Summer Trouble//Laucy

Oleh LaurmaniDinally

66.9K 1.7K 1.6K

Lucy Vives has the greatest beach house in Miami, known for throwing the best summer parties there. Lauren Ja... Lebih Banyak

Green Food
Choir Room
First Night
The Next Day
Group Dinner
What's Going On?
These are My Confessions
Hell of a Night
Hell of a Night (part 2)
I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore
Laucy is Saucy
Our Moonlight Movie
Comments, Questions, or Concerns?
Take him to the Pier in Santa Monica

Tequila Mockingbird

9.8K 193 193
Oleh LaurmaniDinally

"This is really your first sip? Of anything?"

"No shit, Lucy I'm 15 years old. I'm not even supposed to be here."

"Hey don't complain, Tay. If it weren't for the greatest older brother ever, aka me, you wouldn't even be here."

"Oh Chris give the child a break. She's in high school for crying out loud. This is a college party. You shouldn't be dragging her here. You shouldn't even be here considering you're still in high school too." Lucy Vives pulled Taylor Jauregui in for a hug while the music kept blaring through the speakers and the guests kept drinking, swimming, and dancing. Chris Jauregui just rolled his eyes.

"Aw come on. She needs the experience. Someone else in this family besides me needs to be partying. We all know Lolo has no life to have time for fun."

Oh the things he doesn't know. Lucy thought to herself.

"True that. But her and the girls are so successful, we should be happy for them. They're not throwing parties twice a week during summer like us losers. They're actually working hard and making money."

"Yeah I get that, but they need to let loose on those girls for once. A break would be nice." Chris ran his hand through his brown hair filled with a few highlights from being out in the sun. He was your typical beach jock. He was always showing up to any party on the beach, along with his buddies and dumb t shirts they wear.

"Maybe so. Okay Tay, now, it won't taste good I promise you. Just forget the taste, and if it becomes too strong I have a lime for you. Also if you're feeling nervous about it lick your hand and pour salt on it then lick the salt right before the shot. Got it?"

"Got it." A fifteen year old Taylor responded confidently.

"And another thing, you can always hold your nose while you're taking the shot, but that takes away from the first time experience. Your choice." Lucy prepared the shot glass with tequila. Her sandy brown hair falling over the bottle.

"Okay moommm no need for all these instructions. It's a freaking tequila shot."

"Zip it, Jauregui. She's like my little sister too so I just want her to be safe. I don't know if she's a lightweight or not so she could well get drunk on this one shot." Lucy shoved Chris's shoulder. He loved when she was mean to him. He thought it was hot.

Both families knew of Chris's fascination with the beautiful girl. It was always a joke that the two would get married, even though he was two years younger than her. That was, until one day, about two years before while Lauren was in LA with her group, Lucy went to their house for dinner and Mike Jauregui, Chris's dad, kept talking about what their wedding would be like. Lucy never knew if their parents were kidding or actually serious about that. She was getting a little aggravated, and creeped out so she just said, "Well that's a nice wedding, but you would have to set me up with someone more, I don't know, female." Two forks could be heard being dropped on plates, and they were coming from Mike and Chris.

"See I told you honey. I knew you should've stopped pestering the poor girl about marrying our son. You sound like a 1500s King looking for his princess daughter a husband. It's creepy." Clara Jauregui threw her hand on the table, embarrassed by her husband. Chris' jaw was dropped.

"But hey I mean you have a daughter my age so it's still possible to set up that dream wedding with me you're planning. I'm sure it would be nice." Lucy's sarcastic tone came out sweet, and Clara laughed at it. Mike chuckled. They didn't understand that she was being smart with them, because she was kind of aggravated with them.

"I'm sorry Lucy. I didn't realize. I was just a little shocked that's all. I was joking anyway that wasn't serious in just trying to play matchmaker for my son."

"Oh no it's cool Papa J. I was just making things clear. I mean you guys are like my second family so I pretty much had to tell you someday."

"We love you no matter what, sweetie. You're like our daughter and we just want you to be happy." Clara held out her hand reassuringly.

Chris still had a thing for the girl, but he eventually got over it. Now, he just admires her beauty. A lot.

"Throw it back, Jauregui!" One of the guys nearby screamed. A small group of people was around the two Jaureguis and Lucy. They were cheering on the younger girl.

When she tossed it back, nothing but a burning feeling took over her throat. It made her face squeeze tightly together and her eyes close. She had to hold back a gag, but she made it.

"Yes your first shot! I'm so proud of you kid!" Lucy high fived Taylor.

"High five little sis" Chris held out his hand that Taylor hit with hers.

"Now chase it with this mixed drink, and you'll be fine." Chris offered his younger sister a cup. She began to grab it but it was taken by the older girl.

"Nah uh buddy you are not getting your sister inebriated this quickly. She just had a tequila shot. Give her a break."

"Oh look you're being a mom again. C'mon Lucy she's 15 she can handle it. She's gotta start sometime."

