Save me, Mate

By buttercupv45

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The Full moon ceremony was just around the corner, and Sophia was dreading it. Although she was the daughter... More

Chapter 1: Made to be mine
Chapter 2: Un-rejected
Chapter 3: That little bastard
Chapter 4: Black and Blue
Chapter 5: This Has To End
Chapter 6: Jealous Yet?
Chapter 7: A Father's Confession
Chapter 8: Broken and Helpless
Chapter 9: Into the Dark
Chapter 10: Awakened
Chapter 12: State of Peace
Chapter 13: The Hidden Pack of Athanasia
Chapter 14: Always at my side
Chapter 15: The Prophecy

Chapter 11: Caged In

7K 246 7
By buttercupv45

Darkness is all I saw as she took control of my body. It was as if I was on Autopilot that couldn't be turned off. My mind was filled with dark thoughts of loss and death, it made me ache for Jackson and his warmth. I kept walking in a random direction, not knowing where I was. The fog surrounding me seemed to thickened as a murky lake appeared. I saw a shadow in the corner of my eye and looked behind me.

"Hello Sophie." I turned around and saw it was a man, I backed away from him. "Don't worry, I'm here to help you." The man extended his hand out "I'm Benjamin, but you can call me Ben."

I took his hand and noticed how cold it felt. "What is this place?" I asked, it was starting to give me the creepy crawlies.

"It's a place for lost souls." I looked at him in panic. "Am I dead?"

Ben chuckled and patted my shoulder. He shook his head and signaled for me to follow him. "Sophie you're here because your soul is stuck. You have not fully accepted what you've become, in order to take full control, you need to recognize your full potential."

What did that even mean? I just wanted to go home and see Jackson, maybe even have some lunch. Mmm yeah, pizza sounded really good at the moment. Ben stared at me. "Are you even listening?"

"Look I'm sorry but I don't understand, I don't even know who the lady is that is controlling my body!"

Ben smiled weakly, "Her name is Serena, she really wasn't all that bad before. She was a good person who witnessed bad things and now she wants revenge for what she lost."

I stared at Ben "How do you know all this?"

"Because I was her mate."

Jackson's P.O.V

Chad looked at us wearily, he had told us everything. From the time he met Isabella to when she was kidnapped. I ran a hand through my hair, "Why didn't you tell us?"

"Serena is powerful, she can do things I've never seen before. I was afraid." Chad stared down in guilt. I saw Isabella squeeze his hand. We had come up with a plan and had put the pack on lock down. Since Serena was after Charle's we would draw Sophie and Serena towards the Pack jail cells by rubbing his scent on the trail. We would then lock Sophie in and hope it was enough to hold her in for a couple days, or at least until I was back.

We heard Sophie before we saw her coming. She was terrifying, her fur was now black and her pupils a dark shade of purple. Her jaw hung open, revealing a sharp set of long Canines. I looked over to Charles and he nodded. He went out the backdoor and ran towards the cells. The beast stopped in front of the house and stalked towards the window, she snarled and caught Charles scent. She ran faster than I've seen any wolf run and I hoped Charle's would stay safe. Chad and I ran behind Sophie as she ran towards the cells.

I saw Charle's sneak down into the underground tunnel, Sophie followed him and fell for the trap. Realizing too late what was going on, her first instinct was to attack. Sophie turned towards Chad and I and snapped at us. She charged towards us. Chad went inside the cell and Sophie followed suit. As Sophie attempted to press Chad into the walls of the jail cell, I shifted into my black wolf and ran towards Sophie. Pouncing on her back I dug my claws, deep enough to make her stop but not completely hurt her. She let go of Chad and both of us escaped.

Shutting the gate behind us we slid to the ground panting. Sophie growled in frustration as she paced around the cell, I saw her eyes turn slightly green. "Sophie?" Her eyes turned purple again and she bared her teeth at me.

"Chad, what if she escapes?" I helped him stand back up.

"Then we're screwed." I glared at him and stared at the beast inside the cage. This was definitely not Sophie, she was under some kind of spell. "There's only one way to get Sophie back." Chad stared at me with a knowing look and nodded.

