Protecting Mia

Von Prairie__flower

1.7K 90 22

After her father dies Mia moves across the country with her mother, so that they can live closer to her uncle... Mehr

Meeting Jason
20 Questions
Beach Party
First Day of School
Meeting Cole
Meeting Mia
The Walk Home
The Lake
The Breakup
Saving Mia
Breaking Point
The Family
Road Trip
Council Meeting
The Kidnapping
Saving Mia (Again?)
A Fight to End all Fights

Coach Cole

57 2 0
Von Prairie__flower


Mia's POV

"Shakespeare's language can sometimes be hard to understand, which makes reading his stories frustrating for some students. But his stories are truly great so I want you all to enjoy reading his stories. So for our next project, you will make groups of four people each. In these groups, you will take one scene of Midsummer Night's Dream and you will translate it into modern day English. But I don't want you just to copy the text from "No Fear Shakespeare", I want you to be original." Ms. Fulton says as she hands out the assignment on paper.

I lay my heads on my arms and try to make myself as invisible as possible. I hate group projects, especially when I don't really know anyone in this class.

"Can we pick our own teams?" I hear one girl ask.

"Yes, for once I am letting you pick your own groups, but please do so wisely. If you don't think you can ace this assignment with your friends than look for someone else. I trust you will make the right decision."

I see kids jumping up from their seats and running to their friends. I stay in my seat and try to stay as invisible as possible as I do not want the other students to see me as that friendless new girl, even though that is exactly what I am. All groups have been formed except for me sitting at my desk all alone.

I am thinking about going up to Ms. Fulton and asking her if I can do this project by myself when a girl whose name I am pretty sure is Mikayla, walks up to me and says, "Do you want to join our group?"

Mikayla is the definition of preppy. She is wearing a grey sweater with a dark blue vest, a pearl necklace and a golden watch on her wrist. Not necessarily the type of person I would hang out with, but she seems really nice so I really don't see a reason not to accept her offer. I look over to her group of friends that she is pointing at and they are all smiling at me.

"Yeah, thank you," I grab my backpack and walk over with Mikayla. Class is nearly over so we don't really have time to discuss what we are going to do yet. The rest of the group, one other girl and two boys, are just talking and goofing around with Snapchat. I just sit there awkwardly, not really knowing what to do.

As the bell rings one girl speaks up, "So should we meet up at lunch to get a head start on this whole thing?"

Her offer would actually solve my dreaded problem of not knowing who to sit with at lunch so I automatically agree.

"Great, so we'll meet out in the courtyard at lunch?" Mikayla asks. We all nod our heads in agreement and head in separate directions.

At the beginning of lunch, I head out into the courtyard and see the other four already sitting at one of the marble tables. I sit down in the only spot left and pull out my notebook.

"So Ms. Fulton gave us act IV scene i. Which is a lot of dialogue between Titania and Bottom which I think is something we can work with pretty well." Mikayla's friend starts saying; I think her name is Dianna.

"That's easy for you to say; you've actually read this garbage. I ,on the other hand, have no clue who Titania or Bottom are." One of the guys, Dean I believe, argues.

"It's not my fault you don't educate yourself." Dianna spits out.

"No, I educate myself. If it weren't for the fact that you have actually been in the play before you would have less of an idea about this than I would. Don't go acting all smart." Dean argues.

"Okay, okay. You guys we get it. Dianna has been in Midsummer Night's Dream before and knows the story. So how about fighting we work with this. She can help us. Dianna, how about you give us the summary of the story? Andy, my last team member intervenes.

Dianna sighs before she sits up straight and folds her hands. "So, Midsummer Night's dream is about this duke of Athens, Theseus, who is marrying Hippolyta, the queen of the Amazons."

I want to pay attention to what she is saying; I honestly do. But through the windows I can see Raven sitting down next to Nash and laughing at something Selena said. I want to be there with them, laughing and joking around. I also know I could be there. This is my choice; I'm the one who decided I needed some space from Jason and I was the one who decided to make some new friends.

I tune back in to Dianna, "In the end Demetrius loves Helena, and Lysander loves Hermia and they have a group wedding."

"That is one weird play." Mikayla mutters to herself before she takes a bite of her sandwich. Dianna just shrugs as if to say it's not her fault and also takes a bite of her food. A lull in the conversation follows where we are all eating our food.

I want to speak up for the first time to ask what our plan for the scene is, but Dean interrupts me, "What is he doing back?"

All of us turn to see who he is talking about. I am not sure whether this is some kind of sick joke or if fate just feels like messing with me. Standing about 15 feet away from us is Cole. He is talking to a young man in sweat pants.

School was supposed to be the one place where Cole was not. I was supposed to be Cole-free here, but of course that would not happen. He is just everywhere filling the room with his testosterone and ego.

"I heard he is going to be the supporting Bball coach this season." Andy says nonchalantly.

"Really?" Mikayla asks. Her face flushed.

"Calm down girl. He graduated. He probably wants nothing to do with us outside of the gym." Dianna pouts.

"I don't want to be with him or even hook up. But it does mean I finally have something interesting to watch during the basketball games." Mikayla winks at her friends. Dianna just rolls her eyes.

I honestly do not even know what to think let alone say. Well I do know what I am thinking and that's Cole looks amazing in a snapback. But that is not a useful thought or one that I could express to the rest of the group.

"This season is going to be the bomb." Dean cheers as he high fives Andy.

Cole must have heard Dean for he looks over at our table and heads over.

"How have you been doing man?" Andy stands up and gives Cole a man hug. I don't want to talk to Cole at the moment. I actually don't even want to be in his presence right now. If I am lucky he hasn't even recognized me and I can sneak away unnoticed.

