My Man (Complete)

By someweirdflowerchild

5K 99 56

Dysfunction originated in Las Vegas, and two sinners find a way to survive through all the hell and destructi... More



210 5 0
By someweirdflowerchild

I woke up with a massive headache. The sun is painful when it hits my eyes. Events of last night faintly come back, but I'm fuzzy on it. Ronnie is sleeping next to me, and I stop for a moment to watch him sleep. He is fast asleep. I smile slightly and run my fingers across his shoulder and down his back. Ronnie and I are an interesting pair. Deep down, I love him, but I also live in reality. The reality that we are both on the road constantly, so whatever is going on between us couldn't get seriously serious enough for it to go anywhere.

"You are driving me crazy." He spoke, half awake. "Stop it." 

"Nope." I continued to trace his tattoos.

He grabbed my wrist and put it by my side before waking up fully and turning to face me.

"What happened last night?" He asked simply.


"It was not nothing."

"Honestly, I don't remember." I lied and closed my eyes. "I'm so hungover it isn't funny. I don't remember shit from last night." 

He gave me a look that was saying I know that's bullshit, but didn't say anything. I know Ronnie will know soon enough. Ronnie only knew that my parents did a lot of drugs. We never talked about parents really. His mom took off when he was young, my parents weren't around... It was always something we didn't bring up. Now he's going to know everything very soon.

"I need to go to my bus to get ready. I'll see you later?" I kissed him on the lips and got out of there.

My bus is getting ready, but management is waiting for me when I get in.

"Meeting. Now." He said in a gruff voice. 

"Okay." I nodded and he grabbed my arm. He pulled me to the back room and shut the door. "When I signed you on, I asked if there was anything that could be big news. You told me about your drug use and where you came from, but you lied. You told me your parents were junkies."

"But its true! They were fucking drug addicts!"

"Yes, but you didn't tell me that your dad was a fucking rock star and you mom was fucking a rock star that happened to be your father."

"Look, no one besides up most of ten people knew that information. Frankly, I thought you'd see it as a hook and release it yourself."

"You can get a new manager then. I can't handle some liar diva that gets bombed out of her mind when bad news hits the press."

"I got a little drunk last night?"

"You are in the spot light right now. Pictures of you partying it up are all over right now." He pulled out his phone and showed me. Sure enough, there I was.

"Rumored Daughter of Rickie Franko, dead rock star, Found Partying While On Music Festival Tour." I read off. "This is bullshit. Can't you deny everything?"

"The best thing for you right now is to be in solitary. No signings, interviews, social media, or conversation with anyone else for the rest of the tour."

"I'm not going to be a prisoner! I can't just let fans that came here to see me not see me! This is crazy!"

"Its that or find a new manager."

A long silence followed. I'm weighing my options right now. It would be easy to find a new manager, but not while completing Warped Tour.

"Fine." I agreed.

"Hand over the phone. Hang around on the bus. Its merch crew, the bus driver, and band members only right now. No visitors. No exceptions."

I took out my phone and gave it to him. He pocketed it and left.


"Thank you guys for coming out!" I yelled into the microphone. "Sadly, we have to go. Be sure to check out our website for tour dates coming up in the next year!"

The crowd is crazy. Its massive, and I know its because most of them came to check out the dead rockstar's daughter. All I wanted was to get big over music, not over my blood. It brings tears to my eyes. Frankly, I'm having a mental break down. All I can think is how I need some pills or alcohol to calm myself down.

Ronnie is waiting by the stage, but so is my manager. Ronnie gets to me first.

"Why haven't you texted me back?" He asked.

"My manager has my phone..." I drift off.

"Look, I saw the news. Just talk to me. Is it true?"

"Do not answer that." My manager tells me, guiding me on.

I start crying. I'm being treated like a kid. 

"Adrianne!" Ronnie calls after me.

I look back and see his face. I'm going to lose him. I just know it. 

"Quit worrying about boys." My manager tells me. "Right now we need to work out a plan."

I want to tell him that Ronnie isn't just some boy. He's RONALD JOSEPH RADKE! My best friend and longest love. He's my on-again-off-again boyfriend. He is the guy that made me laugh and cry. He is my biggest and best mistake. He's mine... But I don't. I knew from the moment I saw him that nothing would work out with him. We are on two different paths. His has steered clear from drugs in the future, while mine will always be going back over and over again. Maybe it was at that moment that he decided to not call me or text me nonstop or maybe it was later when he came to the bus and Zed told him that he couldn't see me right now, but it was at that moment he decided he wanted nothing to do with me while all I wanted was him in my arms. That was the moment we both felt like we lost each other for good.

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