Moving on

By LevyLily

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Levy was living a normal calm life. Gajeel was living one day at the time, doing what was needed to survive... More

Chapter 1 : Improbable
Chapter 2 : Change
Chapter 3 : Frustration
Chapter 4 : Beyond appearances
Chapter 5 : Stubborn
Chapter 6 : Amazing
Chapter 7 : Problems
Chapter 8 : Get to know each other
Chapter 9 : Questions
Chapter 10 : Two weeks
Chapter 11 : Demons
Chapter 12 : Despair
Chapter 13 : Unknown
Chapter 14 : Shelter
Chapter 15 : Impulse
Chapter 17 : Wonderful, albeit too short lull
Chapter 18 : Plan
Chapter 19 : Promise
Chapter 20 : The attack
Chapter 21 : I love you
Chapter 22 : Family
Chapter 23 : Gunshot
Chapter 24 : Moving on

Chapter 16 : Burns

270 9 5
By LevyLily

Hi everyone! :D

Here's a chapter with both Miraxus and Gale moments + action! No wonder that's the biggest chapter yet!

Hope you'll enjoy and don't forget to comment and vote! 

Lily xx

- Hey! Metal head! Yelled the incredibly annoying Natsu Dragneel across the cafeteria.

Gajeel emitted an annoyed growl, knowing very well what this kid wanted. Okay... Technically, he barely was a year younger than him, but kid just suited him perfectly. The young man often wondered how in hell the blond cheerleader that Natsu called his girlfriend was able to endure him or simply consider him as a man. Apparently, she had a secret he didn't possesses.

- Metal head! Repeated Natsu, closer this time.

- Leave me alone for once, he sighed. Don't you have anything else to do?

- Not really! He answered as if the question was sincere. Come on! Don't act like a little girl and come fight me!

- Who are you calling a little girl! Exclaimed Gajeel, not being able to ignore his stupid co-worker's taunt.

- You!

It didn't take more to the young men to, again, start fighting in the cafeteria. If such actions would be completely outrageous elsewhere, in Fairy Tail, a calm and peaceful cafeteria would've been worrying. Happily for the business, the hostel was equipped with a cafeteria for employees only and, at least most of the time, the costumers weren't witnessing the misbehaving staff.

They finally stopped, much to Natsu's displeasure.

- Hey! What the hell? You're giving up?

- Dream on, flame brains! He growled, taking his attention back on his plate.

Natsu raised an eyebrow in a questioning look, scanned the room then opened his eyes wide, as if he just understood one of life's biggest secret.

- Now I understand!

- And what could your sorry brain could possibly understand?

- Levy just arrived!

- So what? How could you associate the shrimp with me getting fed up with you?

- Luce also hates when I'm fighting.

- And?

- Well Levy's your girlfriend!

- Where are you getting stupid ideas like that! Retort Gajeel.

- It's pretty obvious. Isn't it? Asked Natsu, this time confused.

He had thought he was understanding everything for once...

- Everything you do with Levy, I do it too with Lucy and she is my girlfriend, he thought out loud.

- Don't know what you're talking about, growled Gajeel, now staring at his plate for an odd reason.

- Hummm... he thought. All the time Luce and I are looking at each other even though we're not physically close. The times Lucy acts like she's mad at me but she still stays next to me to talk. Ah and when I look at a group of persons and the only one I manage to see is her and how she's cute. At first, I thought it was normal but Mira told me that was love!

- Well that's a cute story, Casanova, he said with sarcasm, but how is it related to the shrimp?

- Well you're exactly like that with Levy! Everyone knows that!

- Tssss. He said before leaving his seat and letting Natsu behind.

- Hey! Come back! Natsu yelled in his back, but Gajeel ignored him.

He was about to leave the cafeteria, crossing Levy without bothering to stop.

- Gajeel? Are you okay? Asked Levy to his irritated expression.

