Team Enigma: Age of Piracy

By TeamEnigma

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The crew may have triumphed over their enemies but it seems everything comes with a price, freedom even more... More

Chapter 1 - After Skullrock Cave
Chapter 2 - A Crack In A Mirror
Chapter 3 - Enemies or Allies?
Chapter 4 - Fire & Ice
Chapter 5 - The Power of Pirates
Chapter 6 - No More Secrets
Chapter 7 - We get Leprekicked
Chapter 8 - Return to Skullrock
Chapter 9 - Remarkable
Chapter 10 - Back to Where It Began
The End of the Enigmus: Part 2
The End of the Enigmus: Part 3
Final Farewell

The End of the Enigmus: Part 1

61 9 3
By TeamEnigma

This is the first part of the chapter written by me, Miss Rebellious, Detective Arrowskull, Crystal Grace and Wind Runner. It's really, REALLY long so I decided to split it into several parts. I'm guessing two or three depending on how long the ending will be.




Captain Sarcastic removes her hat as tears form in her red eyes. She stands on the deck, in front of her is her beloved pirate ship, the Enigmus. Many memories where made on this ship, so many laughs, so many fights. The Enigmus was once lively and full of life. Now it's dark and freezing cold, like a home once a family member passes. The ship shall never be the same.

Now let us explain how this came to be.


The plan. Captain knew what she had to do and how she needed to do it, but it sure wasn't going to be a simple task.

The Silence were the pivotal part of this.

It was the power that coursed through their veins with each exhalation, the power that only a certain source could provide.

Destroying them would extinguish the surging waves of power and would therefore restore the source to a sustainable and stable amount. They were the key to success in this, but numbers would dictate how the bloody battle went.

"Come on!" Captain exclaimed as much as her lungs could muster, "They're advancing on us. Form a barrier and hold your positions!"

Clash after crushing clash, they tried everything in their power to fend off the Silence, but it was no use.

Every step became a retreat rather than an advance.

Every punch became a sloppy and inaccurate move, every breath became a knife to the lungs.

The team looked at Captain in bafflement, waiting for her master plan to spring. She held a tight grip on the hilt of her sword and cursed under her breath, dodging the movements of the few Silence she could fight at once, slicing the bodies and leaving gaping wounds and gashes exposed.

The wounds grew deeper and deeper with each cut and her swords dance continued until the group of Silence were mere pieces on the ground, spiting on the ground in disgust.

"I've spent long enough living in fear, now we must show no mercy! If we die then so be it, but I can assure everyone that we sure as hell will be kicking their asses before that ever happens. Charge!"

The crew moved with speed and the fury of a thousand lions. Arrows peppered the cool landscape whilst steel connected with flesh, offering the occasional cries of searing pain. It was a bloodbath, but it was the only way for the plan to work. The Silence had to die, there was no other option. Captain had to make this decision and not keep using the Book of Souls as a way to gain guidance.

She believed in her plan and her team, but whether she wanted them to risk their lives was not her choice to make.

Suddenly, the Silence - what was left of them - halted like a group of siloheuttes. Ironically, they stood deadly silent and glared at their enemies like statues. Captain felt the hairs on the back of her neck wince at the sight.

Why was this happening? Could they take advantage of this? Something didn't seem right...

Trilby tipped her hat slightly, analysing every detail that she could find. Arrowskull held his bow steadily, ready to aim if necessary. Winter raised a brow and the whole Enigmus prepared for another strike.

In unison, the Silence pointed towards the person they saw as their leader. A creature of bloodthirst and intelligence, it stalked the group as its prey.

The black veins upon it corrupted the facial composition, creating an effect that exacerbated the creature's skull. The dark source of energy flowed smoothly down its body like tattoos that etched it's rough skin.

Captain remembered seeing it before, remembered the way it moved, the way it looked into her eyes and stalked the landscape in a predatory manner.

"You, I...I know who you are. I've seen you...before," She dropped the sword and fell to her knees.

The creature hissed, gritting it's teeth and flaring its pupils. It knew of her before she became known as the Captain, the one who would take matters out of her hands. It was the only one she had ever wanted to destroy, then the others would share that same pain that she had felt for so long.

Captain looked behind her at the team, all of whom gave supportive smiles and unsheathed their weapons for another round of brutal combat. She nodded and grabbed the sword from the floor, slowing her pulse with deep, cool breaths.

This was her chance. Destroying the supposed leader of the pack was always the most effective way of taking on a horde. "You take the other Silence members. I'll take the leader," Captain sprinted to the creature and went for a quick slice that was met with a forceful push that knocked her down to the gravelly ground.

The creature tried to strike with a series of sprint attacks, but the Captain rolled underneath and slid her sword in between them. Once again the sound of steel met flesh, but this time the Silence leader didn't even flinch, but laughed.

It was like trying to fight smoke, it was virtually impossible. Kick after kick, the Captain hit the creature at the hind legs and tried to eliminate the element of movement. The slices cut deep and hard into the core flesh and bone of the Silencer's legs, which put it to the ground, stumbling slightly.

