The Tale Of The Uzumaki Twins

By Naomi_Uzumaki_

79.1K 1.6K 491

What if Naruto had a twin sister?What if he did it would it change the story?Well this is the story of the U... More

Chapter 1 :Enter Naruto and Naomi Uzumaki!
Chapter 2:Naomi and Sasuke:Friends Foes or Something else?
Naruto Uzumaki
Naomi Uzumaki
Chapter 3:Pass or Fail Survival Test
Chapter 4: You Failed! Kakashi Final Decision!
Chapter 5:A Dangerous Mission!Journey to the Land of the Waves!
Chapter 6:The Assassin of the Mist1
Chapter 7: The Forest of Chakra
Chapter 8:Battle on the Bridge! Zabuza Returns!!
Chapter 9:The Number One Hyperactive, Knucklehead Ninja Joins the Fight!!
Valentines Special (Naomi)
Valentines Special (Naruto)
Chapter 10: A New Chapter Begins: The Chunin Exam!
Chapter 11: Chunin Challenge Rock Lee vs Sasuke!
Chapter 12: Genin Takedown! All Ten Rookies Face Off!
Chapter 13:Start Your Engines: The Chunin Exam Begins!
Chapter 14: Special Report: Live from the Forest of Death!
Chapter 15: The Chunin Exam Stage 2: The Forest of Death!
Chapter 16: Naruto's and Naomi's counterattack! Nevr give in!
Chapter 17: Bushy Brow's Pledge: Undying Love and Protection!
Chapter 18: Sakura Blossoms!
Chapter 20: Surviving the Cut! The Rookie Ten Together Again!
Chapter 21: Showdown! Naomi Vs Kabuto!
Chapter 22: Kunoichi Rumble: The Rivals Get Serious! Sakura vs Ino!
Chapter 23:The ultimate Battle Naruto vs Kiba!
Chapter 24: Neji vs Hinata! Byakugan Battle: Hinata Grows Bold!
❤|50 Ways To Piss Off Sasuke| 200 Vote Special!❤
Chapter 25: Gaara vs Rock Lee: The Power of Youth Explodes
Chapter 26: Ebisu Returns: Naruto's Toughest Training Yet!
Chapter 27: Jiraiya Returns! Another legendary Sannin? Tsunade the Slug Queen!
🎄|A Christmas Special| 🎄
Chapter 28: The Summoning Jutsu: Wisdom of the Toad Sage
Chapter 29] Live Or Die: Risk It All To Win It All!

Chapter 19: The Scroll's Secret: No Peeking Allowed

1.2K 31 18
By Naomi_Uzumaki_

 Naomi sat by the edge of the water, staring at the reflection. She looked up to see four Naruto's ready to dive in.

"Shadow clone fishing! Bombs away!" Naruto jumped into the lake. Splash. A few seconds later four fish were thrown up into the air. Sasuke threw kunais pinning all four of them to the tree.

Naruto resurfaced a bit later. Panting as he gasped for air. "Come on! Is that it I only got four! Go back in and do it again!" Sasuke yelled.

Naruto growled at him, steaming coming out of his ears. "Well if you think its so easy why don't you come in and I stand by the shore!" Naruto yelled flapping his arms. "If you wanted help you should have said so!" Naomi shouted.

She took of her jacket, her hands touched the brim of her shirt. "What are you doing!?" Yelled a blushing Sasuke. "I'm going to help Naruto nii-chan, you said we needed more fish." Naomi asked dumbstruck. "Why are you taking off your shirt!?" He yelled at her.

Naruto gained a tick mark. "Sasuke you dirty pervert! She's wearing a tank top underneath!" Sasuke mumbled an 'oh'. Naomi was still confused. "Fine if it bugs you so much about me taking off my shirt, i'll leave it on than." Sasuke turned his head to a different direction. "I never said it bugged me." He mumbled.

"YOU DIRTY PERVERT STAY AWAY FROM MY SISTER!" Naruto shouted, throwing a fish at him. Sasuke glared at him. "Sasuke! The fire is ready to light! I could use one of your fireballs!" Sakura called out.

Sasuke scoffed. "I have to do everything around here." Naruto's eye twitched. "YOU DO HUH? WHAT HAVE I BEEN DOING!?" "Don't worry Menma! I'm here to help!" Naruto eyes landed on Naomi, he pouted at her. "You know I hate being called Menma!" "I'm sorry!" Naomi said giving the puppy dog eyes.

