Your Loss, My Gain

By Kota123456

87.6K 6K 953

Kota is the one that they always call when they need help. Maybe this time it will be to his advantage. This... More

Friday Night Blues
What now?!?
Is this a Date?
Role Playing
A Little Bit of Italy
Starry, Starry Night
Thank you!
Coffee With a Star(gazer)
It's Winter?
Snow Bound
The Waiting Game
House Guests
Snow Day!
Sleepover Part 1
Sleepover Part 2
Sleepover Part 3
Dinner and a Show (Still the sleepover)
Let the Games Begin!
All Good Things Come to an End?
Unexpected Opportunities
First Friend...First Love?
The Tourney Part 1
The Other Half of the Last Chapter
Sang's Mission Part 1
Sang's Mission, Part 2
Bear With Me...A/N only
Sweet Moments
Science Fair
Author's note.
Science Fair part 2
The "Perfect" Date
A Night With Owen

Business Before Pleasure

1.9K 145 4
By Kota123456

POV: Kota

I knew something was up, but I didn't know exactly what. I can't fault her for being scared of showers. Twice she has experienced a traumatic event while in the shower. Twice that we know about. "Ten, if you are being honest, tell us something. We know of you being tied up in the shower by your step-mother and when McCoy attacked you. Are there any other times when something bad happened in the shower? I think we need to know in order to help you."

Sang thinks for a moment and shakes her head. "Nothing else in the shower, but my step-mother once held my head under water at the kitchen sink. I think she would have drowned me if my sister hadn't come down and asked her what she was doing. Marie stopped several punishments before they got out of hand. That is why I feel indebted to her, even if she is mean to me now."

"Sang Baby, why didn't you tell us?" North is calm as he is asking, but I can see the rage just underneath his skin. Whether that rage is from Sang not telling us about the shower or about her most recent revelation, I don't know.

"Two reasons actually. One, I thought it was stupid to be scared to the shower. I mean, really, who is scared of the shower. It is dumb. Two, I thought that if I just kept trying, I would get over it." She hangs her head as she is speaking. North walks over to her and raises her chin with his finger.

"You are not stupid. You have had horrible things happen to you. It is amazing that you are as undamaged as you are. I don't know about the rest of these bozos, but I will definitely help you get over your fear of showers."

The rest of the guys mirror North's response.

"I think that this calls for a vote. Are we willing to help Sang implement her plan to get over her fears of showers?" I say making it official Family business.

"I am willing and I will obey," North is the first to sound off.

"I am willing and I will obey," Luke is right behind his brother.

"I have already started helping and I have devised a tenative treatment plan, so yes, I am willing and I will obey," Victor says with emotion.

"Of course I F****** will, I helped out today!" Gabe looks around as if to challenge anyone to say anything.

"Peanut, why didn't you say anything when I was remodeling my bathroom? We could have kept the bathtub." Nathan actually seems distraught.

"Oh, Honey. Remember, I had just moved in. I didn't really feel like I could dictate what you did to the house. Plus you started demolition before I could say anything. I am fine with taking a bath in the other bathroom until I get over this fear." Sang is being strong and trying to keep Nathan from feeling responsible.

"I am willing and I will obey," Nathan finally says. The pained expression is still evident on his face.

"Pookie, can you show me this treatment plan? I would like to see it before agreeing to anything." Dr. Green asks quietly.

Victor pulls out his phone and presses a few buttons. A moment later all of our phones ding with a new message. Actually, it is a document he shared through Google Docs. Dr. Green reads over the plan with the rest of us. It is fairly simple. First, relive the event from a third person point of view. Then live the event in reverse; rewinding the event to the beginning. Finally, replace the negative emotions and experiences with positive ones. It is a form of cognitive behavior therapy. It looks promising to me, but I am not an expert at all.

"Well, this seems simple enough, Pookie. If you want to try it, I am willing and I will obey, but I still think that you should talk to a professional about this."

"Sean, I plan on it. I know that it won't happen overnight. In fact, we have been working for a bit and today was the first time I was able to get into the shower without panicking."

"Sang Darling, how did you accomplish that?" Owen asks. Everyone is quiet while waiting for Sang's answer.

"Gabriel helped me. We were in the shower together and before you get upset, we had our bathing suits on." Sang quashes the protest before they start.

"We need to replace the negative memories with positive ones. I'm all for that, Aggele. I am willing and I will obey," Silas says with a waggle of his eyebrows and a seductive grin.

"I am willing and I will obey, Darling," Owen says with a smile. "I am proud of you for facing this head on."

"Sweetie, anytime you are ready, I am willing and I will obey. Just tell me where and when," I say verifying that we are all in agreement. Sang looks relieved. I can tell how much this has been weighing on her.

"Well, that's over. Let's go back downstairs and play a game! No, Gabriel, it will not be Truth or Dare. I have a new game to play," Sang says as she jumps up out of the seat she is sharing with North and pulls him along with her. The rest of us trail after them, ready to see what she has in store for us now. This is a big change from our very first sleepover.

Suddenly, Sang stops midstride and spins around. She looks out the window carefully. While it is dark outside, the light on the garage sheds enough light to illuminate part of the yard. Big fat snowflakes are falling lazily to the ground. It's snowing again. By the looks of things, it has just started, but the night is young. I love how Sang seems to have a sixth sense about when it is going to or is snowing without looking out the window. I don't think that is something that can be taught.

"Maybe we can play in the snow tomorrow morning. Oh, yeah! I have a treat for you all. Kota, Victor and Gabriel, can you help me take the stuff to the game room?" With that, the snow was forgotten for the time being and Sang was on to another mission...Snow Cream. I can't wait!  

AN:  Sorry it is short, but I actually wanted to write a bit, and this part needed to be separated from the fun of the Sleepover.  I do need to sleep.  Hopefully, I will get more up tomorrow! Also, it is unedited.

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