Rise Of The Frozen Guardians...

By Unsteady_Ash

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~Life is like a blanket of snow. Be careful how you step on it. Every step will show.~ A Jelsa fanfic More

Chapter 2: Trick Or Treat
Chapter 3: Elsa Reborned
Chapter 4: I Lost?...
Chapter 5: New Recurits
Chapter 6: Introductions
Chapter 7: Highschool...
Chapter 8: Jealous Jack?
Chapter 9: Mothers day?
Chapter 10: Special date...?
Chapter 11: Lost?
Chapter 12: Lies aren't pretty
Chapter 13: Fear
Chapter 14: Trust me
Chapter 15: Practice
Chapter 16: Lazy day
Chapter 17: Another secert revealed
Chapter 18: My personal hell
Chapter 19: I need to do this
Chapter 20: His demise

Chapter 1

2.3K 40 23
By Unsteady_Ash

Elsa's POV:

The sweat on my hands fail to dry up. Wiping the sweat on my dress does not help to wipe the fear in my heart. I will do anything to stop what I am feeling.

I will be named queen in three years. It's too early for me to be lost in fear, but I can't find the exit. My powers have been increasing and I'm afraid of what people will think once they know I'm not normal. I'm kicked out of my thoughts when there's a knock at my door.

"It's me," My dad's voice was low and calm. My door slowly opens and my dad walks in with my mother.

Although I was still wearing my silk gloves, I couldn't help but take a few steps away from them, "I don't want to hurt you."

"You have never been dangerous," My mother takes a few steps towards me and pulls me into a hug. "You would never hurt us on purpose."

My dad decides to speak up, "Just remember one thing. Conceal it. Don't feel it. Don't let it show."

"We should go check on Anna right now. Get ready Elsa. You're starting school today," With those last words, my mom lets go of me and they both leave.

I can't comprehend why they're sending me to school. It's a dangerous world out there, and I might be just as dangerous.

When I arrive to the dining room, the maids were setting up the dinner table with food, "Anna! There's chocolate down here!"

The sound of running echoes throughout the hall. She was wearing a sunflower dress, but her hair was unkept. She reminded me of Cinderella with only one heel on. Anna and I race toward the table. We sit opposite of each other and stuff our faces with chocolate.

"So good!" Anna squealed in delight. Unlike Anna, I ate with grace and respect for peoples eyes.

"No more chocolate," I reach across the table to hand her a napkin, "Now please finish getting ready."

A maid hands Anna a brush and her one missing heel. I close my eyes and allow myself to breathe. School is only for 7 hours, I can do this.

"Ready for your first day of high school girls?" My father stares me in the eyes. I can see his uncertainty and fear. But I know his fear is not directed at me, it's for me. Anna and I nod.

"Elsa, do you have your silk gloves?" My mother's voice shook with worry. I nod my head to assure her while Anna stares at me with confusion.

"Get going then!" My father shouts in excitement.

Anna and I leave the house in a hurry. I try to drag my feet on our way to school, but Anna links our arms to pull me along, "Why did mother ask if you have a pair of silk gloves?"

My voice stays as still as a pond; there was no pebble to get me to talk. The rest of the walk to school consisted of Anna asking me questions which I couldn't answer. The walk was surprisingly fast. I lead Anna into the school while looking at my surroundings in amazement, "Go find your locker."

"What about you?" Anna looked at me. There was no sign of fear in her eyes. She looked as if school gives her a sense of security. I couldn't drag her down with me.

I watched her gently. There was a sweet smile spread across her face as her eyes shined with delight. I smiled to reassure her, "I'll be okay."

I press my lips on her forehead and gently push her away. She smiled before walking away. Eventually, Anna was hidden in a crowd of teenagers.

"Now time to find my locker," I sigh to myself, unfolding a piece of paper which shows directions to my locker. I locate my locker at the end of the hallway and silently cheer. The students look at me weirdly, causing me to fake a smile in embarrassment.

I quickly open the locker with the combination and place whatever I don't need in there. I keep my science textbook and notebook in my bag. The hallway was buzzing with laughter and chatter. My head was beginning to pound.

I rush to find the science classroom, but I eventually give up. Sinking to the floor , I take a deep breath. The halls were too crowded for me. For a second, I thought I felt my powers surging, but I pushed that feeling aside.

The first bell rings, signaling I was going to be late. I doublecheck if I have everything in my bag before getting up and rushing down the halls. I look at every door along the way. When I find the science classroom, I take a quick breath and walk inside.

"Princess, you're late!" The teacher yelled.

"I'm sorry. And please, just call me Elsa. No formalities needed at school," I bow my head in apology. Looking around, I see that the only available seat is next to a male with brown hair. I quickly move toward the seat and sit down, focusing on the lesson.

