We're a Family

By Soccerstar2015

167K 3K 493

From average days to big tournaments, best friends, Hope Solo and Carli Lloyd, look out for their daughter Ju... More

(1) A Little Bit of Trouble
(2) Good Morning to You too!
(3) Realizations
(4) Explosions
(5) Mama and Me
(6) Tobs
(7) Pancakes!
(8) Dinner Dates
(9) MoMo
(10) Pregame
(11) Goals!
(12) Keep it Together
(13) Just Don't Hurt Her
(14) That Time
(15) M&Ms
(16) No Ice!
(19) Heat Stroke
(20) Uh Oh
(21) Mama-ing
(22) Jealousy
(23) Planning
(24) Aftermath
(25) Cinnabon
(26) Bully
(27) Guess Who's Here?
(28) Mom and Papa
(29) Fish Fishy
(30) Training
(31) Progress In Two Directions
(32) Sweet Surprises
(33) "Bye" but possibly "Hi"?
(34) New Additions
(35) Understanding
(36) Ring! Ring!
(37) Insta-Fam
(38) Adventures in Writing
(39) We're Sisters
(40) Leaning on Eachother
(41) I'll Get It!
(42) Not So Sweet Surprises
(43) Moms
(44) Hide and Seek
(45) Strawberry

(18) Bowling

3K 72 13
By Soccerstar2015

-Earlier That Day-

Tobin's POV

"Why don't we just go bowling?" I suggest leaning against the wall. Laur and Jrue have been arguing over a movie for the past twenty minutes and I'm about to strangle them if they don't shut up.

"That sounds fun actually." says Cheney looking to Jrue hopefully.

"Yeah Tobs," he smiles while nodding, "that'll be great. Moe'll like that won't she?"

"She should." I tell him shrugging. "She likes to play it on the Wii." Lauren rolls her eyes and pushes me.

"That's not the same thing loser." I smirk and fix my hat. The elevator dings from the other side of the room and out comes a very hyper Morgan and a laughing A Rod trying to catch her.

"Moe don't run!" calls Amy after our young midfielder friend with a smile on her face. "You're too clumsy! You're going to trip!"

"No I'm not!" argues Moe looking over her shoulder at her. I see a smirk form on Jrue's face before he takes off towards her. "Aaah!" she screams as he catches her in his arms and spins around in his arms. "Dad!"

"Hi princess." he laughs kissing her nose and putting her back on her feet. "We're going to go bowling today. Toby thinks it'll be fun." I roll my eyes at the nickname he used. He knows Morgan is the only person I tolerate using it and he likes to rub it in my face.

"Okay!" grins Moe jumping up on his back. "Can I have I piggy back ride please?"

"Oh Moe you know he's-"

"Lauren it'll be fine. Of course baby you can have a piggy back."

"But honey the doctor said-"

"Laur I'll be okay. I promise." Lauren looks at him unbelievingly. "If it starts to hurt I'll put her down."

"Alright." she sighs giving in. She walks up behind him and points to Morgan. "If he breaks his back it's all your fault missy."

"Okay!" cheekily grins Morgan kicking her feet like a horse. "Go Daddy!" Jrue chuckles while leading us out of the hotel.

"Which way-"

"Right Jrue!" yells Amy from behind me making us all laugh except for him.

"Alright Mrs. GPS!" he huffs bouncing Morgan up higher on his back. We finally make it the three blocks to the bowling alley.

"Daddy can we get pizza?" asks Moe hugging him tightly from behind.

"Yeah Jrue can we get pizza?" I beg wrapping my arms around the two of them making Moe giggle.

"Now you two know we're not supposed to eat greasy food." states Amy crossing her arms.

"But A-Rod!" I whine stomping my feet and pouting. She would be the one to follow the rules.

"Aunt A please?" adds Morgan using her puppy dog face. Amy and Cheney look at each other thinking.

"Fine." sighs Chens. "But I didn't see anything if someone figures it out."

"Me either." agrees Amy.

"Deal!" squeals Moe jumping from Jrue and into Lauren's arms. "Thank you Mama! I love you!"

"What about me?"

"I love you too A-Rod!" Amy smiles and kisses our younger teammates cheek. "C'mon let's go get shoes!" Morgan races up to the counter with Jrue not far behind her. I go to follow them but Lauren stops me.