"You created this monster you see in front of you!" Captain's blood boiled, "You deserve what is coming to you."

The tip of the blade pierced a small hole into the chest of the creature. Deeper and deeper the blade went as the essence of black energy crawled out of the flesh.

Captain let out a final yell and pushed the sword further into the heart until the excruciating bellows of the Silence leader echoed in the air.

A searing, blinding light immersed the landscape. The team covered their eyes from the exposure and looked at the bodies strewn on the floor. The light slowly dissipated and eventually the subsiding effect showed the devastation caused.

They had done it, somehow, someway.

It was miraculous. The light drifted off into the pages of the Book of Souls and the sea of darkness above became brighter. It was our light at the end of tunnel.

Suddenly, Captain's eyes grew wide with happiness. There admist all the chaos was her mother, smiling just like she used to. Her eyes bright, her smile wide as her small frame was suddenly engulfed in a hug.

"I'm so proud of you, D-"

"Don't call me that!" Captain interrupted before adding, "Please."

The Captain let go and promised to return as her mother waved her goodbye.

"What just happened?" One asked, a hint of confusion in their tone of voice.

"Beats me." another replied.

"The Silence were powered by some energy, one that would restore some power to the Book of Souls. It is that light that was needed for Captain's mum, the light that would bring back some more of her memories back." Trilby briefly explained.

"So, what happens now?" Arrowskull asked. "Well, something needs to give. We have done one of our jobs and we have followed our rules - or at least some of them - and now it is out of our hands.

If the population on the Wattpadian sea had the least bit of sense, they'd see that danger can happen in an instant and therefore a proposal for some sort of war council should be put into place."

"Let's hope so." Winter added. "We're gonna need it.


The waves were more gradual than usual, making the night to equal a calm one. It was mere hours after the Captain and Shadow had found the now awakened Winter and boarded the ship. With determination lifting the stressful weights off their backs, the crew was in perpetration to save their kidnapped crew members, Disney and Imagination, quell the plans of the Great One's new predecessor, the Dark One, extinguish the curse and at least try to find a way to hold back the marines.

But first, the crew dwelled on their recent victory as their determination grew stronger. The intimidating, horrifying creatures under the religious order proved to be a daring threat. It was defeating them that was the main conflict, as they had been the one's tormenting Captain and the Enigmus for so long.

A war council had been proposed and set up to protect citizens from unfriendly harm.

Now every morning Captain could wake up without the constant dread of the Silence lurking around every corner. She trusted her team and felt tears stream at the thought of her mum. Together they had been united and she would make sure that no matter what, the team would never lose its spirit.

To have enough strength to deal with the other problems at hand, they had to unite.


Detective Arrowskull, Miss Rebellious and Sor Juana held the remaining marine down as Captain stepped up to face it.

"Listen you filthy maggot, as much as I hate to say it, I will let you tell me exactly where my crew mates are."

Silence hung in the air.

The crew stared at Captain in confusion.

Would Captain really do that, kill him?

The marines were the cause of so much of our teams hell. Then again it may be the only way to set things right again, but was killing one lowly marine really the answer?

All thoughts were quietened however when the marine agreed with a nod of its head.

"It won't matter anyways." the young trainee said solemnly.

"And just what is that supposed to mean?" Captain asked.

The irritation she felt was clear in her voice, a signal her patience was running out.

"It means your teams journey will bring you to your end no matter what you do. He wants to make sure of that."

Winter turned to Captain with a puzzled look. The three holding the remaining marine down each became confused as they let their grip loosen, the marine sprang up immediately in a sudden rage and desperation before lunging himself at Wind Runner. Before it could reach her Captain swiftly raised her revolver and fired, shooting him directly in the head.

It may not have seemed like it, but the Captain was doing him a kindness. She had sensed something wrong with him when he was the only marine in the base. Booker had been misusing is imagination power to experiment on others. This guy had been turned into a part Berserker but the burns all over his body showed the crazed Berserker magic was eating him alive from the inside. The Captain clenched her fists, marine or not no one should have to go through that kind of pain.

Before Captain could ponder anymore about what the now dead marine had said, a loud banging like noise had caught hers and all of T.Es attention.

Behind them, a large group of people had just fallen through the storage cupboard door and was now out in the open corridor, a large heap on the ground.

Just about all of T.E had gotten themselves into battle positions with their bows, guns, swords and throwing knifes raised.

"Hey did we miss the party or something?" one of the ex pirate lords said.

"You think?!" Captain replied.

"Captain, what are they doing here?" Detective Arrowskull asked.

She replied with a half smile.

"Really Captain, this was your back up plan! They didn't even show up on time! When did you even contact them last?" Winter said frustrated.

"When you were resting. Now I know what you're wondering, so yes, I know we can trust them. Now we have a lot of things that need to be worked out so everyone please bare with me."


Miles from Skullrock Cave is another area where the marines (who had left as confirmed by Crystal Grace from a thorough search) would be located. The chances of the Dark One around there was slim but hope was a key element that needed to be used.

