The Hero

By bisexualreina

38.6K 1.3K 1.1K

Regina promised Emma that she would do whatever it took to destroy the darkness. Well what would happen if Ho... More

The Sacrifice
My Beautiful Regina
The Potion
The Trade
The Victory
Words Hurt
Road Trip
Forgive and Forget
Mama Regina
The Orphan
Decker Party of Three
The Plan
My Son
The Portal
My Baby
Her Best Chance
Save Regina
Two Sisters in Oz
The Evil King
Lets Be Domestic
Baby Jones
Family Time


996 40 68
By bisexualreina

Snow White

"I WANT MY BABY BACK!" Regina cried, it had been one day since she had given birth to her baby, and one day since she had given her up. I nodded and tried to sympathize with her, but luckily I was knocked out and had forgotten the whole ordeal when Emma was born, because this was torture for her.

"I know, Regina we all know and we are trying, we just need to find a way to get all of them through the portal." I said gently, wiping the tear away from her cheek, she nodded sadly and tried to move slowly, her body clearly in a great deal of pain.

"Take it easy, you chipped your tailbone and you have stitches." I said reminding her of the instructions that Dr. Zambrano had ordered after she visited last night after Regina wouldn't stop crying in pain.

"I know but I want to shower and my boobs hurt!" She whined, I sighed and helped her up, taking most of her weight. "I know, you need to breastfeed, but now you just gotta wait it out." I said slowly making small steps to the bathroom, I could feel her wincing in pain with each step she took. "Remember to breathe, I can feel you holding your breath." I said opening the door and helping her into the bathroom which was still a mess from last night's stressful events.

"I am breathing!" She gasped, her body shaking from the pain, I rolled my eyes and we finally made it to the front of the shower. "Here, there's a stool that you can use and I can wait until you're finished." I said sitting on the edge of the tub, the large tile shower thankfully wasn't see-through.

"Snow, I, can't sit..." She whispered, clearly a bit embarrassed, dammit, where was Robin when she needed him.

"Okay, give me a second." I said sliding my boots off.

"Don't worry Regina, I watched your body have a baby yesterday, I think I can handle this." I said trying to make her feel a bit better, her cheeks blushing from embarrassment as she started to undress, turning so she was facing the wall.

"Okay, now I'm gonna shower, you can just stand right here and I just need to hang on to you." She said pointing to the spot outside of the shower, I nodded and took my spot next to the towel rack and felt her grab my arm and quickly shower, her grip tightening the longer she stood.

"Alright I'm done, can you hand me a towel please." She requested, I nodded and quickly yanked it off the rack and tossed it at her, she didn't waste any time covering herself before she grabbed my arm to steady herself.

"Let's go get dressed." She said, her voice trembling with pain. "Alright." I said half dragging her to the closet, yanking a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt out, along with her undergarments that she hastily put on, the bags under her eyes growing.

"Okay, let's get you off your feet." I declared, walking her back to the bed. "I'll go get you some food." I said walking out of the room and down into the kitchen where Emma was halfway through her second grilled cheese with a huge grin on her face.

"What's got you in such a sour mood?" She asked, getting up to make another sandwich. "I just had to help Regina shower." I said in a cranky tone, although it wasn't her fault, I was exhausted, none of us had slept and except her until she was sobbing for a doctor early this morning.

"Oh boo hoo, I had my hand inside of her, multiple times yesterday, then I delivered her baby." She said grilling another sandwich.

"Emma, haven't you already eaten two grilled cheeses?" I asked pulling out a salad for Regina. "Yes, I'm uh, eating for two now." She said quietly, a grin forming on her lips, I dropped the salad on the counter and rushed over to my daughter, slamming her with a hug. "Are you positive!" I squealed, she chuckled and nodded, setting the pan down.

"I was lucky, I didn't have much morning sickness and when I did it was spread out far enough for me to cover it up." She said smiling at me, I couldn't stop grinning and I examined my daughter and didn't realize the large baggy sweater she was wearing and the leggings as well, along with her swollen feet that she had been elevating until I came downstairs.

"Can I see?" I asked cautiously, she scrunched her nose and smiled, nodding as she pulled her sweater back, revealing the slight pop in her normally skinny figure.

"I'm three months along, I forgot I was pregnant last night when I drank the scotch so I kinda threw it up while Regina was in the bathtub." She said giggling at herself, I sighed and crossed my arms at her.

