The Dark World (book 2)

By the_a_initiative

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ONGOING (book #2) Tessa Stark has defeated S.H.I.E.L.D. after their attempt to murder her. She's left everyo... More

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By the_a_initiative

QOTC: Do you play any sports?

Well, currently I'm doing track at my school but I play volleyball, basketball, I literally just quit softball, track, and I'm going to try archery and see how that works out :)

* * * * *

I FELT THE SUDDEN JOLT ONCE MORE, and closed my eyes.

I reopened them to be met with Frigga's awaiting face.


" did everything go?"

I bit the inside of my cheek.

Should I lie or tell the truth?

"We um...talked, but it was kind of weird because I wasn't literally there, so I was a little uncomfortable, but the talk we had was nice."

She gave me a side smile. "I don't want to be pushy, but what was the conversation about?"

She's probably hoping that I actually followed her instructions and talked to him.

But I could get into a mess if I lie about it...but would we all be better off? Over something this small? Would Frigga forgive me?

"It was about why I was there. I tried to talk him into admitting that what he did was wrong, but he does have his reasons. I just want to know...if he wants to rule a place so badly, why not rule Jotunheim...?"

Frigge looked relieved. "Because he would like to be the Allfather. Loki wants to rule everything. One world isn't enough for him, I guess. But, thank you, Tessa, I do appreciate that very much, and I hope that seeing him has made you happier. Would you like to walk with me?"

* * *

"Aw, look, Tessa! They're kissing!" Frigga excitedly whispered to me as we rounded a corner and saw Jane and Thor.

Ugh, if only I had that...

Frigga lightly nudged my shoulder before watching them with curious eyes.

I'm sure that she's excited to see how much Thor loves Jane.

I wish someone loved me lile he loves Jane.

I would mention Loki, but I don't know if I should call it love or a friendship.

It might blossom, and I kinda wish it would. It'd be nice, being in love, I guess.

But I don't know if he feels the same about me.

I wouldn't want to come off as trying to hard.

Besides, it's Loki.

"Yeah, I see," I murmured to Frigga.

She scrunched her nose.

"Lighten up, dear, you'll get your fair share one day."

I laughed loudly.

"Ha, yeah right. I haven't even been on a date," I exclaimed, scratching the back of my neck.

She gave me a look, but I heard her murmur Loki's name.


Frigga shook her head and started to walk forward towards Jane and Thor.

"My father doesn't know everything," I heard Thor tell Jane.

I smirked a little.

Frigga snorted softly.

"Don't let him hear you say that," she said as we approached them.

Thor turned around and smiled.
"Jane Foster, please meet Frigga, Queen of Asgard...and my mother."

I noticed that he took hold of her hands.

Jane gaped and nervously chuckled. "Hi,"

"I'm sure you've already met Tessa-"

"Yeah, I was meaning to ask. You're Tony Stark's niece, right?"

I chuckled. "Yeah..."

"Well, it's nice to finally meet you in person," Jane smiled.

"It's nice to meet you too. I read through some of your work and it really is incredible. I don't know how you do it, but..." I trailed off before giving her a thumbs up. "Keep up the good work."

She nodded. "Thanks,"

"Well!" Thor exclaimed. "I-"

He was cut off by a loud sound that I couldn't explain. It sounded dangerous to me, like there was something wrong. Maybe a warning?

"What's tha-"

"The prisons," Frigga stated nonchalantly.

"Loki..." Thor trailed off.


Thor turned and gave me and Frigga a look.

"I'll look after her," she insisted.

Thor nodded before running off.

"Wait! Thor, should I come?!" I called out.

Everything's been pretty boring lately, so why not start off with a bang and fight some bad people?

Okay, this is totally off topic, but I'd like to know why fighting has come so fluently to me?

I know that when I was a kid, I did karate and earned a black belt (yes thank you), but I mean like real fighting. Like, with swords and armor and all.

Is it hereditary? Did I get it from my mother? Or my non-existent father?

"No, Tessa, I think it's best if you stay here for now. Stay with Frigga, she will keep you both safe."

As soon as Thor friggin dramatically jumped up and spun as he grabbed his hammer, I huffed while Jane stood in awe.

I groaned before Frigga turned to me.

"Darling, I know you can take care of yourself."

"I know! But, earlier Thor had no problem asking me if I wanted to go fight with him in Vanaheim! Why is he so sensitive to it now?"

"Because Thor would've been able to help you there in Vanaheim. But the dungeons aren't the best battleground to ask for. Also, you haven't completely trained, and I can tell that Thor doesn't want you dead for certain reasons..."