"So you're the princess?" He tilts his head slightly to the side and smiles. His eyes shine with a mischievous glint and his lips start to form a smirk. I meekly nod. "Nice to meet you, milady."

"No formalities when I'm at school, please." I look him sternly, hoping my eyes are enough to tell him to treat me like I'm normal. "Hey, what's your name?"

"My name is Jackson. Jackson Overland Frost." He places his hand on his chest and looks at me with a proud expression. "But you can call me Jack. Friends?"

"Of course we can be friends. In fact, you're my first friend here."

"What? Seriously? I thought you would've had more friends. I mean, you are the princess, right?"

"No one really wanted to be my friend since I requested to be treated normally. If they wanted to be my friend, it would be because they wanted to use me for my status."

"How could people be that selfish?!" Jack's voice rises in disgust. Everyone, including the teacher, looks at him.

"Detention for the both of you!" The teachers voice echoes throughout the classroom. My head tilts down in embarrassment, but I can't stop myself from letting out a little giggle. I slightly turn my head to the side to see Jack looking at me.

"Why are you giggling? We just got detention." Jack tilts his head slightly to the side with his hand supporting him. The confusion shown on his face makes him look cuter than he already is.

The bell rings, causing Jack to pack up his bag and leave the classroom in a rush. I grab my bag and try to rush after him, but there was no use. The students were already rushing out the door. When the classroom is clear of students, I leave the classroom. I let out a sigh.

Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I turn around to see who was behind me. Relief flows through me when I see Jack standing behind me. "I thought you left me behind!"

"Why would I leave you behind?" Jack lightly punches my shoulder in a joking matter. "Should we put our bags away? It's lunch now."

"I may have forgotten were my locker is.. But I know my locker number is 15." I avoid looking Jack in the eyes. I feel like an idiot under his stare, but I couldn't help but smile. Jack walks me to my locker and starts putting in the code for the locker next to mine. "That's your locker?"

I stare at the black pouch hiding in the corner of my locker. Closing my locker door halfway, I smile slyly at Jack, "Do you like pranks?" Taking out the black pouch along with a bottle of water, I notice the excitement growing on his face.

"You're a prankster? Who would have guessed."

"People think I'm just a princess. They're wrong on so many levels." My voice starts to drift off near the end of my sentence. "Anyways, I have itching power, but when should we do it?"

"Right now would be a great time. There's an assembly. Come on! I know the school like the back of my hand!" Jack grabs my hand and drags me along. His hands feel warm as do my cheeks. "We're not going through the gym doors; we're going above. Follow me."

He lets go of my hand, making me sigh. I don't know if it was a sigh of relief or disappointment, but I wouldn't mind holding his hand again. Jack opens a door and I walk in.

"This is going to be so much fun!" My voice slightly rises in excitement. It took awhile to calm myself down, but by the time I did, we were watching the principal from the vent above him. "Do you want to sprinkle the itching powder on him?"

"It'd be my honor." Jack gently takes the pouch from my hand and carefully opens it. He turns the itching powder over, allowing it to sprinkle over the principal. It took around 10 seconds before the principal started to scratch himself like crazy. The gym erupted in hysterical laughter.

"Maybe we should end his torture?" I couldn't stop my smile from showing. "We'll get caught if we stay here for too long."

I quickly uncap the container and pour the water over the principals head.

"We should get out these tunnels and into detention right now before we get caught!" Jack warns me. We both rush through the tunnels. Jack opens another door and we enter an empty classroom, "Quickly, take a seat!"

We both sat down at a desk next to each other. I pull out a book from the desk while Jack plays with his thumbs. The principal walks in which cause Jack and I to look up.

"What happened to you sir?" I kept my tone innocent and sweet.

"Have you two been in detention the whole time?" The principal eyes us both while we nod. "Okay. Get ready for you next class then."

I put the book back in the desk as the principal leaves, "Jack, what class do you have next?"

"Geography. I hate it. What about you?"

"Art. It's my favorite subject." I smile at him before finding my way to my next class.


Anna tells me about her day as we leave the school, "I made so many friends today! Everyone was so kind to me and the teachers all like me. There was this assembly, but the principal got so itchy out of nowhere. Do you have any ideas on what or who may have caused this?"

"Elsa!" I look around at the surroundings to find the source of the voice calling my name. Jack walks toward me with a smile on his face. "I'm so glad I caught you before you left."

Anna stares at Jack in curiosity, "Hi, I'm Anna. I'm Elsa's younger sister."

"Hi. I'm Jack. Jackson Overland Frost. It's nice to meet you Princess Anna." Jack shoves his hands in his pants pocket. "Can I walk you two to home?"

Anna and I exchange looks then nod at Jack. This walk will give me a chance to get to know Jack better. Anna holds my hand and nudges me on my side, "Were you wearing your gloves all day?"

I nod. We continue walking in silence until Anna started questioning me about wearing gloves.

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