The Grim's Daughter

By AndThenThereWasMe

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When Nevaeh and her father, The Grim Reaper, move to the Human's World. But shortly after he disappears, Neva... More

The Grim's Daughter
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five
Chapter six:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Nine:
Chapter Ten:
Chapter Eleven:
Chapter Twelve:
Chapter Thirteen:
Chapter Fourteen:
Chapter Fifteen:
Chapter Sixteen:
Chapter Seventeen:


132 4 5
By AndThenThereWasMe

Reaper Manor looked like it had been abandoned for hundreds of years with dead rose thorns twined around its steel gates and crusty brown leaves scattered across the ground. The sculptures and statues in the endless garden were drowning in green moss and leaves from the trees above their heads. Nevaeh took her scythe from out it's case, chucking the case at the ground. It took only a few seconds for her to unfold her scythe and cut through the rose thorns with the sharp blade. She was just about able to open the gates and sneak in. 

In the Manor there was only silence. She ran to the gallery, where the wall had been hit with something heavy, repeatedly. Nevaeh stepped into the blackness, where her eyes started to glow. But Dusk wasn't there. The floor was black, with only a small light shining on the floor that had almost closed. "No!" shouted Nevaeh, running towards it. She quickly jumped at it, her eyes closed. "Did I make it?" 

She opened her eyes, seeing the bridge above her head. "I made it," she sighed in relief. Nevaeh got up from the floor, looking around. She hid in the darkness, away from all the street lamps. "Where would Dusk be?" she asked herself. Nevaeh walked around the stairs, leading to the bridge over the train track, noticing a man, pacing fastly as he tried to get around the block; his hood was over his head, his hands warmed by black gloves and wearing long, black robes. Nevaeh walked behing the bring wall near the stairs, watching Dusk as he hurried. "I've found you!" she whispered. 

Dusk walked fast, almost to fast for Nevaeh to keep her eye on him. But she managed. He ran through an alley, where Nevaeh ran in too, and rushed back out when he had stopped in the middle of the alley, standing with his back to her. As soon as a girl with a blue hood above her head walked in, he kept to the shadows. Then something fell. Nevaeh peaked her head around the corner, seeing the girl collapsed onto the floor. "The sacrafice!" Nevaeh gasped. 

He picked up the girl and swung her around his shoulder before walking again. "You'll make a fine sacrafice," he whispered to the girl, who was knocked out. 

Nevaeh followed him into an old building. There were tall fences around, and a sign on one saying, 'No Trespassing. Building Under Construction.' Nevaeh's body froze for a second or two at looking at the place. Though, she knew she had to save the girl and the Underworld. Dusk used his scythe to cut through the metal chain holding the fences together. Nevaeh waited until Dusk had disappeared and ran inside after him. 

He had walked up the stairs and into a small room. Nevaeh waited by the stairs when she heard him talking to someone. 

Plaster fell from the ceiling above her as Dusk walked. Nevaeh could here him placing the girl onto a table. "Ah, Luko. I see you've came to your senses. For a while, I did worry. But as I promised, when I become leader of the Underworld, YOU will be second in comand."

For a moment Nevaeh didn't know what was happening, until she heard Luko. "I got the girl to actually believe me," said Luko, laughing. 

Nevaeh started to sob. Why did I, she thought. 

"Did you do the deed?" asked Dusk.

"Yes," said Luko. "I set fire to the house, with those mutts inside, and I took a small bit of hair while she was sleeping."

She could hear Luko handing Dusk the short strands of hair. She felt her hair, but she couldn't tell any was missing. "My!" said Dusk. "These are really short. Anyway, you have pleased me Luko. I'm sure you were quite convincing." Luko and Dusk laughed. "Now, let's start with the sacrafice." 

Nevaeh snuck upstairs, peeking into the room. She could only see Dusk's back as he sprinkled the hair over the girl. "This is going to be quite a party," he laughed. Luko stood, one had behind his back, the other helping him lean on the table. Dusk shut his eyes. "Any second now... why won't it work?"

Luko smiled. "I said I'd taken the hairs whilst Nevaeh was sleeping. But I never said who's hair."

"You took it from a mutt!" shouted Dusk. "You filthy rat! You betrayed me. But nevertheless, what can you do? That's right, you're the broken child, aren't you. Poor Luko can't do anything! I knew you would screw up somehow, so I took a little sample for myself." 

Dusk didn't care that Luko was there. Luko just watched. Dusk took a vile of hair and placed it ontop of the girl.

