V is for Virgin, & That's Wha...

Por kimpyvon

178K 7.4K 1.1K

Gabriella's a virgin because of many reasons - One is because of her love dedication to Aiden, the school's b... Más

V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 1
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 2
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 3
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 4
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 5
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 6
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 7
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 8
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 10
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 11
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 12
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 13
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 14
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 15
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 16
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 17
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 18
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 19
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 19.1
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 20
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 21
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 22
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 23
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 24
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 25
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 26
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 27
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 28
V is for Virgin & That's What I'll Forever Be: 29
V is for Virgin & That's What I'll Forever Be: 30
V is for Virgin & That's What I'll Forever Be: 31

V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 9

6K 257 44
Por kimpyvon

♡ Gabby ♡

"Look, Gabby.. I am so sorry!" Lianna apologizes, for the nth time, and she even sat on the back seat for once.

"It's fine," I grunted.

"You must hate parties right now." She sighed, "Gosh, your first party and I blew it for you."

"Not entirely...." I say, smiling sheepishly about the events today.

"You're really drunk, are you?" Lianna gasped, gaping at me.

"I'm not, Lia. How many times do I have to tell you I didn't even touch that yucky stuff." I answered, looking out the window, still smiling sheepishly.

"Then why are you smiling? It's so strange. I thought you'd be so mad because Seth and I left you." She retorts.

"I am mad." I say. "But...."

"But what?" Lianna smirks, "Something happened tonight!"

"Yeah, well.... I became friends with Ashton." I giggled.

The moment I said his name, Seth braked the car making me hit my face on the car's front seat rest.

"Ow!!!" I mumbled. "Seth! Please drive safely. I don't want to die yet-"

I stopped, rubbing my forehead, and two pairs of eyes are fixated on me.

"Did you just say... you're friends with Ash?" Lianna asked, wide eyed.

"Yeah, he's... really nice." I smiled, thinking about the surreal view right infront of my eyes just an hour ago.

"This is insane." Seth, who wasn't really speaking the whole time suddenly mumbles.

"He's really a nice person. I don't see why he doesn't have any friends." I replied.

"Because... he's.. he's..."

"He's?" I interrupted, eyeing on Lia.

"He's different from us." Seth answers.

"He's not, okay? So what if he's filthy rich? He's a college student- just like us- wanting to be a normal teenager- wanting to have friends, to experience things and to fall in love." I sighed, "He doesn't want to be alone. He is an awesome person, longing for awesome company-"

"What in the world are you yapping about?" Lianna interrupted, smirking.

"I... I don't know," Shit, I didn't know I was saying my thoughts out loud.

"I smell something fishy with the capital F." Lianna squeals.

"Whatever." I mumbled, as I got off the car.

I was walking on our front porch, all the way to the doorstep when Lia slung her arm around my shoulder.

"So..... do you want to go to another party? I think there's another one next week."

I bit my lip, I have to say 'no' this time. I mean- I need to study!

As much as I wanted to see Ashton next week- if he goes to the party- I have to refuse.

"Sorry, but this time, I had to refuse." I say, flashing an apologetic smile.

"It's cool." Seth shrugged. "You already went out of your way to just go tonight. Sorry it's a school day tomorrow."

"It's fine," I chuckled. "I had fun."

Seth and Lianna both exchanged glances and shrugged their shoulders.

I turned my back on them, saying my goodbyes and twisting our front door open.

Although I heard Lianna in the background saying,

"Must be because of Ashton."

I smiled a little, remembering the events of earlier.

As I closed the door, I directly went upstairs, slamming my room door shut and quickly changed into my jammies- what? they're comfy- and removed my make up.

What a night, I told myself.

Who knew I'd enjoy so much tonight? At a party even?


The next morning came by quite fast.

My mom- ugh, she kept interrogating me about what happened last night.

Of course, there's nothing much to say- I told her about Ashton- and she squealed so much it woke my brother, Luke. The bags under his eyes were dark and hideous.

"Looks like someone didn't get sleep last night." I say, smirking at how he looks.

"Luke!! How many times do I have to tell you not to stay up too late because of videogames?" My mom stomps off, ready to scold him.

That should keep her off of me for a while.

