Cinderella's Shoe (COMPLETED)

By KatTaySummers

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"Why?" She interrogated once they entered the room together, apprehensive about what she was inquiring and pe... More

Important Teaser Quotes From The Book
Summary and Info
Wolfie's Guide To Supernatural Creatures
Excerpt 1
Excerpt 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Epilogue: We Keep This Love In A Photograph
Cast and Credits
The Author's Note On Writing Cinderella's Shoe
where ive been

Chapter 14

1.8K 78 48
By KatTaySummers

Chapter 14

                               Within a short amount of time, Vickie and I had reached my carriage after having lost the wolves. For some reason, they had stopped trailing after us. Relief filled me, but I was still slightly worried that they could show up at any moment to take me and Vickie away. Take me away to my mate- which was kind of the last place I wanted to be right now.

The shadows of the trees haunted me, the snow balancing on top of their branches, threatening to fall and trap me, and then alert Jacob so he could steal me away. The air was bitter, a small mist enshrouding us in a cloud the same way Jacob's arms would've comforted me if I lived a more normal life like most other couples.

Don't get me wrong, I had always wanted a mate and everything despite having no connection to one, and I am extremely grateful for having one, but I just couldn't be with him at the moment. If he knew of my current situation, if he knew about my past, he would reject me within a heartbeat. It didn't matter if he was an Alpha or not, he could just as easily find a replacement. He probably already had a backup waiting at home for him. She was just waiting for the day when he would come home to her, to mark her as his, to finish the mating process and become pregnant with many of his pups after her first heat.

Accalia's anger coursed through my veins at the thought of another female with our rightful mate. Just the thought of her being in his presence, breathing in his intoxicating chocolate popcorn scent, touching him, drove Accalia insane. She didn't want anyone else being near their mate- just her and Ariel.  If anyone dared to go to hear him in any sort of way, she would rip their throats out with no shame at all. She wanted to will Ariel and force her to go back to their mate, but knew her stupid human would overpower her very easily. Way too easy.


Vickie opened the door for me and I hopped in swiftly. I looked out into the hole where a window should have been placed, but mysteriously wasn't, and we said our unfortunate farewells.

"Goodbye Vickie, and thank you for your help. I wouldn't have gotten far at all without you, thank you so much."

"It's not a problem. I was just helping an old friend's friend."

We hugged for a few seconds, our embrace similar to that of two sisters glad to see each other once more after so long.

"Wait! Vickie!"

She was slowly walking away from me, stripping down to shift as she did so.

On her back, though, I noticed something rather odd.

It was a tribal symbol, large, pitch black like a tattoo. The tattoo was a fox, and it looked like it was eating some sort of wolf. The fox was a vibrant red, it's eyes were a similar malicious blood red of anger and hatred. the wolf was pitch black and looked to be in pain from the fox's bite. In cursive handwriting underneath the horrifying image, was the word Napranos.

"Weird much, hey? What does 'Napranos' mean?" Accalia questioned me.

But I ignored it and proceeded to ask my question.

"How exactly do you know Amethyst?!" I wanted to know, so I was certain that the subject was easy to talk about with her. I didn't want to upset her in any way.

But she didn't answer me, for she had ran and shifted before I knew the truth...

Two Weeks Later...

Come on! Come on!

Just three more hours, and then I would be free. Free from a Fuck it Friday- in my opinion, the worst day of the week. It's when people misbehave so badly, that everyone stays behind making the select few goodies want to kill them. Even though it wouldn't exactly be the worst thing in the world, I still don't like school. It's shit now that the devils have extended the hours by an extra one! Another hour with the cranky beast of an ogre Mrs. James!

She is one of those teachers who expects you to understand something even though you've never covered the topic! I know she's the head of Maths and all, but seriously? If they're gonna sack some people, they should, at least, sack the ones nobody likes! She doesn't tell you to pack up your things until after the bell has gone!

The shitty teacher that she is.

Anyways... Let me move onto another subject before I tear somebody's head off. And I'll make sure it doesn't look very pretty with the shitty mood I'm in.

But overall, this week hadn't been going so bad actually. The torture at home had actually stopped. Well, most of it has. If she's had a bad day, she'll take it out on me. But now, it's rare for that. I know she's up to something, but I can't figure out what it is. I need to figure it out. Soon, too.

I was in Maths, listening to Shrek (the nickname that Courtney, Megan, and Claudia came up with which everyone uses) droning on about bearings and how this angle should be this fucking angle and shit like that.

Seriously? When the fuck am I actually going to use this in real life? There's an actual possibility that I may be a future Luna! Why the fuck would I-

Suddenly, we were all deafened.