Suddenly, Luko grinned. "What are you smiling about?" asked Dusk. Luko clenched his fist, before hitting Dusk in the face. Dusk rubbed his cheek, grinding his teeth as he tried to move his jaw. "You're going to pay for that!" He raised his scythe, hitting Luko so hard that he flew against the wall and hit his head. "Don't mess with me, Luko." Dusk walked over to him, raising his foot above Luko's head. "Say 'hi' to Death when you get there."

"Stop!" cried Nevaeh. 

Dusk turned around, brushing his hair back as he sweat. "I was wondering when you would come," he said, catching his breath. 

"Step away from him!" said Nevaeh, holding her scythe out at him. "Or else."

Dusk stepped away from Luko, who hadn't moved. He smiled. "Now it's a party!" he said, his eyes stuck on the shaking girl. 

Nevaeh looked down at Luko, his face icey like the snow that had fallen through the holes in the ceiling. She didn't have long to check if he was breathing with Dusk charging towards her. Nevaeh quickly moved away, causing Dusk to crash into the wall and laugh mockingly. "I'll get you," said Dusk, still laughing. "See that scar on Luko's face?" he said, pointing to Luko. "I done that. He was about six or seven when I carved it into his face. Earsdropping gets you nowhere. And neither does messing with me." He held his chin up, still with his dark, grey eyes on Nevaeh. "Do you really want to end up where Luko is?"

Nevaeh tightly gripped her scythe, afraid she would snap it with all her anger. "You've killed my dad, Thrindle and Beetle!"

"But don't you think my dear brother had it coming?" said Dusk, grinning, while biting his lip as he tried to stop himself from chucking. "Yes, he was my brother." Nevaeh's scythe started to glow as Dusk spoke. Dusk's eyes lighted up.  "I see you've learnt how to use your scythe."

Nevaeh stepped forward, until she could feel Dusk's warm breath. His eyes, for a moment, seemed to mock her, and then they turned scared. But they turned white and empty in seconds. He fell onto his knees. He gazed up at her, all most unable to speak. "Why?" he asked, his mouth quaking. 

She pulled out from his chest her scythe and then placed it around the back of his neck, so he couldn't back away. She bent down, level with his eyes. Nevaeh leaned over his shoulder. "Now you lose everything," she whispered into his ear.  

Dusk fell onto his side; dead. Nevaeh quickly ran over to Luko. "Speak to me," she shouted, pulling him up. Nevaeh placed him against the wall. 

Spider suddenly ran in with Bones. "Nevaeh, you have to get out, now! The building is going to collapse any minute now!"

Bones took the girl from the table and dragged her across the floor. "Spider'll get Luko. C'mon!"

Nevaeh took one look at Luko and then ran out, whilst Spider took hold of Luko. 

Spider watched them run out of the room, and then crouched down to Luko, trying to put his arm around luko, who's eyes were almost opening. "Luko, wake up, we have to get out of here!" 

When Nevaeh, Bones and the girl escaped the building, Bones put the girl on the floor. She was still breathing and mumbling like a young child. "We need to go back in after them," said Nevaeh, running towards the building. 

Bones caught her by the arm. "Both our brothers are in there, but its too dangerous for us to go back in. They'll make it!"

Then, they watched the top half of the building fell, crushing most of the walls below it. "No!" shouted Nevaeh, running towards the building, again. "They're in there!"

A cloud of dust surrounded them. Nevaeh protected herself behind Bones, keeping her eyes shut as the cloud of dust grew closer towards them. A figure ran towards them.

"Spider!" shouted Bones, running to the figure. 

Nevaeh's lips trembled as she saw Spider walk out of the dust. "Where is he?" she asked, trying to look behind him. 

"I tried... I tried to save him. But the ceiling... it collapsed on him," stutterd Spider, his whole body shaking with fright. 

Nevaeh cupped her hands over her mouth as she gasped. She started to cry loudly. "I don't believe you! He's alive!" 

Bones wrapped his arms around Nevaeh as she sobbed. "He saved me!" she cried. "He risked his life to keep me alive!"

She escaped from his arms, and ran towards the building, but Spider took hold of her. "Get off me!" she yelled,  trying to kick him in the shins. "I've got to save him!" Then she realized. When she had stopped kicking, Spider let her go. She fell to the floor, crying as she gazed at the building, shaking her head, but even she knew he was gone. 

Spider put his hand on her shoulder. "I'll take her home," he whispered to Bones. "You take the girl home," he said, pointing at the girl who was still asleep on the floor. Bones opened the portal for them, where Spider and Nevaeh disappeared. 

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