Naomi cannoned balled into the lake splashing Naruto. "Psych!" "Hey! I'm going to get you for that!" Instead of catching fish they ended up having a water war. "Hey we better catch some fish before Mr. Attitude makes a fuss!" Naruto said. Naomi nodded.

Team 7 stared at the blazing fair. "Its already been four days since the second exam began." Sasuke said. "Yeah thats right......." "Were sure not going to break any records and we only have 24 hours left."

"I wonder how many of the other teams already have their scrolls and
I wonder when this fish is going to be done I could eat a whale! Naruto and Naomi thought in unison, hungrily gazing at their fish on a stick.

They all ate their fish in silence. "We have to face it. There may not be any heaven scrolls left." The rest of the team stared at Sakura. "Well that's a cheerful thought." Sasuke said sarcastically.

"Maybe so but its true! You said it yourself Sasuke! This is the fourth day we've been out here! That means we already used up eighty percent of the time we got for the exam! Only 13 teams can pass and there are only 13 heaven scrolls and 13 earth scrolls! And we've got 26 teams and 79 candidates out looking for them! If the odds weren't bad enough! That creep Orochimaru burnt the heaven scroll we had! " Sakura said.

"Yeah I remember." Sasuke said nodding.

"The number of complete scrolls by the pair are reduced by one right there. Not to mention all the ones that have been found and secured by the other teams."

"Maybe we gave ourselves too much time to rest and recover from our last fight......I don't know. What I do know is that we got to get serious now and to make up for lost time. The next enemy we face, could be our last chance! I'm going to get water." Sasuke said as he stood up. "Naomi come on." Naomi raised her eyebrow. "What?" Sasuke grabbed her hand. "Just come on you loser!"

Naomi and Sasuke walked to the lake foot to foot. "Erm why did I have to come?" "Just in case of an enemy I need back up don't I?" "I guess but why me.....?" "Why not you?" Naomi sighed. "Good point I guess." Sasuke smirked in victory.

Sasuke went to collect the water while Naomi sat on the ground, poking the water. "Can I ask you something, Naomi?" "You just did." Sasuke glared at her. "You know that's not what I meant!" Naomi giggled at how easily she could aggravate him. He sat down next to her. "Yeah sure go ahead." "You remember when we were fighting the snake person and you and Naruto had to you know...." Sasuke said not wanting to say save him, because it would hurt his pride. Naomi nodded still staring at the water. "Well your eyes turned red and faint whiskers like Naruto appeared on your cheeks? Why is that?" Naomi was taken back by the question.

"I'm not sure. But I can tell you one thing, I've never felt anything like it before. I felt stronger and I felt like I had more chakra." Sasuke nodded. They sat there in silence. Sasuke grabbed a lock of Naomi's hair curling it. "Uh, what are you doing?" "Playing with your hair." "Why?" "Because I feel like it." Naomi hmped in response.

Sasuke kept playing with her hair, Naomi turned to tell him to knock it off but she kept her mouth closed. Sasuke was closer next to her than before. Their foreheads touching. Naomi blushed and looked away. Sasuke chuckled. He grabbed her by the chin and leaned closer to her ear to whisper. "You shouldn't hide your blush from me. I personally find it adorable." Naomi blush darken. "Your such a flirt." Naomi mumbled. "Only to you." Sasuke said. "Huh what do you mean only to me?" Sasuke shook his head. "Another thing you shouldn't hide is your curves." Naomi's jaw dropped. She stood up. "W-w-what!" "You always wear your baggy sky blue jacket so it hides your body." Sasuke stated in a matter of fact tone.

The Uchiha stood up walking forward causing the young Uzumaki to walk back into a tree. Sasuke put both of his hands on both sides of Naomi's head. Naomi looked away in embarrassment. Sasuke leaned down towards her ear. "What did I just say? Don't hide your blush." "Your such a pervert." Sasuke pressed his forehead against Naomi's. "Like I said, only to you." Naomi and Sasuke stared at each other in the eye, neither of them breaking eye contact.

"We should get back ya know." "Tch fine whatever." The next thing Sasuke did left Naomi dead in her tracks. Sasuke pecked Naomi's forehead. Damn you Uchiha......with all your stupid tricks up your sleeve! "W-h-hy did y-you....." Sasuke smirked. "Your not hiding your blush now, are you?" "Jerk." Naomi mumbled walking back to where Sakura and Naruto were. "You know I wasn't being a pervert I was telling the truth you have a pretty nice figure." "Just shut up!" "Usually girls like hearing that kind of stuff....I guess your not like most girls." Sasuke mumbled. "Is it bad I'm not like most girls?" "No I like that your different. I like different." Naomi nodded.