An area that had no official name but some writers refer to it as "Cogitari". Very few speak of Cogitari due to the rarity of locating it and its rather baffling logistics. It is a large strip of land that you could easily travel right through or easily mistaken as a breeze swaying gracefully in the wind due to being invisible and walk through.

Only someone who can see this land due to their the power to activate its tangibility just by their perception of vision and any array of thought ability (mind readers, manipulator, etc.). If the marines who are mind readers have already found Cogitari they have the complicated ability to set its ghostly presence back on, thus no one but another individual with similar abilities can find it and automatically turn it back on and the beings setting foot of Cogitari will be like ghosts as well, invisible and walk through.

However, once a being who has no power has come out of contact with Cogitari's ground levels the island will disappear in their point of view...and once every being is off the island it will instantly disappear and be transported to a different and random location.

Not even the experts of our vastly complex lands can explain the logistics of Cogitari without going on a spree of babbling, so the previous paragraphs is the easiest description to have.

In other words, just go along with it.

Luckily, the Enigmus had its own mind reader. The woman with her beautifully lucky trilby, Miss Trilby, was fully prepared for her task at hand. As Captain steered the ship Trilby was hanging on the mere tip top of the ship sails, squinting her eyes from the bright afternoon sun and looking for a place that could match the description of Cogitari. If none of the other crew members can see it but her, she's hit the jackpot.

"ARE YOU SURE YOU'RE OK UP THERE?!" Miss Rebellious yelled from the deck, panicked that Trilby was gonna fall any moment. "WE'RE QUITE A BIT OFF THE GROUND, YOU DON'T NEED TO CLIMB UP ANY FARTHER!"


Many hours had passed and there was no sign of it. Finally, Trilby noticed a small strip of uninhabited land about a few hundred meters and shouted, "AYE CAPTAIN, YOU SEE THAT LAND LITERALLY RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU?!"

"DO WHAT?!" Captain screeched, Trilby repeating the question. "NO, WHAT LAND?!"

Trilby instantly climbed down and soon the crew was called up to the main deck. Everyone was scratching their heads, confused on what was going on. Captain stopped steering the ship and explained to the rest of the crew the basic situation and what exactly Trilby was going to do. Technically, this was I guess what Captain's plan was; get Trilby to access and activate the island somehow and search for any marines or even the Dark One.

So, Captain nodded at Trilby to do her best and think of a way to activate it. Since its ghost-like, you can easily walk (or sail) right through it so touching the island could work if Trilby could do that. Trilby felt a very strong connection with the land, so maybe she manipulate the connection to where everyone can see it?

However, she had no idea how to do that. Her mind reading ability didn't entirely work like that, it was just simply read people's mind, gather information (whether she liked it or not) and move on from there. To simplify it all, she should be unable to do these types of things! She couldn't even wrap her head around the Cogitari concept, so she just decided to exit the ship via ramp and see if touch could access it.

However, before she attempted anything as she descended a ramp, Trilby saw something on Cogitari. It was too far away for her to clearly make out, a silhouette as it seemed of something. A living being. A marine.

And this marine for no clear reason held a sniper containing its final bullet aiming approximately at the Captain's head.

It knew no one but a possible mind reader/manipulator could see him, so he had a large chance of killing the leader of their enemy without them even realising it. The marine double checked his aim and fired. Trilby's eyes grew wide as she knew Captain would've been instantly shot without a care. So she took the attempt at a sacrifice.

Everything felt as if it were slow motion though as she tried moving in front of the Captain's head. Was Luna Tardis so perplexed about what she was doing she decided to slow down or attempt to stop time? Was it a physical or physiological thing?

Did it symbolise something, or give you much more time to truly think about what you're doing with your own life? None of it mattered to Trilby. She had a full idea on what she was doing.

No way in hell would Trilby want Captain to die obliviously and not live to complete her goals, no matter what the things she knew about that was going through her head. All the Book of Souls conflicts, officially deciding to abandon most of its advisory and stand on her own, as Trilby deciphered it. But even then, none of it mattered to Trilby as she dived in front of the Captain and awaited the bullet. She prayed her dearest trilby or something else might save her, the Captain, and the rest of the crew.

The hardest words to ever be documented is that the bullet successfully hit her right through her head, not even her dearest trilby hat could protect her from her instant death.

The entire crew began fully processing reactions containing screams, confusion, and a mixed concoction. The Captain was feeling both of them to a sheer maximum as Trilby's body fell off the boat, the ramp slightly bouncing her off and sunk her right into the ocean.

But before her body sunk into the depths of the sea, her left hand reached out and touched something invisible. As a result, an enigmatic island randomly appeared. Cogitari, along with the marine and its sniper rifle, were caught in clear view by Team Engima.

The Captain gazed at the ocean, and then at the marines looming ahead, their roaring cries announcing their victory against the young girl who had risked her life to see them fall and the crew who would soon fall with her...

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