"HEY! I HAD MY HAND IN HER UTERUS! I NEEDED TO FORGET!" She exclaimed, giggling at me, I rolled my eyes and set the pan down. "Well I guess you should get back to your grilled cheese then." I said smiling at her, she returned one and nodded, making herself some more food. "All I know is that I do not want that to happen." She said pointing upstairs, shuddering at yesterday's events.


I woke up and I felt the heavy rock in my chest that was my heart, I really was an ass, a huge one actually. My mom had been hurt because of me, multiple times, she nearly died for me in the Enchanted Forest and I could barely save her then!

"Henry?" I looked up and saw an exhausted Robin sit up, both of us had taken turns getting the baby last night due to both of our lack of sleep. "Yeah." I muttered, cracking my neck as I sat up on my bed.

"Why were you so upset yesterday?" He asked looking over into the crib where the baby was sleeping.

"I was just thinking about the times I was horrible with my mother, I guess being back here just makes me remember the rough patch we had."

Robin went to speak when suddenly purple smoke surrounded us and we were inside of my mother's vault.

"What the?!" Robin exclaimed, looking into the crib that had thankfully transported as well.

"You two are lying." I looked up and saw my mother sitting on a chest with a smirk on her face. "What? No! What's going on!" I started but she rolled her eyes and walked towards us.

"Okay, Jared, although I know that's not your real name, who is your father?" She asked coldly, inches away from my face, a lump formed in my throat and I swallowed.

"Nobody, I never met the guy, he abandoned my mother and I before I was born." I lied, she raised her eyebrow and then walked over to Robin and the baby.

"And who's baby is this really?" She asked getting closer to him, I shook my head at Robin and then realized I had a solution.

"She's yours." I finally said, she looked up and then darted towards me, slamming me into the wall with her choke hold. "YOU LITTLE LIAR!" She screamed at me, I choked and took out my quill and reverses the cloaking spell on Robin and the baby.

"GIVE ME ONE REASON WHY I SHOULD BELIEVE YOU!" She yelled, tears now building in her eyes, I frantically dug through my pocket and pulled out the quill and ink jar.

"Where did you get that." She muttered, dropping me onto the floor. "You're right, we have been lying, but that is your daughter." I said catching my breath, she gave me an inside look and then shook her head.

"You're lying." She said finally, I shook my head and pulled a piece of paper out and laid it in front of her.

The author removed the cloaking spell from himself.

I felt the magic melt away from my face and I saw my mother gasp.

"Henry?" She cried, I nodded and moved closer. "Why are you so big? How? How do you know about all this?!" She asked, I then slammed her with a hug and held her close to me, her arms hugging me back. "We are from the future, and we need your help to get back to our time." I said taking her hands into mine, a tear ran down her face and she nodded.

"So that really is my baby?" She whimpered, I smiled and nodded, she turned and looked at Robin, gasping when she saw his tattoo. "So we do end up together?" She said in awe, he nodded and looked at her in amazement. "We hit some bumps in the road but yes." He said desperately wanting to kiss her.

"Can I hold my baby please?" She asked gently, Robin nodded and placed her in her arms, gently rocking her back and forth while tears filled her eyes. "She's so beautiful." She cried , tears running down her cheeks.

"Just like her mother." Robin said rubbing the infant's foot. "And I did it? I was pregnant? I gave birth to her?" She asked in awe, I nodded and smiled at her, reveling in her joy.

"But we need your help." I said sadly, she looked up from the baby and nodded. "Of course, here, I have a bean that can send you back to your era." She said balancing her daughter in one arm while she grabbed the bean, looking like a complete natural.

"Now, before we go we have to wipe your memories of what just happened so nothing changes, okay?" I said slowly, I saw her eyes lower with sadness and she nodded.

"Henry I just have one more question, do I change? Am I able to get you back from, her." She asked shuddering at the thought of Emma, I felt my eyes well up and I bit my lip.

"Yes, you're a hero and we all love you, especially me, because you're my mother and to me you're my biggest hero." I said crying now, the guilt almost too much to bear, she was crying as well and she kissed my sister's forehead, handing her back to me before she took the potion I had written up for her and drinking it as she threw the bean at the floor, opening the glowing green portal as she vanished.


We landed in front of Regina's mansion, making me almost crumple in relief. Henry had the baby and I gently took her from him and raced across the lawn with him at my tracks, bursting through the front door.