Naruto picked up the earth scroll they had. "hey Sakura!" Sakura's head turned towards Naruto. "I know how we can do this without having to fight anyone. Look!" Naruto emptied his ninja pouch, three scrolls fell out.

"Look at what?" Sakura questioned. "What do you mean look at what!? Scrolls! I got tons of them. You know manuals of ninjustsu and stuff like that we could change one of these to look exactly like the heaven scroll." "Stop! Don't even! Even if you could fake the outside you don't know whats written on the inside! You couldn't know without reading it! Idiot!"

"Don't worry about it! I got it all figured out! I think these things have a secret code or something if you put them both together! Yeah and the secret code and the password you need in order to get into the tower at the end of the exam! Get it?" Naruto said.

"All I get is that your a nitwit. WE NEVER EVEN HAD A HEAVEN SCROLL HOW ARE WE SUPPOSE TO KNOW WHAT'S INSIDE!" Naruto put his head down in defeat.

"The next brilliant idea you get keep it to yourself. We've got enough problems." Sakura mumbled.

"But wait we do have a clue whats inside of the heaven scroll. Look." Naruto picked up the scroll they had. "The earth scroll!" "You wouldn't!" "Its our only chance! I'm going to open and read this scroll!" Sakura punched Naruto in his head.


"I know! But if we don't do anything, we won't pass!" Naruto shouted. Sakura stared at him. He's right! This could be our last option!

He stared at the scroll in his head. Sakura did the same. She nodded at him. Naruto's thumb touch the opening of the scroll. He gulped. He slowly started to opening it, stopping again. Naruto trembled as he continued. A hand stopped Naruto. Sakura and Naruto looked up in surprise.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." "K-kabuto." Sakura mumbled.

Naomi and Sasuke turned the corner. Their eyes widen. "An enemy!" Sasuke said dropping the container of water to the ground. They ran towards Naruto and Sakura.

"I can't believe you guys!" Sasuke shouted looking pissed off. Naomi nudged him. "Come on, you don't have to look so pissed off. If I was here the scroll would have been opened a long time ago." Sasuke scoffed.

"If I hadn't come along when I did......" Kabuto started.

"Sorry Sasuke, Naomi." Sakura said looking down.

Naruto mumbled.

"There have been others who have tried to peek at the scrolls, I have seen what happens to them. They are protected by a very powerful hypnosis jutsu. It's sort of a booby trap for anybody who is unwise enough to try and look at the scroll." Kabuto explained.

"It will knock you out and when you wake up the exam will already be over." "Kabuto right? We meet at the registration. What are you doing wondering around all by yourself?" Sasuke said.

"Don't worry I'm not after your earth scroll." "I guess not. If you were you would have took it from Naruto right away. So your looking for a heaven scroll, too?"

"No, not really I already got them both." Kabuto said as he pulled out both scrolls. Sasuke gasped in surprise.

"I had a run of luck. I was heading to the tower to wait for my teammates to show up. So, if you excuse me." Kabuto said walking away.

"Hold it! I'll fight you for it!" Sasuke said. A smirk appeared on Kabuto's mouth. "You'll fight me for it?"

"Sasuke?" Sakura said.


"Are you kidding?" Naomi asked him.

"Are you serious?" Kabuto asked turning around completely.

"I'm perfectly serious."

"Back off Sasuke! This guy saved our butts!" "Naruto's got a point we don't want to ungrateful or anything?" Sakura said.

"Shut up!" "But Sasuke." She said looking hurt.

"Sasuke? They do have a point, he did help us after all!" Naomi said.

"It doesn't even matter. It's either him or us. Out here its all about survival."

"Your lying." Kabuto said. "He is?" Naomi asked. "Admit it for all your tough talk your heart isn't in it. If it were true....if winning was really the only thing that mattered to you then why openly challenge me to a fight? Why announce it and put me on guard. You shouldn't have just warn me like that. Why not jump me when my back was turned? That's what a ninja do." Kabuto said.

"That's pretty deep." Naruto said.

"Its okay I actually admire you for that. So heres what I'll do. I'll show the path you should follow. But lets go its best if we get out of here
. The smell of the fire is going to draw every living beast in the forest not only animals but enemies too."

Team 7 and Kabuto jumped tree to tree in the forest.