Well, all the werewolves that is. Since we have extra sensitive hearing, we hear the school bells a shit ton louder than the average human does, so this hurts like a bitch- especially if you're me and you've had a beating next to them and a woman- sorry, evil bitch- screaming in your ears about how you're a bitch and nothing good will ever come to you and all that shit.

But this bell was different.

A fire alarm.


Let's hope that they haven't burnt some toast again like last time...

Hang on a moment.

That's not normal. Why is it going on nonstop? What the hell do I smell now?

"Children, quickly! Grab your things and just get out of the door! Run to the nearest fire exit! Go to the yard and wait in your homeroomslike the procedure has been practised!" Mrs James exclaimed.

What is that I smell? Is that... Smoke?

"FIRE! FIRE! EVACUATE! EVACUATE!" Some deep male voice yelled as if he was in pain. He probably got burned.

Everyone rushed out in a hurry, afraid of the terriying danger. Not that I would mind being burned in a fire...

But Jacob...

There was Accalia again. She had been rather quiet over the past few weeks. She wasn't too keen on what I'd done. Of course, I wouldn't if I was in her paws. But I'm not so I don't have to worry about something like that.

I headed into my line with Ella and Amethyst, but there was something odd about it all. Amethyst seemed a little distant. She wouldn't stop staring at the flames, like she was afraid of them. Like they would reach out, grab her tightly, and drag her back down to the hell from whence she came.

The school was eventually perishing down to rubble, people upset over the items they left behind- the things they lost in the fire. It shouldn't have really mattered to them, but apparently it did.

We had to do a small salute, as we had lost one of our prized students, Evalina in the fire when she went to rescue two students. She was amazing, you know, she was sweet and kind, rebellious and badass. A good friend of mine really. She was one hell of an angel too. It's just a shame for Miles, her on-again off-again boyfriend.

But, at least, we didn't have to go to that hell for a few months...

But much to my dismay, teachers handed us out instructions about where we should be going for school. Damn it! That's not fair!

"All of you have been instructed that we must go to a nearby school instead. It is only a town away, so don't worry about anything. In case your family doesn't know where it is, for the next three months there will be a bus taking you from here to there. It will leave at 8:15 am every morning- so it is best to not be late! For now, though, enjoy your early weekend! See you on Monday, and no homework is to be done!" At least, that was what the headteacher said.

This means that we have to go to a different pack. Wonderful. Hopefully, they're friendly. And not one of our rivals.

No better way to end a Friday, wouldn't you agree? Especially with the no homework as a wonderful bonus? Great, right?


The Next School Day (Monday)...

          I was on the bus headed to our new school in the Possessivo Come Cazzo Pack. I have no idea why it's called that, but maybe we'll understand why when we get there. I just hope they aren't too annoying. And bitchy like most of the people here. At least, I get to hang out with Jimmy and Amelia more. I do need to last the next few months with the rest of them, though...

A few hours later...

    I was walking in the corridor on the way to my next lesson as I was trying to find my way around the school, minding my own business, when a familiar scent attracted mine and Accalia's attention. The two of us focused in on it, trying to figure out where it was coming from.


Mate! Accalia exclaimed with happiness. Of course, she would be happy. We hadn't seen him in weeks. Who knows what could have happened to him in that time.

Our gaze focused on him walking through the corridors, laughing with his friends. Unfortunately, I had to go past him to get my lesson. There was no way around it. I would have to go in that direction.

I kept my head down to avoid looking him in the eye. I couldn't risk being caught. I couldn't risk being caught here, surrounded by all of these people- humans, werewolves, and other supernatural creatures- where anything could happen. He could do anything. I couldn't be caught. Not by him. Not right now.

Not ever.

But luckily, he didn't notice me, so I turned around and headed in the direction of someone who could help me out a million. I would have to be late to lesson, which my rebellious side cheered with.

Once I reached them, there were only a few words that tumbled out of my mouth.

"I need your help."

It was a bad situation. One cocky Alpha-to-be. Check. One situation that I'm screwed in. Check. One ridiculously hot mate. Check again. Wonderful...





The external link is to my Pinterest page which has several of the covers made for me.

This cover is by the wonderful LovemeLovemenotAG!


And thanks to Royal_rahaz for making some too! I may use them as banners or future covers- is that good?

So this update is for the new year and another shall follow shortly to make up for the update that was supposed to but didn't happen yesterday!

Question: What is your school like?

My Answer: IT WAS SHIT! But we had a Gandalf door :) And then I had a new one with strangers! Yay! Let's all thank god that they were nice and rebellious or they all leadt me alone! I go back to college on Wednesday too! 😭

- M.W *poof of glitter*

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