"Snow who's here?" Regina's faint voice echoing from the living room, Snow rushed down the stairs with Emma and grinned from ear to ear, both of them slamming Henry with a hug.

"She will want to see you three." Snow said giggling, I nodded and ran into the living room where Regina was curled on the sofa, surrounded by pillows, blankets, heating pads and ice.

"Robin?" She whimpered when she saw me, flinging her arms out when she saw our daughter sleeping in my arms. I rushed to her side and placed our baby in her arms as I kissed her, watching as Regina sobbed, holding our baby close to her, gently rocking her.

"I love you so much." She whispered, making my heart grow as I watched my two ladies interact. "What are we calling her?" I asked as Henry and the rest of the family walked in, she wiped her eyes and continued counting her fingers and toes.

"Oh I don't know, you name her, you've been with her more." She said rubbing her finger on her cheek while she stared at her.

"I've been with her for a day, I think nine months top that." I said placing my hand on hers, she smiled and sighed and looked at the baby.

"Lucia, I love that name so much, but I don't want a super girly middle name to go with it, so I gave her a first name, your turn, I'm getting tired, you choose." She said clearly weary, but never admitting it, or giving her back.

"What about Mary, or Margaret..." Snow said smirking, Regina scrunched her nose and shook her head. "I named you that here as a joke, like I just picked through your memories and chose it. I am not naming my daughter that." She said bluntly, her stepdaughter chuckled and Emma sat down next to Regina and looked at the baby.

"She's a healthy looking kid, I didn't do too shabby!" She said clearly proud of herself, rubbing her small foot.

"Lucia Emerson Mills." I said staring at the blonde, Regina looked up and nodded, grinning widely at me. "It's perfect." She whispered, bringing her up to her so she could place a kiss on her forehead.

"Now I know you want to spend time with your baby but we will take her so someone can talk to you." Emma said lifting Lucia out of Regina's arms, looking at Henry who was standing in the doorway with an uncomfortable look on his face.


I reluctantly handed Lucia over to Emma and watched them all get up and leave, only Henry staying behind, leaning on the doorframe.

"Mom I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry." He sobbed, dropping his head so he wasn't looking at me, his skinny frame shaking as he cried. "Henry, baby no don't cry, come here." I said holding my arms out to him, he slowly walked over to me and held me tight, I rubbed his back slowly and kissed his cheek before I pulled away and wiped his tears away.

"I went back in time and I saw how I treated you when all you ever did was love me, and I was horrible, then I erased my memories and I saw how awful that was for you, I'm a horrible son and I don't deserve you! You nearly died for me and this is how I treated you!" He sobbed, I went to speak but he shook his head, abruptly standing and pacing in front of me frantically.

"Honey, please come here." I asked holding my hand out to him, he continued pacing when suddenly I could feel the magic explode in the room, mine was slowly coming back but this was a large burst.

"Hello sister dear." Zelena said entering the room, my blood froze and I tried to jump up but Henry moved in front of me and snarled at her.

"This is you and me now." He growled before taking out his quill.


"Oh don't get your knickers in a twist, auntie just has some business to attend to." She shrilled, grabbing my chin, I smacked her hand away and she smirked.

"Get your hands off my son!" My mom yelled, running into the room while my other mom was trying to get her magic to work. "Relax savior, we don't want you going into-." My mom cut her off with her magic before she could finish. "Shut up." She growled, unsheathing her sword and tossing it to me.

"Don't worry, I'm not here for your little family, yet, however I do need to talk to our little Charles Dickens over here, now author, I have a deal for you, I need you to hand over your magic." She said grinning maniacally.

"NO!" Everyone yelled, she sighed and rolled her eyes at me. "Now I didn't want this to get dirty but now it will!" She said choking my mother on the couch.

"Henry-. No! Don't! Do! It!" She gasped, the color draining from her face, Snow took Lucia as Robin placed her in her arms and ran towards the witch.

"WAIT! HERE!" I yelled, scribbling something down on a napkin.

Henry Daniel Mills relinquished his magic as the author.

I watched as the page glowed and all of the magic flowed out of me, making me lightheaded, Zelena laughed crazily and looked over at her sister who looked at me in horror.

I saw my mother wince and grasp her stomach, then when she pulled her hand away blood covered it.

"HA! I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN! YOUR FIRST WORK WOULD BE UNDONE! SAVING YOUR MOTHER'S LIFE!" Zelena yelled, disappearing into a cloud of green smoke.

"REGINA!" Robin yelled, catching her as she slumped into him.