"Do you think there are other candidates out here?" Sasuke asked.

"Oh yeah, just think about it! What do you the efficient way to find a scrolls in an area as long as this? To go searching through the forest for them?"

"Uh no." Sakura said.

"You wait for them to come for you! The tower at the center of the forest is the main goal right? The last day of the exam that area will be crawling with teams ready to gain converging to the tower with their scrolls."

"Oh yeah I get it! Like an ambush! So we just head for the tower, find a hiding place and when a team comes along with a heaven scroll we jump on them and take it!" Sakura shouted in glee.

"That's one third of the problem." Kabuto said. "Huh?" "You guys aren't the only ones who have thought about this, there may be a lot of enemies setting up traps around the tower too."

"So what the more the merrier that's what I say! We wouldn't want this to too easy do we!?"

"Your totally right Naru-kun! That wouldn't be fun! I wanna fight!"

"Hell yes we need a fight! All we have to do if grab someone else's scroll and keep those losers from grabbing ours and bingo we pass the second exam!"

"That's only two thirds of the problem." "What else!?" Naomi asked.

"There are bound to be collectors working around the finish line." "Collectors?" Sakura asked.

"Even when you think your home free you can never let your guard down." Kabuto explained to Sasuke Sakura Naruto and Naomi what collectors are and what they do.

"I see and I'm starting to understand why you brought us along with you. Its because your scared, aren't you?" Sasuke said.

"You bet I am!"

"There's the tower that means the end is insight. Now comes the hard part." Kabuto said.

"Well its about time! Bring it on Dattebane/Dattebayo!" Sakura whipped around. "There's someone back there!" Naruto threw a kunai in that direction.

"False alarm its just a centipede!" Naomi said.

"What do you mean just a centipede! That creepy thing is as big as a bus!" Sakura said freaked out.

"Hey Naruto." Kabuto called out. "Hmm?" "Do us a favor and keep it down, will you? See the thing is were trying to NOT let people know were here. We want to find the enemy before they find us." Kabuto said.

"Sorry. I see your point." "Lets take it slow and use all the time we've got left, okay?"




"Got it."

Naruto and Naomi looked at a rope that hanging. Kabuto stopped both of them before they touched it. He motioned them to look up.

There were bodies of people with kunais stuck in each of them.

"A trap, huh?" Sasuke asked.

"Yup. It will only get worse from now on." Kabuto said.

He and Sasuke walked away first then Naomi and Sakura. Naruto lingered look at the trap once more before he started walking. Naruto tripped on a wire. "Hey! Whoa!" Naruto shouted.

Kunais went flying towards Naruto. "Naruto!" Naomi went to go after him but Kabuto jumped in front of Naruto. His back got hit by multiple kunais.

"Kabuto!" Naruto yelled. Kabuto was replaced by a log. "A substitution jutsu." Naruto whispered.

"Well that was close. Like I said it will only get worse from now on." Kabuto shouted from the branch he was siting on.
Pant.Pant.Pant. "For crying out loud!" Sakura dropped to the ground. "Sakura!" Naruto said. "How far exactly have we walked? That tower isn't getting any closer!"

"I was thinking that too! It weird!" "That's true!" Naomi said.

"Well it seems we've been caught. Someone is playing games on us. Look ring a bell?" Kabuto said pointing to a tree.

"Oh man it can't be!" Naruto shouted. They stared at the bug. "Its the centipede we saw earlier!" Naomi shouted.

"Whats going on?" Sakura asked. "Genjutsu." Sasuke said. "Well that's what it looks like." Kabuto said.

"We were to busy being concerned about not being caught only not to notice we've been walking in a complete circle."

"What's their game?" Sasuke questioned."They're trying to tire us down and strike when were exhausted and frustrated." Kabuto answered."You mean like we are right now?" "Right. They'll be coming soon."

Slowly something started emerging from out of the tree. Naruto, Naomi and Sakura gasped in surprise.

Bodies started crawling out of the tree, surrounding the five genins.

"Well Naruto, Naomi you wanted a fight, didn't you?" Sasuke said.

"5 vs 40. I like those odds." Naruto said grinning. Naomi nodded in agreement. I'm itching with excitement!

"What are they?" Sakura asked.

"Clones and whole bunch of them." Kabuto answered.

"*chuckle* Your all trapped like rats!" One of the clones said.

Naruto looked at Naomi who nodded. "Cornered rats, are we? We'll show you Dattebayo/Dattebane!"

