Rollercoaster (Sequel to "So...

By RoseFarihaHarvestar

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[ COMPLETED BOOK!] (The next part to So We Meet Again?) Bianca leaves Bradford after meeting up with Zayn and... More

Author's note and Acknowlegements
Chapter 1~ Regrets, Mistakes, they're Memories Made.
Chapter 2~ Speechless.
Chapter 3~ Big Steps to Little Things.
Chapter 4~ Live While We Are Young... for Now!
Chapter 5~ Countdown.
Chapter 6~ For the Better or for the Worst.
Chapter 7~ Remembering my Summer Love.
Chapter 8~ To Wave a Farewell.
Chapter 9~ The Warm Welcome turns Ugly.
Chapter 10~ Double Faces.
Chapter 11~ Tortured.
Chapter 12~ Scars of Pain and the Unexpected.
Chapter 13~ Wedding Woes.
Chapter 14~Surprises and Much more.
Chapter 15~ Hazel eyes.
Chapter 16~Give me Love.
Additional Chapter to Chapter 16~ Give me Love (Zayn's P.O.V)
Chapter 17~ Good News and Bad News.
Chapter18~ Missing Pieces.
Chapter 19~ Shocked!
Chapter 20~ Related.
Chapter 21~ The B-M Plan.
Chapter 22~ The B-M Plan Continues.
Chapter 23~ The Gathering.
Chapter 24~ Finding Her.
Chapter 25~ The Truth to it All.
Chapter 26~ The Murder's Wife.
Chapter 27~ Forget the Past, Spend the Present, and Live for the Future.
Chapter 28~ Meeting Her.
Chapter 29~ Beautiful Disaster.
Author's note!
Chapter 30~For Every Action There is a Reaction!
Chapter 32~ London.
Chapter 33~ Bradford and Memories.
Author's Note!
Chapter 34~ New Lives, Recollected.
Author's Note
Chapter 35~ Rollercoaster

Chapter 31~ One Weeks Time.

1.3K 48 19
By RoseFarihaHarvestar

I stood there, my knees wobbling. I saw my mother through the corner of my eye. She was smiling like an idiot. Why the hell was she smiling? I think it's the what you get when you are mentally ill. You don't understand what is going on around you but you understand and totally listen to your subconsciousness. Safa ran to help Trisha pick up the broken glass off the floor. 

"Mom, can you sit here," I ordered her. I helped her climb onto a chair for her to sit. I was going to go help Safa and Trisha clean up but as I reached over to pick up the broken pieces until a hand touched my shoulder. I glanced over. 

"Please don't start acting like you are innocent," Yaser says. He had a really a mixed expression on his face which showed an angry yet firm emotion written all over him. I was puzzled. 

"What do you mean?" I murmured.  He gave a squeeze on my shoulder. 

"Come with me. We need to talk," he orders. I dropped the pieces back onto the ground and slowly elevated up. I followed Yaser to the foyer. My stomach were doing somersaults.

"Put on your coat and boots, we are going outside to talk," he said. I nodded. I bite my tongue and panicked a little. He was all ready and held the door for me.  I felt the cold air tickling my feet. I sighed softly and  gave  Mr. Malik a wryly smile and crossed my arms together. He closed the door behind him. 

"Zayn's coming," he announced. I didn't respond to it thinking that I'll wait anyways. My feet started to become numb from standing in my one place for a very long time. My nose turned red; I felt like Rudolph the red nose reindeer. Finally Zayn came outside. I caught a wink from him. I blushed. Hopefully, Yaser didn't notice anything because even in the extreme cold, it was hard to tell if your cheeks turned red due to the cold or if you were blushing or not.  Zayn stood next time. He snaked over to my hand and gave it a squeeze. The heat current from his hand went from my palm and throughout my whole body. I felt warm and fuzzy on the inside.

 "Dad the house doctor said that she is on her way ," Zayn mentioned. 

"Ok, that's good. Now, the reason why I've asked you two to come out here is we need to talk about somethings. I've got questions that need to be answered," he explained looking directly into my eyes. 

I gulped nervously. 

"What kinds of things?" I stuttered. Yaser's eyebrows burrowed in concentration. 

"Well, why on Earth would you bring your mother back, you knew that she was crazy but why bring her back to society?" he asked harshly.  I was so shocked! I could he say that to me?! I got furious automatically. I clenched my teeth and swallowed hard. 

"The whole purpose was to bring her back to society and to be reunited with the world. Everything that's she's missed. I don't see what's the problem here, Mr. Malik," I implored. I wanted to run away and cry. 

Yaser tsked under his breath and sighed as there was a silent moment. 

"If I were to tell you, you wouldn------" I cut him off midway through his sentence. 

"I want to know, please!" I snapped. My nose flaring with rage and my eyes redden in angry. Yaser backed away. 

