V is for Virgin, & That's Wha...

By kimpyvon

178K 7.4K 1.1K

Gabriella's a virgin because of many reasons - One is because of her love dedication to Aiden, the school's b... More

V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 1
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 2
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 3
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 4
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 5
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 6
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 8
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 9
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 10
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 11
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 12
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 13
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 14
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 15
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 16
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 17
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 18
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 19
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 19.1
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 20
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 21
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 22
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 23
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 24
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 25
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 26
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 27
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 28
V is for Virgin & That's What I'll Forever Be: 29
V is for Virgin & That's What I'll Forever Be: 30
V is for Virgin & That's What I'll Forever Be: 31

V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 7

6.2K 278 25
By kimpyvon

♡ Gabby ♡

We reached the house, and both of them were silent.

I rang the doorbell three times, fuming and angry.

My brother, Luke, answered it for me with a bored expression.

"Gabby!!" A squealing voice heard from the kitchen, made me roll my eyes.

Luke rolled his eyes as well, looking restless.

"What's up with you?" I asked, eyeing on him.

"Videogames." He shrugged indifferently.

My mom's heels tapped on the floor noisily and when she saw Lianna, her smile went up to her ears- and I mean, literally.

My brother, rolled his eyes and stalked off up the stairs when he saw mom already took over.

"It is so nice to see you, Lia!" She squeals, giving Lianna a bone crushing hug. "You too, Seth." She smiled, hugging Seth as well.

My mom must've noticed the awkward silence between the three of us.

"What's the matter?" She asked, looking at me with concerned eyes.

I snapped my head to Lianna's and Seth's direction.

"These two is the matter." I spat, crossing my arms on my chest.

"What happened?" My mom asked, eyeing on the three of us.

"Well... there's this party..." Lianna started, playing with her shoes and looking down, feeling embarrassed that she's 'sort of' a bad influence.

"And they forced me in going to. Which I refused immediately because exams are coming up next month and I needed to study. Lianna, even used her boyfriend to carry me when we went to the mall to stop me from destroying her devious plan. She even used my credit card to pay for all the stuff she bought! They didn't even tell me that the party was tonight." I say angrily, finishing it off for her.

"Are the stuff yours?" Mom asked, glancing at Lianna disapprovingly.

"I used her credit card to buy her stuff but I used my own money to pay for my purchases. See?" Lianna cried, looking petrified and showing mom the separate receipts.

My mom fell silent, looking stern.

"Is this true, Lianna?" She asked crossly.

"Yes...." Lianna answered, looking down, probably ashamed of herself.

Oh, she is so going to get it, I chuckled to myself.

She is not going to be able to invite me to another party ever again-

"I am so happy Gabby has friends like you." Mom sniffled, hugging both Lianna and Seth.

See? They got a piece of their mind-



"What do you mean, mom?" I ask, looking at her, confused.

"Oh Gabby, how considerate of your friends to invite you to a party. You should go! It's going to be fun!" My mom claps.

Did I hear just right?

My mom- who is against alcohol, partying, smoking and other things- telling me to go to a party?

"But you hate parties like me..." I say, still baffled.

"I never said I hated them." My mom replied. "I just don't want you to go to parties everyday, you know. But you never go to one- that's a bit different."

"But- you know, I hate parties." I retorted, as she pushed me up the stairs with Lianna. Seth stayed in the living room. He says he's just going to change in the bathroom and he's good to go. Seth's pretty good looking so he doesn't really need to groom so much.

"Now now, Gabby. You shouldn't say you hate parties when you never tried to go to one." My mom was all smiles, and I was so surprised my mouth is open ajar. Still surprised that I ended up sitting on the chair infront of my desk, facing the mirror, and Lianna doing my hair.

"Call me if you need something, okay?" My mom says to Lianna.

"Okay. Thanks aunty." Lianna politely replied, making me roll my eyes.

"Your mom is really cool." Lianna giggled.

"This is probably the stupidest thing I'm going to ever do in my life." I sighed in defeat.

What should I do? Even my mom sided with Lianna.

"Oh shut up," Lianna giggled, as she twisted my hair with the curling iron. "You're going to be so pretty tonight."

"I'm not even invited to that party..." I murmured.

"Nobody's invited. You just come and have fun." Lianna answered, rolling her eyes.

"I don't belong there, Lia..." I complained as she twisted more of my hair on the curling iron.

"Gabby, it depends on you if you want to belong." She smiled.

And somehow, what she said made me think.

Maybe... I'm too pessimistic. Maybe I should give some things a try.

"So let's start with the names." She excitedly squealed.

Oh, she must be thinking of the hot guys

"Do I have to?" I groaned.

"You're going to need it in conversing with the people there." She snapped. "Gabs, I'm helping you have a good time here."

