In The End-The Hobbit

By The3meraldQueen

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'In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take..." Ivy has walked Middle Earth for almost as long as... More

Chapter 1 : The Deal
Chapter 2 : Unexpected Company
Chapter 3 : Thorin Oakenshield
Chapter 4 : Leaving The Shire Behind
Chapter 5 : Stories of the Past
Chapter 6 : William, Bert and Tom
Chapter 7 : On The Run
Chapter 8 : Rivendell
Chapter 9 : To The Misty Mountains
Chapter 10 : The Goblin Tunnels
Chapter 11 : Out Of The Frying pan And Into The Fire
Chapter 12 : Beorn
Chapter 13 : Into Mirkwood Forest
Chapter 15 : Old Friends
Chapter 16 : Barrels and Water
Chapter 17 : Lake Town
Chapter 18 : True Colours
Chapter 19 : Helping Kili
Chapter 20 : More Orcs
Chapter 21 : Fire, Death and Ruin
Chapter 22 : Friends and Enemies
Chapter 23 : Good and Bad News
Chapter 24 : Turn of Events
Chapter 25 : The Final Battle Begins
Chapter 26 : Together
Chapter 27 : Price of War
Chapter 28 : Home
Destiny's Default!

Chapter 14 : Captured...Twice

7.2K 265 7
By The3meraldQueen

Darkness surrounds me. I feel like I'm falling into an endless void that is never-ending. I can hear light whispers echoing through my head, bouncing in there like its empty. I slowly begin to open my eyes, which seems to be a hard action because my eyes feel so heavy. My eyes slowly open, revealing a dark mist surrounding me. I can't see the ground, or the sky, nothing but this dark mist. Once I've got my awareness back, I begin to call out for Bilbo. I only get my own echo back. I try to call out to Thorin but also only get the reply of my own echo.

"Elora..." a familiar soft comforting voice whispers. I begin to look around, confused and desperate to find the source of the voice. I haven't heard his voice in so long it almost seems impossible to be real "Elora..." his voice whispers again, catching me off guard.

"Father!" I cry out trying to find him "where are you?" I shout beginning to run around in the dark mist searching.

"Elora! Help!" My Father's voice cries through the mist.

"Dad!" I cry out venturing into the mist towards his voice. I walk through the mist for what feels like hours searching for him. After a while, I look forward and see an opening. I run over to the end of the dreaded mist with relief.

The mist dissolves before my eyes, revealing a battlefield, the cries of men and the sound of swords screeching against each other fill my ears. I look down as a sword appears in my right hand, along with a bow in my left. I look over my shoulder, revealing a quiver of arrows. I look down as armour appears over my body. I quickly look up as I hear battle cries once again and the sound of swords against each other. Orcs, Men and Elves fight with all kinds of weapons.

"Elora!" My Father appears and grabs my arm. He smiles and leads me through the battlefield "Remember kiddo, your eye is the arrow. Where ever your eye looks the arrow flies. Remember don't be afraid to let the arrow fly" He explains to me. I nod with a soft smile "Good. Now let's crush these Orcs."

I run side by side with my Father into the battle, adrenaline pulsing through my blood. I shoot down a few different Orcs before I pull out my sword and strike down a few ten more, followed by another ten and then I lose count, the foul black blood seeping into my armour and clothes.

"Elora! Help!" I hear my Father's voice. I turn around to see a tall muscular Orc and my Father battling each other, the orc over powering my father as he bleeds from wounds inflicted during the battle. I quickly run a few meters towards them getting in range distance. I raise my bow and load an arrow. I lock it onto the Orc...but something, a voice in my head, is stopping me from realising the arrow in fear that I may hit my Father "Shoot! Elora!" My Father shouts out as his sword is flung from his hands and he tumbles back onto the ground with a thud. I hesitate for a moment but then release the arrow. It doesn't miss its target...but I'm too late. I cry out as the Orcs sword goes through my Father.

Being shocked out of my slumber by the horrible memory, I slowly begin to wake, my eyes too heavy to fully open. With my bearings coming back, I find it hard to breath, but I force the air into my lungs with loud gasps. I try to open my eyes again but they're still too heavy. I decide to just breathe in as much air as I can, to focusing on not suffocating. I try to move my leg but fail, then my arm but that doesn't work either.

As my train of thought finally processes all the information, my memory and thoughts begin to clear. That's when I remember where I am and what had happened before I blacked out. The company and I are in Mirkwood forest and then I was stung by a spider. I'm paralysed. I'm paralysed! What do I do? I begin to panic. Wait...if a spider stung me, then why am I still alive? Shouldn't I have been eaten already? Suddenly I notice the stinging pain in my back, remembering the burning sensation that I felt when being stung. It's nothing but a numbness and stinging sensation now, nothing compared to before.

Finally, my eyes decide to open. The poison must be wearing off. I look around. I feel the shock run through me when I see the webs. I've been spun inside webs so that I can't escape! I can make out a few other figures, who I presume are the dwarves. Twitching my fingers, I slowly begin to get feeling in everything again.