I heard Jane clear her throat loudly but I just shrugged it off.
"If you get what I me-"

"Yeah, yeah! Loki, right?"


* * *

"Send a squadron to the weapons vault. Defend it at all costs. Secure the dungeon." I heard Odin order his soldiers.


As we approached, Frigga called his name.

"Frigga," he immediately greeted.

He quickly turned his attention to his soldiers for a brief moment, "Go!"

"It's a skirmish," Odin eyed me and Jane with a look of distate. I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing to fear," he tried to reassure her.

"You've never been a very good liar." Frigga retorted.

"Take them to your chamers-" I noticed that Sif was walking passed us and I sent her a curt nod.

I looked over to see that Jane, too, was looking at Sif as she passed. Only, Sif just stared her down with the same look Odin gave us.

Jealous much?

"I'll come for you when it's safe." Odin finished.

"You take care," Frigga warned.

"Despite all that I have survived my queen still worries over me," Odin reached forward and carressed Frigga's cheek.

"It's only because I worry over you that you have survived." Frigga mused before lightly grabbing Jane's arm and striding off.

I quickly followed.

As we rounded a corner, I noticed that there were guards still formed in a line and were walking.

We had to walk through them, but Frigga had grabbed one of the man's sword.

"Listen to me now," she whispered, "I need you both to do everything I ask, no questions."

"Yes ma'am." Jane and I said at the same time.

* * *

"There," Frigga quickly took a few steps away from the hologram that looked like Jane's body.

Frigga had asked me to go get the device that projects holograms from her room, but I eventually found my way from the route I was taking.

I realized how nice her room was, and wondered if it was the last time I'd see it.

This was the start of a war, after all. Most definitely.

Be it that Loki has started whatever it is or not.

"Tessa, how does she look to you?" Frigga turned to me.

I scratched my chin. "A spittin' image..."

Frigga excitedly clapped her hands together before catching my gaze.

"Am I becoming a hologram too?"

She thought for a moment.

"Yes, I suppose that that would keep the both of you safe-"

"But what about you? I can help keep the both of us safe!"

Frigga lightly smiled at me.

"I would, but I am not taking my chances. You clearly mean a lot to Loki, and I wouldn't want you to be ripped away from him so easily."

Still thinking about his feelings even after what he supposedly said to her in his cell?

Would Layla have done that for me...?

"Well Loki can screw off. I can take care of myself, and I want to keep the both of us safe-"

"You can keep Jane safe after Malekith discovers that she's a hologram."



I scrunched my nose up. "Fine."

Frigga ran over and grabbed the small device in her hands before pressing a button.

The light that spurt from it immediately enveloped my body and I felt the same sensation wash over me.

I closed my eyes and cleared my mind for a few seconds before opening them and feeling a little lighter.

"There," Frigga breathed.

I looked over at Jane's body before sauntering over towards her.



I realized that I literally had absolutely no conversation topic, and that at the same time, who I think is Malekith, walked in.

Frigga quickly shot me and Jane a glance before mouthing to me: Keep her safe.

I nodded before standing a little farther away from Jane.

Malekith needs to be able to touch her before me, or...something like that.

"Stand down, creature, and you may still survive this." Frigga warned Malekith before threateningly walking around the fountain to meet him.

She had a small knife switched in her hand and walked with pride.


"I have survived worse, woman." Malekith snapped.


It sounds like he has some cotton wedged in his throat or something.

"Who are you?" Frigga pondered as she stopped a few feet away from Malekith.

"I am Malekith. And I would have what is mine."


I glanced at her to see her gulp.
Jane started breathing heavily as she noticed Malekith's stare and ran to a pillar close by, leaving me all alone in my spot.

I quickly followed her as I heard a loud noise.



My head snapped over to see that Frigga had sliced a small portion of Malekith's cheek.

He grunted loudly before pulling out his own sword.

My head unconsciously reached for my small hunters knife in the belt-like thing hung around my waist.

Malekith took a quick shot at Frigga's left side, but she swatted his sword away and it clattered to the floor.

Should I help her?

She slashed at Malekith's outstretched arm and he recoiled in pain.

Malekith took a few steps back to glare at Frigga, but she just smirked at him.

She clearly baffled him.

He ran forward and tried to punch her in the face, but Frigga dropped down to her knees to avoid the punch and stabbed at Malekith's stomach.
He arched his back backwards as Frigga tried slashing his knees.

She tried once again to stab near Malekith's ear, but he sidestepped.

Frigga jumped to her feet and swung her knife around, but Malekith was quicker.