- Perfectly fine, he snapped, his tone confirming that something wasn't right.

Surprised, she gave a questioning look towards Lucy who was staring at Natsu with a glare.

- What did you say to him to put him in that state? Lucy got mad, while walking to her boyfriend.

Now alone, Levy could only sigh. She was about to question her best friend on what happened with Gajeel but was interrupted.

- Levy! Exclaimed two voices with way too much happiness for the situation.

- Hi guys, she said recognising Jet and Droy.

She would ask about Gajeel later, she thought. The afternoon went slower than Levy would've like. When her shift was finally over, she walked back home, sighing at the sight of her window still broken. The new one she had ordered would only arrive the next week. At least they weren't in winter, she encouraged herself. Then she opened the door. The later hit something. Intrigued, she bent over to pick up the object that was blocking the door and found a rock on which was attached a note. Her face turned white when she red what was written on it:

He wont always be there to save you

Worried, she turned the piece of paper but nothing else was written. Fear took over her and Levy only had one thing in mind: to be with Gajeel. Although, she was mistrusting her own reaction. It was obvious the "he" from the massage was referring to Gajeel and that the note was sent by those trying to hurt them. It was also easy to find out they were trying to make her go to Gajeel's side. Why? Or was it only a threat meant to scare her? If that was the case, it was effective. Whatever was the true purpose of the note, her need to be with him was bigger then her reasoning. She left her house without hesitation.


Laxus sat on his bed, staring at the piece of paper with apprehension.

If you're not my son anymore, then be prepared to get treated like anyone else

He knew his father would never leave them in peace. He also knew he wouldn't hesitate before his next move, soon. He sighed. Would he give in and talk about all that crap to his grandfather? While he hadn't completely forgiven him for lying to him, his anger had considerately weakened. "If I go on like that, I'll end up a weakling" thought the young man. But the idea of talking to his grandfather was getting stronger in his mind. The old geezer always had a backup plan... Someone knocked at the door, interrupting his thoughts.

- Mira? He said surprised after opening the door.

- Your father's on the move, she let out, showing a piece of paper.

You wont escape from me twice

Laxus lifted his fist, ready to hit something, but Mira stopped him, putting both her hands on his.

- We have to warn Levy and Gajeel, told Mira as calm as she could.

But the young man could feel a weak trembling from her delicate hands. That angered him even more. They stayed like that for a moment, looking in each other's eyes before Mira moved again.

- I'll go warn Levy, she announced, finally letting go of his hand.

- No way! They may be outside ready to strike!

- You think I can't fend for myself? She retorted.

- Didn't say that. But I'd prefer if you stay here.

Mira's heart skipped a beat. Was he really starting to change? However, it didn't change the fact Levy had to be warned.

- She still has to know...

He raised his eyes to the celling then answered.

- Fine. I'll warn her. You, just stay here.

- But...

- Go see the other one across the wall if you insist that much, but stay in the building. And take that just in case, he added giving her a kitchen knife.

Mira didn't offer any resistance, much to Laxus's relief. Then he took himself a knife and walked down the stairs, checking if the way was clear. Only one person was in front of him: Levy. Apperently, she had something on her mind, but that, it was her problem.

- I was looking for you, he simply said.

- Me? Was surprised Levy.

- Yeah you. You better not get far away from your idiot boyfriend.

- He...He's not my boyfriend, denied Levy, knowing who Laxus was talking about even if he hadn't mention his name.

- Oh well, he said, not giving a crap about others relationships. Whatever. They will try to attack us soon enough so you better stick to him.

Levy nodded in approbation.

- I was going to his place just now, she said, rumpling on the piece of paper he was stating to know too well.

He nodded as well then turned back to the building but couldn't reach it. A strength pushed him backwards where he brutally fell on his back. Opening his eyes to gather an answer, he saw with horror the third floor invaded by flames, resulting from the explosion. His blood stopped in his veins. He was supposed to be inside, Gajeel just in front of him. Mira and Levy where supposed to be there as well, meeting them after the discover of their own note. The simple fact he and Levy were outside was due to luck.