"CALL 9-1-1!" My other mom yelled at my grandma, guilt hit me like a wall, making me gasp for air.

"Henry." She called faintly, I shook my head and grabbed fistfuls of hair as I felt the anxiety build up in my body, I watched as they tore her shirt to reveal a large gash in her stomach, making her bleed out.

"PLEASE MOVE!" The paramedic said rushing inside of the house, Emma and Robin frantically tried to fill them in as they whisked my mother out of the house and into the ambulance.

"Henry..." My grandmother started, teary eyed as she approached me, I just shook my head and rushed out the door before I could ruin anything else.


We arrived at the hospital and Killian was already waiting with David as Robin rushed in and followed Regina all the way to the trauma wing before a short blonde doctor escorted him out.

"What happened love?" Killian asked, sitting beside me while he linked his fingers through mine, I giggled and stared at my husband who finally had a left hand to wear his wedding ring.

"Now how's our little sailor?" He asked winking at me, I smiled and leaned on his shoulder, my small bump barely noticeable, but he still made sure to measure the progress we made each day.

"He's okay, not moving around as much as yesterday but he's good." I said sighing, he went to reply when the doctor came out, the same Cuban woman who was doing my obstetrics.

"We were able to stabilize Regina, now we are going to take her into surgery to repair her spleen, we should be done in a while, so we will let you know when she's done." She said before nodding and jogging back to a small little girl who was being wheeled in with a neck injury.

"Oh Regina." I sighed, my mom had texted me and told me she had Henry and Lucia under control, so I made myself comfortable and started waiting.


I found myself deep in the woods, trying my hardest to clear my mind from the image of my mother dying, again. It made me physically sick thinking about how many times I had let her down, my legs were on fire and I could see the brush getting thicker and thicker as I ran.

"HENRY?!" I looked up and I saw Trina and Violet standing at the edge of the woods towards the north, a look of relief on their faces. Trina gripped Violet and helped her walk through the woods, a look of discomfort filling her expression.

"Oh my god Violet, what happened while I was- not me?" I asked hugging her tightly, she hugged me back and pulled away, something felt different about her and she started unbuttoning her jacket.

"What. Is it..." She shook her head and I could see tears filling her eyes, but before I could react Trina stepped beside Violet and held her hand out.

"But she didn't cheat on you, there was a situation..." She stated, giving me a stern look, the beginning of my anger faded and I looked at my girlfriend with sympathy.

"It's okay, don't cry, we will help you." I said hugging her, she nodded and gripped me tightly, the cold air drifting through her thin jacket that she had bought with the leftover money she had from working.

"But enough about me, Henry, your mom isn't your fault, you thought you were helping her! It was an honest mistake!" Violet started, but I shook my head and moved away from her, my eyes welling up as I relived it.

"It's everything I do! I'm the biggest asshole of a son and now my mom is going to die because of me!" I yelled, Violet pursed her lips and went to sit beside me when Trina held her back and nudged me forward.

"Henry, your mother is not going to die, she is going to get better and she doesn't blame you, and you are trying, it's hard being a hero, you mess up trying to do the right thing, and that's exactly what you did, but you didn't deliberately try and hurt her, but running away isn't the answer, and it definitely won't help her, now come on, let's go to the hospital and wait." Trina said leading me towards Violet who took my hand and started walking with me close to her.

"So how have you been feeling?" I asked trying to take my mind off of my mother, she smiled faintly and placed a hand on her stomach. "I'm okay, she's been kicking like crazy, and it's hard to work and sleep while she does that." She said rubbing her stomach lovingly, I managed to smile and looked at her.

"You're having a girl?" I asked softly, she nodded and looked down. "Yeah, I found out a while ago." She said softly, I nodded and continued walking.

"How did this happen?" I asked quietly, her face darkened and she looked up at the sky.

"My boss, he forced me to have sex with him or else he would kill me, and I can't afford the pill and he didn't bother with a condom, so this happened." She said motioning to her stomach, anger flared up inside of me and I went to yell when she placed her hand on my arm.

"It's okay, your moms took care of him, I'm still working on paying her back." She said wiping the specks of food off of her black button up uniform shirt. "Violet..." I started but she shook her head and held her hand up.

"No Henry, she's getting her money back, I'm not going to use her." She said fiercely, I sighed and continued walking in silence until we reached Trina's car.

"Time to go see mom." I said sighing as she drove off to the hospital.

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