Popular, I know about popular
It's not about who you are or your fancy car
You're only ever who you were
Popular, I know about popular
And all that you have to do, is be true to you
That's all you ever need to know

So catch up, cause you got an awful long way to go
So catch up, cause you got an awful long way to go

Samantha joined in with the couple.

Samantha (with Ryder):
I was on a lookout for someone to hate,
(Picking on me like a dinner plate)
You hid during classes and in between them
(Dunked me in the toilets now it's you that cleans them)

You tried to make me feel bad with the things you do
It ain't so funny when the joke's on you

Ooh, the joke's on you
Got everyone laughing

Got everyone clapping, asking

How do you look so cool?
'Cause that's the only thing that I learned at school, boy


Uh huh

I said,

That's the only thing that I learned at school

My problem, I never was a model,
I never was a scholar,
But you were always popular,
You were singing, all the songs I don't know
Now you're in the front row
'Cause my song is popular

All (Samantha):
Popular, I know about popular

It's not about who you are or your fancy car
You're only ever who you were
Popular, I know about popular
And all that you have to do, is be true to you
That's all you ever need to know
That's all you ever need to know)

So catch up, cause you got an awful long way to go
So catch up, cause you got an awful long way to go

Marley (Samantha):
It's all you ever need to know
(You're only ever who you were)
It's all you ever need to know
(You're only ever who you were)

Marley & Samantha:
It's all you ever need to know

Popular, I know about popular

It's not about who you are or your fancy car
You're only ever who you were

All (Marley)
Popular, I know about popular
(That's all you ever need to know)
It's not about who you are or your fancy car
You're only ever who you were
(That's all you ever need to know)

All (Samantha):
Popular, I know about popular
(That's all you ever need to know)
And all that you have to do, is be true to you.
That's all you ever need to know
(That's all you ever need to know)

That went on for the rest of the night, and Ryder and Marley ended up sleeping on the couch, while Sam ended up on the floor. 


Some of the other New Directions had just finished singing, and Prom King and Queen was going to be announced after one more song. Melissa and Kitty came up to the mics.

"Alright," Kitty exclaimed. "How many of you are lovin' this prom right now?"

Everyone cheered.

"Well, we're gonna take things a little slower with this one," Melissa finished, "but try not to slow dance." The crowd laughed as the song started.

Hits when I'm asleep right through
I'm cold when I wake cause I won't feel you
When I can't breathe I know it's you
Got a lump in my throat just thinking of you

Kitty (Melissa):
Makes no difference you've been tried
(Makes no difference you've been tried)
Still sick inside, oh oh
It's meant to be over now
But I think we're going down, we're going down

Got your fingerprints as evidence all on my body
Put your right hand on the book and you were found guilty
I can't wait forever but that's how it's gonna be
For me they'll never be

Case closed  

No matter what the verdict says

Case closed  

Too many questions in my head

Case closed  

And I'm still waiting for a while  

Why there can never be  

Case closed

Behind these walls, so tall
I don't wanna climb, I'm afraid to fall
So we both do time and never have closure cause I still wanna hold ya  

Melissa (Kitty):
Makes no difference you've been tried
(Makes no difference you've been tried)
Still sick inside, oh oh  

Both (Melissa):
It's meant to be over now
But I think we're going down, (we're going down)

Got your fingerprints as evidence all on my body
Put your right hand on the book and you were found guilty
I can't wait forever but that's how it's gonna be
For me they'll never be

Case closed

No matter what the verdict says

Case closed

Too many questions in my head

Case closed

And I'm still waiting for a while

Why there can never be

Both (Melissa):
They can never, never be a

Never be a
Never, never be a
(Case closed)

Kitty (Melissa):
They can never, never be a

(Oh, oh, oh)
Never, be a
Never, never be a
(Case closed)

Got your fingerprints as evidence all on my body

Put your right hand on the book and you were found guilty
I can't wait forever but that's how it's gonna be
For me they'll never be

Kitty (Melissa):
(Case closed)

No matter what the verdict says
Case closed
(Too many questions in my head)

Case closed

And I'm still waiting for a while
Why there can never be

Case closed

Once they were done, they both walked down as Principal Figgins came up on the stage.

