Cinderella's Shoe (COMPLETED)

By KatTaySummers

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"Why?" She interrogated once they entered the room together, apprehensive about what she was inquiring and pe... More

Important Teaser Quotes From The Book
Summary and Info
Wolfie's Guide To Supernatural Creatures
Excerpt 1
Excerpt 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Epilogue: We Keep This Love In A Photograph
Cast and Credits
The Author's Note On Writing Cinderella's Shoe
where ive been

Chapter 15

1.8K 90 54
By KatTaySummers

Chapter 15

I am Isabella.

You have met me once before, but now things are slightly different from how they were a few months ago.

My mate is Mason Clarke, and ironic to him, he is a blacksmith and wood carver learning his trade in an apprenticeship. We met two years ago for the first time and we have had the best relationship ever since. I am six months pregnant, and I have less than a month left until the baby arrives.

Most people hate being pregnant, but me? I love it! It's so nice to know that you are helping a human be brought to life. I think it's fascinating, I wish I could be pregnant more often.

But I don't want to have too many children. Maybe I could be a surrogate for someone? That would be amazing to give someone some happiness like that.

I was meeting my sister Ariel this afternoon to discuss some things like how her new school is and such. I haven't seen her since a few days before Christmas and The Alpha's Ball.


I turned around, basket in hand, slightly jogging to hug my sister. She embraced me, and we greeted each other with smiles on our faces. My dearest sister was in awe of how far along I was, so we talked about several things before getting on to a certain topic or two.

"So, Ari, how have you been? How's school? You know, after the fire and everything?"

"It's good. Some of the pack are welcoming, but the others just pretend that we're not there and ignore our existence. As we expected. We are outsiders after all."

"That's good." I sighed, mentally preparing myself for the next question. "So, how was The Alpha's Ball? I don't think I saw you there. Did you even go?"

"Yes, I did go. It was rather... Interesting."

"Really? How so? I'm glad you went anyways. But how was it interesting? It's just a ball really. Quite boring, if you ask me."

She mumbled something under her breath that even werewolves couldn't hear with their excellent hearing if they tried.

"What?" I couldn't understand her.

"I found my mate." She whispered.


"YOU WHAT?!" I exclaimed a little louder than normal. Hey, I can't help it! I am pregnant after all!

Some onlookers gave us a few confused glances. Well, it's not everyday that a pregnant woman screams at a younger girl in public. We pregnant women do try to keep our emotions in check, even if we are carrying a five pound baby.

"I found my mate, okay? It's not like it's a big deal or anything."

"Woah, hang on." I stopped her with my spare hand. "You found your mate after so long and you say it's not a big deal? What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Nothing. I'm not bothered by it. He's my mate, that's all. Nothing more, nothing less."

"But Ari, that's amazing! You can finally find happiness!"

"But it's not as amazing as you think Is."

"Oh, and why not?"

She then explained the horrific truth to me.

How? How could she run from her mate like that? That isn't fair! It's not fair on any of them! Oh him! On his- well, their- pack! On her! What went through her mind to make her believe that was okay?! Is she fucking crazy or something?! You know what, don't even answer that. She probably is.

I was speechless at this revelation.


"Look, Is, I thought he would reject me! I couldn't face that! So I ran!"

"But he wasn't going to reject you! You're gorgeous! He's an Alpha! He needs his mate! Are you an idiot?!"

She remained silent.

"Hmm... You need to tell him the truth Ari."

"No! I can't do that Is. I don't know how he'll react when he finds out."

"That's a risk you'll have to take then, isn't it Ariel? Now, the next time you see him, you tell him. And I expect that you'll be together in some sort of fashion by the time we two meet in a few days."


The Next Day...

         Let's put it this way:

I did not want to leave my bed at the moment. It was too comfy and warm, maybe I should stay in it forever. It was an absolutely wonderful day today.

Note that wonderful use of sarcasm.

It's Wednesday. Or more specifically, Wanker Wednesday.

Allow me to explain about each day of the week:

Murderous Monday.

Murderous Monday. It's the most wonderful day of the week! Everyone's tired, then they're energetic, then they're hyperactive, then they're fucking insane! Know what I mean by wonderful now? Yep! And it makes you want to kill someone! See what I mean by Murderous?!

Terrible Tuesday.

This day could be worse, but it's not as bad. It's actually my favourite day. It's the one where everything is super easy all of the time. It's sort of like my break day from most of my chores since the teachers are lenient on homework.

Wanker Wednesday.

Ah, yes. Wanker Wednesday. My favourite day. This day is when Micha and the other bastards decide to strike- hence the title of Wanker Wednesday. Luckily, I don't have to deal with a certain werewolf.


I hate Isabella sometimes. I hate being a werewolf sometimes.

Anyways, back to the days of the week...

Torturous Thursday.

Bitch always comes home in a mood on this day. Bitch always takes it out on me. But my punishments and how frequent they are have reduced dramatically since The Alpha's Ball. So, overall, it's sort of enjoyable. It starts off easy and ends nicely.

Fuck-it Friday.

UGHHHHH! I. HATE. THIS. DAY! FUCK IT! JUST FUCK IT ENTIRELY AND SEND IT TO BURN IN HELL! You might think: why does she hate Fridays? It means the weekend! It means freedooom! Means no more schoool!

Listen, you pathetic idiots.

Friday is a day when everyone acts stupid. Meaning whole class punishments. Meaning staying behind. Meaning that I get home late. Meaning a shit ton of punishments for me.