"It's on us Tobs. Go find a ball."

"No Cheney you don't have to-"

"No Amy." says Lauren cutting her off with a smile. "It's nothing. Just think of it as a compensation for having to put up with that nut," she pauses to point at Moe who is making a silly face at Jrue, "while I'm gone if you want."

"Laur she's just as much our family as she is yours." sighs our fellow New Kid shaking her head.

"Speak for yourself." I grumble having to turn my head to hide my smile. "I'm just kidding guys. I love that kid. She drives me absolutely crazy sometimes, but I love her none the less."

"Thanks guys." smiles Lauren pulling us both in for a hug. "I love y'all, and Jrue and I really appreciate all you do for Moe. We don't know what we'd do without you two."

"Love you too Chen." I chuckle pulling away. "Can we not get all lovey dovey for once?"

"Awe Toby doesn't like hugs?" teases Amy pinching my cheeks. I glare at her.

"Shut up A-Rod." I say trying to swat her hands away. "Aims let go!" I cry trying to wiggle free of her iron grip making her and Cheney snicker.

"Toby!" yells Morgan jumping on me from behind. "Here's your shoes! We're on lane three!"

"Umpff." I mumble regaining my balance. "Haven't we talked about jumping on people Monkey?" I question struggling to get her centered on my back without falling on my face. "Which lane kiddo?"

"Three!" she says again bouncing excitedly. "I'm not a monkey either Toby!"

"Mhm!" I argue starting to walk with the younger midfielder. "You're a silly monkey!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Momma!" she hollers upset. "Tobin's being mean!"

"How is she being mean MoMo?" asks Jrue walking up beside us.

"She keeps saying I'm a monkey." she pouts burying her face in my hair. I chuckle and readjust her.

"Well tell Tobs that Jrue said that's not very nice, and if she keeps calling you that I'll have to beat her up." he jokes lightly pushing me in the shoulder making me smile.

"Hear that Tobin? Dad said stop it!" she says triumphantly poking me in the face.

"Ouch silly." I say trying to bite her finger.

"Hey!" she snaps pulling her hand back quickly. "You can't bite!"

"Then you can't poke!"

"Poking is different than-"

"Girls." interrupts Jrue in a scolding tone. "Keep your hands to yourselfs."

"Daddy she tried to bite me!" exclaims Morgan shifting on my back. If she doesn't sit still I am going to drop her on her butt.

"Baby you poked her first. She should have bit you." explains Jrue making me burst out laughing and almost let her go. I hear her huff behind me, but she must have also rolled her eyes or something because he says, "Morgan Paige don't get an attitude today. I'll take you right back to the hotel and Mama, A-Rod, and Tobs can have fun without us. Believe me if I have to take you back we will not be having fun, capiche?"

"Capiche." she sighs defeated. We make it to our lane so I set her down in a chair before sitting down next to her to change my shoes. Jrue smiles softly and ruffles her hair before going to type in all our names into the score thingy. "Sorry I poked you Toby."

"It's okay Morgz." I say looking over at her. "I'm sorry I tried to bite you."

"It's okay."

"Hey, how about we make a bet?" I suggest with a smirk. Her eyes perk up at the mention of "bet".

"What type of bet?" she questions with a mischievous look on her face.

"If I score higher than you, you have to carry my training bag for the next week."

"And if I score higher than you I get to have dessert every day no matter what for a week." I smile and shake my head at her deal. When she acts up Amy and I usually take away her dessert after dinner so of course that would be what she'd want. This kid has such a sweet tooth.

"Alright. I can do that." I agree holding out my hand for to shake. "Deal?"

She nods, "De- Wait! Hold up your other hand!" I smile and do it. She wants to make sure I'm not crossing my fingers. "Deal."

"Moe you're up first kiddo!" calls Jrue. Morgan smirks and goes up to bowl. Her first one landing in the gutter and her second on knocking down eight. I go up next and get a spare. I've so got this in the bag.

-A few frames later- (I feel like Spongebob)

Moe somehow caught up to me. We're both tied with ninety seven at the start of the tenth frame. I watch intensly as Morgan draws back her first ball. As she goes to release it she yelps in pain. I jump out of my seat and rush to her to see what's the matter. "Tobin!" she whines desperately trying to get the ball off her fingers. "It's stuck!"

