Rough Kisses

By AnaWasRaisedByWolves

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Camilla a shy girl is picked on and harassed by her former best friends Craig, Alec, and Trevor. Most of the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 9

166 3 0
By AnaWasRaisedByWolves

After school ended me and Riley decided to chill at my house. Right now I sitting on the couch trying to figure out what I was going to wear to Canyon's party tomorrow. Then it dawned on me that I hadn't even asked my mom, I'm sure she wouldn't mind though.

"Hey can I spend the night?" Riley blurted.

"Yeah of course." I answered tossing my head back on the foot of the couch.

The rest of the night passed rather quickly, we just gossiped like hens.

"Oh Ry have you noticed that Len has been acting different lately?" I asked looking up at her. I was laying on her lap as she slid her fingers through my hair while watching random videos on YouTube.

"Yeah, I think it's all that Trent kids fault." She pouted. Not only was Len ditching us for him but also his girlfriend Heidi.

"Yeah," I agreed. Pressing a finger to my bottom lip I thought about it,"Maybe there is something going on between them?"

"No, well at least if I'm getting what your getting at...Anyways he's made it clear many times." Riley then began to quote him which caused me to roll off her lap and onto the carpeted floor of my bedroom in laughter.

"Yeah, he's such a dork." I smiled whipping a stray tear away.

Later we just ended up prank calling people and loads or truth or dare. Eventually though we grew so tired we ended up passing out on the floor.

Sprawled out on the floor I let out a deep yawn and rolled over. The sun shone through the curtains in my room and directly into my unrepaired eyes. I hissing looking away.

Tossing a blanket off of me that wasn't on me the night before my phone began to buzz. Riley grumbled pulling the blanket over her head. Pulling my phone out of my back pocket I saw I had received a text message from a unknown number. Something about this number was familiar but I couldn't remeber where I had seen it before.

Unlocking it I opened the message. My eyes widened reading the contents this message held;

Can't wait to see you at the party tonight ;)

Creeped out of my wits I sent them a message back, asking them who they were. Waiting for them to answer back I saw Riley peeping at me through a small hole on the blanket.

"Do you want something Riley?" I asked placing my phone on the nearby night stand. She nodded her head whispering,"food", very quietly. I sighed running down stairs looking for anything that would be considered food. Of course though I was to damn picky to take any of the various food products from the pantry. Walking over to the fridge I face palmed, this isn't what I wanted. Mom really needs to clean this out. Pushing away the putrid food I grabbed some milk and decided we were having this and Oreos for breakfast.

Carrying the stuff into my room I saw Riley holding my phone, a devilish grin spread across her face."Can't wait to see you tonight huh? Ohh who is this Cammy? Let me guess Drayk?"

"No...Well I don't know actually...And Riley." I stopped in place as she looked up from my phone.

"Yeah Cam." She said eyeing the Oreos in my hand.

"Don't go through my messages." I then proceeded to throw the cookies at her. I ended up accidenlty hitting her in face with them but hey, you don't go through my phone and get away with it. The morning was a blur, most likely filled with pointless shenanigans and food.


It was around 8 something that we decided to get ready. Our outfits were simple but cute. Riley was wearing one of my dresses and I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Heading out my mum stopped us.

"Where are you two girls heading dressed like that." She asked walking out of the kitchen.

"A party." I said weakly. How had I forgotten so many times to ask her?! I doubt she's going to let me go now.

"Oh, well have fun." She smiled heading back in the kitchen. I let out a sigh of relief and proceeded to the car. Taking the pair of keys out of my pocket my mum had run outside with something in her hand."Wait, Camy you might need this."

Taking It I gave her the look of shame,"Mom, no, just no."

"You never know." She winked running back into the house. I shoved it in my pocket and stepped into the car. Riley looked confused and lost. I took it out my pocket and tossed it to her. She looked at it for a moment before bursting out laughing.

"Your mom is awesome!" I rolled my eyes as I pulled out of the driveway.


Knocking on the front door we were greeted by loud music and a slightly drunk Canyon. Peeking behind him I could see Drayk being chatted to by Alyssa, he had a rather annoyed expression on his face.

"Comb in." Canyon slurred.

Stepping inside I called Drayk's name. His face lit up when he saw me. Waving Alyssa off he walked oer to me. I turned to Riley who just grinned wiggling her eyebrows before running off somewhere.

"Hey Drayk." I said shyly. Taking me into his arms abruptly he kissed me on the nose.

"Hey Camy." He whispered. I could faintly smell alcohol on his breath.

Strolling over to the couch, fingers intertwined I saw Alyssa glaring at me. Geez what's her problem. Taking a seat me and Drayk held a conversation for a while before he got up to get us drinks.

Tapping my fingers on my knees looking around I swore I had seen Craig. Then again didn't that good a look because just as soon as I had seen him Drayk was back. Handing it over to me I chugged it down, I needed a distraction.

Getting up he was about to suggest we dance but before he could ask I took his hand and dragged him to the dance floor. Of course I was very stiff at first but once I got into the rhythm of the music is when it all started to go down. I mean my stomach, it didn't feel to well but I was way to busy dirty dancing and macking on the man to pay much attention.

"Hey Cam, how about we take this somewhere else." He shouted over the music. Taking a time for what he had just said to sink in I felt my face get red.

"S-sure." I stuttered. He picked me up bridal style carrying me all romantic like to a nearby room. I groaned feeling my stomach clench up. Hopefully this is me just being nervous and it will pass over.

Tossing me on the bed I breathed heavily, I was so nervous and nothing was really happening yet. Well anything BIG.

"It's alright, you don't have to if you don't want to." He said sounding a little disappointed.

"No, it's okay. I'm just a little nervous is all." I said beginning to calm down. My breath slowed but my heart sped up.

He kissed me gently at first but then it became more rough and demanding. Eventually both our shirts popped off and I was left with my bra. Rolling over I was on top of him. I was straddling him and oh god it felt weird. Did I really want to do thi-

"Fuck!" He shouted. I just threw up all over his chest...oh dear lord.

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