Ouran High School Host Club X...

By izzyana7

125K 3.4K 1.4K

You are Haruhi's adopted sister, (y/n) Neko. You have black cat ears and a tail, which you hide under your ho... More

Chapter 1 - Meeting Everyone
Chapter 2 - Telling Them
Chapter 3 - Their Reactions
Chapter 4 - Nicknames!
Chapter 6 - First Day as a Hostess
Chapter 7 - The Ball Part 1
Chapter 8 - The Ball, Part 2
Not an Update
New Characters!
Chapter 9 - Meeting the Band
Chapter 10 - Attack of the Lady Manager
Chapter 11 - The twins fight! Part 1
Chapter 12 - The Twins Fight! Part 2
Chapter 13 - Always There
Chapter 14 - The Grade School Host Is The Naughty Type?
Update! somewhat

Chapter 5 - Becoming a Hostess?!

8K 237 66
By izzyana7

After giving all the hosts their new nicknames, Haru-nyan asked a question, "I never asked, but why are you here?" You just looked over to you sister before saying, "Awwww, don't you want me here?" You pouted. "No, it's not that, you just never normally visit me during school. In fact, normally you don't get home until after me." she explained. "Work ended early so I decided to visit you!" you smiled at her.

"You have a job?" the hosts questioned. "Yup! I work at 346 Productions as an idol (If you get this reference then I'll love you forever and give you a cookie) and I sometimes do babysitting," you explained. "Oh! I just remembered that I have to talk to the chairman! I'll be back in a few minutes!" you yelled, scooping up Ruby. "Wait! Can we come with you? I mean, I am the chairman's son!" Tama-nii said. "Sure, I guess." you replied, grabbing your hoodie before putting it back on, covering your ears and tail.

As you, your twin, the hosts and Ruby made your way to the chairman's office, Kyoya asked, "May I ask why exactly you need to see the chairman?" You just winked at him saying, "You'll see."

You soon reached the office and walked inside. "How may I help you?" the chairman asked. "I'm (y/n) Neko, I sent you an email yesterday and I would like to know if my request has been accepted." you stated. The chairman smiled, "Your request has been approved. Have fun and don't get into trouble." You smiled back, thanking him before bowing and exiting, Ruby by your side.

"Now will you tell us what that was about?" the twins asked you as you were walking back to the music room. You looked around to make sure there wasn't anyone around before taking off your hoodie again. "I'm not a student, and I doubt I ever will be, because I have always been ahead for my age. In middle school, I took a test and the results allowed me to technically graduate early. I asked the chairman if I would be able to follow Haru-nyan around during school times and join clubs. I will be able to attend classes but I wont be doing any work, I'll just be sitting in the back of the classroom, watching over everyone, I guess." you explained to them. "Yay! Our little neko will be able to hang out with us everyday!" exclaimed the king, engulfing you into one of his 'famous' death hugs.

"Miss Neko, how would you like to become our first hostess?" Kyoya asked, as you reached the music room. "Sure Kyo-nii!" you exclaimed, getting out of Tamaki's grip and bouncing towards him, your tail swinging behind you. "Yaaay! (y/n)-chan's going to be a hostess! Isn't that great Takashi?" Honey babbled to his tall companion. "Yea" was his reply. The twins looked at each other, smiling mischievously, before hugging you. Haru-nyan walked over to you and put a hand on your shoulder, smiling at you.

"Well then," Tama-nii dramatically said, posing, "Welcome to the Host Club!" You smiled at everyone before frowning slightly, "I have a question! What's a host?" You tilted your head, your midnight ears twitching slightly. Everyone looked shocked, especially Tama-nii. "The Ouran Host Club is where the schools handsomest boys with too much time on their hands, entertain young ladies who also have way too much time on their hands. We hosts work to see the smiles on our dear princess' faces. Your job as a hostess is to entertain young men!" Tama-nii exclaimed. "So basically all I have to do is become friends with my customers?" you asked, happy at the thought of being able to make more friends.

"Awwww! Your just so kawaii!" Thing 1 and 2 said, nuzzling against you again. "Yep! And we can have cake and macaroons everyday!" the lolita told you, joining the hug.   

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