"Ok, fine. I will tell you. After your father died, you're mother; She became dangerous and hysterical. She use to hit her head on the wall for no reason,go days without food or water, then there were some days which she just laid in bed and never spoke with anybody, or other days were she cried my brother's name," he explained. 

"Wait, one thing doesn't make any sense," I remarked, " Mona told me that you guys didn't like my mother that's why my father and mother never lived with you guys." 

Yaser sighed as if he was really annoyed with all this mess. 

" Well, yes, that is true but you know after your father died, your mother was alone. So I had to take her in. We took care of her, fed her, placed a roof over her head etc." he said. 

"Oh well, is it true that Zayn and I are cousins?" I blurted out. Shit! I shouldn't have said that. Zayn's father gave me a shocking expression on his face. Zayn bite his lip. He was anxious, I knew it. 

"Who told you this?" he asks as he, too bite his lip like Zayn. 

"Mona," I replied in an airy voice. I heard the wind gush on my sensitive skin. 

"Well, tell me something I didn't know, but you and Zayn were never cousins to begin with," he replies with a sutle smile. My eyes beam in wonder.

"What?! How? An explanation please?" I demanded. Shocked and frightened all at once. 

"Ok, at first we thought that but something didn't seem right. You did not look like us. You didn't look like your father nor your mother for that matter. So we decided to do a DNA test," he explains. 

I glanced at Zayn when Yaser said the word DNA. He smirked. I could sense that he was trying to hold in his laughter. For some reason , it was his favourite word which made him giggle all the time. 

"What did the DNA test say?" I asked eager to know. I shifted my weight all on one side. I was freezing my tits off. 

Yaser fixed his eyes on the white fresh snow and looked up at me determined. 

"Well, I found out about the results from your mother's sister who lives in London. I will never forget the day when I got that call about you," he paused and I felt like he went into flashback mode. 

"What happened next?"

He shook his head. 

"She said that the results show that you are not the daughter of Mirza-Khan," he finishes. 

I stared in awe. Zayn was as surprised and shocked as I was too. We couldn't believe it. Somehow, in the back of my brain, my subconscious was somehow relieved that we weren't cousins. What if we wanted to settle down together? It would weird and genetically wrong to get married to your cousin. 

"One thing doesn't make sense, how come Mona said that we were cousins?" Zayn questions; his tone more serious and dark. 

" Well son, it's because she doesn't know what me and Tricia knows. We haven't told her. If we did then she would have a heart attack or something," Yaser says. 

"Another thing doesn't make any sense either; how come Mona got really mad when she say my mother," I requested. 

He scratched his head and shrugged. 

"I don't know. That question is up to Mona to answer," he replies. His nose and face is all red from the windchill. 

"So what happened after that call? Was this after or before my father's death?" I demanded an answer to this burning question. I was seriously on fire with inquisitions. I'm feeling like a lawyer right now. 

"This was before your father died. After she told me, Tricia heard through the other line and became speechless. I was furious. So I called for a family meeting which was between me, Tricia, my brother and Sharmin. Mirza-Khan knew that you weren't his biological daughter way before you were born. He mentioned that your mother made a mistake. She had a one night stand with this man who she met at a party. Sharmin was ashamed of herself hoping that she wouldn't be pregnant with that man's baby. Unfortunately, she did and had to break it to him. Obviously, he was angry but he forgave her since he loved her. He didn't want to have you therefore he wanted to give you up for adoption. One day, he found an ad in the newspaper for becoming a surrogate for couples who do want to have a baby but can't. He discussed this with Sharmin and they agreed to do this. It was for the best. They met these couple. They were to be described the perfect couple and deserved a child. The deal was sealed. Nine months later, on the day when you were being born the couple weren't able to make it to the hospital because they were working late or something came up------- I can't remember; but when my brother held you in his arms he fell in love with you. He didn't care if his wife slept with another man and conceived a baby together, all he wanted was you. He wanted you to be his daughter and he wanted to be your father, that's it. You revolved around his life. Actually, you were his life. Period. Two weeks, after our meeting he died because of the couple who shot him at the park. I remember Zayn not talking for days because he was too traumatized," Yaser revealed in one breath. 

I was overwhelmed by all this truth. Tears ran down my face and became frozen solid at the bottom of my chin. I glanced over my shoulder to see Zayn all red eyed and puffy. He was crying, too. I went over and cried more on his shoulder. He grabbed my waist and held me for a while. I could hear him shudder. 

Nobody said anything for a long time. I heard a woman's voice. 

"Is this the Malik house?" I heard her say. 

"Yes, this is. Right this way dr. Patel," I heard Yaser greet her. I peered through one eye as she was escorted by Zayn's father. I released him from me. 