After breakfast, I quickly said my goodbyes. Seth and Lianna are already in the doorway waiting for me.

I got in the back seat, busy twiddling my fingers.

I don't know why I feel this nervous- maybe because last night Ash told me that.... he's going to see me- well, not technically but- we'll be seeing each other in school now.

"What's with you?" Lianna asked.

"Nothing... Just-"

"Ashton," Lianna teasingly smirked, cutting me off. "You're totally into him."

"No, I'm not!" I angrily shot back. "I don't have feelings for him, okay? He's just.. a friend."

"Right, friend." Lianna snorts.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring her for the rest of the ride.


Classes were normal, the usual, to be exact.

Nothing much to say since nothing much happened, really.

I went to the lockers, getting my books for the exam- I really need to study now. I got a C on another Math test and I even talked to our professor and sought help. He told me that he'll ask the best student of the class to teach me or something like that.

I sighed in defeat- I didn't get to study last night because of the party- but it was worth it anyway.

I was about to close my locker door when someone covered my eyes from behind making me shriek.

"Miss me?" The voice says, and I shuddered from his touch.

"Ashton.." I sighed, and he released me making me turn to look at him.

I flashed him a smile and memories from last night began to invade my mind making my stomach churn, and my heart flutter.

"You got me," He says cutely, raking his hair with his long fingers.

"What's up?" I asked, and I can sense eyes staring at us, people whispering at each other.

"Fine. I missed you by the way." He laughs- and I already told you about his nice laugh, didn't I? Don't get me started on that. ;)

"Me too. I missed the view." I say honestly. "The yachts are amazing."

"Yeah, I'll take you some time." He smiled.

"Are we interrupting something?"

I noticed the shrill, squeaky voice making me flinch.

I turned around, to see Seth and Lianna all smiles at us.

"Um, no, this is Ashton." I say, tapping Ashton's shoulder lightly. "And this is Lianna, my best friend-"

"Hi!" Lianna interrupted, waving like a love struck little girl.

"And her BOYFRIEND, Seth." I finished, emphasizing the word, 'boyfriend' and glaring at Lianna.

"Yo." Seth coolly greets.

Sometimes, Lianna gets blinded by handsome guys. She just has the tendency to do so.

"Hi, I'm Ashton, but you can call me 'Ash'." He says, flashing his killer smile and shaking hands with Seth and Lianna.

"He's beautiful, Gabby." Lianna sighs, her gaze fixated on Ash, saying her thoughts out loud making me nudge her arm.

"Um... thanks?" Ash laughs.

"What are you saying, Lia..." I mumbled, feeling embarrassed about my best friend's sudden outburst, nudging her arm back. "Sorry, my best friend has the tendency to... gawk at hot guys-"

"So.. you think I'm hot?" Ash cut me off, smirking, his dimples showing.

Oh god, I'm a sucker of dimples- why does he have to show it now?

"I'm not saying that." I pouted.

"But you said-"

"Don't take it too personally." I cut him off, feeling the heat from my cheeks rise, my gaze plummeted to the floor.

"I'm kidding!" He laughed, ruffling my hair. But how come I hint a sense of disappointment in his voice?

Nah, must be my imagination.

"So what brings you here?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Oh... um, Mr. Collins asked me to help you with your.. Math-"

"NO WAY..." I interrupted, my jaw dropping, "So you're his best student?"

"I don't know." Ashton shrugs cluelessly. "He just told me to inform you about it..."

How can he be so... perfect? It's really awesome- but at the same time, astonishing!

Not only is he drop dead gorgeous, filthy rich and incredibly nice- but he's intelligent too?

"Are you even a human being?" I say to him, still shocked.

"What do you mean?" He asked, smirking. Oh, he's teasing me- I sense the teasing tone behind his voice.

"Don't act dumb! You're like- THE perfect guy, everybody's dream or something-" I stopped midsentence, realizing I might be complimenting him too much.

"What's that, Gabby?" Lianna teased. "Your dream guy perhaps?"

"I-I'm not saying that..." I mumbled, feeling the heat on my cheeks rise- again.

"Shouldn't I say the same for you, Gabby?" He grins, tilting his head to the side. "You're beautiful.. and Mr. Collins told me you're one of his best students. You're not even failing your classes but you insisted on having perfect marks. I never met someone so.. determined before."