I slumped down my chair, pouting.

"Sure, whatever. Let's hear it." I groan, uninterested.

"Okay, the popular kids consists of the jocks- you know Aiden already, hmm, the next one is his best friend, Damien. He has chocolate brown hair, a defined jaw, a little squared face, really cute, and looks kind of innocent- but he's a player too. Next is Brett, he's sort of an emo-ish guy. But he's a jock. His hair always covers the right side of his eye- kinda cute and digs nerds- so yeah, a bonus for you." She winks.

"I don't even care. They're all jockasses and I bet all of them are players." I shrugged casually.

"Wait- there's more! Don't interrupt me! Hmmm, the next one is Tristan, yup, pretty dashing, he's blonde- a golden brown blonde. The other jocks are not that popular anymore, don't ask me why though." Lianna says, "And for your information, the other guys are not that bad... compared to Aiden, that is." making me snort.

"I bet all of them are just as bad."

"Anyway, let's move on to the girls- the Malibu Barbies- well, you can't even distinguish any of them apart because they're all strawberry blondes, perfectly tanned and, you know, like a Barbie. They're also called the 'cheerleaders', a much decent term to call them, actually. So the 'It' clique, or the queen bees of the cheerleaders and of the school consists of five girls. Britney, Hillary, Paris, Lola and Amy. Believe me, I don't know how to tell them apart so save the descriptions." Lianna explained, finally spritzing my hair with hair spray, and starting with my face.

"So I assume they're all sluts." I shrugged, feeling the cold liquid - or should I say, foundation, meeting my skin.

"Not entirely...." Lianna giggled, which I assume means yes. "All of them are actually exes of Aiden. Like I said, he's changed. Changed for the worse."

"Yeah, I never knew he's.... so.. bad," I sigh, the thought of my prince charming being him slowly vanishing.

"Yeah....." Lianna says, changing the subject, probably noticing the tension, "So next are the rich kids. There's Yanna, her parents owns wallmart. She's stinkin' rich too. She's actually pretty- but guarded- very guarded. She's pretty snobby too. Another is Gaston- a famous chef's son. Just his name makes you think he's affiliated to one. He looks- like a twelve year old, to be honest. Ashton- is above all. He's like king, ya know. Everybody loves him because of his money- even the teachers. He's really handsome, you know. Infact, if I say so myself, he looks hotter than Aiden, in my opinion. He has chocolate brown locks, a bit curly, but still dashing. And his features- I couldn't even explain it."

"He looks that good, huh?" I say, suddenly curious of this Ashton guy.

"Yeah, but he's really unapproachable. Nobody talks to him." Lianna finishes off, making me curious.

"But.. he's throwing these big parties, right? How can he not have friends?" I ask her, perplexed.

"He does, but he throws them because he feels like he has the need to do so." Lianna shrugs, "He's really powerful and rich. He thinks it's an obligation to throw big parties and sponsor them."

"But how come he's unapproachable? It's his party. Surely, he has to have friends, right?" I say, feeling hopeful as Lianna dabs my face with pink stuff- blushon perhaps.

"He doesn't. Maybe people just... think his position is unreachable. You know, he's out of their league to approach him." Lianna finishes off.

"Then why won't the three of them be friends? I mean- they're all stinkin' rich after all." I answered, as Lia dabs my lips with some lip gloss.

"Gaston has friends in school. His circle of friends include foodies. Yanna, on the other hand, prefers to be alone. Well, considering all the maids and the butlers she has, I don't think she needs any more friends." Lianna shrugs, "Wait, why are you this concerned with Ashton?" A smile playing on her lips.

"What? I'm not, I just find it weird!" I retorted, although feeling the color on my cheeks rise.

"By any chance, are you interested in him?" Lianna teased, applying her makeup this time since she's done with mine.

I don't know what she did but I couldn't even recognize myself from this make up.

I don't.. look like me.

"I.. I'm not." I shied away, although I don't know why I felt sad, thinking he doesn't have any friends.

After a few minutes of preparing, we're finally ready to go down. Both of us slipped on our dresses and smiled at each other.

"You look beautiful, Gabs." Lianna nudges.

"And I bet when Seth sees you, he's going to fall for you all over again." I laughed.

I was still feeling extremely nervous though.

My first party- Okay, I'm nineteen, but still- this is the first one.

My palms are sweaty as we walked down the stairs where Seth and my mom are waiting. My brother's all locked up on his room, a big chance he's playing videogames.

"You look wonderful, honey." Mom beamed, wiping a tear from her eye. "I'm tearing up."

"Mom, this is not prom, okay? This is just a party." I say, rolling my eyes.

