From Beta's Sister to Alpha's...

By WritingMyPassion

2.3M 31.5K 2.6K

***This is an R-rated story, there are sexual situations and if you are not comfortable with that please proc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 5

109K 1.8K 39
By WritingMyPassion


There were piles of clothes on the porch. I grabbed mine in my mouth and ran back into the trees for cover. Derek was right behind me.

We turned and changed. I was in my skinny jeans and a tight tank top.

"Damn it, Elena," Derek growled.

"What?" I turned to him.

"She didn't give me a shirt," He raised his eyebrow at me.

"Hmm, I like it," I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and pressing my lips to his.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tighter to him.

I pulled away reluctantly, "Come on," I stepped away from him

He groaned, but took my hand in his and led the way into the house.

"Where have you been?" Rowland was instantly there when we stepped inside.

"Don't start," Derek growled.

"Don't push me," Ro growled back.

"They were screwing around in the woods. Lookin' good, Derek," Elena winked.

"Elena," I whined.

"We'll talk later about the shirt," Derek growled.

"I did it for Kendra," She winked at me.

I giggled.

Derek glared at me.

"Well," I shrugged and patted his chest as I passed him.

"You were what in the woods?" Rowland growled.

I turned around annoyed, "If you can't stand Derek and I being together. Go sit up in your room until you can, because we can't change it, and I wouldn't want to even if I could."

"Well, I could figure out a way to change it," Rowland said sounding helpless.

"But you won't," Derek warned.

"Rowland," I sighed sadly, "I know you care for me. You would never want to see me hurt, right?"

"Of course not," He said sounding tired.

"Then just stop, because if you don't, all you'll be doing is hurting me," I walked up to him and hugged him.

"That doesn't mean I'm okay with this," He sighed holding me tighter.

"I know, you stubborn ass," I teased smirking.

He laughed, "Yeah, whatever, you selfish bitch," He teased.

I stepped back still smirking, "That's right. I am a bitch and I am proud of it, but around here I'm Alpha bitch so you better get used to it, brother."

He rolled his eyes and turned to Derek, "You know she is scarily power hungry, right?"

"Trust me, I know," He laughed.

"Yay, happy happy, we're all friends now!" Elena jumped and clapped happily.

Tristan stepped up to her, "Not exactly," he sighed.

I followed his glare over my shoulder to Ethan running up the porch.

"Time to put our little quarrels away, boys. I got some bad news," He huffed. "There was an attack."

"What are you talking about attack?" Derek growled turning on Ethan.

"A scout reported it. The vampires came at them. There was a fight and a vampire was injured but they got away. As soon as he makes it back to the mansion there will be a retaliation. Derek, we knew this was coming," He sighed.

"We can't go complaining about it. We have to act," Rowland stepped up.

"We have to attack them before they get us," Tristan offered.

"I agree," Derek nodded.

Elena and I looked at each other horrified.

"No!" We both stepped forward.

The guys looked at us like we were crazy.

"No, this is way too dangerous. You can't do this to me. Not now!" I pleaded Derek.

"Kendra," He sighed, "Whether we attack them first or they attack us first we will be fighting. It will be less dangerous if we are organized and prepared and attack them first," Derek reasoned.

"You have no say in this, Kendra. This is our job. To protect the pack," Rowland placed a hand on my shoulder.

"And that's it?" Elena stepped forward.

"Yes," Tristan demanded.

"You girls won't change our minds," Ethan looked at us both.

"And what will I do if you get killed. I will not go to another funeral," I looked between Derek and Rowland.

"You have to trust us," Derek sighed and then turned to Tristan, "Get everyone to the conference room. That's where we will talk. Ethan, go with him," Then to my brother. "Go get your pack round up and Elena will show you to the conference room," He nodded to Elena.

"Got it," Rowland replied and turned down the hallway.

Elena huffed and walked down the hallway with Rowland.

"Come on, Kendra," Derek grabbed my arm and pulled me outside.

When we were in the middle of the yard he stopped and looked at me.

"Derek, this isn't fair," I felt the tears coming to my eyes, but I refused to let them fall and show how weak I was. I had just gone through this heartache. I would not go through it again. Losing Derek would surely kill me.

"I have to do this. You have to understand. You have to stay here and stay strong for the rest of the pack," Derek demanded. "You may be scared of losing me, but we cannot put the whole pack in danger just to save me or Rowland."

"I know," I sighed and looked away from him.

He took my face in his hands and kissed me gently trying to reassure me.

"What if I say when you leave I refuse to say good-bye to you," I crossed my arms.