"Taylor, do you want to drink more or no? You don't have to, no one will judge you either way." Lucy asked in a sincere tone, placing her hand on the younger girl's shoulder.

"I'll try this drink. I kind of want to have my first drunk experience. Plus, I trust you guys to not let me get hurt." Her words warmed both Chris and Lucy. They loved her so much and cared for her.

"Chris, if something happens and Lauren finds out, it was your fault not mine." She turned towards him sharply. Chris just smirked.

"Oh no. Wouldn't want to ruin your reputation for your green eyed goddess right?" He sounded like a 5 year old singing "someone and someone sitting in a tree." Lucy just sighed. He always brought this up.

"Chris, let it go. It was one time I called her that and I was druuunnk. I don't have a thing for your sister." Lucy said calmly, shrugging him off.

"So since we're lying now, I'll just say that she doesn't have a thing for you either." He crossed his tanned arms over his bare chest, still keeping a beer in one of his hands."

"Shut up. She doesn't.You and your dad man I swear you just want me to marry a Jauregui." All she could do was laugh at how childish the younger boy sounded, but she knew what he was saying had truth to it. She would never let him know that.

"Whatever you say Luce." Chris looked away to watch the people at the party. Lucy followed his gaze and realized that this is her life. This is all she does over the summer. There's no worries, even though she's the one throwing the parties. These people she was watching were having fun because of her.

It would be a week or so before her old high school friends would all be back from college for the summer. That's when the true parties started. These were her friends who she got into trouble with multiple times. They would do the craziest stuff, and most of the time they would get away with it.

However, her group of friends was always missing Lauren the past few years. Lucy always felt bad for Lauren a little bit, even though she was living her dream and being successful with four other amazing girls, she wished Lauren would've been a part of the rest of their high school years, and college years. She wished Lauren could've experienced more, been a normal teenager. Mostly, she wished she could spend more time with the green eyed Cuban.

These years couldn't be replaced. Lucy knew that as she looked around the pool where the colorful lights flickered around the half naked people in the pool. She watched people drink their stress away, while dancing to the music that kept their hearts beating. It was weird, but it was wonderful. She could never get tired of this, could she?

"Alright girls I called you in for some important news."

"I hope it's that we are getting better food because these sandwiches they keep bringing us kind of suck."

"What? Mani I think they're pretty good. It's better than that damn chicken you always drool over."

"Hey watch it Mila, that is quality chicken and I won't sit here and let a banana obsessed child tell me what good food is."

"Okay seriously? Shut up I wanna get this shit over with." Dinah Jane interrupted the two girls, who were now laughing with each other over their dumb fight.

"Thank you, Dinah, but watch your language." LA Reid looked in her direction with condescending eyes. She just rolled her eyes, along with Lauren.

"Who ever even came up with curse words anyway? Like how did they create these words and then they're like 'what the fuck no don't use that word' and what makes them so bad? I just don't get it." Lauren Jauregui was slouched down on her own separate couch, waiting for the news. She would be lying if she said she didn't have a special type of banana bread about 30 minutes before that was starting to kick in.

Everyone in the room just looked at Lauren with a confused look on their faces except Ally Brooke. She just laughed. Lauren may have been a little generous and shared some of her banana bread with the short Hispanic girl.

"You know what, I'm not even going to fight this. I have a busy ass schedule today and you are not my only artists. I'm just going to cut right through the chase: you're spending the entire summer in Miami recording-


"Let me finish. No questions. I picked Miami because two of you are from there, so there's places to stay, money saver hello, and also there's beaches and shit so you guys can have inspiration okay? Alright I have a flight to catch but your team should be giving you more details later. Bye ladies I'll see you soon, and good luck recording in Miami."

The girls grunted, except Lauren and Camila, who were more than excited. Ally, Normani, and Dinah would like to have some break time to visit their families. They all talked over their problems and excitements about the move to Miami for the next few months, and finally went on their separate ways.

Lauren was so excited she would get to spend a whole summer with her family and friends. She was happy for Camila too, but she also was sad for the other girls. She promised them she would find ways for them to have the best summer of their lives, and she knew just the person who could make that happen..

She was a legend in Miami. She was a badass at the all girls high school that Lauren went to. Everyone wanted to be with her. Guys and girls alike fawned over her, with her light brown hair, light brown eyes, and perfectly tanned skin. Not to mention her beautiful mind filled with art and insight, aside from all of the partying she did. Even after graduating this girl was still throwing parties every summer to keep the tradition going. Even after years of barely seeing each other, this girl brought out the thrill in Lauren. She put a spark to her life even through a simple text or phone call. Lauren couldn't wait to tell her best friend the good news of her upcoming summer. Their upcoming summer.

Maybe, just maybe, they could finally finish what was supposed to be started.

Hey guys! I'm just trying something out. I've been wanting to write a Laucy fic so I'm doing this at 1 a.m. With a little buzz in my system. This chapter might be confusing but I'll fill you in the next chapters. What do you think? Should I continue? Please let me know.

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