"Zayn, it sounds so much like us but only different. We were drunk, and then I got pregnant with your baby. Oh my! How am I gonna tell your father this?" I hyperventilated. 

"It's going to be alright. I'm sure my father will understand," he reassures me and gives me a hug.

Yaser came back in a jiff. He looked back and forth at me and Zayn. He was getting super suspicious. I gulped hard. Suddenly, it was really hard for me to breath. 

" Ok, so tell me . Why are you here in the first place. I've been wondering for quite sometimes now," he interrogates me. I stared at Zayn for some mental advice. All he gave me was a shrug and a nudge. Great! Thanks Zayn for putting me in the spotlight. 

I took a big breath and began speaking. I told him from start to finish. From my almost married life, to my step sister saving me etc. It's not until I mentioned being pregnant with Zayn's baby which is now deceased. 

"Wait! WHAT?! " he yelled. I got startled. Zayn had a sheepish smile. 

"Dad, it was a one night thing. We were drunk and it just happened," Zayn mumbled. Sweat burrowed under my eyebrows. 

"Does your mother know Zayn?!" he bellowed. I nodded. 

"Tricia, Wahliya, and Zayn knows," I peeped. Yaser glared at me as if he was glaring inside of me. 

"You know Bianca, you are just like your mother. A bad woman-------no, no a dirty and filthy woman!" he spat in my face. Zayn got all defensive over me. He rolled his fist and clenched his teeth and looked directly into his father's eyes. 

"Dad! Please don't call her that," he defends. I hide behind him. 

"Well Zayn if you don't like it, then I won't say it. But I want her out of this house in one weeks time with that whore in my house!" he screams. He edges closer to Zayn until their noses touch at the tip. 

"Dad! There's a reason why we don't get along properly. If Bianca leaves, so will I. I will leave with Bianca, her mother and my daughter. In one weeks time we will be out or even less. You don't have to worry about that," he mutters in his father's face. He roughly grabs my arm and brings me inside the house. I was so embarrassed of what just happened here. 

A gust of warm air hit me and I nearly fell over my feet. I rubbed my hands together. We took off our winterwear. 

That evening, during dinner it was extremely quiet. All I  heard was the clashing of knives and forks, chomping and swallowing of food, and the most uncomfortable feeling ever. Also there were a lot of staring going on. 

"Mom, so how's nani-ji," Safa broke the ice. 

"Safa, she's better. She needs to rest and relax according to dr. Patel," Tricia responded.

 Dinner didn't go smoothly. I was too anxious and embarrassed to eat, that I coulsn't finish what was up on my plate. So I finished dinner early. Ayesha motioned to me that she wanted to pick her up, so I did. I picked her up in front of everybody and nobody said anything. I left the dinner table like a boss with my god-daughter in hand. I played with Ayesha until it was her bed time. 

It was late at night and I could hear Tricia and Yaser arguing about something. I couldn't read out the words because they were indescribable. All I heard was Tricia talking about how Yaser has once again driven her only son out of the house and blah... blah....blah!  Finally, around midnight or 1 am in the morning, everybody was fast asleep even my mother. She slept beside me. Her stuff were in my room, too. I couldn't sleep at all. I figured that I had insomnia or something. I panicked. Where will I go? Who will I stay with? How will I survive? Questions and more questions hovered around my head. 

I tousled and turned in my bed. I think I should go see Zayn. I got up and acted like a ninja  trying not make a sound. His door was closed. I knocked on his door. 

"Zayn," I whispered.  After a minute or two he opened the door. He had bedhead hair and a unshaved beard. It actually turned me on. 

"Bianca, What's wrong?' he whispers and yawns. 

"Oh, nothing, it's just I feel, so tensed up. I can't sleep," I admitted. 

"Oh," he replies and pats a space beside him. I climbed into bed with him.. He grunted. His arms reached over and pulled me closer to him. He places his chin on my head. I could feel him breathe on me. 

"Zayn," I started. 

"Hmmm.... yes Bianca," he responds. 

"What are we going to do?" I ask. He pulled me closer to him and brushed my hair back repeatedly. 

"Bianca, don't worry. We got one weeks time. I'm here for you. I'll support you and will always be by your side by all times. So don't worry, babe," he comforts me.  I moaned. He spun me over. Zayn's thumb glided down my cheeks and he leaned forward and kissed me on my lips. Those plum lips felt soft and nice on my. I became sleeping beauty under his spell and my so called insomnia became into sleep as I was cradled in his arms. 


 Hey guys! sorry for the wait! Hoped you liked it! Please vote, comment and read! So..... um... oh congrats to Perrie and Zayn on their engagement. Even though i was devastated at first, but i'm going to be happy for him. Hope Perrie keeps him really, really happy :) 

Thanks guys! love u LOADS! 

~ Love~ The crazy Author! <3

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