He smirked, "I wouldn't want you to. Good-bye means something is ending. What we have will never end. I will never say good-bye to you," His eyes were sincere and looking deeply into mine.

I nodded and he pulled me into his chest and hugged me tightly.

"Derek, we need to talk." Joshua was suddenly there at the edge of the orchard

Derek growled and turned around blocking me from him.

"What are you doing here?" He demanded.

"I came to warn you . . ."

"About the attack. I know," Derek said clipped.

"No, this is a misunderstanding," Joshua shook his head.

"Leeches attacking my men is a misunderstanding?" He snapped. "Don't try and save yourselves now."

"Okay, listen it's not my fault. If you want to blame someone blame your little mate for almost turning me into her own personal chew toy. A new-born from my pack saw and freaked. She ran back and told everyone and they freaked . . . you know Leaches and their drama," Joshua shrugged sarcastically.

"Then why can't you tell them to call it off," I stepped around Derek.

Joshua watched me for a moment. I couldn't tell if he was admiring me for speaking up or watching me because he was scared.

"I am not a leader. They tend not to listen to me because they think that I am just begging to get hurt hanging around you wolves," Joshua explained.

"We did nothing wrong, you were on our lands," I demanded, "You're the ones who killed our Alpha," I growled exasperatedly.

"That is part of the misunderstanding," Joshua reasoned. "I had no idea your Alpha was dead . . . this was no our fault."

"Our fathers were killed by vampires. Don't even try and lie about that," Derek growled.

He looked at Derek shocked, "I am not lying, Derek, just listen to me," Joshua huffed.

"I am done listening . . . I am done with this bullshit treaty between us. I am done with it all," Derek stepped after Joshua threateningly

"Derek, no," I pleaded, grabbing his arm, stopping him, "I don't want this."

"There is one way we can clear this all up, but your stubborn Alpha will never go for it. I will not risk my life to save yours," He turned away.

"Wait, tell us. Just because Derek isn't up for it doesn't mean I can't do it," I demanded.

"Kendra," Derek snapped demandingly and I flinched.

"Well, I guess if you were to come with me back to the clan – in a non-threatening manner . . ." Joshua suggested

"No!" Derek snapped. "I will never go to your King begging on my knees. I am not that weak."

"Derek," I complained, "If it means not fighting we should do it," I turned back to Joshua.

"I said I will not," Derek demanded, "If he wants to clear up this misunderstanding he can come to me. Otherwise . . ."

"You know he won't," Joshua sighed annoyed.

"Fine, if they are both too stubborn I will go," I pulled my arm from Derek's hold and stepped towards Joshua.

"That could work," He smiled and stepped forward.

"I said no!" Derek stepped forward at the same time and grabbed my arm tight. "They killed our fathers . . . I will not allow you to put your life in danger for some trick."

"No," I complained, "If I can't worry for you. You can't worry about me," I argued.

"I will not let you put your life on the line to save me," Derek demanded.

"It's not just for you, it is for the safety of the pack," I argued.

"You dying is not for the safety of the pack," Derek growled.

"And you dying is?" I snapped glaring at him, "If I go alone, they will not see it as a threat. I can speak reasonably with the King and stop this fighting," I turned back to Joshua.

"Kendra, enough," Derek snapped, "We can't just decide this! This has to be brought up with your brother," Derek demanded.

"Fine," I stopped towards the house.

"Joshua, come," Derek demanded.

"I am not going in there," Joshua refused.

"Fine," I stopped, "Go get Rowland," I turned to Derek.

He looked from me to Joshua then back to me, "And leave you out here with him?" He laughed without humor, "You're kidding me."

"I won't do anything, Derek, just go, so we can get this over with," I crossed my arms over my chest.

He seemed conflicted for a moment, "Fine," he grumbled and then jogged into the

I walked back to Joshua.

He froze nervously.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Because it was not our clan who killed your father. And the clan you are attacking is my family and I do not want them getting hurt," He explained.

"Do you really think this will work?" I raised my eyebrow stepping closer to him.

"Of course. I wouldn't have suggested it if I didn't think it would," He replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Fine then," I huffed, "When they get out here there will be no way they are letting me go."

"So why did you tell him to go get them?" he raised a perfect eyebrow at me.

"Because if they get back and I am already gone . . . what can they do?" I shrugged.

He became serious, "This is dangerous. Are you serious?" He demanded.

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't have said it," I smirked.

"Well, we need to go now then," He held out his arms.

"What?" I stepped back.