"But still! I remember your prom date who left you because he got chickenpox halfway of the prom." My mom retorted back.

"It's not his fault, mom." I reply, wincing as I remembered how I needed to call the hospital for him because he was having a hard time breathing.

"Such a sad life you have, Gabriella." Seth laughs, "You look stunning tonight, by the way."

"Thanks." I replied softly.

"Ahem!" Lianna coughed.

"Of course, you're adorable, Lia! I don't need to tell you that!" Seth laughed, pinching Lianna's nose.

Urgh, I want to barf.

These love bugs are getting to me. Gross.

"Well, we'll be going now! Bye mom!" I say, kissing my mom on the cheek.

"Bye, honey! Bye Lia! Bye Seth!" She says, kissing Lianna and Seth both on the cheek.

"I'll be back early." I tell her.

"Don't be!" My mom gasped, making Lianna and Seth laugh.

"Not funny, mom. Not funny." I say, rolling my eyes at her.

We got in Seth's car, and I waved my mom goodbye. She stuck her tongue out making me laugh.

"You're mom's really funny." Lianna chuckled.

"Tell me about it."

I couldn't agree more.


Wow, just wow.

The descriptions Lianna yapped about Ashton's place in the car were a total understatement.

As Seth parked his car, I marveled at how big his house is.

It really is like a mansion- Everything is white. I don't even know how to explain it from the outside. There's a garden, rose bushes, I suppose. A ten foot black and gold fence surrounding the area, opening ajar and a gravel path leading to the inside of the mansion.

It was big- like ten times the size of our house. Whoever this Ashton guy is, must be really rich.

My stomach churned, as I hear the loud music blasting from the inside.

"I... I can't go inside." I hesitated, halfway through the marvel pavement leading to Ashton's house.

"Gabs, there's no turning back now." Lianna sighed. "After all we've been through."

"And you're pretty heavy." Seth adds, making me glower at him.

"I'm not invited..." I whispered, looking down, tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Look," Lianna says, lifting my chin gently. "So are these people inside. They invite themselves. Remember I told you about Ashton not having friends? How can he invite these people when he isn't even friends with any of them?"

She has a point though and so I nodded my head and followed Lianna and Seth from behind.

When I entered the house, it was more majestic-looking. There's a long staircase, made out of marble and gold railings. A big dancefloor, the place was high ceiling. Some expensive-looking vases and sophisticated-looking frames.

The thing that made me frown though, is the scent of alcohol spewing. It was pure horror infront of my eyes-

People making out with one another- lip locking, dancing, drinking, beer pong, stripping- It was too much for me to handle.

I scowled, no wonder Ashton's not friends with these people.

I was hoping to stay with Lianna and Seth the whole time, even if they do some crazy stuff I don't want to talk about, it was better to be with them.

And after seeing all this, I was very sure I never want to go to a party again.

But then, the most horrifying thing that could possible happen right now, happened.

They were gone.

Yup, Lianna and Seth. They freaking left me.

I was left alone- in this big house- with these strange people.

I wanted to go home but I was so mad right now, and the fact that I wore these stuff I don't usually wear, makes me want to stay.

An hour, I told myself.

Minute after minute, searching for them, I felt devastated and betrayed.

I went to the drinks bar, the cute butler winking at me, making me look at him scornfully.

Really, I hate it when guys think they can have all the girls they want and all they have to do is just pretend and act cute.

"What will you be having, beautiful?" The butler winked at me flirtatiously.

"Anything without alcohol." I reply dryly.

"Well, that's something I don't usually hear. Wadya say I fix you a drink?-"

"I said, I want anything without alcohol." I demanded angrily.

"Okay okay, sheesh. You don't need to be so rude." I hear him mumble.

Well, you can't blame me- I wasn't in the best of my moods right now.

I'm in a party- which I don't want to be at, my best friend and her boyfriend left me probably because they wanted to do naughty stuff- WITHOUT me, and they're the only two people I probably classify as my friends. And so yeah, I'm in this strange place with strange people whom I don't know.

"Here." The butler says dryly, probably matching up with my moody response, giving me a long glass filled with brown liquid.

I raise one brow and glanced at him.

"For Pete's sake, that's iced tea." He sighed in defeat.

"Thanks." I replied, sipping it carefully with a straw just in case he suddenly thinks of making a joke out of it and pouring something that's not what it looks like.

The butler left, probably pissed with me and I sighed in frustration, glancing back at my watch.

Forty-five minutes- Why does time tick so slow?

Yes, I'm waiting for a freakin' hour so that I have a plausible exuse to my best friend who left me for her boyfriend that I had a stomach ache or I'm not feeling well without risking them telling me I just wanted to escape the party.

I tried to sip my iced tea more slowly, hoping I'd consume an hour just by doing that.

