Telling the family

By HeartlandLover1208

31.7K 524 134

After the pregnancy annoncment to Ty, we have a family to tell. How will Amy and Ty tell the family? How will... More

The reaction
The resolution
Authors Note
Month 2
Authors Note
Month 3
Month 4
Month 4 "Telling the family"
Month 5
Month 6
Mothers day special
Another Authors note
Month 7
Month 8
What he did
The naming ceremony-Final chapter
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Telling the family

3.4K 43 8
By HeartlandLover1208


It was the evening after our night at the "dude ranch," as we all call it much to Lou's dismay. We came home this morning and I, personally have been struggling to keep the news. Ty hasn't had much of a bad time because he has had work today and it was a lonely shift only taking in customers.

Meanwhile, I, on the other hand have had troubles, first thing this morning I was puking my guts out, but Ty had already left for work so I did it all alone, though not for the first time.

After that I joined breakfast with the family because the baby was hungry. After that I helped Georgie with her trick riding practice, it was fun except for the fact I couldn't tell her I was PREGNANT, and when I ran inside to the barn, I told her I had a BAD stomach flu. What else could I tell her. Its not like I could have told her, "Hey Georgie, I'm pregnant, don't tell anyone." Well technically I could have but it wouldn't be fair to anyone else. It would have been weird, and I bet she'd tell Lou or Adam and then Lou would tell Peter, then Peter would tell Grandpa, Grandpa would tell Dad and then the secret would be out. That would not be fun. I don't want to become the "gossip" of the family.

Anyway, where was I? Oh....Yeah, After the practice with Georgie I went in for lunch, asking Lou if Ty and I could come for dinner. She of course said yes, being the Lou she is. After Lunch I puked out my guts some more, had a client drop off a horse to rehome. Then I had a nap until I woke up and went on Instagram, that's what I am doing right now.

"Amy?" Ty called, anxiously walking up the stairs to our beautiful apartment.

"Ty?" I asked, hurrying towards him, giving him a kiss.

"No need to run," He stated, "The baby might..."

"Oh Ty!" I laughed, "The baby hasn't even reached the size of your hand yet! No need to worry about me running!"

"Alright but you'll take it easy not to overwork yourself," He asked, having a bit of worry in his voice.

"I'm not going to give up my horse training altogether!" I persisted, anger filling my voice.

"No, no I'd never make you do that It'd be torture for you!" He replied, blowing up his hands.

"Phew!" I replied, grunting slightly. My abdomen hurt.

"What is it?" He asked worried.

"Nothing," I replied, "Just stomach pains!"

"You need a glass of water?" He asked.

"Yes," I replied, "I think that'll be great!"

"Good," He replied, resting her on a chair and grabbing a glass.

"Oh! I forgot! I asked Lou if we could have dinner with them, Lou liked the idea!" I remembered, " She said to come around 7."

Ty checked his watch, "Its 6:45 now so we have a little time. Wanna head over?"

"Why not?" I replied, "I hope I can hold all of the food down."

"Have you been having morning sickness?" He asked.

I answered, "Yeah but it's more like all day sickness."

"How many times have you had it today?" Ty, my love, asked.

"Well lets see I had some after you left, and when I was helping Georgie practice, after lunch, after the clients came and yeah that's it," I replied.

"4 times?" He asked, " And througought the day! Ouch! Are you feeling alright?"

"Not really but if we don't go to dinner Lou'll become suspicous! That is the last thing we want right now" I replied, describing the situation.

"Okay, lets get over there," I told Ty.

He nodded and helped me up. On the way to the house we talked about the Reserve and how It'd been doing, which it had been doing well at least that is what Ty was telling me, he was telling the truth, I could see it in his eyes.

"Amy, "Lou asked as soon as I walked through the door, "Would you get Katie to come? And make sure she is ready for dinner?"

I nodded, went to get Katie and soon reappeared at the table with Katie who I had picked up.

"Here you gokitty kat!" I smiled at Katie, she was sure a sweet child.

"Georgie, Dinner!" Lou called up the stairs.

Shortly everyone was gathered around the table. After a prayer the convorstations started, I gave Ty a look, the look that meant tell-them-now-right-now, so He stood up and raised a glass.

"We, Amy and I have an annocment to make," Ty replied.

"I'm pregnant!" I annonced smiling.

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