A Tobelaide tale!

By randomfanficdownton

17.1K 442 122

Once upon a time, the cameras turned off, the characters stopped acting, and their real lives became a perfor... More

Tobelaide reaches england..
"Ditching the car."
Lagoon? Check.
'Watched it begin again'
In the morning, dear.
Climbing cuts
Toblerone talk.
Falling Star
Cinderella and the hiker.
Back home
Authors note

Friend zone?

790 22 7
By randomfanficdownton

Dawn quietly crept along the forest floor and light lingered at their 'door step'. As the morning progressed, the light tiptoed in and kissed Adelaide on the forehead.
It was a beautiful morning, birds singing, blue skies, gentle breeze. Adelaide and Toby lay there, peaceful and fast asleep.

Half an hour later Adelaide yawned and squinted at the sun beating down on her face.
She zipped open her sleeping bag and sleepily made her way to the cave entrance in her denim shorts and cream sweater.
She cuddled her waist and felt the soft forest floor under her bare feet.
Her breath still made clouds when she yawned but the actual atmosphere was dreamy.

She looked back at Toby fast asleep with his arm outstretched on her sleeping bag, smiled, and then took another step into the woods.

And another...

And another.

Toby woke up fifteen minutes after Adelaide had gone for a walk and felt a heavy emotion pressing on his heart.
He sat up and rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands, then settled his sleepy head in his hands.
He looked around for a note and there wasn't one so she probably just went for a walk and yet he still missed her and was concerned about her well being.
Funny, she probably didn't miss him; Or even think about him that much.
He could picture her in his mind, her oversized sweater draping just past her shoulder, messy hair in a bun with the sun rays turning it golden brown. Her bare feet; he laughed picturing her walking carefree without shoes like she always did.
And god knows in which direction she'd gone; somewhere pretty no doubt. She was always finding beautiful lagoons or forest clearings which she'd drag Toby back to to show him her fabulous discovery as if she were Christopher Columbus discovering the Indies.
The way she was always so excited about everything, jumping about and singing.. And beautiful.

Gosh, she shouldn't be the first thing he thought of this morning but she was... And maybe always is.

Tired of his emotions and obsessive thoughts, he went to the rock Adelaide usually sits on, feeling the soft rays of the sun just reaching his face. He picked up the guitar which was laid there and saw Adelaide had plaited some embroidery thread and decorated the spine of his guitar.


Adelaide slowly wandered back to the cave, her hand running along the massive rock wall beside her jumping over little ridges and bumps until she stopped..
She could hear a male voice singing in the cave.. With a guitar. Very close to her.
She was just outside the entrance now, her hand still against the wall and her ears listening to the words falling from Toby's lips in a melody.

"The sun is filling up the room,
And I can hear you dreaming,
Do you feel the way I do,
Right now?
I wish we would just give up,
Cos the best part is falling,
Call it anything but love and I will
Make sure..
To keep my distance,
Say I love you and
You're not listening.."

Adelaide crept back... Being careful not to let him know she was hearing him singing such a... Meaningful song.
Surely he didn't mean what he sang?
It would be awkward to come back now..

"How long can we call this love,
He finished the song and continued to pluck the strings in the melody he had sang.

She heard a sniff and couldn't figure out whether he was crying or had a genuine cold.
She realised he had missed a verse and so, since he had continued the tune, she decided that was the best way of entry.

"Please don't stand so close to me,
I'm having trouble Breathing,
I'm afraid of what you'll see,
Right now,
I'll give you everything I am,
All my broken heart beats,
Until I know you'll understand,
And I will-"
she sang as she casually walked into the cave and joined him sitting on the rock.
They sang the chorus together and then Toby finished the song.
He was quite embarrassed she'd heard him singing even though she'd heard him singing many times before.
She felt for his hand and have it a reassuring squeeze before asking him if he were okay.

"I'm fine."
He lied, adding on a fake smile and then busying himself by putting the guitar against the cave wall.
She was very sweet, and it was silly to Toby that he thought she might actually .. Well never mind.
He was lucky enough to be her friend in his opinion and so singing sad love songs would change nothing except the awkward atmosphere between them.

Adelaide watched Toby as he slipped
off the rock and went over to his bags and things to pack up.
She smiled sadly at him; maybe they sang these songs because they knew whatever they said wouldn't sound right without the company of a melody.
Although, he could have always been singing it to his ex girlfriend; he might still love her.

They decided to ignore the sad love song between them and rewrite another less meaningful song which would be most commonly recognised as 'friend zone'.

