His Muggle Wife (A Severus Sn...

By MeredithCanters

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Snape thinks all is well and that he can leave the memories of Hogwarts forever in the security of a new life... More

Chapter 1: His Meredith
Chapter 2: His Morning Greeting
Chapter 3: His Past Enemy
Chapter 4: His Past Friends
Chapter 5: His Little Reunion
Chapter 6: Their House Guests
Chapter 7: His True Identity
Chapter 8: His Goodnight "Punishment"
Chapter 9: Their Pillow Talk
Chapter 11: Her Hogwarts Trip
Chapter 12: Her Hogwarts Dinner
Chapter 13: Her Dreams Came True
Chapter 14: His Past Romance Revealed
Chapter 15: His Powerlessness
Chapter 16: His Confession, Her Heartbreak
Chapter 17: Her Assurance, His Goodbye
Chapter 18: His Regrets Once Again
Chapter 19: Her True Love's Kiss
Chapter 20: His Friendship Renewed
Chapter 21: Their Party Preparation
Chapter 22: Their Anniversary Party
Chapter 23: His Present

Chapter 10: Her Breakfast Surprise

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By MeredithCanters

It was almost 8 when he woke up. Meredith was not there but he knew where she must have been. It was a Sunday after all. He put on a shirt and his decent pair of trousers because of course, he would not want to parade his half-naked body in the house in the presence of the people who knew him to be a prim and proper man.

"Good morning," he greeted his wife and planted a quick kiss on Meredith's cheek. She was busy frying some bacons and sausages. "You went to the 6.30 Mass?" he asked as he poured himself a glass of warm water to quench his morning thirst.

"I did, there were not many people. We were done by 7.15."

"Why didn't you wake me, could've gone together."

"No, I thought we had guests in the house and it would not be appropriate to leave them, so I decided to go alone. Oh, Minerva said she had to go, so she just... I forgot the word, really. She just vanished. The boys and Hermione are still sleeping. I don't want to wake them up so early on a Sunday."

"Hmm... had I known no one would be awake except for us," he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, whispering in her ear with his ever-oh-so-sexy voice, "I would... you know... fill you with something else, in addition to the spiritual fill you just had at church."

"Good morning," Harry said, rubbing his eyes as he walked groggily into the kitchen and sat in front of the breakfast counter, facing Meredith who was still cooking, and his former professor. Of course, Snape had quickly broken away from his wife at this point and took some plates to help Meredith serve breakfast.

"Good morning, Harry," Meredith cheerfully returned the greetings. "Ron's still sleeping?"

"No, he went to Hermione's room to wake her up," he replied, and then yawned loudly.

"I would really, truly appreciate it if they didn't fornicate in my house," Snape said.

"Ron's still very much afraid of you, he'll do no such thing under your roof," Harry assured, as he sipped a glass of milk Meredith had put in front of him. "Thanks, Meredith. You know..." he added in his still-sleepy voice, "Professor Snape couldn't have found a better woman than you. I wish you had come into his life waaaaaaay sooner than just four years ago." He saw Snape look at him, a look he could not discern as to what its meaning was. "You couldn't have, Professor. Really. I'd only known her for a day but I know it in my heart of hearts that other women you had met, even from your childhood, easily pale in comparison to this one here, so... don't EVER do anything stupid to make this woman walk out on you," he said, directing his own sleepy gaze at him, before sipping his milk again, as if referring to something, or rather someone, only the both of them knew.

"Thank you, Harry," she replied as she turned the bacons in her pan over. Her face flushed; somehow she could feel the sheer sincerity in his compliment. Had it come from Ron, she would have just laughed and taken it as a flirtation, but this came from Harry and Harry did not really talk much but when he did, it was normally something of substance. "Don't worry, I'd chain him to me before he can walk out on me." And both she and Harry laughed.

"Yes, go on, make me a laughing stock," Snape said sarcastically, as he took the now-filled breakfast plates to the dining table.

Ron and Hermione came a few seconds after that and the group enjoyed their hearty breakfast.

"If you all can make it Friday next week, please join us for a little party at the café, it starts at 7 in the evening," Meredith extended her invitation to the trio, "I've already told Minerva and she said she would come if the three of you could come too."

"Your first wedding anniversary party, isn't it?" Ron asked in delight and then added in his usual casual tone, "No offence, Professor but I had never ever thought you'd ever get married, and to this kind of beauty. And been almost one year already too, who would've thought." He bit into his sausage, displaying no look of guilt as if his words were not offensive. Harry and Hermione nodded in agreement.

"Why in the world would you never think I'd ever settle down? And thank you for your compliment, Weasley, I'd take it as a compliment rather than an offence, on my fine taste in women."

"I guess we'd have to pay Luna and Neville a good amount of money, wouldn't we?" Hermione asked her friends. "Now that he's married. For almost a year."

"You had a bet on my love life?" Snape asked in disbelief.

"We were in our fourth year, and you know how much you made everyone hate you back then," Hermione started, "So, walking back from one of the most horrible detentions you made us serve with Filch, we, the three of us, said that you were so... so..." Hermione looked at the two boys, trying to think of much better words to use.

"Fucking atrocious and horrendously vindictive with a dark life so miserably pathetic," the boys said in perfect unison. Snape cast them a glare. Meredith just chuckled in amusement.

"Her exact words, not ours," they defended themselves, almost in unison. Hermione looked ashamed and stared at her plate.

"I'm impressed with your vocabulary, Miss Granger, but not impressed that they were for me," Snape finally said, "Go on."