Both of them aiming a punch for a clone. "That's showing them! Wait to go!" Sakura cheered.

Naruto and Naomi's eyes widen. Their arms went straight through the clone.

The twins eyes widen. Their arm went straight through the clone, making both of them fall to the ground. The clones reformed into another one.

"We just touched them and they turned to mush!" Naruto shouted. "Our arms just went through them!" Naomi shouted.

The new clone cut the old half out with a kunai.

What's really going on here? Sasuke activated his Sharingan.

The new clone aimed the kunai at Naruto. "Naruto watch out!" Naomi yelled. "Naruto!" Sasuke threw his shuriken cutting off the clone's arm.

The clone turned it focus onto to Sasuke instead, throwing the kunai directly at him. "Sasuke!" Naruto and Naomi shouted.

Sasuke stood there not moving a muscle. "Down!" Kabuto yelled pushing Sasuke down to the ground.

What's going on? I can't move my body! "Sasuke!" Sakura exclaimed helping him up. "Are you alright?"

Kabuto picked up the kunai. Its real enough, this isn't some illusion.

"Surrender your scroll."

"Surrender your scroll."

"Surrender your scroll."

"Surrender your scroll."

Each of the clones said one by one.

"The fact that Kabuto is wounded and bleeding, means these guys are the real deal! There shadow clones!" Naomi said."I don't get it! Shadow clones are suppose to vanish when you give them a good shot! These don't!" Naruto said."What are we dealing with? Genjutsu?"

"I don't get it!" Naruto yelled going to throw his kunai.

"No Naruto! Don't do it! You'll just be fighting illusions! Its a genjutsu casted by the enemy!""Illusions!? How...? Kabuto's wound- it's real enough!" Sakura said.

"That's true but Sasuke is right! The enemy could be in the woods, hiding, attacking us from there." Kabuto explained.

"Well wherever they are we have to find them! We need to take care of them!"

"Hold on Naomi, that's what they want us to do. Find them. We would only be making their job easy for them." Kabuto scolded.
"I know these attacks. Hand-to-Hand Combat. From the data I've collected they are weak in the Taijutsu area. We have no choice all thats left to do is stand our ground and fight them off."

"Let's just do it!" Naruto yelled getting patient. Naomi was slowly losing her temper too. The clones threw weapons at all of them. Team 7 and Kabuto dodged them all. Attack. Dodge. Attack. Dodge.

"Man! How long exactly is this going to go on!?" Sakura shouted.

"Okay this isn't going to work!" Naruto shouted. "We can't keep going on like this!" Naomi agreed. They started making handsigns before Kabuto stopped them. "You'll only be wasting chakra. By fighting these things you'll only be doing what they want."

"If we can get rid of all the illusions whoever's casting them wouldn't be able to hurl a kunai at us!" Naomi argued.

"Shadow clone jutsu!"

"Shadow clone jutsu!"

Naruto's and Naomi's clones appeared, lunging at the other clones. Only once one was defeated it was reformed into an another.

"Back for more are you!?" Naruto yelled.

"Sasuke! Shouldn't we help them?" "Losers! They've given us no choice now! We have to!" "He's right! We need to help them fight!"

Slowly the night faded into morning.

Kabuto fell back onto the ground and so did Sakura. Soon enough Sasuke fell down from exhaustion.

Naruto and Naomi fell to the ground. "We're just warming up!" Naruto shouted,

The clones started disappearing, being replaced by three rain ninjas.

"You! You cut me on the shoulder!" The guy glared at Sasuke. "Oh well, I can finally pay you back, now."

Naomi and Naruto smirked at him.

"Well, well. Who's the cornered rat?" Sasuke called out. "Worked like a charm Naruto, Naomi." Sakura said.

The rain ninja turned around their eyes popping out of their socket. "How!? If your there then who are they?"

"Confused? It was the only way to get you guys out of hiding." Naomi said. Kabuto, Sakura and Sasuke turning into two Naruto clones and one Naomi clone.

"Shadow clones were only the first part of it. The real trick was coming up with clones for the rest of our squad." Naruto explained as their clones disappeared.

"Well the doubles took the blow for us, we were waiting for you to show yourself. What do you think guys, I think our little plan worked." Sasuke smirked.

Panting Naruto and Naomi fell on to one knee as they helped each other back up. "Naomi, Naruto take a break! You both have used up way too much of your chakra, don't worry I got them." Sasuke told them.

Naruto and Naomi combined hands. "Uzumaki punch!" Knocking the three enemies to the ground piling up on each other.