"Was that supposed to be a compliment? Being determined?" I asked back, feeling myself blush again. God, I hated being so clueless on things.

"Yeah, it's supposed to be that way." He chuckled.

"So you're going to tutor Gabs, right?" Lianna suddenly asked out of the blue.

"Well, she asked for it even if she didn't need to." Ash snickers.

"My friend's a perfectionist as you can see." Lianna snickered back, "Anyway, since.. you're going to tutor her anyway- can you, by any chance, take her home? I mean- Seth and I still have stuff to do-"

"WHAT?" I gaped at Lia. "What stuff?" I eyed on her, glaring.

"Um... important stuff." Lianna says, eyeing on me as if trying to tell me something.

"What important stuff?" I insisted.

"Um.... IMPORTANT stuff that is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS." She says, emphasizing 'important' and 'none of your business'. Okay, so it's practically obvious that she's making this stuff up.

"Sure, I can take her. We're going to study for the exams, anyway, right?" Ashton says, flashing me a smile.


Lianna leaned on me, whispering in my ear.

"He's a keeper, Gabs. You're right, he seems to be an amazing person."

She pulled away, waving at Ashton and I.

"You guys are leaving already?" I say, feeling anxious.

"IMPORTANT STUFF, Gabby. IMPORTANT STUFF." She says, winking at me, then I see her mouthing, "Go get him, Gabs." Although I'm not sure if I saw right.

And so, they left us both standing there- me, alone with this- ALIEN, since he's too perfect to be human.

"Your friends seem... nice." Ash suddenly says, making me roll my eyes.

Yeah, so nice to just leave and set me up with you.

"Tell me about it." I answered sarcastically.

"So.. shall we-"

He was interrupted by my phone suddenly ringing.

I took out my phone, seeing mom's calling me.

What on earth could it be?

Don't tell me it's about Luke and his videogame addiction again- my mom often calls me about it, I don't know why.

"Hold on a sec, I'll take this." I smiled, pressing the green call button to answer the call.

Me: Hello?

Mom: GABRIELLA!!! (shrieking voice)

Me: What's up?

Mom: YOU NEED TO GET HOME IMMEDIATELY!!! (whispers in a not-so-nice manner)

Me: Why? Is something wrong?

Mom: Just.. come home. (hopelessness evident in her voice) It's an emergency.

Me: Okay, I'll be on my way.

Mom: Love you.

Me: Love you too.

I hung up the phone, looking at Ashton.

"I know I'm just asking for a ride- and I don't really have the right to ask you this but- can we go home now? My mom called and she told me there's an emergency." I say to Ash, feeling really embarrassed.

"Sure, it's fine. So that we can start with your tutoring sessions." He smiled.

"Thank you, you're so nice." I replied.

And so both of us talked and chatted while walking down the parking lot and I'm very aware of the students staring at us.

I just wanted to scream at them and tell them to get a freakin' life.

He stopped walking when we reached a silver lamborghini making me gape at me.

"Please don't tell me that's yours." I tell him.

"Uh.... but.. it's mine." He shrugged, looking perplexed.

"You're twenty one and you own a lambo?!" I say, gaping at him.

"How'd you know I'm twenty one?" He smirks, making me blush.

"I heard from someone that your parents gave you that house last night when you turned twenty one.." I say, feeling embarrassed because I feel nosy.

"Right..." He replied, a hint of sadness can be heard from his tone. He unlocked the car, opening the car door for me as I entered.

Wow- the passenger's seat- of a guy.

I never sat on the passenger's seat of a guy before- I always sat in the back seat.

This thought made me blush in an instant- Don't couples usually do this? You know, sitting side by side- in a car.

The car ride was silent, maybe a few conversations about the weather and that's it.

I can sense that he's as nervous as I am, which made me feel better because- I'm not the only one who's feeling this way.

We reached my house a few minutes later, I just told him the directions and he followed- he actually knew the neighborhood so it wasn't that difficult for him to drive there.

He parked the car in the driveway, and then shutting off the engine. As soon as he did, he got out of the car and ran to my side, opening the car door for me making me blush.

Honestly, these simple gestures are the things that I find really sweet.

