Over The Nile (BoyxBoy)

By Cynnerr

416K 19.2K 3.8K

Milah is a slave in the royal palace of Egypt, works at a brothel to make up for the debt his father left him... More

The Coming
Two more days
He Returns
Next Phase
Golden Eyes
Feelings (2)
Soul mates
Act Like It!
Hate On Me
If They Never Met...
Fight For Him
Over The Nile...
No Grand Occasion
T'was Done.

Kiss Me

15.1K 666 151
By Cynnerr

Dedicated to Iman in a bid to get her to update "A is for Ayan" you guys should check it out.

"The prince's return does not mean that you relax, you bastards!" Thabit's voice could be heard at the far corner of the palace and Milah sighed as he thought, the Head slave was back.

"I checked the camel quarters and it was positively more disgusting than usual" the Head slave bellowed his voice taking a different tone when he saw Milah. "Rashid, you will wash the place spotless with Omar and if I see just a speck of dirt you will be lashed" Thabit said as he glared at poor Rashid whose face had gone green at the mention of the camel quarters. Milah felt sad for him.

"I'll tell you this once and never again that if I see any grime on the palace grounds, you all are in trouble irrespective of what your job is" Thabit added as he dismissed them with a passive hand wave and a glare.

Milah was about to start his own portion of work when Thabit called him, sighing he walked over to him dreading what was to come. "Uh... how are you?" Thabit stammered out his eyes darting in all directions, "I am quite alright sir" Milah replied awkwardly because he didn't know what to make of the Head slave's attitude.

"Did you sleep well?" Thabit asked again making Milah flush at the memory of his night with Khal and nodded with a smile. "I slept perfectly" he replied with a small smile, "I found this lotus flower when I visited the Niles yesterday and thought to give it to you" Thabit murmured as he thrust the flower at Milah with his cheeks reddening.

Ah, Milah thought, he now understood why the Head slave was doing, he was trying to woo him. Collecting the flower with sadness in his heart as he thought that if it was Khal who gave this to him he wondered the kind of feelings that he would feel.

However, he stood here with a well-meaning flower in his hands and he felt nothing, he felt absolutely nothing.

"Thank you" he mumbled as he stared at the flower in a daze, "But I can't accept this" Milah said with a frown on his face as he pushed a strand of hair back into place.

"Why not?" Thabit asked obviously heart broken. Milah replied "The person I was waiting for has returned" those words seem to shatter whatever hope Thabit had because his brown eyes lost its light and Milah couldn't help but feel like a villain.

"I'm sorry" he said as he waited for the dazed look to exit Thabit's eyes. "It's no worries" Thabit mumbled as he seemed to get a hold on himself, Milah raised his hands to return the flower back to Thabit but he shook his head and said "No, no keep it" as he slowly stepped away, "It's a gift" he added as he turned and left, leaving Milah standing there.

Milah refused to take fault for this, it wasn't his fault that someone fell in love with him and it also want his fault that he didn't love Thabit back, you don't choose who you love, love did that all on its own.

Sighing Milah left the scene in sadness as he went to start his work in the palace fields, placing the flower in his pockets as he hurried to get his work done.

"Ah, the queen has graced us with her presence" he heard Odji sarcastic voice say as he walked into the fields, keeping silent as he knelt to start his portion of the land. "Aw, he works too, he would make such a good housewife" Odji said with a sneer.

Rolling his eyes Milah ignored him as he continued with his portion of land. "See how he acts all high and mighty when he is just a slave like all of us" Odji said to Sa who just shrugged his shoulders as he continued his work.

"I hope you aren't this quiet in bed, Nkw" Odji said again and Milah just tensed as he stopped picking his portion. Sighing he picked up his basket and started to make his way to the kitchen when he was pushed forward.

The contents of his basket fell to the ground, and he turned and saw Odji with an evil smirk on his lips as he watched Milah, and that was when Milah snapped and punched him so hard in the face he heard a crack and blood poured to the ground from where was damaged.

"Ah, so he can react" Odji wheezed out as he wiped a trial of blood from his nose with a chuckle. "Leave me alone Odji" Milah replied hoping that his voice came out as firm as he thought it did.

"Today you won the battle, not so sure about the war though" Odji replied as he gave Milah a crooked smile and went to work. Sighing in relief Milah picked up his basket and placed the plants that fell out into them and left for the kitchen.

"Milah dear" she said as she welcomed him with a hug, her chubby brown cheeks puffed in a smile as she looked at Milah, "Jumoke, good morning" Milah replied with a smile of his own, "It's almost noon dear" she resorted with a loud laugh.

"Oh, it is" he answered as he took a close look at the sky, he mush have not realized when time was running out. "Milah do you want to eat, I made that dish you like," Jumoke said as she pulled him in the direction of her kitchen, frowning in confusion he asked "Why did you make akara and moi moi?" he was not aware that the royal ate such.

"Oh, the crown prince wanted it for breakfast, he's an odd one" Jumoke replied as she served Milah his portion of food, Khal remembered it was his favorite dish and it made the occasions of today seem like nothing.

Collecting his food from Jumoke with a smile, he made his way to the slave quarters to eat it. He had not sat on his sit for a minute when Amun was by his side as he panted out "Milah what kind of trouble did you get yourself into?!" Amun said his voice filled with panic.