"Hello students," he spoke. "Now it is time to announce this year's Prom King and Queen. Can the candidates please join me on stage?"

 Artie and Kitty, along with the other nominees, came up on the auditorium stage.

"I hope I win," Kitty whispered to herself.

As Principal Figgins started talking nonsense, Unique, Sam, and Jake were all in the back, already putting their bets on who they thought was going to win. They stopped as soon as Figgins said, "And your 2013 Prom King is..." He opened up the envelope. "Artie Abrams!"

Artie wheeled over to receive his crown. He then went to the side as Figgins announced Prom Queen.

 "And your 2013 Prom Queen is..."

He paused to open the envelope.

"Kitty Wilde!"

Both the New Directions and the cheerleaders cheered as Kitty received her crown and kissed her king on the cheek.

"Thanks for running with me," she whispered.

"You're welcome."

She wheeled him down as Principal Figgins announced the Prom King and Queen dance. It was a bit challenging because of his disability, but they managed to have a memorable moment.

Dylan watched in jealousy as they danced. "That should be me," he said to himself.

Unfortunately, someone overheard. "What should be you?"

He turned around and saw Melissa, scaring him a bit. "Dude! What the hell?"

"Sorry Dylan," she apologized. "But what should be you?" 

"I should be dancing with her."

"With who?" she asked before she realized it. "Oh." Then she asked, "You like Kitty?"

"Ever since I first laid my eyes on her." He cringed a bit. "Too cheesy?"

"A little."

"Well, you get my point. I like her."

Melissa looked at him, then at Kitty, then back at him. "You two would be cute together."

"I think she likes Artie."

"Well, we're still young." She put her hand on his shoulder. "Who knows what could happen."


Song(s) Used:
As Long As You're Mine (Wicked) - Idina Menzel and Norbert Leo Butz
I just HAD to use this song again.
Popular Song - MIKA ft. Ariana Grande
~I have a love/hate relationship with this's not a bad song, but I just HATE how people think that this is the original. NO. WICKED CAME FIRST. NOT THIS. (If you listen to the song then you'll understand, it's on the side)

Case Closed - Little Mix (Requested by: CamrynLynn19)

Photo of Angie McGraw (Angie Miller, lol) on the side >>>>>>
Shout-out to CamrynLynn19 for the OC :)

Dedicated to TheUltimateTrio for putting this in their recommendations. Thanks guys :D

Also, I know Blaine, Sam, and Tina would've run as well (And Blaine would've won, lol), but for the sake of this being fanfiction, Artie/Kitty are the only running duo in the ND. (Other people ran too, so just remember that) And I REALLY WANT to make Kartie endgame in this, but I had already made plans for a different couple that involves Kitty. You can probably already guess who the other half is...

I was partly inspired by RyleyBridges and her Prom chapter that was recently uploaded. SO shout-out to her :)

...Okay, so that's not really that much compared to other stories (one of my others has 6,752 reads), but I want to thank each and every single one of you for reading this. I honestly only thought of this because of Lea and Aaron (aka my guilt ship), and then it turned into...well, THIS.
So thank you. :D

Next chapter, we'll find out what happens with Rachel and Gabe...
I have the next few chapters planned out. After the next chapter, the New Directions are going to Los Angeles! Basically, I have one chapter dedicated to touring, and two more on the actual competition. The there's the Graduation chapter, then a few more chapters on the New York side of things, then the 2012-2013 year is done. I do need a bit of help with the Graduation chapter, but I'll ask for that later. :)
After that, Graceland is taking a small hiatus so I can finish my other ongoing story, "They Don't Know About Us." I might try and finish that before coming back to this, but at the same time, I might break that promise and update this more. I already have a storyline figured out for the next school year. XP

Until next time, my penguins...
(I need to start calling you guys that again)
~Rosie :)


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