"You must be out of your mind Uchiha." "After all the work we've done, there's no way were just going to sit back and watch you guys have all the fun!" Huff. Huff. Huff, Huff.

Woah is this really Naruto and Naomi....? When did they become so strong all of a sudden.

"These kids shouldn't be able to move let alone this." One of the rain nin said. "Naruto, Naomi?" Sakura whispered

"Not bad! But that doesn't mean this is over! Besides time is running out for all of us now! Ninja Art:Fog Clone Jutsu!"

"Shadow clones...?" "Those are real clones don't waste your time boneheads. Let them make the first move." "Looks like we have to smash our way through them in order to find the real ones." "No! Don't be idiots just listen to me!"

"Get off our backs Sasuke! Why do you even care so much! Just stay out of it!" Naomi yelled at him.

Naruto and Naomi lunged forward at them. "No! Naruto, Naomi!" Sakura shouted. "Come back here!"

Naruto punched one. "That's a clone!" Naomi kicked one. "This one is a clone too!"




"Not the real one!"



"Naomi! Naruto! Quit it now!" Sasuke yelled. "We told you butt out!" They shouted. "Are they all fake or is it genjutsu again?" Sakura asked.

I have to use the last of my chakra! "Sharingan!" Sasuke fell to the ground. Slowly his curse mark started to spread again. "Sasuke!" Sakura shouted. She gasped noticing the curse mark was showing again.

"Sasuke! Please don't use your sharingan again!" Naruto looked over to his teammates not noticing the clone hunching over him. "Don't drop your guard in front of the enemy." The rain nin smirked. Naomi grabbed Naruto by the hand before any damage could happen to him.

"Ohh! Your lucky that didn't touch her! Your going to get it now!" Naruto yelled. "Its no use your just using up chakra and wasting time! There are no bodies to hit!" Sasuke yelled.

"What are you talking about!? Where are they than!?" "If I knew the answer to that we wouldn't be in this fix!"

I'm getting more exhausted by the minute! I don't think I can use shadow clones anymore! Naomi thought.

I'm too tired I won't be able to use shadow clones anymore! Naruto thought.

"Looks like they reached their limit."

That's it! There using earth style, hiding underground so we can't see them! Sasuke mentally shouted.

One of the enemies who was underground already hit Kabuto. "KABUTO!" Naruto and Naomi shouted.

They hit the enemies after they finally decided to show themselves, knocking the enemies out. "Gee thanks Naruto, Naomi you saved me back there." "Way to go guys!" Sakura said. The twins high fived. "We were pretty awesome weren't we?" Naruto said. "Better than awesome that's for sure!" Naomi replied.

Naruto searched the body of the ninjas. "Here it is! Just what we needed! A heaven scroll!" Naruto shouted. "Good for you guys!" Kabuto said.

"Naomi!" Naomi turned to Sakura. "Hmm?" "Could you help me with Sasuke, I don't think I'll be able to support his weight alone." Naomi nodded hesitantly. She put one of Sasuke's arms around her shoulder while Sakura put the other one over her shoulder. Sasuke glared at her. "What's your problem?" Naomi asked irritated. "The fact you think I don't care what happens to you." "Well-" "Just shut up, okay! Because I do care!" Naomi stayed silent. "I forgive you." Sasuke said breaking the silence."What!? I never said 'I'm sorry'!" "You just did." He smirked at her. Naomi groaned. "Your difficult, ya know." "Hn."

"Sasuke-kun, how are you feeling?" Sakura asked. "Fine." "Why wouldn't he be...?" Naomi asked. "Well-" Sasuke's glare shut her up.

"There's no need to tell Naruto and Naomi, about this!" "But Sasuke." "I don't want them worrying about me." "Sasuk-" "No Sakura! Promise me you won't tell them!" Sakura stared at him. "Well?" "I-I promise Sasuke."

"Well I mean he's injured from all the fighting." an irk mark appeared on Naomi's head. "OH AND WHAT HAVE I BEEN DOING!?"
Kabuto reunited with his teammates.

"It was thanks to you we got all the scrolls!" "Yeah Kabuto!" "Yeah but you did do most of it on your own. We were allies for now but now I think we should consider each other rivals." Kabuto told them. Naruto and Naomi nodded.

Both teams bidded farewell walking into their own doors.  

Author's Note: Hehe well here it is! The update! :P The fights are coming up! Who's going to fight Naomi? Comment, Vote, Follow!

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