"You cannot show up at the mansion as a wolf. That will not go over well," He grabbed me and picked me up bridal carry. His smooth hard we cold and uncomfortable.

"Let's go," I demanded.

"Okay," He sighed and then took off.


I walked through the house rushing to get to the den. I had to find them and quickly get out there. I was hoping that Joshua had enough sense not to take Kendra, but I knew how persuasive my little mate could be.

I should have just told her to go get Ro and Tristan. This was quite stupid of me, and I saw that now. When I finally got to the den and they were all there.

"So what's up, Derek?" Ethan asked leaning against the back of the couch

"Yeah, what's the plan," Another asked, standing when I entered.

"There has been a change of plans," I announced quickly. "Rowland, you need to come with me, now."

"What?" Rowland stood. "What is going on?"

"It's all because of your stubborn sister," I explained, "but that is not important, you just need to come with me."

"I didn't have a choice, dude. She's your mate," He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Like I had a choice either," I smirked.

I really liked Rowland, I did. I felt like we were a lot alike and we could definitely get along, but the way he saw it I stole his sister and he wasn't exactly happy with me. Well, quite the opposite. I was pretty sure he hated me.

"What is going on?" Tristan demanded.

"Kendra is trying to broker some deal. I need to discuss this more with my Beta," I waved him off.

"What so you mean deal?" Rowland stepped up to me

With each question, I was sure Joshua's will power was breaking. I didn't have the time for this. "I have no fucking time to explain," I demanded.

"No, Derek, this is my sister and you will explain. What is going on?" Rowland demanded.

"I am the fucking Alpha," I growled, "You don't demand shit from me. It's the other way around," I snapped.

"What the hell, Derek?" Tristan looked at me shocked.

"You are wasting my time," I growled, "Kendra's got another crazy idea and I was stupid enough to leave her unsupervised. Happy? Can we fucking go now?" I demanded.

"Hell yes," Rowland said worried, "Why didn't you say that before?"

I rolled my eyes, frustrated then turned down the hallway annoyed and Rowland and Tristan followed. I am sure Elena was with Tristan, but I ignored that.

I stormed out the back door and looked into the empty yard.

"Shit!" I growled.

"Where is she, Derek?' Rowland demanded, glaring at me.

"This is all my fault! What was I thinking? If she gets hurt . . ." It hurt me just to think about it. Why did I always act without thinking? Why didn't I just make her come with me?

That didn't matter now, we needed to act and quickly.

"Derek," Elena pushed.

Maybe if I go on my own they won't feel threatened and they will not hurt her. I will just take her back easily and there will be no need for violence. Joshua will take care of her until I can get to her, right?

"Derek, what are you thinking about?" Tristan demanded as I paced the yard.

By the way, Joshua's eyes lingered on her . . . I couldn't get over it and it was driving me insane. It didn't matter . . . Joshua wouldn't act on it. Kendra wouldn't let him.

The thought of it was going to make me sick. I doubled over and put my hands on my knees. I needed to get to her as quick as possible I had no choice. I need her near me. I need to save her!

"Derek!" Elena shrieked finally getting my attention.

"Derek, God damn it! Tell me where my sister is right fucking now!" Rowland stomped over to me and gripped my arms forcing me to stand up and look him in the eye.

"She went with Joshua to the vampire clan," I gasped, why did it feel like my heart was stopping. The pain was radiating throughout my chest. If she gets hurt and it is my fault . . . I couldn't live not without her.

"Fuck," Tristan growled.

"Joshua?" Elena said shocked.

"Oh, fuck no. Pull your shit together, Alpha. We're going to kick leech ass and get my sister back right now," Rowland demanded. I nodded agreeing without hesitation.


Joshua set me down when we arrived at the front steps of the vampire's mansion.

"Home sweet home," He sighed starting up the stairs.

It was big like Derek's place, but it was deep into the woods. I could hardly see any sun and it seemed cold and eerie. The house was made of stone in shades of gray and black, not like the warm browns of Derek's. I felt immensely out of place.

"Come on, Kendra," Joshua was already walking up the stairs.

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea," I swallowed and stepped back I felt the hairs on the back of my neck standing up, goosebumps rose all over my body. I was not getting a very good feeling about this.

Suddenly he was in front of me and gently grabbed my hands. His amazingly blue eyes looked into my sincerely, "I will not let anything happen to you, Kendra." He promised, "I know I might not seem like a likely companion, however, I am all you've got now. I really truly want to stop the fighting."

"What?" I was so shocked by his sincerity and his cold that was all I could make leave me mouth.

