V is for Virgin, & That's Wha...

By kimpyvon

178K 7.4K 1.1K

Gabriella's a virgin because of many reasons - One is because of her love dedication to Aiden, the school's b... More

V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 1
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 2
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 3
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 4
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 6
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 7
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 8
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 9
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 10
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 11
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 12
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 13
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 14
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 15
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 16
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 17
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 18
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 19
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 19.1
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 20
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 21
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 22
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 23
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 24
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 25
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 26
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 27
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 28
V is for Virgin & That's What I'll Forever Be: 29
V is for Virgin & That's What I'll Forever Be: 30
V is for Virgin & That's What I'll Forever Be: 31

V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 5

6.3K 264 15
By kimpyvon

♡ Gabby ♡

"I can not believe him!!" Lianna growled. "He insulted me!" Tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Me neither...." I sighed.

He was different now.

Aiden was a different person than I thought he'd be.

"Well, you have a reason to not love him anymore, right?" Lianna spat, hugging Seth. "I can't believe him, saying I was all over him. What an egoistic-"

"Jerk." I finished for her making her snap to my direction.

"You got that right! I'm glad you finally realized that after a long time." Lianna sighed, clinging to Seth's arm.

"Yeah, I guess..." I say, tapping my lecture sheet with my pencil. "I can't be in love with a guy who insulted my best friend."

"Exactly!" Lianna says, her nose turning up. "That's like- in the code of best friends if shit like that do exist."

"I'm confused." I say, looking away, "He was so nice before..."

"Five years ago, Gabs. People change. He was a player. He played with almost every girl in this school. Slutty girls, I tell you! It's like that to him, Gabs. Pick and dump." She says exasperatingly.

"You fell for his tricks though," I shrugged, making her realize she's one of the *slutty girls* she's talking about.

She gaped at me, silent and then pouted.

"It was hard resisting the abs, Gabs. It was difficult!" She explains making me roll my eyes.

"Yeah, I bet." I snorted.

"I'm serious, Gabs. It took every ounce of my self control-"

"Ahem!" Seth interrupts, looking at Lianna crossly.

"Yeah, you shouldn't really be talking about another guy's abs infront of your boyfriend." I tell her, shoving my books inside my bag seeing as there's only five minutes before the class dismisses.

"Oh, Seth. You know I love you!" Lianna says, pinching Seth's cheek, then turning to me. "I learned my lesson, Gabby. But you're different."

"How am I any different?" I retorted, feeling slightly insulted that she discriminates me just because I'm a virgin. I slung my knapsack on one of my shoulders pouting.

"Not in a bad way, Gabs. You've never been kissed and... I don't like you giving your heart to that douchebag. As your best friend, I treasure you and I just don't want you to get hurt." She explains, shoving her books and notes inside her bag, and making Seth carry it.

"I'm not going to fall for his charms anymore, Lianna. He showed me... a side of what I don't want for a boyfriend earlier, so I'm going to be just fine." I say, leaning my butt on the table as I wait for her to finish yapping on me.

"I'm just warning you, Gabs." She says, "He's deadly. Very deadly."

"I'll take note of that." I say, "Besides, after what happened today, I wanted to forget all about him. You're right, he's not the guy I used to like five years ago."

And I mean it. I was willing to forget about him this time.

Infact, I was actually hating him because of the embarrassment he caused me and my best friend.

"Look, I know you might just be saying that to make me stop nagging on you but-"

"Lianna, he's not the guy I fell for five years ago. That guy could've been gone a long time now. I loved the guy five years ago, not the guy now. Besides, I'm starting to hate him." I tell her sternly, not diverting my gaze from her.

"Atta girl!" Lianna winked, slapping my back playfully.

"Hi!" A voice interrupted Lianna from behind making me flinch.

"Speak of the devil." Lianna mumbled, looking down.

His voice is pleasant and deep, just like before. Although, deeper than before but still, very pleasing to my ears.

I slapped myself mentally, remembering I hate this guy- or, well, I was supposed to hate him.

"What are you doing here?" I replied, I was aiming for the cold tone but it ended up sounding harsher than I expected it would be.

"Ouch, I just want to apologize... er.. from earlier." He says, slinging his arm around my shoulder making me flinch.

He is closer than I predicted, making it harder for me to shove his arm from my shoulder. His perfume was strong - a whiff of spicy and sweet. He smells great.

Oh god, I shouldn't fall for these physical things - I was against that from the start. I'm the attitude-seeking kind of girl.

"You don't even sound sincere." I spat, finally mustering the courage to shove his arm off of me.

"I am. Look, Lianna-" He says, looking into Lianna's eyes, making me look at him- his eyes catching me by surprise because it's filled with sincerity. "I'm sorry, I didn't really mean it, I got carried away."

"Whatever," Lianna huffed, looking away, her face indifferent from Aiden's apology.