- Mira! He couldn't help himself from yelling while the young women on his side was screaming Gajeel's name.

He jumped back on his feet, ready to enter the burning building. When he noticed Levy trying to do the same, he stopped her.

- Don't go in there, you idiot! Her barked.

- He needs help, she stated, tears falling down her face.

- And you can't give it to him, neither can you carry him out or lift up something he can't lift himself, he cut her out. I'll get them out. Call the firefighters instead!

He didn't let her answer and engulfed himself in the burning building. He almost fell when his foot passed across one weakened step. He cursed but continued until he reached his apartment which he opened up by one kick on the door.

- Mira? He called. He scanned the room but couldn't find her.

"She must be at Redfox's" he thought, opening his neighbor's door as brutally as his.

- Mira! He repeated.

- Laxus! Answered the voice he wanted to ear the most.

At least, she was conscious. With a quick look around the place, he spotted Mira, a small cat on her shoulder, struggling to get something out from under the couch... or someone.

- Help me, she asked him referring to Gajeel. We have to get out of here.

He agreed, tossing the couch on the side and putting Gajeel on his back with Mira's help. Smoke burning their lungs, they finally managed to get out of the building. When they had put a safe distance between the danger and them, he collapsed on his knees, lying Gajeel on the ground, followed closely by Mira and soon enough Levy.

- What happened? Levy asked after making sure Gajeel was still breathing.

- We heard the first explosion sound and Gajeel gave me his cat before tipping the couch over to protect us. He pushed me under but he didn't have enough time to cover himself as much and was more severely hit by the blast.

- He saved you? Laxus asked dumbfounded.

Mira nodded in agreement. She barely had small burns on her forearms. Other than that, she didn't seem to be injured. Letting the relief finally sinking in, he allowed himself to kiss her forehead. When he realised what he just did, both of them blushed a bit.

Levy, on the other hand, was absolutely ignoring the scene, too focussed on the man who was barely gaining consciousness while the sirens could be heard far away.

- Gajeel, she whispered.

- Levy, he said before coughing some smoke while Lily was licking his face, the small cat also worried.

Then he gritted his teeth because of the pain, placing a hand on his left flank. Nervous, Levy lifted his jacket to discover blood on his shirt originating from a wound from which a piece of metal was coming out. It must have hurt him during the explosion, thought Levy who was now heavily crying.

- My God! She said, shocked.

- What's wrong? Asked Mira who grimaced herself seeing the wound.

Laxus, him, had the most effective, though the most insensitive reaction and brutally retired the intruding metal scrap form his body. Gajeel growled in pain and, when he caught his breath back, insulted him.

- What was that for, you jack as! He yelled.

- You would have preferred I leave it there and let your wound get infected? Answered Laxus with irritation.

Then he let Levy apply a pressure on it until the arrival of the first aid.

- How did I get out? He asked Levy when the said man and Mira retired a little further.

- Laxus took you out.

- Dreyar? He asked dumbfounded in the blonde's direction.

He would never had thought him able to do anything that didn't serve his own interests. But after all, haven't he just surprised himself by saving the receptionist? Then he felt something strange on his cheek. He quickly understood Levy just left a small peck on it.

- You know, I was really afraid.

- In that case, I'll have to stay with you again tonight, he concluded, making her blush even more.

- It's not like you have anywhere else to go! She protested.

- Gihi! You make a point here shrimp.

The paramedics applied first aid and noticed he was out of danger. Then they started to apply bandaged on his burns. Gajeel thought about the note he barely had time to read before it vanished into flames.

You'll loose everything

It probably was referring about his things that were now reduces to ashes or his life he almost lost for good, but he couldn't help himself to think about the blue haired young woman. And the thought of loosing her was burning him harder than his actual burns.

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