"I mean," He dropped his hand and turned to go back up the stairs, "Derek would have my neck if I didn't make sure you were safe," He explained, "Trust me. The vampires just want to exist, but they are . . . like I said dramatic. You'll be fine," He stepped in front of me and walked up the stairs I followed him closely as we walked up to the door.

I took a deep breath and decided that I could totally do this. Joshua promised he would not let me get hurt, and I believed him.

Did I just think that?

Now I am trusting vampires, that could not be good . . .

When I walked in the door is was quiet. The foyer was open with minimal furnishings other than some couches and tables. The floors were wood, light blue walls, gray couches and there were two large staircases that curled along the edges of the of the room heading to an upstairs floor.

As I looked around the room, Joshua continued to walk across the foyer towards one of the staircases.

"Kendra, keep up," Joshua demanded.

I hadn't even realized I stopped to admire the room. I hurried to his side.

"I am going to take you to the leader of our clan. Kind of like your Alpha. But he's not as pushy," He smirked.

I glared at him.

"Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood. Plus that's a totally lie. Derek and Marcus are a lot alike. He is our King."

"Are you saying that's a bad thing?" I questioned.

Joshua raised an eyebrow at me with a look as if to say, "Are you crazy? Of course, it's a bad thing! Have you met your Alpha?"

I rolled my eyes outwardly, but on the inside, my heart started racing.

Suddenly a small redhead was standing in front of me and hissed.

I stepped back into a slight crouch, prepared for an attack. Joshua stepped in front of me quickly.

"What is this, Joshua?" The redhead demanded.

"Get out of the way, Jessica," Joshua growled right back. "This is none of your business, you'll just cause more issues."

"How dare you bring a wolf here?" She shoved him.

"You're the one who started this whole mess. I am trying to stop it." He shoved her out of the way and grabbed my hand pulling me past her.

"No!" She growled and grabbed my arm pulling me back. I stumbled, but quickly got my balance turning and growling at her.

"Back off, bitch," I snapped at her.

She growled right back, then Joshua stepped in between us.

"No, Kendra," He demanded.

I looked up into his eyes and he was begging me. I sighed and slowly stood. I had to keep reminding myself I am here to stop the fighting.

"Jessica, back off," Joshua growled turning on her.

"What is wrong with you? She is not one of our kind! She is our enemy," Jessica growled.

"You are too young to understand how tiring it is to have enemies. She is trying to keep peace unlike you, which puts me on her side. Now cut it out!" Joshua growled.

"Stop it, both of you," A tall vampire demanded half way down the stairs. He was muscular but lean. The way he moved had the graceful, stealth of a large cat. His eyes were a deep icy blue, his skin pale, his hair was dark and when it caught the light it seemed to have blue and violet stands in it. His hand was on the railing of the stairs and he was dressed in a loose black v-neck and jeans. As he began to move down the stairs I noticed he oddly didn't have any shoes on.

With the way, he carried himself and the way Joshua and the red head stopped instantly told me he was the King. The one that was so much like Derek. His face hardly showed any emotion as he looked down at us.

"Marcus," Jessica gasped bowing her head, "Joshua . . . he . . ."

"I know this girl is a wolf. What do you think I'm blind?" He snapped at the girl, clearly showing his fangs.

"No, of course not. Sorry," She shied away.

"Marcus," Joshua stepped forward as he reached the bottom of the stairs, "She's here to stop this fight that you've been planning. It's wrong," Joshua stepped up.

"I am not planning a fight, Joshua, I am planning a retaliation. You know as much," Marcus scoffed, "And who is she to think she can change my mind," He glared at me, but he spoke to Joshua.

His defined jaw was pulled tight with frustration. I would admit he was very intimidating. I mean I stood up to Derek a lot, but he didn't scare me that much because I knew he would never hurt his mate. With his vampire King on the other hand . . .

"I'm the Alpha's mate," I stepped forward. I didn't care if he scared the living shit out of me. I was not going to be looked down at as some pathetic female wolf with no authority. I wasn't one for getting pushed around.

Marcus smirked as he walked towards us. "Snippy," He noted, "Derek certainly made a quick work of finding a mate after his father's little accident," Marcus teased, "Being Alpha so young must be a lot of pressure on him." Young? This guy didn't look older than 20!

I growled, "It was not an accident and it was not only his father who died."

"You know nothing of it," Marcus moved his hands to clasp behind his back glaring down at me.

"I think I know plenty," I snapped. "My father was killed as well."

"Oh, yes, the Beta . . . Are you his daughter? Not at all what I expected, but I am not saying that is a bad thing," His eyes slowly roamed over my body and I shivered from disgust.

