What If I Had Your Body?

By miabuggful

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Mia is a fan of One Direction but one certain curly haired isn't so much of a fan of her. She's in the same b... More

Ch. 1: Meet And Greet Pt. 1
Ch. 2: Meet & Greet Pt. 2
Ch. 3: Thunderstorms
Ch. 4: The Night Before All Hell Broke Loose
Ch. 5: What If You Were Me and What If I Were You?
Ch. 6: Harry's Masterplan
Ch. 7: Why Is Everyone Skeptical?
Ch. 8: The Arousing First Day
Ch. 9: It's Only Our First Day & We're Already Fucking It Up
Ch. 10: The Truth About Harry Styles
Ch. 11: The Truth About Tamia Osborne
Ch. 12: Setting 'Em Straight
Ch. 13: The Intriguing Interview
Ch. 15: Coming Clean
Ch. 16: Blackberry Bet
Ch. 17: Wednesday In The Café
Ch. 18: My Tanning Skin Bothers People
Ch. 19: Because He Likes...Boys
Ch. 20: Give Up, Give In
Ch. 21: Look After You
Ch. 22: Begin Again
Ch. 23: Well, Well, Well
Ch. 24: Bloodstream
Ch. 25: All Around
Ch. 26: Cops & Robbers
Ch. 27: Ride
Ch. 28: Come Together

Ch. 14: The Daring Date

360 17 0
By miabuggful

(A/N: At school right now, waiting on my friend. Lol and coincidentally enough it's Asia. Waiting at the lockers, haha this is so weird since Harry sort of did this.

Minutes later...ooo she's going to be late, let me go find Tristen [who's in my profile pic] haha.)

Harry's POV:

"Make a mole!" A mole? Why would we make that? She goes over to some cabinets by the sink, opening them and peering in. I sit on the edge of my seat so I can see better.

She pulls out a few different stuffed animals, which she explains are moles from over the years that other students made. "We're making a mole because what have we been talking about?"

The class roars with, "Mole equations," I think I remember something about mole equations but vaguely.


"Hey Harry," Asia comes around the lockers, panting. "What's up? I reply back looking out the window by the lockers. She starts unlocking her locker with her bum sticking in the air.

I laugh, "What are you doing?" she looks at me with that lip poked out again, "Harry don't worry about what I do," her voice goes high with an unintelligent tone of voice that I've heard most of the girls here speak as.

I get "ghetto?" back, "Look here honey," I snap my finger like a flamboyant guy would and she laughs, ruining the moment.

"Harry, we're going to my house for sleepover," she closes her locker and looks back at me to reply but I'm too baffled to do so. A sleepover? What does girls do at a sleepover? Will there be other girls?

"No worries, it'll just be us," she tugs on her book bag strap and I nod an okay.


"So how come you're having a sleepover?" I ask Asia after we sit down on her bus since it'll be easier. She was looking out the window and then turns her head to look at me.

"We usually do this every week but we switch houses every week," she smiles and I smile back. The buses start pulling out of the parking lot and she bumps her shoulder into my arm.

"What?" I squint my eyes to see her better since the sun is in my face. "So are you going to tell me how it occurred, like what exactly happened?" she gives me an inside look and I automatically knew what she was talking about.

"Uh let's see," I stall to think while she watches me intensely. "I got into the fight with her like you know," she nods while I continue. "I slept with Louis in my hotel room because he's scared of thunder and next thing I knew, I woke up in Mia's bed," I shrugged and she nods.

After a few minutes of silence, we stop at her house to get off. "Well Harry here we are, my dad should be sleeping but my mom should be awake," I nod and she pulls her key out to unlock her front door.

"Tamia!" I hear a small kid cry and I look around to see a little boy who must be Asia's brother because they look just alike. "Ethan get away from her!" Asia shouts at the little boy while he giggles and I smile back at him.

She pulls on my arm while Ethan directs his attention back to the TV. She pulls me into her to room while I'm gripping onto my book bag so it wouldn't fall off my shoulder.

After we settle in by sitting on her bed, I ask her, "So do I have a change of clothes over here?" she nods and explains that she haves clothes over at my place too.

We sit in an awkward silence and jumps up claiming she haves a good idea. Sheesh give me some warning next time, shall we?

"We should play truth or dare!" I smile cheekily because I always love a game of truth and dare because I never pass up on a dare. "Sure," I rub my hands together in a devilish manner and she smirks back at me.

"Truth or dare Harry?" she sits criss cross with her elbow on her leg and her head settled into the palm of her hand so she can get more comfortable. She still haves the smirk on her face.

"Dare," I smirk back and her smirk deepens. "I dare you to call Kenan," my smirk drops and she giggles into her hands.


"You're already going to give up your chicken?" she pushes, cocking her eyebrow.

I huff and grab my phone out of my pocket, "What's his number?" she tells me while I type it in and push the phone to my ear while it starts to ring and making sure to put it on speaker so Asia can hear too.

Praying that he won't answer but of course he does on the third ring, "Hello?" I stay quiet and Asia hits my arm to get me to say something.

"Hello?" he tries again and I sigh, "Hey Kenan," he's quiet but I can tell he's smiling because I hear the grin in his voice when he asks, "Tamia?"

"Yes this is me," I roll my eyes to Asia for making me do this. "That's cool so what made you want to call me?"

"Uh," I stall and Asia mouths, "Tell him that you interested," I shake my head quickly and she nods with that smirk again.

I take a deep breath, I can't believe I'm doing this. "Well Kenan, I'm really interested in you," I feel sick to my stomach saying this.

"Oh really?" he questions cockily.

"Yes got da-," Asia hits me before I say something that'll ruin the dare.

"Ahem, I mean yes," I give Asia a death glare. "How about we go out this Friday?" I look at Asia for assistance and she grabs the phone, "Hey Kenan, she'll love to go with you. Bye!" I shook my head to stop her but she already hung up the phone.



"Why the bloody hell would you do that?" I shout at her and she flinches at me but I don't care. "First of all, I'm not gay and I can't stand the bloke," she smiles weakly.

"Harry this was just to see if you didn't like Tamia or not, which you failed by your reaction to it," she explains and I shake my head.

"I don't like her!" she rolls her eyes and I push myself off the bed. "Where are you going?" she questions.

"If you don't believe me then I'm leaving," I grab my bookbag and she gets off the bed too with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Fine Harry, leave! You just keep proving to me that you like her, hell seems like more than like!" she shouts at me.

"Whatever," I walk out of her room while calling Bridgett to pick me up.

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