It was midday when the couple had finally gathered their things and compressed them into their small rucksacks.
Adelaide stood at the front of the cave entrance, casting her eyes over the view of the forest for the last time.
She doubt they'd ever return to England and even if they did, they probably wouldn't come back here of all the places to explore.
It's funny; it had almost become like a home. She knew where everything was like the back of her had, the misty waterfall to the left and the clearing just north of their home.
And now it was time to leave it all behind.
But just for sentiment's sake, she decided to get a little pebble and scratch Their initials on the rock boulder in the entrance that they'd sit on at night time.

Toby saw her scratching at their rock as he clicked his straps around his waist.
He smiled sadly up at her and then stood up and came over next to her. Even though he could have guessed what she were doing, he asked anyway.
"What you doing ade?"
Adelaide looked up with a cute smile, her baby fluff waving around her forehead and the rest of her hair tied into a bun.
"Oh, it's our initials."
She explained, proudly showing her scratchings of 'TR' and 'AK'.
"Kinda looks like it says 'track.'" He observed with a kind smile as he stroked over the letters.
"Yeah.. I guess; like a song track or a race track."
She laughed half heartedly and then stood up from her crouching position to almost Toby's height.
"I wrote mine and my school boyfriend's initials on a school tree when I were a teenager."
Adelaide commented quietly before remembering she should probably check on Toby's healing wound.

"Are you sure you can climb?"
she asked, a concerned expression masking her face.
"Awe Ade you're cute, but it's fine honestly."
"Might not be, better check." She replied simply, rolling up his grey thermal until she saw his wound.
"Any excuse to see my abs eh?" He joked, tensing his core.
"Yeah Toby, I just love seeing your belly flubber; so attractive." She answered sarcastically, gently pressing along his cut to see if he would wince.
He didn't.
And that was about as much medical knowledge Adelaide possessed; if he didn't find it painful, it could not be that far from healed.
"Am I all clear for climbing nurse?" He joked, looking down to where her fingers gently traced his wound.
"It doesn't look like it hurts you.." She began, not quite sure of what other diagnosis she could give.
"Maybe it hurts inside. Sometimes people don't show their true feelings." Toby said poetically, making Adelaide sigh and put his top down.
"Sorry Shakespeare, would you like to tell me what you really feel inside then?" She mocked, crossing her arms and raising her eye brows.

"I love you."
He announced seriously, stroking her forearm.
Adelaide paused for a second before continuing their friend zone song with a c minor.
"Awe cute Toblerone."
She shrugged off, giving him a friendly punch in the upper arm and then tightening her harness to Attach the rope to.
Toby sighed, feeling another friendly push off scarring his attempt to tell her how he really felt.

Adelaide saw his crest fallen expression and felt guilty and so she moved closer to him, placing a soft touch on his arm before speaking.
"Toby, we can't. We have a job that involves us acting together and none of those scenes can actually be real."
Toby looked straight into her eyes.
"Tell me you love me at least."
He begged of her, only to be rejected again.
"I can't." She said after a short while of silence.
Toby leaned in to kiss her but she turned her cheek so it was nothing more than a sharp note in their song.
A wrong note; a mistake.

Moments later, the two had got over their awkward moment; or at least pretended to.
They were joking around, playing tag in the forest as they followed the cliff wall along to find a good spot to scale upwards.
Adelaide had put her speaker on 'Lips Are Moving' by Megan Trainor which made everything a lot more jumpy and fun, regardless of the meaning of the words.

"Here's a good place." Toby patted the wall beside him and stared up until he could see the greenery of the forest clinging on to the edge at the top.
Adelaide gazed up; she had forgotten how much work it had took to get down the other cliff never mind go up the opposite one.
"Well." She said slowly, giving Toby a little push on the back towards the cliff.
"You first Toblerone!"

Minutes later they were on the climb, Toby first with Adelaide behind him jiggling about vertically to the music.
She was also singing along which was totally not a distraction.
Toby laughed, seeing their joint rope jiggling about as Adelaide danced whilst climbing below him.

" if your lips are moving,
your lips are moving,
your lips are moving,
Then you-"

"Lie lie lie."
Toby joined in letting a chuckle slip off his lips.
"Ade since when was it advised to dance whilst climbing?" He asked, daring to glance down at her only to see her moving her head side to side to the beat.
"Well to be honest, because you're so slow, even if I fell because of my dancing I'd only fall like two centimetres." She told him, looking back at the grass she could reach if she stretched her leg down.
"Sor-ry Spider-Man." Toby said sarcastically.

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