"Hey there, beautiful." A voice from behind say, making me twitch.

I turned to see who it is, and my face fell in an instant.

"Oh, it's you." I say, disinterested.

His face fell as well, and sighed.

"Oh, it's just you."

"Thank you very much. How polite of you." I say sarcastically, turning my back to my iced tea.

"Sorry, I thought you were somebody else." Aiden grunts, "That was until I heard a prude's voice."

I hinted a bit of disappointment in his voice which made me wonder- but then again, I really don't care what he thinks now, do I?

"I told you to stop calling me that!" I retorted, glaring at him.

"How's the party, prude?" He snorts, making me roll my eyes at him again.

"Ugh, you are so annoying." I replied, sipping my iced tea.

"You didn't answer the question." He shrugs, sitting beside me in the counter.

"I wasn't meaning to."

"So how's the party?" He asked again, even if I told him I wasn't meaning to answer his damn question.

"Will you quit it?" I angrily glared at him.

"No, I don't think so." He smirks, "You have temper issues, you know that?"

"Like I needed to hear that from you." I snorted.

"Well, I guess you look pretty decent tonight." He laughed.

"Decent, my ass."

"It looks pretty decent, alright." He joked, and trust me, a green joke is never funny to me.

"Can you just please leave and let me drink my iced tea in peace?" I say impatiently.

"Hmm, nope, I guess I can't leave a pretty girl on her own, can I?" He winked, and for the first time, I actually felt disgusted of Aiden.

I rolled my eyes, taking one last sip of my iced tea and leaving the bar. I hear him shout 'Prude', but I didn't look back.

Oh, I was determined to go anywhere but near him.

Pushing past all the drunk teenagers, and making my way to the restroom which is on the second floor.

I don't even know why they put the restroom in the second floor anyway but still, I didn't complain.

I was planning on leaving this place after I pee.

The second floor, unlike the first floor, was dark. It was really dark- and scary.

The good thing though is that unlike the first floor, it was peaceful. There's no one out here.

I clicked my heels, on my way to the restroom when someone wrapped his arms around my waist making me yelp.

He dragged me to a corner, and the smell of alcohol in his breath was evident.

"You're pertyyy. *Hic*" Yup, this guy's drunk.

"Let me go!" I say, struggling from his grip. Yup, this is a man and I'm sure of it.

He didn't respond when suddenly, his hands made their way under my skirt, making me gasp.

"HELP!" I managed to shout, although I don't think anyone can hear me because of the loud, blasting music.

He covered my mouth with his free hand to prevent me from shouting and I can feel the tears prickling in my eyes.

This is not happening- I know these things- I see them in movies- read them in novels-

I was going to be raped.

Oh God, this is terrible. Tears were streaming down my cheeks and I was so glad the mascara in my eyes is waterproof.. but still-

I was going to be raped. By someone- who smells like (shudders) alcohol.

I was scared to death, I still struggled, punching his chest but it was so hard, I was only hurting myself.

His hands were groping my ass, and I tried hard to keep his hand away from it.

I was scared- I thought of bad things- very bad things like... if I was raped, I would kill myself, for sure.

I will never face my mother unclean. I will never forgive myself even.

A virgin- never been kissed- raped by someone I don't even know.

I was praying-

Someone... please, someone, save me-

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!"

His hand froze, my eyes snapped open.

A shadow- don't tell me, his ally- are they going to rape me together?

Then, a solid punch met the raper's (that's what I'll call that strange man) face making him wince.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know she was your girl!" He cried, shivering.

Who is this guy?

That guy was so afraid of him-

I couldn't see much because the place is dark.

The drunk guy scooted away, and I was left with him.

He inched near me, making me step backward.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you." He says and somehow, his voice calmed me, I don't know why.

He was feeling the wall until he clicked a button, making the lights switch on.

The lights, one by one, lit up the place, and similar to the first floor, it was spacious and big.

I gasped though, when I saw him.

He looks like an angel.

Technically, he's an angel because he saved my life.

He's really handsome- with his golden brown locks, blue eyes and his alluring smile. He's tall, built is nice.

I blushed, because I realized I was already checking him out and that we've been staring at each other for a while now without a word.

Is he checking me out?

"Ah! Thank you for saving my life! I'm Gabriella!" I say, reaching out my hand.

He stared at it for a moment, making me frown. Is it weird? Gosh, I can't believe my stomach's churning right now. This feels so weird.

"Ashton." He says, reaching out his hand, flashing a smile that I swear blinded me the moment I saw it.


Hello guys!

So yeah, he's Ashton!

Spoiler: More Ashton-Gabby moments in the next chapter.

I was actually thinking... Chace Crawford to play Ashton?

What do you say? :)



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