"I'm really sorry. Oh, what do you say I make it up by treating everyone for dinner?" He smiled.

I exchanged glances with Lianna, and as much as I want to go to this dinner, or- well, it doesn't mean anything but he does look sincere and it couldn't hurt to give him a chance, I mustered the courage to say 'No'.

"No, thanks." I said dryly. "I don't think a petty dinner would fix the embarrassment you caused Lianna and I."

I was surprised with my tone of voice- where did this confidence come from?

I glanced back at Lianna, looking worried, but she flashed me a beaming smile.

Aiden looks shocked with what I replied, cocking his head to the side.

"Wow, I didn't know you're this prude." He smirks.

"What do you mean?" I angrily stomped, glaring at him.

That does it!

Just because I rejected his offer and that I'm a virgin doesn't mean I'm prude.

"Just so you know, I am far from prude." I hissed.

"Then why don't you accept my offer?" He says flatly, the smile on his face a while ago already gone. "It's just dinner. Or... do you have curfew?"

My eyes angrily shot up to his', which were teasing. He's definitely messing with me.

"What the fuck? I don't have curfew!" I angrily shouted, making Lianna and Seth flinch.

I bet this is also their first time to see me this angry.

"Doesn't change the fact that you're a prude. Face it." He smirks.

"I don't have curfew, and I just cussed. What does it make me?" I angrily blinked at him.

"Uhh... let's see..." He replies, pretending to think, "A cussing prude?"

"Ugh! I give up!" I sighed in defeat, throwing my arms frantically in the air.

"What's the name of this prude by the way?"

A pang of pain shot me across the chest.

It wasn't because of my feelings for him- Hell, I was hating him more than I could've imagined hating someone right now.

It's all because he doesn't know me. He never knew me, nor he knows my name. I had feelings to a person who doesn't even know of my existence. *Note the past tense.* Seriously, I know I don't have many friends but I didn't know I was invisible...

"None of your business." I spat, taking Lianna by the arm. "Let's go, Lianna!"

I dragged Lianna, who dragged Seth with her, out of the classroom.

"HEY! HOW DARE YOU WALK OUT OF YOUR WAY LIKE THAT?!" I hear him shout from the inside, "PRUDE!"

I stormed off, continuing to walk...

"Um, Gabby-"

How dare he call me a prude? Who does he think he is? Not that it matters but...


He doesn't know me! He doesn't have the right to call me a name. Better yet, he doesn't have the right to call me any name.


I am so frustrated right now! I can't believe he--


I stopped on my tracks, snapping my head to Lia's direction.

"What?" I angrily spat.

"Whoa, easy girl, you're hurting my wrist." She replied, pointing to her wrist and how hard my grip is on her.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I say, releasing her, blushing and, feeling embarrassed.

"You were amazing back there, Gabriella." She winked. "I didn't know you got swag."

"Pfft, he called me a prude, didn't he?" I snorted sarcastically.

"Oh, don't mind him. He's just petrified that someone, or better yet, a girl actually rejected him." Seth added, making me feel a bit confident and special.

"Yeah... That sounds nice." I smiled evilly, "I'll actually be the first girl to reject him."

"Imagine, you'll be known as the girl who rejected the player. That'd teach him to stop his evil ways." Lianna says encouragingly.

"Yeah.... I like the sound of that, Lia. I'll be the girl who would never acknowledge him. It would be like a total 180 degree turn on him that someone actually despises his ways." I replied.

"A total 360 degree turn even." Seth added. "I knew that guy for so long now... and he's really an animal."

"Well, the prude's going to tame him." Lianna replied.

"I don't know, Lia.. I kinda feel guilty." I shrugged.

"Why would you be guilty?" Lianna says, taking hold of my shoulders and shaking them. "He embarrassed you infront of the whole student body."

"Yeah but... you know, things like that... I feel like the bad guy even if I'm not." I sighed, scratching the back of my head.

"You're not! You're just going to ignore him when he tries to talk to you, be cold to him, you're not doing anything wrong. He embarrassed me too, Gabs!! Your best friend!" She says, her jaw dropping wide open.

"I don't know, Lia-"

"What did he call you?" She interrupted, making my blood rise while thinking about what he called me...

"A prude." I replied.

"Exactly! Show him that you're not just a prude!" Lianna convinced, smiling widely.

"What am I then, exactly?" I asked, raising one brow.

"A sexy badass cussing prude." She winks.

"How am I sexy?" I frowned, feeling the baby fats in my stomach.

"I got it!" She says, snapping her fingers.

"What?" I asked.

She pursed her lips for a moment then smirked.

"I know just exactly what to do."



Here's the new chappie. So how are you guys liking this chap? :)

I'm thinking.... Lucy Hale as Gabriella? :)

What do you think?

Vomments please.

Love lots, xx

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