I lean over to Mikayla and whisper in her ear that I am going to make a phone call, before I rush inside the school. I head over to my locker so it at least looks like I am doing something. I pull out my phone and open Instagram in the hopes that if I scroll through my feed for about five minutes and return Cole will be gone.

Once enough time has gone by I sand back and close my locker.

"So, who were you talking to?"

Behind my locker door Cole is leaning against the other lockers, his arms folded against his chest. Of course he is here.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, my patience already wearing thin.

"You said you were going to make a call, so I was wondering who you called."

"Well that's none of your business now is it?"

"I was just wondering because you never actually put your phone up to your ear."

Of course he saw that.

"I am really not in the mood for talking to you right now, so if you don't mind." I try to push past Cole but he blocks my path. I almost run into his chest, but quickly remember the sparks and take a big step back.

"I am going to be assistant coach you know." Cole smirks.

"I know. Congrats. Andy and Dean seem very happy." I say mirthlessly.

"What's with that anyways'"

"With what?"

"Why are you with Andy and his friends?"

"We're doing a project in English class."

"Sounds interesting. What's the project?"

Why is he making small talk? He does not like me and I do not like him, so it would be nice to not have to deal with him anymore.

"I need to go out there and talk about the project." I tell Cole and start walking back towards the courtyard.

Cole grabs my wrist and spins me around. Sparks shoot up my arm making my whole body feel tingly. I wrench my arm out of his grasp as fast as possible. Stupid sparks!

"Why are you not with the rest of the group?"

"Didn't Jason tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"I decided I needed to find some new friends at this school so that I get to know some new people."

"So you aren't hanging out with them anymore?"

"No I am not. Go celebrate! Throw a f*cking party for all I care. I know how glad you are that I am no longer hanging out with the rest of you."

"Maybe I should." Cole agrees with me as he leans against a locker, his arms folded against his chest.

"Awesome. I'll see you around." I all but yell at Cole before I storm away.

When I reach the group again they have all started on the project and are discussing how we should translate "Truly, a peck of provender" into modern day English.

I am still riled up about Cole but being here with kids who don't know or really care about what is going on between Cole and me helps me calm my nerves.

For the first time today I am really starting to see this fresh start as something good and I hope that Mikayla, Dianna, Dean and Andy are willing to take in one more person because I could really use some new friends.

After the final bell rings for the ending of school I head down to the media center to grab a book on the Russian Revolution so I can start on my AP World History essay. As I open the door I almost walk into Dean.

"Hey Mia. What are you doing here?" Dean inquires with a big smile on his face.

"Oh, nothing much. Just grabbing resources for AP world. What about you?"

"I like studying here more than at home; it's quieter you know?"

"Actually I don't. My mom's isn't home much lately so I'm usually left on my own. Why are you leaving if you study here?"

"Just have to make a quick call. Hope you find your book alright." With that Dean pushes past me while looking at his phone.

Once I find the books I need I check them out at the desk and am about to head out the door when I hear someone call my name. I turn around to see who called me just as the teacher shushes whoever called. I turn around to see Dean rolling his eyes and walking towards me.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to come to my birthday party tonight. You could get to know a few more people."

I want to say no. I don't really do parties, but this would really be a good chance to get to know some people; it would be a great opportunity.

I plaster on a fake smile and say, "I would love to."

"Awesome. Nine o'clock at my place. It's right across from Karen's Café, you won't be able to miss it."

"Can't wait." I smile and walk out of the library. Right into –you guessed it- Cole.

"Of course." I grumble as I try to walk around him.

I don't want to deal with him, not now. Not ever really, but let's be realistic here.

"You shouldn't go to Dean's party." Cole says as he towers over me looking down. God his face is so beautiful. I want to punch it in the hopes of making it fit his personality.

"So you're eavesdropping now?"

"No I just happened to over hear your conversation. You shouldn't go."

"Well good thing I don't need to listen to what you say." I try to walk around him, but he won't let me. Cole mirrors every step I take and in order to avoid touching I stay still.

"His friends aren't good people. You'll get yourself in some kind of trouble."

"I am not some kind of child Cole." I see Cole's eyes darken a bit at my last comment and take a step back. Whose eyes do that? I don't give too much thought about it though. I am way too pissed off.

"Will you just listen to me Mia?" Cole growls at me. His fists are clenched and I can tell he is starting to get angry as well.

"No Cole. I will not listen. You listen to me." I am so pissed off; this week has been too damn long and Cole's whole spectacle at lunch was the straw that broke the camel's back. "You have no right showing up everywhere and telling me what the hell I should do. School was the one place where I didn't have to deal with you, but here you are. I am so sick of you thinking you are above me in some way."

Cole has a scowl plastered on his face as if he has the right to be angry at me.

"Remember who you're talking to." Cole growls.

"You have no superiority over me." I move forward, challenging him and now we are inches apart. I can feel Cole's heavy breathing on my face and look down at his lips. One move and I could close the gap between us to finally know if what I am feeling is real. Before I can give it a second thought Cole pushes me up against the wall and glares down at me.

"I am your teacher. You will respect me from now on. There will be consequences otherwise. Wouldn't want a suspension on your perfect transcript now would we?"

"You are a coach, not my f*cking teacher."

"Watch your language!"

"F*ck off."

Cole hasn't moved away from me and when I look u at his eyes they are glancing at my lips. One inch, one quick movement. That is all it would take. I hate him so, but I need this. Oh how bad I need this.

Then Cole is gone. He is now standing about three feet away from me and I can finally think clearly again.

"Don't go to the party." Cole says one last time before he walks away.


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