"We have to kill Serena"

Sophie's P.O.V

I walked beside Ben, "So you've been here for 30 years?" I had to admit, being in this other world was different. It was peaceful yet unsettling, as if something bad was going to happen.  Ben nodded, we had been walking for what seemed like eternity, although time did not exist in this world, hence why Ben hadn't aged at all. He still looked like a healthy twenty year old.

"Here we are! Home sweet home." A cabin came into view. What was this place?  It looked like it was about ready to collapse. What could we possibly even do in here? "Follow me." Ben entered the cabin and I reluctantly followed. I was surprised when we walked into a cozy living room with a fireplace and everything. "I know how you can go back home." I looked at Ben curiously, wondering if he was going to offer me a pair of ruby red heels. "It's going to hurt though." well then it's definitely not shoes.

Ben looked through his desk, "Serena is controling you with wolfsbane, you can think of that as your kryptonite. Unlike Superman, there is a way to overcome this weakness."  Ben took out a small case and opened it carefully. He picked up the strange looking instrument to reveal a glowing, blue dagger. "I'm going to need to stab you with this."

"Stab My finger?" I looked at Ben nervously.

"No, your heart." I froze. I just met this guy and he wanted to stab me in the heart?

"It's the only way to make you immune to wolfsbane." I stared at Ben wearily, technically I was in the spirit world, maybe it wouldn't physically hurt? I nodded even though I was still sketched at Ben and stood my ground. "Ready?" I gulped as I clenched my fists.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Ben lifted the dagger as I closed my eyes in anticipation. The dagger pierced through me and pain immediately shot through my body as the dagger went through my heart, I fell on my knees as Ben pulled the dagger out. My chest started glowing I started getting dizzy and felt my body go limp as I fell on the floor.

"Sorry about that. You'll be ok," Ben said as he kneeled by me, "Tell Serena I love her and good luck." 

Jackson's P.O.V

"Hey Peter, it's Jackson, We've been having a little trouble here with Sophie, I don't know if I'll be able to go with you" Peter sighed, I heard him zip a bag up.

"It's alright, hopefully they'll agree to help us." I hung up after saying goodbye and went to find Chad. There had to be a way to at least slow Serena down. I went down to the tunnel where Sophie was being kept. Chad was talking with Isabella, I stopped by the doorway at the sound of them arguing.

"No, I won't let you get involved in this."  I heard Chad whisper harshly.

"Chad, I got involved the minute I became  your mate!"

I heard Chad growled before ending the conversation "We'll talk about this later."

I walked into the room, looking into the cage, I noticed Sophie was slumped in a corner. "Sophie?" The beast looked up and snarled, her eyes were still purple but had a greenish tint to them. I wondered if Sophie was trying to fight the spell Serena had put her in. Chad stood up. "I think we should try to find Serena's hideout" I nodded in agreement keeping my eye on Sophie.

"I'll go tell some of the men to search the perimeter of the territory." Chad left and I noticed Isabella hadn't left with him. "I'm really sorry, this had to happen." she said as she came close. "It must be hard seeing her like this."

"It's definitely not easy." Isabella nodded and placed a hand on my shoulder. Suddenly Sophie's head snapped up, she didn't waste anytime to run over to the where Isabella was standing and attempt to claw her face, Isabella didn't even flinch.

"Aren't you scared?" Isabella smirked at my question.

"I use to deal with this kind of stuff everyday back at home" I gave her a questioning look. 

"Didn't Chad tell you?" 

"Tell me what?"

Isabella chuckled quietly and looked back at Sophie, "Before I met Chad, I use to be a werewolf hunter"

Serena's P.O.V 

I had been so close. So close to tearing Charles to pieces, but then Chad and Jackson had to go and ruin everything. I had to avenge Ben's death.

"Do you really?" I swirled around at the sound of a voice. I laughed at my paranoia, it was only me in the hideout. I had set up a mile away from the Indigo territory entrance. I continued to drink my coffee, wondering what my next move would be. I needed to break Charles, even if it meant killing my own blood line. They were never my sons, even as children they hated me. I blinked back a few tears.  

"Serena." I heard a voice hiss again, I stood up in alarm.

"Whose there?" The blue figure seemed to smirk as she replied "Your worst nightmare."


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