After I Met Him

By sarina3740

72.3K 3.1K 96

Jay, an innocent, pure, intelligent girl. She's never had time for boys, and isn't that popular. Once she mee... More

After I Met Him
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 part 1
Chapter 23 part 2
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 28

2K 114 15
By sarina3740

PLEASE READ SUPER IMPORTANT NEWS!!!! okay so I'm going to write a new Niall fan fic after I finish this one and it's going to be called Secrets and I just want to know if you guys would read it if you would then FUCKING TELL ME jk sorry lol but really- Sarina


"This is your new home." Henry said. It was a medium sized house. "Where is my room?" I quietly asked. "Your room will be in the basement." Said mom, this would be great. I walked down there to see spider webs and bugs everywhere, not to mention the dust. There was a single sized bed in the corner of the room with a matching night stand and a lamp. There was a small closet near the door, that's it. I would obviously have to clean up around here, there is no way I could sleep in the same room as a spider. I rolled up my sleeves and grabbed a window wipe and a soapy spray. I cleaned my entire room in just two hours, I had a back ache afterwards. I took out my luggage and unpacked my things, I put my make up on the night stand and my clothing in closet including my shoes. I found an old wooden vanity in the attic and decided to sneak it into the basement, I removed my make up from the nightstand and on to the vanity, including my curling iron and hair supplies. It was already two am so I got comfortable on the bed and tried to fall asleep, but thought of Zayn instead. He was on my mind everywhere I went, I couldn't forget about him.

"Wake up!" I heard my mom yell as I opened my eyes. "I applied you for college here so you won't miss your education and I got you a job at a nearby Starbucks. You will use the money you earn to buy yourself things because I'm not giving you any money. You also have to pay a fine of 100$ dollars a month to live in our basement." My mom explained, I have to pay to live in a place I was forced into, that's great. "So I guess this makes the basement my property, am I right? Since I pay its mine." I asked. "Correct." She said. "Then get out!" I yelled pointing to the door, she seemed angry but finally left. I fell on the floor crying, I hated my life. I wish I could just disappear. I wanted to die, badly. Soon I was getting hungry and I wasn't allowed to touch the fridge so I got the thirty dollars left in my pocket and decided to go eat. I was eating my food at SubWay when my phone rang. "Hello?" I said. "It's Chelsea, Zayn has been asking about you all day, I think he knows that I know something. Can I tell him? He deserves to know." She explained. "Chelsea you can't, I know he will try to come here and get me back but there's no use. ...t-tell him I f-found" I stuttered, this was the only way to make Zayn forget about me. "Are you sure you want to do this? Break up with Zayn?" Asked Chelsea. "It's the only choice I've got, I can't tell him I'm here." I explained. "Okay, bye Jay. I hope you're okay." She said and I hung up, she is truly an amazing friend.

I walked back home. Brandon was in the yard playing soccer. "You're such a liar." He mumbled under his breath as I was about to go inside, but I stopped and turned around. "What did you say?" I always hated Brandon and his stupid remarks. Of course, the last time I had seen him he was only six or seven, but he sure knows how to piss me off. "I said you're a liar. When I was six, and mom was getting her divorce, you told me she would go back to your dad because she would find out how huge her mistake was. You told me she would love you again, but obviously you were wrong. The only reason mom wanted you here is so she can make a few extra bucks, considering my dad lost his job." He said. So this was it. This is why she wanted me, so I could make money for her, like a slave. I didn't reply to Brandon, I just kicked open the door and marched right in front of my mom. "What do you think you're doing? You're not allowed in the living room unless you want to go to the basement." She scolded. "Fuck you, Brandon told me everything. Henry lost his job and you needed me to earn you cash like a fucking slave because your lazy ass can't do shit!" I yelled in her face, she didn't look angry, like she knew it was going to happen. "If you think I'm going to stay here for another goddamn second they you are fucking wrong!" I yelled. "Because, I am not afraid to go tell the police right now that you helped your father steal the money." She said. I was stuck here, with no way out. I started tearing up, I couldn't move. That's when she slapped me, sure to leave a red mark. "You're not allowed in the living room." She calmly said, and walked away. I ran into the basement, crying my eyes out. I just needed Zayn right now, only he could make me feel better.

*three months later*

I was all worn out. My job at Starbucks was hard, i made the coffee, I worked the register, I mopped the floor, and I worked eight hours for ten dollars an hour. After work I didn't get any rest, I had to go straight to school for another three hours, then I got home at nine o'clock at night. My mother would make me clean the house on weekends, and worst of all, I haven't talked to Chelsea or Zayn in two or three months. I walked home back from class, exhausted and could barely walk. I walked into the basement and just laid in bed, unable to move. Suddenly my phone rang and I quickly picked it up, I was in need to talk to a friend. "Chelsea?" I asked. "It's me, don't get mad- i told Zayn what happened and you're right. He was furious. He bought tickets and he's making Harry come with him to get you back." Chelsea explained. "What do I do?" I asked, I was kind of happy, who am I kidding? I was extremely happy. I missed Zayn more than the world. "I don't know but, I hope you're safe out there, bye." She said and hung up. I quickly packed all my things, which weren't very many. I was finally getting out of here, for good. After an hour everything was packed in a small suitcase and ready to go, I sneaked out of the basement and it was already ten so everyone was asleep. I quietly walked into the front yard, hopefully Chelsea told them where I lived. Soon I saw two figures coming out of a taxi. "Zayn!" I half whispered as he opened his arms. I ran up to him and hugged him as he gave me a million kisses. "Don't ever leave me like that again." He smiled, picking me off the floor and carrying me bridal style, ready to go. "Where do you think you're going?" My mother asked, shit. Harry and Zayn both turned around to see my mother. "We are leaving." Zayn spat.

"I don't think so, you see, this whole time your apartment only allowed one person to stay there. I could easily call the apartment owner and tell them about this." She explained. "I'll just move in with Louis and Chelsea." I blurted out, Louis was going to hate me for this. My mom stayed still, she knew I had other options and I didn't need her. "Bye bitch!" I waved goodbye and got in the taxi with Harry and Zayn. "I missed you so much." He said as he continued to kiss the crook of my neck. "Ahem I'm still here." Harry awkwardly said. "Thank you too Harry, without you guys I would have been stuck there." I explained. "No problem." Said Harry.

Once we got home everyone was there. Niall played us a song with his guitar, Chelsea and I gossiped, Louis cracked a few jokes, Harry told a few stories and most importantly, I got to be with Zayn, where I belonged. I wouldn't want to change a single little thing.

~The End

Answers to your future questions-
• Once Chelsea gets the baby Louis and Chelsea raise it together.
• Zayn and Jay get married when they turn 28.
• they have two kids, a boy and a girl.
• The father does eventually come out of jail but stays out of Jays life.
• Hannah doesn't come back.
• Harry and that girl become a couple.
• All if them stay friends.
• Liam doesn't change.
• Zayn changes his job to become a cartoon artist after he graduates.
• Jay becomes a Producer when she graduates.

~the month that it took to make this story was completely worth it, thank you guys for coming along this wattpad journey with me, it was great pleasure.

This isn't the end of my stories, I will soon be making a Niall fanfic called Secrets, and it's different but good ;) thanks again. -Sarina

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