I freeze as we few spiders pass me. I watch as one of the balls of web kicks away a spider. I think that it is Bombur. All the spiders begin to surround Bombur, their fast movements scaring me. I try to tug at the web to get lose, watching them engage Bombur. As they go to eat him, a loud sound distracts them. The spiders all run into the direction that the sound was. Suddenly I hear a sword begin to cut down all the dwarves. I feel my web get cut. I begin to fall, landing on top of one of the dwarves.

Being able to move again thankfully, we all begin to rip off the webs around us. I quickly get off the dwarf I landed on "Sorry, Bofur" I say realising that it's Bofur.

"Ah, its ok, Ivy" Bofur says standing up and looking around "Where's Bilbo?" Bofur questions with a little concern in his voice.

"Bilbo!" I cry out looking around frantically.

"I'm up here!" I hear Bilbo's voice cry out from up above.

We all begin to get our weapons out, which were luckily still intact when we were spun un into web balls. The spiders quickly come running back in our distraction, all angrily shrieking. We all hit and stab at the spiders trying to escape. Bombur is knocked to the floor by a spider, and it stands over him.

"Grab a leg!" Dwalin order's some of the dwarves. Some of the dwarves grab onto the eight legs, while the remaining dwarves and I defend off the other spiders. We hear a loud thud as the dwarves pull the legs off the spider.

I plant my sword through a spider's head, twisting it and harshly yanking it out as the spider falls to the ground. I hope that hurt a little, because being stung hurt like hell! My eyes divert to Kili who knocked over. A spider grabs at his leg, attempting to get a hold of him. I get out a dagger and throw it, the sharp blade embedding into the dagger the spider's head, but more come. More spiders jump down on threads of silk in front of us and hiss, engaging despite our sharp weapons. We all prepare ourselves for the next swarm of spiders to come.

Once again, my attention caught, this time by a figure darting through the trees. Blonde locks of hair flow behind the figure as he twirls through the spiderwebs gracefully. Although originally hoping to avoid this reunion, I feel sense of relief come over me knowing that we'll be fine now. Well at least in the physical sense. I feel a smile spread on my lips as he fights against the spiders, no one else could ever quite equal the talent of this elf. With no doubt, there's no one else who it could be. Its Legolas.

He runs through the treetops and then swings down a spider's web. He slides on the forest floor under the spider slicing it in half with a dagger in hand, jumping up to his feet nimbly, loading an arrow into his bow, pointing it in Thorin's face. Several other Mirkwood elves appear, drawing arrows and pointing them at the company and myself.

"Do not think I won't kill you, dwarf. It would be my pleasure" Legolas says with pride. The dwarves look around to see that we are surrounded by Mirkwood elves, with their arrows locked on us.

We all look around as Kili's voice cries "Help!"

"Kili!" Fili yells out in terror.

A spider pulls Kili away by his foot. We all watch as a female Elf runs through the forest, killing three spiders with her bow and knife as she darts towards Kili. She kills the spider pulling Kili with her bow before turning back to attack another spider coming towards her. Kili shrieks for her to throw him a dagger as another spider prays towards him.

"If you think I'm giving you a weapon, dwarf, you're mistaken!" The Elf says killing her spider with her knife, before spinning around and throwing the knife, killing the spider that was attacking Kili. We all look in amazement.

"Search them," Legolas commands.

The elves approach the company quickly, beginning to start searching them. The Elf that goes to search me gives me a surprised look, their face wondering in deep thought. I give cocky grin as they keep their eyes on me the whole time they take my weapons and pat down my sides.

"Gyrth in yngyl bain? (Translation: Are the spiders dead?)" Legolas asks the She-Elf.

"Ennorner gwanod in yngyl na nyryn. Engain nar (Translation: Yes, but more will come. They're growing bolder)" She says.

An elf hands Thorin's sword, Orcrist, to Legolas who examines it carefully "Echannen i vegil hen vin Gondolin. Magannen nan Gelydh (Translation: This is an ancient Elvish blade. Forged by my kin)" Legolas pauses before looking at Thorin "Where did you get this?"

"It was given to me," Thorin says gruffly.

Legolas points the sword at Thorin "Not just a thief, but a liar as well...Enwenno hain! (Translation: Take them!)" The Elves begin to lead us away.

Legolas stops in front of me and the elf leading me away. Legolas gives me a strange look, the same kind of look that the elf searching me earlier had "Mani naa lle doien sinome? (Translation: What are you doing here?)"

"Amin business naa amin own, Legolas (Translation: My Business is my own, Legolas)" I say with a hint of a smile.

Legolas gives me a glare "n'uma, ta naa il- amin bussniess nan' ta naa amin aran's (Translation: No, it is not my business, but it is my king's)" Legolas says before yelling "Vora no' (Translation: Continue on!)"

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