I rang the doorbell a couple of times, again, a bored expressioned Luke answered the door.

"Ah.... Ashton, this is Luke... my younger brother." I say, introducing them to each other.

"Hi!" Ashton perkily greeted.

"Is this your boyfriend?" Luke asked, his face still indifferent, making me blush.

"No, silly! He's my.. friend." I replied, feeling flustered.

"Oh... then that means the other guy is your boyfriend.." Luke shrugs casually, his dark bags showing.

"Wait, what? What are you talking about, Luke? I don't have a boyfriend.." I clarified, looking at him, confused.

"Oh." He says, rolling his eyes. "I forgot you never had a boyfriend-"

"Luke!" I cut him off, feeling embarrassed that Ashton's just beside me, probably hearing all of this.

"And I don't think you'll ever have one." I hear him murmur under his breath.

"Whatever, where's mom? She called me." I say, entering the house. "MOM??" I shouted, and froze.

Something horrible is lying on our living room couch.

"Gabby!!" My mom squealed in delight from the kitchen, "I didn't know you have a boyfriend-" Then stopped midsentence when she saw Ashton beside me, a baffled look on her face.

"Mom, this is Ashton, my friend- Ashton.... meet my mom." I say, starting with the introductions again and I honestly feel awkward that I'm doing these awkward introductions.

"Ah... hi Ashton, nice meeting you." My mom greets politely, shaking Ashton's hand.

"So," I pursed my lips, feeling infuriated right now. "That thing on the couch is what the emergency is all about."

"Gosh, Gabby, I just thought- well, you know......." She trailed off, not finishing the sentence because Ashton's there and- yeah, it's embarrassing, you get the gist.

"So you must be Ashton!" A voice boomed, I really don't want to hear right now.

I sighed in defeat as I watched him walking towards the three of us.

"Nice parties." He smirks, punching Ashton's arm playfully and Ashton, looking cute as ever, seems baffled.

"Um... thanks?" Ashton awkwardly smiles.

"Aiden." Aiden smirks, shaking Ashton's hand.

"Ash." Ashton replied, shaking his hand back, giving me a wary look which I responded with an eye roll.

"What are you doing here?" I growled at Aiden.

"Gabby! Don't need to be so rude.... Aiden's a nice guy- very well built and handsome too-" Yup, my mom just lectured me about a thing or two of being rude while checking out Aiden at the same time. Smooth move, mom. Smooth move.

"The question is, why is Ashton here?" Aiden teasingly smirked, pointing at Ash.

"He's here to tutor me. Now, if you have nothing else to say- please leave because I need to study." I scoffed.

"Hmm, that's funny. Mr. Collins told me to tutor you too- so he gave me your address and I stopped by." Aiden shrugged, smirking devilishly now- and as much as I wanted to punch him right now- he flashed his dimples making me sigh in defeat.

Gee, why are the guys the ones blessed with dimples? I have dimples but they're not as visible. Better yet, they look invisible unless you look real closely.

"He told me the same thing too." Ash smiled, "It must be fate. I've been meeting new friends eversince last night. Wow Gabby, you're really my good luck charm."

I blushed, with what he said, nobody- and I mean nobody told me I was a good luck charm before.

"T-That's ridiculous, Ash. But thanks..." I replied softly, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Huh, that's funny- it works the opposite for me, Ashton. You know, Gabby's actually bad luck to me." Aiden laughed, making Ash grin.

"Nobody's asking you, Aiden." I scowled.

"You didn't ask Ashton too." Aiden says, as a matter of factly.

"Let's just study." I sighed, feeling defeated.

The two boys agreed, and it looks like they're getting along pretty well.

Oh dear, tonight's going to be a long night-

For me.


Hola! So how's this chappie, guys? :)

Vomments, aryt?:)

Have you seen the cast list? If not, turn to the side.


Also, on the side is a picture of Gabriella- played by Lucy Hale- and hmmm, in this picture- she looks like as if she's thinking...

Probably thinking if who is going to win her heart.


Team Ashiella? Or team Aidella?

Both sound terrifically cute though-

And trust me: a little spoilers: There will be more cute guys- and pairings with Gabriella in the future chappies.

Stay tuned!

Love lots, Xx

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