Star wars rebels: reveled fee...

By kingsteve21

59.4K 742 189

Sabine always tried to ignore the fact that she liked ezra. What will happen to Sabine when ezra gets lost? W... More

On a walk
On the search
Feelings of guilt
Another way
Failed pick up
The box
First date
Videos games
Him again
All nighter
Raining some where else
master plan
The second date
Change of plans
thinking about the future
fun in games
transition (+authors note)


2.9K 32 2
By kingsteve21

(sabines pov)

morning struck. I stretched as I yawned. I was expecting Ezra to come in saying 'good morning!'. Then I remembered, he was missing. It's been fourteen hours since he went missing. I started to fell sad a bit. I wonder where Ezra is? Is he ok? I sat on my bed for a bit. I started to miss his affection towards me. Then my stomach growled. I was hungry. So I got up, and put on my armor. I walked towards the kitchen.

I grabbed some food and walked back to my room. On the way I passed by hera.

"hey Sabine, how are you doing?",hera asked

"good..",I lied.

"don't worry Sabine, well find Ezra.",she reassured. I nodded and walked back to my room. I sat down on my bed. I just hope we find Ezra, before the empire does! Unless the empire already catched him. I started to worry and my stomach turned a bit. I just hope he comes back.

(ezras pov)

I woke up in the cottage. For a sec I forgot where I was. Then I remembered. I saw the door knob twist. I jumped a bit. Then it opened. Oh no.

"hey! Who are you!?!?",the person said. He went to grab a pitch fork.

"excuse me sir. I was lost and I found this place. I thought it was abandoned and I was tired so I decided to sleep in here for the night. I'm so sorry sir.",I explained. Then my stomach growled.

"your hungry huh. Well I guess I can get you some food.",he said.

"thank you um...",I said but never ended.

"timor.",he said.

"thank you mr. Timor. My names Ezra, Ezra bridger.",i said.

"bridger. I haven't heard that name since the bridger casts.",he told me.

"they were my parents.",i replied.

"oh...well lets get something for you to eat.",he said as he walked out side. I followed him. I saw a huge plot of crops. Then he kneeled down and grabbed some fruit."here son take this.",he said handing it to me.

"thanks.",i said grabbing it. Than i helped him back up. I was about to leave.

"don't go yet son, the empire will be scouting the area soon. Best to stay hidden.",he explained. I nodded and sat down.

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