He ducked, but Frigga twirled with a clenched fist, and managed to punch him harf in the face.

She panted loudly, but it was clear the fight wasn't over yet.

"Ah!" She exclaimed.

I could see a little blood drop on the floor, and it was probably from Frigga's knuckles.

Jane and I exchanged looks, as if to say to each other that we shouldn't step in because she can most definitely handle it.

She struck her knife towards Malekith's chest, but he once again arched his back.

Frigga decided to try another spin, but Malekith ducked.

She quickly took her chance and grabbed the back of his head and pressed her knife against his neck.

Malekith looked calm, and I wondered why.

My eyes quickly shifted over to the door to see the bull-man enter.

I gasped loudly.

"Frigga!" I exclaimed.

She definitely didn't stand a chance against him, and I haven't even seen him fight yet!

The man pulled Frigga away from Malekith, and I could hesr him snarling as he gripped her neck and lifted her from the ground.


My eyes widened but I didn't scream.

I'd frighten Jane, and I don't want to do that because she's focusing on something very important, and she doesn't know how dangerous this man must me.

I can't scare her right now, that's the last things we'd need.
But on the other hand, FRIGGA IS GOING TO DIE.


Jane's focused eyes followed Malekith's every step, and I watched as her terror and fear overtook her movements, and I saw her arm jerk as if she wanted to run away.

I mean, I wouldn't blame her.

"You have taken something, child." Malekith approached Jane.

The man's grip switched to the back of Frigga's neck.

I gulped in fear.

What can I do?

I'm a hologram, for God's sake! Whatever I sit on or touch, I can't come out unless someone touches me.

If I touch them, I won't. So I can't run through Malekith to transform back into my body.

Besides, what chance would I have against the either of them.

"Give it back." Malekith ordered as he stood directly in front of Jane.

Come on, Tessa, think!

His eyes drifted to mine before Jane's.

A sort of an awareness look came upon his face as he muttered to himself in a stupid sounding language.

He shook his head.

Malekith reached for Jane's shoulder, but her body shimmered and disappeared at his touch.

His face grew furious as he turned to Frigga.

I looked from behind his back to see Frigga smirking.

"Frigga, do something, please!" I pleaded with tears in my eyes.
"Be quiet!" Malekith roared at me.

Frigga just smiled at me before returning her attention towards Malekith furiously striding towards her.

The man released his grip on Frigga's neck and held her in a headlock, choking her.

I ran forward to stop him, but Malekith refused to touch me.

Maybe he's gotten the memo.

"J-!" I stopped myself before I could finish.

If I said Jane's name, Malekith would know that she's around here, and could easily get his hands on her and the Aether.

I knew that Thor would never forgive me if I couldn't protect Jane.

And I couldn't go find Jane and ask her to transform me back because Malekith woulf know she's here and I'd be out of time by then.

Oh my God, I'm completely helpless!

Malekith completely ignored my presence as he stood in front of Frigga.

"Where is the Aether?" He demanded.

"I'll never tell you," she choked.

My lips started to tremble.


"I believe you."

And with those three words, the man plunged his sword straight through her back and I watched as Frigga fell to the ground.

I heard a shout as I fell to my knees.

Oh my God...


I crawled over to her and attempted to hold her head, but I went straight through.

A blinding white light spread throughout the room as I saw Malekith fall against the steps.

Through my teared vision I could see Thor running after them, but couldn't catch them.

I heard a small moan before my body shimmered away, and I appeared right next to Jane, just a hallway away.

I ran to the room to see Frigga lying there, with a small pool of blood staining her beautiful blue dress.

I saw Thor standing on the balcony with an unreadable expression as he summoned Mjolnir.

And the worst part was when saw a door open, and there stood Odin.

He held his staff in front of him as he entered, but I noticed the look on his face.

I will say, I have my reasons to not like Odin, but the expression he made broke my heart into two pieces.

I fell to my knees once more, I couldn't trust them to support my weight anymore.

Odin quickly ran over to Frigga's cold body and held her head in his lap.

I felt a cold sweat run down my back as I couldn't take the loss of her death.

I couldn't help but think just a few last thoughts:

It's all my fault.

* * * * *

I can't write action for the life of me.

Im sorry that I didnt update for a while, I actually did stuff XD

BUTTTTTT I hope that this kindaaa made up for being gone for a while.

Frigga's death has always really gotten to me so Ive always been a little sensitive to that scene, so I hope I rewrote it well.

See you guys in the next chapter !!

WRITTEN: 04-04-16, 04-05-16, 04-08-16


-gray xx

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