"Will you hear me out or no?" I demanded. I had no time for his games. Surely Derek would not hesitate to come and drag me out of here.

"Right to business? How incredibly boring," He sighed, "Why don't we talk a while?" He placed a hand on my lower back and pushed me forward with him.

I jumped away from his cold touch instantly, "Who do you think you are?" I snapped turning on him.

Marcus smirked at my reaction, "I am the Alpha here, darling. You are the only wolf in a mansion full of vampires. Also, if you try to fight against me you will not be making it out of here anytime soon . . . alive. You shouldn't have listened to Joshua. You should have just stayed home," Marcus growled his face close to mine, though he was almost a whole head taller than me. "You are not a diplomat, little wolf."

"Marcus, this is not what we discussed . . ."

"I don't need to discuss my plans with a low life like you, Joshua," Marcus snapped cutting off Joshua.

Marcus wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me forward again.

I cringed away from his cool body, but he only held me closer.

How did I get myself into this situation? This wasn't the plan. I just wanted to stop the fighting. I just wanted to keep Rowland and Derek and the pack safe. How can I fix this?

He is a man . . . though not human he is still a man. There is always something a man wants. There had to be some way to convince him or bargain with him. I would give my life it meant saving Derek and my brother . . . without hesitation.

Marcus kept his arm around my waist and he pulled me through the house. We climbed the stairs he had come down and then turned right down a hallway. We walked all the way to the end. The whole time I was trying to get my thought together figuring out what exactly I could do or say to fix this. When we got to the end of the hallway he opened a large wooden door and ushered me through. I stepped into a large, medieval-looking room.

When I looked around I saw a little alcove that looked like a library. In the middle was a desk that was full of open books and notepads. A very stressed looking blonde, male vampire was sitting there flipping through the pages. I looked to the other side of the room. That's when I saw the biggest bed I had ever witnessed. The sheets were disheveled and laying in the bed were two vampire women, sprawled out among the sheets. One was a big-breasted brunette and the other was an incredibly curvy blonde, they were both dressed in slutty corseted lingerie and were looking half asleep.

Around the rest of the room were centuries old paintings and statues. The room was huge. Off to the side, I noticed French doors that lead out to a balcony. The walls were stone, so where the floors, but the floors had rugs to give off the sense of warmth. Not that warmth mattered much to vampires.

"Marcus," The brunette on the bed purred.

The blonde's nose scrunched up like she smelt something bad, "Who brought the bitch?" She sneered at me.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?" I growled stepping towards the bed.

"I called you what you are, Bitch. Get used to it," The blonde stood, sneering at me.

I stalked towards her, "And you better get used to my foot up your . . ."

"You're a feisty one," Marcus grabbed my arm and pulled me back to his side

"Let me go," I snapped at him, trying to pull my arm from his grip.

"Come on, Marcus. Let her go," The blonde teased.

"Julia, Theresa . . . out now," Marcus growled threateningly as he tightened his hand when I fought to get free.

"Marcus . . ." The brunette whined standing.

"Out! All of you!" He demanded throughout the room. I heard people hurrying out of the room. The blonde glared at me as she passed me and I glared right back.

Marcus shoved me further into the room. I stumbled and fell against the bed and turned and glared at him.

"Joshua, I am sure you fall under the category of all of you," Marcus growled without turning around.

"No, I do not," Joshua growled clenching his fists at his side.

"If you don't leave, she will surely get hurt, Joshua," Marcus growled.

"And if I do leave?" Joshua sighed.

"She will be perfectly fine when you came back in for her. I would just like to speak to her alone," Marcus said calmly.

"Fine," Joshua sighed and turned out of the room. When I heard the door close my heart speed up to a painful speed. He said he would protect me . . . that is what I get for trusting a bloody vampire. My eyes quickly shot to Marcus.

"Now, Kendra," Marcus smirked and stalked towards me.


We were running through the woods with me at the lead.

Derek, do you even know where you are going? Tristan demanded.

Of course, I do! I snapped at him.

Leave him be . . . he's stressed, Ethan growled.

I don't give a fuck! Getting lost won't help anyone! Rowland demanded.

Shut up all of you! You're not helping! I growled.

I ran through the woods and suddenly they opened and we were on the front lawn of the vampire mansion. I halted instantly.

We found it! Tristan gasped.

Derek found it! Ethan growled.

Then the doors flew open and Joshua stood there looking pissed.

"Go home, Derek. If you don't, you are only putting Kendra in more danger," Joshua growled.

How dare he threaten my mate!

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