The Demon's Slave (BTS Jimin)

By bangtanxinfires

240K 8.4K 5.4K

In which a slave falls in love with her own master. #480 in fanfiction 170126 hiatus More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
author's note
Chapter 26

Chapter 3

12.9K 437 683
By bangtanxinfires

Nara POV
It's been one month since Jimin taught me all the skills and I have mastered most of them. Jimin and I are a lot closer and we got a lot more touchy. We're actually friends now, and can talk normally to each other. But sometimes Jimin flirts with me and it confuses me.

I heard my door click open, and I looked up. There stood Jimin.

"Hey, pack some clothes, we're going on a trip." He chirped.

"A trip? To where?" I asked, confused.

Jimin replied, "We're going on vacation to my villa."

"Woah you have a villa?"

"Yea, after all, I'm rich." He smirks.

"Yaaaayyyy," I made a high pitch squeal and immediately scurried around my room, searching for things to pack.

"Heh.. Calm down Nara," Jimin said while smiling. He walked out and closed the door.

Hmm, what should I bring? Definitely a bikini and light clothes. Phones and chargers... Earbuds..


I ran around in circles and screamed. Oh no.. Where's my phone..?

Finally, I found it under my pillow and sighed in relief. Thank god. I then resumed packing.

~~~ 2 hours later ~~~

"Naraaaa are you ready to go?" Jimin called.

"Yesss hold on!" I yelled back. I grabbed all my bags and luggage, running down the stairs.

"Excited aren't we?" He laughed.

"Well yea I've been stuck in this place for months!" I answered.

He kept quiet.

"Eh, Jimin are you ok? Did I say something wrong?"

"Whatever, let's just go."

We got in his car and it was an awkward silence as Jimin drove us to the villa.


•At the villa•

"Ooh!" I exclaimed, amazed at the scenery.

Currently, we were inside the house and it was so pretty! I looked out the window and saw the a maroon ocean. (A/N: oceans in hell yea ok) The walls were lavender and the furniture overall was just neatly organized. It was like a 5-star hotel, but better. Everything was shining; it was just so beautiful. The curtains were made of lace and the tables of the most elegant wood and metal. There was a window seat where one could peacefully sleep, read, or think.

"I wish I can live here forever!" I smiled as I stomach-flopped onto a fluffy king-sized bed.

Jimin chuckled and lay down next to me. "Hey, my brothers are going to come over later. Is that okay?" He asked.

"Of course," I wrapped my arms around him, "this is your place anyways."

Jimin faced me and said, "I think you'll be great friends with them." He poked my nose then squished my cheeks. "So squishyyy~~ my little baozi."

"Aish..this guy.." I muttered, but inside I was happy. I wish me and Jimin can be like this forever.

He got up from the bed. "I'm going to cook some food for when everyone arrives. Feel free to wander around."

After Jimin left the room, I got bored and went on my phone to play some games. A while later, I decided to go use the restroom.

Getting up, I groaned in satisfaction. I've been laying on that bed for too long. Looking around, I realized I didn't know where the bathroom is. Oh well, I'll just try to find it.

I cautiously opened the door and walked down the hallway. I then saw a door, which I thought was the bathroom. Opening it, I was faced with a bunch of closet supplies.

Oh. Oops.

I quickly found another room, and I twisted open the doorknob. Looking up, I almost screamed.

A guy with purple hair and dark brown eyes was in front of me, staring at me. His face features are really nice. His body too. The nose, the lips, they look so kissable. And his collarbone was to die for. Ooh, and such a beautiful jawline.

"Like what you're seeing?" The guy's voice snapped me out of my trance.

I blushed and stuttered, "uhh.. W-who are you?"

"I'm Taehyung," he chuckled, "Jimin's brother. And I take you're Nara?"

I nodded.

"Well Jimin and the others are in the living room. We should go join them now," Taehyung said.

He led the way and I followed. In the living room, there were 4 other guys, not including Taehyung and Jimin. One had mint green hair, and was sleeping. Another is with brown hair and the best nose ever. Like ever. The third was laughing at something on his phone. And the last was staring out the window.

Jimin stood up and walked over to me. "Guys," he called, "I'd like you to meet Nara."

"Oh, she's the slave you were talking about?" the one with brown hair asked.

"Yep," Jimin answered. "Anyways, Nara, his name is Jin."

I smiled and gave a little wave to the brown-haired guy.

Jimin continued introducing us. "This is Namjoon, Hoseok, and --wake up Yoongi, you're always sleeping!"

Mint green hair guy rubbed his eyes sleepily and slowly got up. "Who is this?" he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Hello, I'm Nara, Jimin's slave," I introduced.

"Yoongi," he simply answered.

Yoongi studied my face for a while, before I started to get weirded out.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I questioned.

"Hehe, no reason. So you're the lucky girl, eh?" Yoongi said.



Jimin interrupted us with a cough. "So I'm guessing you and Taehyung have already met at first?"

"Yea," I laughed, "I accidentally bumped into him at the bathroom."

"Where's Jungkook?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook? The one who killed me? Nah, it can't be. I think I would've known if I was dating a demon.

Jin answered, "he's on his way."

"Oh well, let's just eat for now," Jimin said, serving the food he just cooked.

Even as we ate, I couldn't push the thought of Jungkook away. He can't be here right? The guy that hurt me and ruined my life.

I used my chopsticks to play with my food, I don't have an appetite anymore.

"What's wrong Nara? Aren't you going to eat?" Jimin asked, worried.

"Just not that hungry," I said.

Just then, the door opened and we all turned.

There stood my worse nightmare.

Jeon Jungkook.

(A/N: I was going to make it Park Jungkook since they are all siblings, but it just sounds weird.)

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