"Hey hey hey." I soothe taking it in my hand and carefully pulling her fingers out. With one look at her ring finger I can tell it's broken. Shit. We're going to be in so much trouble. Morgan whimpers as I examine her hand. It's already starting to swell. "Baby we need to get you some ice." I rest her hand on top of my right one and lead her over to the counter where Jrue and Lauren just happen to be standing ordering cotton candy. "Hey guys?" I say trying to snap them out of their trance. Jrue has his hands resting on her hips from behind and she's staring up at him trying to be seductive.

"Tobs we're a little busy." he mumbles huskily pulling her closer to him from behind. Gross. I reach my hand other hand up and cover Morgan's eyes. She doesn't need to see all this.

"Well Moe broke her finger." I inform them looking away from them towards the bathroom that Amy went to.

"She did what?" asks Jrue snapping his attention to the younger girl's hand.

"Oh baby what did you do?" gasp Cheney stroking her cheek while Jrue brushes his hand over hers making her wince.

"Sir can we get some ice please?" calls Jrue to the teenager working the popcorn machine. The boy brings some back so I take it and hold it to her finger for her.

"It got stuck in the ball." she whispers through her teeth.

"We've got to get that wrapped up princess." sighs Laur looking from her to her husband. "I'll take her to the hotel honey."

"No baby I will." he says shaking his head no. "You stay and hang out with the girls."

"Guys I've got it. I'll take her back and let Dawn take care of it." I say putting my arm over Morgan's shoulder. "We'll be okay right MoMo?"

"Yeah Toby." she agrees resting her head on my shoulder. "Momma stay with Daddy and Aunt A. Tobin will take care of me." Jrue smiles and looks at me gratefully.

"Be good for Tobs okay?" he says giving her a peck on her forehead. He knows not to give Lauren a choice when it comes to stuff like this. I wait for Moe to kiss her cheek before I take her out and onto the sidewalk. I saw a Walgreens on the way here so we should pass it on the way back. I see it across the street so I start to lead her there.

"Where are we going?" questions Morgan trailing behind me.

"To get a splint for your finger." I tell her as we go through the doors. She gets distracted by the candy so I go to find the kit. My sister broke her finger once and we got this little box thing with all the stuff we needed to take care of it here so I know they have one. I finally spot it and take it up to the counter to pay.

"Toby may I have this?" asks Morgan holding up a white chocolate bunny rabbit.

"Not today kid." I tell her shaking my head no making her frown. "It would ruin your ice cream." Her eyes perk up at the mention of the sweet treat.


"Yeah I promised you I'd get you some." I laugh paying the cashier for the splint. I'll wait to put it on her at the ice cream parlor. We walk out with her skipping a little ahead of me. "Morgz wait up!"

"But Tobs!" she pouts still skipping. "It's right there!"

"Alright, alright." I sigh giving in. She smiles happily and sprints the rest of the way. I catch up a few minutes later and order us each our cold snacks. I tell Morgan to go sit while I wait. The lady hands me one double scooped triple brownie extreme in a dipped waffle cone with sprinkles and a rocky road in a plain cone. I have Moe pray before I hand her super sugary treat. Cheney and A-Rod would kill me if they saw what she's eating. Chen normally only lets her get one scoop in a cup and it usually has to be sugar free. Once we both finish our cones I fix up her hand for her and we leave to go back to the hotel room. I can tell she's starting to get sleepy. Jrue said him and her stayed up late last night watching the Harry Potter marathon after we got in from the bar. We make it to our hotel and up to the team's floor. Hope texted me earlier letting all of us know Julie was grounded and if we could to keep Morgan out for the day. Knowing that I take her down to Amy and I's room and let her in. "Lay down kiddo. You my little monkey," I pause to tickle her, "need to take a nap."

"Nah uh." she yawns shaking her head tiredly. I give her a playful look making her give in and crawl under my blankets. I tuck her in ad kiss her cheek. "Goodnight Toby. Love you."

"I love you too Monkey. Nanight." I whisper turning off the lamp and going to close the curtains to make it a little darker so she can actually sleep. I gather my stuff for a shower and as I go in the bathroom I stop at the door and look at the little snoring lump in my bed. What would I do without my Moe?

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