"I... continued to say that... your life would forever be lonely and miserable. And no women would ever fall in love with you. I was angry with you then. Now I love you. So, please don't be mad at me," Hermione pleaded and she saw a smile form on her former professor's lips. She smiled in gratefulness and continued, "Ron and Harry agreed with me but Luna and Neville, bless their kind hearts, said that, in Luna's exact words, no matter how bad a person is, when the right person comes along and accepts them as they are, they will change for the better." She cast a side glance at Meredith who was blushing, knowing that Hermione meant her, "And Neville said that he would pay each of us 50 galleons, that's the currency we use there, about 250pounds in Muggle currency, if he was proven wrong, if Professor Snape remained single till the day he died. Luna said she would do that too, which meant that we would get 100 galleons, about 500pounds each if Luna and Neville lost. So, those two boys over there, in their fury, said that each of us would pay them each 100 galleons if Professor Snape did get married to someone who loved him. And I in my arrogant confidence, agreed." She bowed her head in shame and regret.

"You know what?" Snape said, "Extend our invitation to Lovegood and Longbottom to the party next week, I'd like to thank them for believing in me. But mostly... I'd like to see your faces when you had to pay them a hundred galleons each, that's two hundred galleons from each of you," he smirked and gave them a sly grin.

"That's just mean!" Meredith said, laughing at the sight of the trio banging their heads in regret on the table for such foolish teenage bet, to the satisfaction of their former teacher.

"I haven't even started working. Having to pay Luna and Neville, I won't be able to get you both a present next week," Hermione said. Harry and Ron nodded in agreement.

"Awww... It's the thought that counts. You don't have to get us anything. Just come and enjoy yourselves," Meredith said smilingly. "Speaking of presents, have you got me anything, Mister?" Meredith asked her husband.

"Hmm... It won't take long to get you one. What do you want?" Snape replied with a huge I'm-sorry smile on his face.

"I'd give you lessons on how to please your woman, Professor, in which we will also cover what presents to buy for important occasions. I'd tutor you for free," Ron offered as he munched on his bacon.

"No, thank you, Weasley."

"Have you got your present for him?" Hermione asked Meredith.

"Yes, I certainly have. All wrapped up. It's on his table in his office at the café. I purposely put it there so that he wouldn't forget to buy mine," Meredith replied, looking at her husband at the end of her sentence.

"What kind of presents did you get for him?" Hermione asked again.

"Yes, what kind of present did you get me, love?" Snape asked with interest too.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore. 5 more days and you can open it in front of everyone at the party," she turned to the others, "He will like it, I can't think of any reason for him not to like it. Besides, I never thought I could get him such a present so, it was kind of a miracle I found that present for him. With proper care and love, that present is going to last him a lifetime."

"Sounds expensive..." Harry suggested.

"Invaluable, really," Meredith corrected him.

"Professor," Ron suddenly called him, "read my mind."

"What?" Snape asked incredulously. "No!"

"You can read minds? So have you read my mind to find out about the present I get you?" Meredith, her tone slightly raised, and her eyes widened in both disbelief and perhaps anger.

"No! I have NEVER used magic ON YOU!" Snape answered. "I swear," he added when his wife squinted her eyes, as if not believing him.

"I was just joking. I trust you," she said as caressed his hand with his thumb, a soothing expression on her face.

"Read. My. Mind. Professor. I'm giving you an idea for a present!" Ron said, getting impatient.

"Can't you just pass me a note, Weasley?" Snape asked with irritation in his voice.

"No no no! This is new and exciting, I want to see how you read his mind. Read, baby, read," Meredith said excitedly. Snape rolled his eyes and looked into Ron's eyes.

"Oh..." he said and Ron nodded smilingly. "She'll be delighted for sure but I'm not ready to do it."

"Do what? Do what?" Meredith asked curiously.

"Just ask her, Professor," Harry encouraged.

"OK," he said, putting his fork and spoon down and wiping his mouth with his napkin. Holding both his wife's hands in his, he asked, "Would you like to visit Hogwarts, the wizarding school I used to go to and work at?"

Meredith's eyes widened in delight and she sqealed, "YES YES YES! Best present ever! Thank you, Ron," Meredith said.

"That's my present for you. Not Ron's," he protested.

"Thank you, my dearest ex-boyfriend, current husband, and permanent best friend!" she said merrily as she got up to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Be right back with ice-cream, everyone!"

"Oh oh," Ron suddenly said.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Muggles can't see Hogwarts, let alone visit it."

"That's not a problem, Ron. She's married to Professor Snape. Being the wife of a wizard, she's his family. Muggle family members of witches and wizards can see and visit Hogwarts. My parents, for example, had been there when I was there." Hermione explained.

"Ever the intelligent one, aren't you, Granger?" Snape complimented her with a sincere smile. There was always this sense of pride whenever her intelligence was acknowledged.

When Meredith came back from the fridge, they continued talking about the Hogwarts trip. Harry assured Snape not to be afraid to go back; it used to be his home after all. Besides, everyone sort of knew that he was a hero rather than a villain after the war, so he should not be afraid to face what others thought of him. Hermione added that starting tomorrow, Hogwarts would be organizing an Alumni Week where the school would be opened to all former students and staff. In conjunction with that, the Hogwarts Express would be operating everyday during the week too. Harry suggested Apparition but Snape said it would be too much for Meredith to handle because it did have its side effects for first-time users. Finally, they agreed to travel to London to catch the Hogwarts Express from there first thing Monday morning.

Talking more about the Hogwarts event week, Harry further explained that the current students together with some former students have prepared a lot of events for everyone. Harry also mentioned that the three of them had been helping with the preparation since a month ago. There would also be a dinner to officiate the Alumni Week on Tuesday night. When Meredith asked about accommodation, Ron explained that some parts of the castle have been turned into rooms for visitors without accommodation, which was also a means to raise extra funds for the school. Everyone decided to leave for London on the train that afternoon and spend the night there so that they could catch the 11 o'clock Hogwarts Express to Hogwarts the next day.

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