Fabulous. *Throws glitter*

Shut-up Saturday.

The day where everyone wants everything done for them in less than an hour and they just won't. SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. Honestly? I am one person, so I can't do everything on my own! God! Just go fuck yourself already!

Shitey Sunday.

This is possibly the worst day ever. The day before Murderous Monday and the day I don't like. I won't go into too much detail, but it's basically every day of the week combined in one shitty day.


And now I have to go to hell. On a Wanker Wednesday. I really can't be arsed for this shit right now. I really can't. But I do have to go. I do have to turn up at some point.

Half an hour later...

Once I was ready to go, I headed to the new school as fast as I could, since I wanted to get this day done and over with as fast as possible. After my conversation with Isabella yesterday, and my run in with my mate too, I decided to stay away from him for as long as I could, even if it was only for a few days.

At lunch, I was walking in the corridor talking with most of my friends (as Amethyst was strangely absent today) until I caught a glimpse of something.

I saw him in the corridor and in a flash I hid from him.

I jumped behind Ella and Matt as I saw him strolling pleasantly down the corridor. They questioned it at first, but as soon as they saw him, they immediately defended me. Matt has his fists clenched, ready to land a few punches square on my mate's beautiful face...


I couldn't call him beautiful, and I certainly can't erase that image from my head. The one image that has turned Accalia from ecstatic to absolutely fucking miserable and ready to kill and gut a bitch with no shame whatsoever. I couldn't blame her, the sight was god awful.

The image of him laughing and smiling with a girl.

Painfully, a sharp burst of pain entered my chest- directly where my heart was. As I was taking her features in, Accalia wanted to curl up into a ball and cry, or run away, or run to that bitch and pull her away from her mate. I opted for the run away to curl up into a ball on the floor somewhere and cry.

She was gorgeous. She had beautiful blonde hair and deep brown eyes that could melt through your soul. She was gorgeous. She had a perfect figure. She was the literal image of perfect.

I knew this girl.

Unfortunately, I knew her quite well.


I couldn't take it anymore.

I just had to get away.

I ran and headed straight into the nearest store room, bolting the door as I entered. I clutched my chest in pure agony and tried my hardest to breathe. I tried so hard to breathe and get through this horrible pain I was feeling.

I needed to escape.


    To say that I'm absolutely fan-fucking-tastic would be an understatement.

I miss my mate. I really do. I really miss her.

So much.

I bet she doesn't even care. I wouldn't be surprised after all. She did run from me and everything else happened. And I was stuck here alone miss her like crazy. I always thought that if my mate, the only ray of sunshine in my life, walked away, then everyday it would rain. Everyday I would be miserable until the pain killed me or I had her back safe in my arms.

I think I can even hear the rain falling now. Perfect to match my miserable state of mind.

I was like a zombie whenever I trailed down the corridors at school and around the pack. I couldn't live. I could hardly breathe without her there. I always held onto the mask or the shoe that held the last of her scent to calm me at night or whenever I felt sad. Which was all of the time. Everyone had noticed it. They all decided to give me the space I needed. Until I was ready.

But I would never be ready. Not until I had her back in my arms, until I could breathe her intoxicating scent again.

"Oh, Jakey baby!"

Here we go again...

"I heard what happened! I'm here for you, anything you need!" Jessica cried, hugging me in a tight death grip.

Not this bitch again...

Get her away from us! She isn't our mate! I want our mate! Drew howled in agony and in rage. The pain returned.

I pried her arms off of my waist, looking into her eyes and ready to give her a serious telling off.

But as I was about to yell at her, a wonderful scent caught my nose, familiar to me, overtaking my senses.


I looked around me and saw something in the distance. A girl with long, dark and curly tresses was heading in the opposite direction.

Mate. Mine.

My wolf was begging me to chase after her, believing her to be our mate- and that's exactly what I did.

I followed her into a store cupboard of some sorts. Whatever it was, it didn't matter. What mattered was getting my mate.

And there she was, trying to escape out of the small window.


She noticed me, and froze on the spot, one leg dangling out the window. Her beautiful blue-green eyes sparkled with sadness, (was that fear I saw?) and something else I couldn't put my finger on. What was the opposite of innocence?

Guilt? Impurity? Stained? Corruption?

Dare I say Evil?

"Stop! Please, don't do this Aurelia. I need you. I need you to stay with me. Please. Stay. I can't live without you. Please. Don't go. Don't leave me." My voice broke with the pain as I couldn't stand the thought of losing her. Never.

Without her, there'd be no sunlight if I ever lost her. There'd be no clear skies if I ever lost her. And just like the clouds my eyes would do the same, if I lost her. If she walked away, everyday it would rain. I'd be miserable if I ever lost her.

But it was too late.

My words had no effect on her.

She had jumped out of the window before I could stop her...


Yeah, we're alright, though!

#Jariel aren't!

I'm being rushed, so I'll keep this short:

If This Was A Movie- Special Werewolf Book with sexy alphas!

Dirty Paws- The Sequel to this!

Note that Dirty Paws won't be updated very often, it is the next one and I'd like this book to be finished.

You can enjoy If This Was A Movie as a break from CS and Co!

But we'll figure it all out closer to the end of this book!

Question: Worst day of the week?

My Answer: Monday or Sunday. Because of school. I swear when I go to college I better not go on a Monday. But I do. But I have one lesson on Tuesdays, why couldn't they just PUT IT ON THE FUCKING MONDAY?!

Bye, my Little Wolfies,


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