He and Amun never really talked but they were friends, "What do you mean?" Milah asked as he adjusted for Amun to sit as he patted his back. "The crown prince Khaldun sent some men to come look for you, Milah what did you do?".

Milah found the situation somewhat amusing "I didn't do anything" he replied as he got off the chair and gave his food to Amun who seemed to need it more than he did at the moment.

"Thanks, are you sure you did nothing?" Amun asked as he shoved a slice of moi moi in his wide mouth, chuckling Milah nodded and left to get to Khal's quarters.

He knocked on the door softly and waited for Khal to open it, "You know we should really make a secret knock" were the first words that Khal said when he opened his door with a wide smile. Opening the door wider for Milah to enter, getting into the room he sat on the bed and watched Khal pull out a large tray that was filled with covered plates.

"Are you hungry my love?" Khal asked as he sat on the bed beside Milah, smiling Milah nodded as he replied "Very" Khal proceeded to open the plates and Milah was faced with plates of moi moi and akara and he said "Are you trying to fatten me?" Khal was about to reply when Milah added "Because I like where this is going" and Khal kissed his forehead with a chuckle.

"So, what have you been up to?" Khal asked as he pushed a plate of moi moi to Milah, with glee in his eyes Milah sliced the semi-solid dish into little pieces, "Nothing just work" he murmured as he looked around the room for water to wash his hands.

"You are so hard working" Khal murmured caressing Milah's cloth covered back as he placed a bowl of water on the table "Oh really" Milah said with a lop- sided smile "Yes, my love, so hardworking" Khal purred as his hand grazed Milah's left arm.

Khal was nuzzling at his neck as he held Milah close by his waist, "Let me eat", Milah said jokingly as he leaned on Khal "Should I feed it to you?", Khal asked as he collected the knife from Milah's hands.

"Eat" Khal pushed as he tried to feed Milah who chuckled and opened his mouth for Khal to feed him, "Mhm" Milah hummed as he savored the taste of the moi moi, it had been so long since he had tasted this. This was his and his sister's favorite food; Anai would steal pieces from their grandmother's pot and would then share it with him.

Anai loved moi moi and would stash the banana leaf wrapped dish in her room and eat it late at night, the sounds of her trying to eat silently always woke him up and then she would have to share her stash with him with an angry pout.

"I know, Jumoke is quite the cook" Khal said as he picked a piece of slice moi moi and feed it to Milah, "You are such a sap" Milah mumbled with his mouth full. "No no, I'm in love" Khal replied as he stared at Milah with his golden eyes, "Aren't you going to eat?" Milah asked as Khal tried to feed him again, "No, I've eaten my share" he replied motioning for Milah to open his mouth.

"I missed you while you were away" Khal murmured as they settled into the bed after eating, his head on Milah's chest as they stared at the ceiling, "I wasn't gone for long" Milah replied as he ran his fingers through Khal's short hair.

"Well, I still missed you" Khal replied placing a kiss on Milah lips. "I'm here now, what were you hoping we'd do" Milah asked with a smirk, "I have a few ideas" Khal trailed off with his bright eyes shining in mischief, "Tell me". "I'd rather show you" Khal purred out as trailed kisses on Milah's neck.

The kisses light but intent as Khal's lips trailed to his, slowly but surely. Khal's hands caressing Milah's body. Using his knee to part Milah legs apart he held onto his hips as he pulled Milah closer. Groaning at the feel of Khal's body on his Milah hands wondered the parts of Khal's body.

Moaning when Khal grinded his lower body against him and he could feel every hard inch of just how much he made Khal want him, just how much Khal wanted him...Him.

Lips pressed against his, familiar and sweet as they explored him, opening himself up to be judged and to be seen for what he was. Khal pulled Milah's hands away from where they laid and turned them over with Milah saddling him.

"Kiss me" he purred as he stared at Milah with golden hooded eyes, as he stared at Milah's plumb pink lips, "Kamilah, kiss me" Khal said again only now with more heat. And that was when Milah noticed what Khal was aiming at, Khal was always the first one to initiate something intimate between them.

Heat pooled down his stomach as he blushed, wiggling on where he sat he could still feel Khal's hardness against his backside as Khal held onto his hips. "Uh, I'm going to kiss you now" Milah murmured as he leaned in slowly, "I'm waiting" Khal replied with his eyes closed, a smirk on his lips.

"I'm getting closer" Milah said as he leaned in closer, "I'm right in front of you" he murmured as he got only a few inches away from Khal's face, "Just kiss me alrea" and he stopped the sentence with his lips, his hands holding Khal neck in place as he kissed him, kissed him with his whole heart, pouring all the things he wanted to say but hadn't said into the kiss.

Pulling away from a panting Khal, Milah smiled at his hand work, "You love me" Khal said as he looked at Milah his eyes dazed in wonder, "Of course I do" Milah replied as he pecked Khal on the lips lightly, chuckling when he looked up to see Khal's eyes crossed as he tried to look at his lips.

Her Royal Awesomeness: Akara and moi moi is actually a Nigerian dish made from blended beans, but when I did some research about Ancient Egyptian foods I found that they liked beans so I decided to use a Nigerian dish that I knew quite well. I'll change it later though cause I haven't had the chance to really research it properly.

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